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...You caring what we think. It's not like we have any power to decide the issue, and none of us are going to be jumping into your camp.

Your club is deluded, self destructing, and facing a world of hurt. What you post here isn't going to change one bit of that.

You obviously haven't noticed the only time I post here is in response to questions people ask me. I have no desire to convert any opinions nor belief that I could, nor do I believe anything I post, or you or anyone here, will make a link of difference. It's just an exchange of opinions. As I've said numerous times if people don't want to engage in that it's fine by me. I actually do have better things to do believe it or not, than post where I'm not wanted as some kind of troll effort. But neither do I particularly think I should have no right of reply unless your mods decree it. And if people would prefer that false statements go unchallenged who am I to argue

More nonsense, there is no question. You have a massive ego and cannot help your self. GO AWAY TROLL

Please note, there is NO question here, not that that will stop you.

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I never called you a troll. That's putting words in my mouth. And I'm glad the mods are happy to let you post - it's not a forum if only one side has the soap box. I just don't understand why you care what we think. I know that I didn't (and still don't) give a rat's arse what Essendon posters said about us and the tanking. All that mattered was the final ruling. Everything else is just 'rhubarb rhubarb'.

But, hey, if you really think it's important to you to defend the indefensible deep in enemy territory, where the court of public opinion long ago found you guilty, sentenced you to 500 lashes and a good hanging, and now is only interested in when the powers that be will bury that sticking, rotting corpse, then knock yourself out. I don't want to stop you; I just can't see why you bother.

UF, it is me. I think he is a troll.

I cannot understand why any intelligent person would spend such a large amount of their time on an opponents site. Or perhaps that is the answer.

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I cannot believe that the Andrews Government is poised to appoint Paul Little as the new Chairman of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation. Cannot Labor learn from history and take lessons from his impact on the EFC? Maybe they should install also Hird as head of the Australian Open?

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F, it is me. I think he is a troll.

I cannot understand why any intelligent person would spend such a large amount of their time on an opponents site. Or perhaps that is the answer.

Edited by binman
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I cannot believe that the Andrews Government is poised to appoint Paul Little as the new Chairman of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation. Cannot Labor learn from history and take lessons from his impact on the EFC? Maybe they should install also Hird as head of the Australian Open?

Who is it the premier goes for again? Which board did Andrews sack just before they went into Essendon, wouldn't be worksafe would it? All a little too convenient for my liking (pun intended).

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I cannot believe that the Andrews Government is poised to appoint Paul Little as the new Chairman of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation. Cannot Labor learn from history and take lessons from his impact on the EFC? Maybe they should install also Hird as head of the Australian Open?

And the beat goes on. You may recall that Athletics Australia was housed in premises in Swan St "Olympic Boulevard". Then Eddie Everywhere -- AA board member if you please -- got his sums wrong and decided Collingwood needed more space and asked for AA to get the half glass. Lo and behold, Premier John Brumby -- Collingwood supporter -- thought this appropriate and now "Olympic Boulevard" has no Olympics on it save for some statues.

I thought Dan -- Essendon supporter -- might prove better than this but actions speak louder than words ...

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F, it is me. I think he is a troll.

I cannot understand why any intelligent person would spend such a large amount of their time on an opponents site. Or perhaps that is the answer.

Ironic post given your sig block

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Presume Jobes shoulder operation and rehab program will be fully documented to ensure there are no inappropriate and unfair charges. On the other hand I think we can all be comfortably satisfied that there is nothing to see there so just do whatever it takes.

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Presume Jobes shoulder operation and rehab program will be fully documented to ensure there are no inappropriate and unfair charges. On the other hand I think we can all be comfortably satisfied that there is nothing to see there so just do whatever it takes.

He has to be careful.

If the doctors inject him with anything for surgery, how can he be 100% sure that it's what they say it is?

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He has to be careful.

If the doctors inject him with anything for surgery, how can he be 100% sure that it's what they say it is?

