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Sam Weideman Re-signs Until 2021

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26 minutes ago, Cam Schwab's Whiteboard said:

Throughout this thread you have indeed questioned Sam's mental toughness, commitment to the team (and to football generally), and expressed that he does perhaps does not have the fortitude to cope with modern football.


Maybe Sam expressing himself in such a way actually demonstrates mental toughness and an ability to cope with an industry that, as you suggest, chews individuals up and spits them out. That is, of course, not to mention that masculinity and an ability to cope with a difficult situation is in no way linked to expressions of 'alpha' attitudes or traits within the individual. If, as you say, it's all about mindset, then Sam's self-reflective and honest mindset should prove to be a great asset when he faces difficult times in his career.


Although maybe Goodwin simply yelled at him for missing that goal like you suggested he should in another thread, and so Sam just submitted and signed the contract extension. Though this seems unlikely to me considering the intelligent manner with which Sam presents.

Nope, have never questioned his commitment to the team or to football. 

Nope, never advocated for Goodwin to yell at him individually at all. 

Criticize me by all means but please don't lie or misrepresent the truth. 

Yes, I have expressed concern at his mental toughness. Based on his own words in relation to struggling to cope with criticism of his performances and the perceived pressure of a contractual controversy, this is self-evident. 

The correlation between mental toughness and success in elite sport is no joke. Don't take my word for it. There is a rich history of literature about it online and a slew of academic studies and reports.

Self-reflection and honesty about one's feelings off the field is commendable and courageous, you are right. But when those same feelings interfere with one's ability to reach peak performance in a physically demanding sport, a brutal sport at times, you have a problem that needs addressing.

Edited by Matsuo Basho
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27 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:


So I guess calling him a "sensitive soul" was a compliment then. 

Absolutely a compliment. Sensitivity to emotions is a wonderful attribute that should be cherished.

When it comes to the unforgiving environment of elite competitive sport, however, it's a quality that can very easily lead to negative outcomes. When things don't go well or heat comes to bear, sensitivity needs to be tempered with qualities like resilience, forbearance and fortitude. You need the yin with the yang or it all falls apart. 

The good thing is those latter qualities can be developed. Good news indeed for the Weid and all other young men and women in these heady post-millennial times.


Edited by Matsuo Basho
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49 minutes ago, Matsuo Basho said:

Nope, have never questioned his commitment to the team or to football. 

Nope, never advocated for Goodwin to yell at him individually at all. 

Criticize me by all means but please don't lie or misrepresent the truth. 

Yes, I have expressed concern at his mental toughness. Based on his own words in relation to struggling to cope with criticism of his performances and the perceived pressure of a contractual controversy, this is self-evident. 

The correlation between mental toughness and success in elite sport is no joke. Don't take my word for it. There is a rich history of literature about it online and a slew of academic studies and reports.

Self-reflection and honesty about one's feelings off the field is commendable and courageous, you are right. But when those same feelings interfere with one's ability to reach peak performance in a physically demanding sport, a brutal sport at times, you have a problem that needs addressing.

There are no lies nor misrepresentation in my post, and it is indeed a critique of what you have written. 

Your first comment in this thread stated that Sam is a sensitive soul and a worrier. You then raised Jack Watts to imply that his attitude failed to have the ruthlessness of a winner, drawing a line between he and Sam’s comments about the contract negotiation. Further, you said that Sam’s vulnerabilities concern you because it doesn’t align with that of a winner.

In the other thread you mention Millennials need to realise that they are also ‘men’, and questioned whether Goodwin “strip[ped] the paint off the walls and eviscerate a few egos in response to multiple players costing us the game in the forward 50? If not then we’ve got a real problem”.

To suggest that these comments are not directed towards Sam is disingenuous at best.


