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Half forward flank

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  1. Very good post. I remember those sort of guys in junior footy too. Always got to play on the ball but could not mark or kick properly. Often get set in midfield on personality and get enough kicks to stay there and get noticed. Prime example. Bailey Smith
  2. The most important change needs to be Goodys reaction times to making changes. He always appears to be making moves after the general concences of when a move should occur. He is usually on the side of caution.
  3. Having known the bloodlines of Tom Greene i hoped we could have got him.
  4. Casey side better than many of our senior sides in the dark years.
  5. Reminds me a bit of that flashy Karl Langdon from Eagles successful era.
  6. If i remember.. he came from Parts unknown by way of background information, with a skull 2 times thicker than a normal man. And side kick , the Brute. Brute Bernard.
  7. A bob as in footy talk. i wouldnt give two bob for that bloke- player.
  8. I had an almost identical childhood. Empty bottles for cash, paper round pay was $6.20 though. Smokes and mags disappearing from paper shop. On good authority i confirm some over zealous boys moved in to first pinching full coke bottles then taking the empty for the refund. One gang allegedly removed a crate of coke bottles from the milk bar and hid them on the local school roof where they hung out. Figuring the bottles would be spotted with ingenuity they removed roof tiles and hid them in the roof space. Following week the school put up wire to stop kids climbing on the roof. Fifty years later the roof and tiles are still there. One day it might be demolished and the workers will likely be amazed as to why their are 24 classic coke 7oz bottles in a box under the tiles.
  9. Whats needed. Well as an average fan with no inside info i said to my son. Something is nit right with the midfield . I had no idea what, just that it had something exclusive about it. The fact Dunstan could not get a look in. They said his ball use which appeared no better or worse than those in the group. We now know Oliver was having issues.
  10. He may not be a star but the noise supporters made when he was near the ball was enormous and had a positive effect on the team. Its an interesting one and good pick up for Hawks for mine
  11. Interesting talk of him being small. I thought in the finals Collingwood with their smalls and players in general hold the baller lower than other teams. It makes it more difficult for opposition to tackle them, draws frees, and if it becomes a ball up it plays to their strengths. That was my observation anyway.
  12. Could someone please give me an update of who we will have and what draft picks at the end of the trade period
  13. If we think Petty was the player who might have made the difference in two tight finals for next year at least he is untradeable
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