AS long as the Doctor is not a bombers supporter he is safe.

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Presume Jobes shoulder operation and rehab program will be fully documented to ensure there are no inappropriate and unfair charges. On the other hand I think we can all be comfortably satisfied that there is nothing to see there so just do whatever it takes.

Maybe we should run a comp as to who can come up with the most accurate reason for Jobe giving up on the season, and the wildest conspiracy, who knows, they may be one and the same!

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Maybe we should run a comp as to who can come up with the most accurate reason for Jobe giving up on the season, and the wildest conspiracy, who knows, they may be one and the same!

Fears being tagged by Jack Viney this weekend.

Edited by Fork 'em
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He has to be careful.

If the doctors inject him with anything for surgery, how can he be 100% sure that it's what they say it is?

He only has to be comfortably satisfied ... :lol::lol:

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Maybe we should run a comp as to who can come up with the most accurate reason for Jobe giving up on the season, and the wildest conspiracy, who knows, they may be one and the same!

"He went into the game with a shoulder injury and aggravated it very early" according to Dr Truth, Bruce Reid. No doubt he had sent an email to James Hird insisting he should not play.

Edited by america de cali
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Maybe we should run a comp as to who can come up with the most accurate reason for Jobe giving up on the season, and the wildest conspiracy, who knows, they may be one and the same!

How about it is Essendon doing the Hawks/Pies version of taking and sending players off for surgery that can wait till the end of the season early because the season is now gone.

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Essendon are tanking. Not sure why :rolleyes:

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I hope Hird is delusional enough to tank the season, thinking he's doing his team a favour. He knows his days are numbered and his team will need a complete re-build thanks to his actions, so he might be getting on the front foot.

Of course, we know what happens to teams that tank, and it ain't pretty. Hird's also far too much of a narcissist to actually put others before himself, so I don't buy it. He looks hopelessly inept in the coaches box though.

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I hope Hird is delusional enough to tank the season, thinking he's doing his team a favour. He knows his days are numbered and his team will need a complete re-build thanks to his actions, so he might be getting on the front foot.

Of course, we know what happens to teams that tank, and it ain't pretty. Hird's also far too much of a narcissist to actually put others before himself, so I don't buy it. He looks hopelessly inept in the coaches box though.

I don't think it's the tank. But Hird will conveniently push the rebuild factor, it is the only way he'll keep his job beyond this year - WADA investigation aside of course.

Essendon have a handful of aging players pending retirement, if Hird can push for the rebuild now he'll buy himself another 3 years.

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Hird willl be banned from all sport. Only a matter of time. It's not if, but when.

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Hird's lawyer now blaming Vlad and Evans for trying to save them. This article in the Hun.

"FORMER Bombers president David Evans and ex-AFL boss Andrew Demetriou are to blame for the enduring agony being suffered by the Essendon 34, James Hirds lawyer declared.

Steven Amendola Hirds solicitor in the drugs stoush since April 2013 told the Herald Sun the saga had dragged into a third AFL season and probably a fourth because of the AFLs scheming in the embryonic days of the investigation.

This process has unfolded because of the AFLs botched attempt to manufacture an outcome that punished the club and its staff on the assurance that the players would be all right, Amendola said.

That assurance was hollow and David Evans swallowed it hook, line and sinker when it is clear he should not have been involved in any such decisions given his relationship with Andrew Demetriou.

He was hopelessly conflicted.

He should not have been making these decisions ... and in doing so he put the clubs neck in a noose leaving it defenceless in the face of the constant deliberately damaging leaking that occurred.

Amendola was responding to claims that Evanss replacement, Paul Little, was wrong to declare war on the AFL and partly responsible for the fiasco.

Evans, who has never spoken publicly about his role in the scandal, quit the Essendon presidency in July 2013 just days after revelations he had been tipped off by Demetriou about the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority drugs investigation.

Amendola said Evans seemed to have been assured that if Essendon followed Demetrious plan the players would escape prosecution.