The clear implication from your posts is that sensitivity and emotion are not traits found in high-achieving individuals. My suggestion is that drawing a line between positive performance and the denial or suppression of emotion is an outdated and erroneous belief that is no longer considered a sign of strength or toughness. Toughness and strength come from one’s ability to show emotion and vulnerability, particularly in a climate where people do their best to denigrate such displays. The key point is to divorce the idea that mental toughness is found in those who deny emotion as opposed to those that display it, or that the solution to difficult situations is to simply be harder and more fierce. AFL can be brutal, but that does not mean that it cannot be engaged with in ways other than what has traditionally been accepted. 

Finally, that emotion and sensitivity should be relegated to the 'personal' sphere only is an outdated attitude that pertains to once-popular considerations over the warm nature of the domestic sphere vs. the cold, hard public sphere where real achievement and progress is found. This is a position that has been destroyed for decades now. 


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Sam looking a particularly sensitive soul in this video.

Danger says hello 'Matsuo'...

I think he has enough grunt & ability, just needs the consistency.

That usually comes with games & experience.

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4 hours ago, Cam Schwab's Whiteboard said:

There are no lies nor misrepresentation in my posts, and it is indeed a critique of what you have written.

The clear implication from your posts is that sensitivity and emotion are not traits found in high-achieving individuals.

I stand by my comments and stand by the fact that you have both misrepresented and more importantly misunderstood them. 

You are missing fully half the picture about toughness and mental strength It is so much more than being in touch with one’s emotion, vulnerability and softer side.  It’s also about coping with adversity,  developing resilience in the face of criticism and getting back up when you get knocked down. Again and again and again. Fortitude! 

This is the real world as it exists now. Not some heavenly utopia you hope it will one day become. Angry AFL fullbacks and sports media vultures aren’t , you’ll find,  particularly interested in New Age soothsaying and liberal socialist reform. For a young AFL key forward it’s defensive fists raining down on the back of your head and analytical evisceration by journos if you don’t perform. Get used to it - quickly - or find another vocation. 

“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very rough, mean place that will beat you to your knees and keep you there, permanently, if you let it. Ain’t you or nobody gonna hit as hard as life. But it isn’t about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep ... moving ... forward. If you know what you’re worth then go out get what you’re but you’ve gotta be willing to TAKE THE HIT!”

That’s from Rocky Balboa. Cracking flick. The whole series is really,. Ricky 1 and 2, wow. Classics of modern cinema. Eternal themes and plot lines. Goody should give the boys an afternoon off sometime and have them go watch them together. Mick and Rocky!s trainer-fighter relationship is epic.

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8 hours ago, Cam Schwab's Whiteboard said:



Having said that, there is also clear evidence of a reaction against this, and a retreat into more traditional, hyper-masculine, and conservative male roles that are tied to biology and social/political structures that have been around for millennia.

Great post. Thanks for responding.

Your last paragraph is fascinating and expresses a view that was rolling around my mind when writing my post.

I was thinking of the contradiction between it being ok for young men to show vulnerabilities and what I see as a dangerous template driven by the  media and the internet about what sex and intimate relationships with women should look like and the roles of men and women.

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13 minutes ago, binman said:

Great post. Thanks for responding.

Your last paragraph is fascinating and expresses a view that was rolling around my mind when writing my post.

I was thinking of the contradiction between it being ok for young men to show vulnerabilities and what I see as a dangerous template driven by the  media and the internet about what sex and intimate relationships with women should look like and the roles of men and women.

Delving into a different area - and the gender roles in workplaces and what is deemed 'appropriate to display and not'... Anecdotal experiences from women in corporate positions discuss how if a women shows emotions (compassion, warmth, sadness, frustration) in a male dominated workplace - with archaic thinking - they're often labelled as emotional or crazy and hard to work with AND if they don't and are operating/perceived to be acting like men in the sense of 'clear direct leadership/cold pragmatic decisions' without the show of traditional notions of 'female compassion and empathy', then they're labelled as 'ball breakers'  'bossy or feisty' (rather than assertive), AND  hard to work with!


I love how this generation of young men and women discuss emotions more openly... and my context is that - I work in mental health and run my own practice - and from what I see from men 50 and above vs 30 -50 vs 20 to 30, there are clear attitudes and skill sets that present, in how to talk about emotions and what is appropriate to display and what is not. So the generational shift - even in the last 3 years is significant, and it's wonderful.


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At risk of being self contradictory, I'm somewhat anoyed that this thread has been high jacked by @Matsuo Basho and the barrage of responses to his inital post, which I feel are also somewhat disproportionate to the actual post, though I also sense a recient history which has contributed to the backlash.

By coincidence in contrast to the view that expressions of feelings, emotions and perceptions of outside pressure in the internet age, I stumbled across the below after I left Demonland, somewhat in disgust early this morning:

Surf legend Kelly Slater reveals personal anguish after Sunny Garcia tried to take his own life


Clearly Slater is a world champion, so I don't think showing emotions is an indicator or mental weakness or lack of compeditive edge.  There are also some other overlaps.


Anyways, this thread should be more of a celibration that the MFC has sured up a promising key position forward, which post Jesse Hogan, the absence of  which would leave the club quite structurally exposed.

Dispite the missed goal, I also saw some good signs from Weid last Saturday night.  Perhaps they were a sign that he had made up his mind and cast asides the decision, dedicated his focus to footy and that what we saw last Saturday is more indicative of what to expect from a physically fit and focused Weid for the rest of the year.


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16 hours ago, bing181 said:

It affected me quite hard mentally and affected my footy as well.

No doubt, so this is the turning point in form, dependability, measured expectation and a future in the red 'n blue. It is also a statement of committing to: (a) the Club, and (b) form reversal. Plus there will be a whole series of mutual benefits to arise from this commitment. Well done, Weed, we all look forward to this new era.

Edited by Deemania since 56
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2 hours ago, Matsuo Basho said:

I stand by my comments and stand by the fact that you have both misrepresented and more importantly misunderstood them. 

You are missing fully half the picture about toughness and mental strength It is so much more than being in touch with one’s emotion, vulnerability and softer side.  It’s also about coping with adversity,  developing resilience in the face of criticism and getting back up when you get knocked down. Again and again and again. Fortitude! 

This is the real world as it exists now. Not some heavenly utopia you hope it will one day become. Angry AFL fullbacks and sports media vultures aren’t , you’ll find,  particularly interested in New Age soothsaying and liberal socialist reform. For a young AFL key forward it’s defensive fists raining down on the back of your head and analytical evisceration by journos if you don’t perform. Get used to it - quickly - or find another vocation. 

“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very rough, mean place that will beat you to your knees and keep you there, permanently, if you let it. Ain’t you or nobody gonna hit as hard as life. But it isn’t about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep ... moving ... forward. If you know what you’re worth then go out get what you’re but you’ve gotta be willing to TAKE THE HIT!”

That’s from Rocky Balboa. Cracking flick. The whole series is really,. Ricky 1 and 2, wow. Classics of modern cinema. Eternal themes and plot lines. Goody should give the boys an afternoon off sometime and have them go watch them together. Mick and Rocky!s trainer-fighter relationship is epic.

The world is a whole lot more complex than a Stallone movie 'Matsuo'...

There are many shades and much nuance that goes into making a footballer let alone anyone else.

That angry fullback Rance was involved in some new age soothsaying with the Tiges.

They were lauded for their use of mindfulness.

Those new age Tiges went on to win the flag.

So honestly if you think sports psychology is summed up neatly by the "Rocky" franchise I think you might be barking up the wrong tree.

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Great signing for us and a load off the Weid's mind and mine. I ride the emotions  with the guys and am shore I am not the only one.

When he missed that shot to win the game I was disappointed, however not with the Weid.  I just felt for him and that was my disappointment on the young man. 

A big  signing for us and looking forward to you developing into something special.

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28 minutes ago, rjay said:

The world is a whole lot more complex than a Stallone movie 'Matsuo'...

There are many shades and much nuance that goes into making a footballer let alone anyone else.

That angry fullback Rance was involved in some new age soothsaying with the Tiges.

They were lauded for their use of mindfulness.

Those new age Tiges went on to win the flag.

So honestly if you think sports psychology is summed up neatly by the "Rocky" franchise I think you might be barking up the wrong tree.

Summed up neatly? No, but there are themes in the Rocky’s which will stand for all time, whether you think they’re cheesy or not. I’m happy to quote words of actual real life champions if you like, or give links to academic studies on sports psych tomes. It’s all there, in one form or another. Nothing groundbreaking. I just personally enjoy the poetic license of cinema.

And old Rancey can punch skulls with the best of them. Just as our ‘Gentleman Jack’ found out.


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15 hours ago, binman said:

Smokey if i recall from previous posts of yours am i right in saying you are younger fella (by that i mean younger than most of the middle age men like myself who post here)? 

The reason i ask is that it seems to be there has been a positive shift with young men who are more comfortable expressing how they actually feel and not hiding behind the faux stoicism that my generation uses as some sort of distorted template on how a man should act publicly.

Do you think my sense of that shift is accurate?

I for one thing think it is brilliant that Sam is confident enough in his own sense of self that he can be open about his vulnerabilities. I have near adult son and my hope for him is that he can articulate his what is going on for him and not feel the need to hide it behind a wall of machismo.


Nailed it. There is definitely a shift in the common perception of what a man should be these days, and although I’m sure there are some downsides to it (like anything in life), I think overall it’s a positive thing that young blokes are more open to talk about their issues and seek help when required rather than bottling it up and letting it consume them in the long run. At Sam’s age I was mostly worried about having enough money to go to the pub on weekends, can’t imagine what it’s like carrying the pressure of #1 key forward prospect of the oldest footy club in the world starved for success for so long. 

As I said earlier, retiring a 250+ game club champion is there for the taking for Sam. And I reckon he will. I have enormous faith in this young blokes character. 

Edited by Smokey
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13 hours ago, Dame Gaga said:

One would hope so, but do they? In an ideal world, but we don't live in one. I'm not accusing anybody, but sometimes things can get out of your own control, and before you realize it, there is a problem. Especially when you are young.

Spoke to a mate in the agency bizz last night.

Reckons with the younger players the decision is often not theirs.

Family and agent call the shots.

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When this thread is suppose to be a celebration of Sam showing a great deal of loyalty and courage of admitting his struggles, instead now its just turned to complete [censored] becaude some feel the need to stroke their own ego's and beat their chest furiously.

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17 hours ago, drysdale demon said:

You can always come up with some negativity about the club and players. What have you achieved in a sporting sense to make such comments?

That’s irrelevant. This is a blog for Demons supporters to make comments based on their opinions. Nobody on here reveals their true name or education/training or occupation. Whether or not someone has played or achieved in footy, another sport or been King of England doesn’t come into the equation of whether their comments carry weight. The only thing that does count is whether the commentary is logical and fits with most supporters’ views. There is no point attacking unrevealed credentials of anonymous people.

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Great signing and that in itself says a lot about the young mans thought process and character.. He, no doubt had interest from other Clubs and could have taken that road which would have wiped his slate clean to start again. However he  has stuck fat and backed himself and our Club resources to make a long term career at the Dees. I for one think he will make it to all our expectations. Our best key forward prospect since Neitz, Schwartz, who had lots of knockers early who said he could hold a mark and Hogan.

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I wish Sam all the best and look forward to seeing him playing well, as we all know he can. A fine young man who should not have carried the burden on himself over his contract (or a missed shot). Now it's all done let's see him shine. Onwards and upwards Sam!

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You know now that Sam has committed to us, I think it's time for MFC supporters to lift on game day as well.  Every time this bloke goes near the ball, you shouldn't be able to hear yourself think for all the cries of WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEID.

Think how much of a confidence booster and sense of belonging it would give the young bloke.

Also need to get into it big time on Monday, to get up Eddie's goat.

Edited by Rodney (Balls) Grinter
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