The AFL were never able to deliver on such assurances and by virtue of the way the AFL orchestrated the unfolding of the saga, ASADA pursued a prosecution of the 34 players.

The players were not all right. They are still not all right and the saga will continue into 2016.

A World Anti-Doping Agency appeal in the case against 34 former and current Bombers will begin later this year.

Amendola believes the saga would have ended long ago if not for the AFLs interference.

Imagine an approach by the club which said we will let ASADA conduct an investigation on its own, Amendola said.

Imagine if there was no Interim Report prepared to suit the needs of the AFL which was leaked to all and sundry.

Imagine if the AFL conducted its own inquiry focused on governance issues.

Imagine if Essendon had commissioned an internal review which was not provided to the AFL and upon which the club acted internally.

Imagine if David Evans had acted in the interests of the club, and the AFL, like the NRL, had just let the ASADA investigation take its course.

Imagine if there hadnt been trial, conviction and hanging by sections of the hysterical media as a result of all the leaking. Just imagine.

Edited by america de cali
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Hird willl be banned from all sport. Only a matter of time. It's not if, but when.

Agree BB. He will be gone just as soon as the CAS findings are released, without a payout. There should also be a clean out of the board, management and executive. That is the only way for the EFC to get a fresh start. It will be an awfully long rebuild though as they go through endless courts cases trying to clear themselves of Hird's legacy.

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Hird's lawyer now blaming Vlad and Evans for trying to save them. This article in the Hun.

"FORMER Bombers president David Evans and ex-AFL boss Andrew Demetriou are to blame for the enduring agony being suffered by the Essendon 34, James Hirds lawyer declared.

Steven Amendola Hirds solicitor in the drugs stoush since April 2013 told the Herald Sun the saga had dragged into a third AFL season and probably a fourth because of the AFLs scheming in the embryonic days of the investigation.

This process has unfolded because of the AFLs botched attempt to manufacture an outcome that punished the club and its staff on the assurance that the players would be all right, Amendola said.

That assurance was hollow and David Evans swallowed it hook, line and sinker when it is clear he should not have been involved in any such decisions given his relationship with Andrew Demetriou.

He was hopelessly conflicted.

He should not have been making these decisions ... and in doing so he put the clubs neck in a noose leaving it defenceless in the face of the constant deliberately damaging leaking that occurred.

Amendola was responding to claims that Evanss replacement, Paul Little, was wrong to declare war on the AFL and partly responsible for the fiasco.

Evans, who has never spoken publicly about his role in the scandal, quit the Essendon presidency in July 2013 just days after revelations he had been tipped off by Demetriou about the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority drugs investigation.

Amendola said Evans seemed to have been assured that if Essendon followed Demetrious plan the players would escape prosecution.

The AFL were never able to deliver on such assurances and by virtue of the way the AFL orchestrated the unfolding of the saga, ASADA pursued a prosecution of the 34 players.

The players were not all right. They are still not all right and the saga will continue into 2016.

A World Anti-Doping Agency appeal in the case against 34 former and current Bombers will begin later this year.

Amendola believes the saga would have ended long ago if not for the AFLs interference.

Imagine an approach by the club which said we will let ASADA conduct an investigation on its own, Amendola said.

Imagine if there was no Interim Report prepared to suit the needs of the AFL which was leaked to all and sundry.

Imagine if the AFL conducted its own inquiry focused on governance issues.

Imagine if Essendon had commissioned an internal review which was not provided to the AFL and upon which the club acted internally.

Imagine if David Evans had acted in the interests of the club, and the AFL, like the NRL, had just let the ASADA investigation take its course.

Imagine if there hadnt been trial, conviction and hanging by sections of the hysterical media as a result of all the leaking. Just imagine.

I feel sick reading that.

Imagine if Essendon hadn't destroyed the records of their drug taking after they were tipped off

Imagine if they'd come clean and been smart enough to accept a 6 month ( probably only 3 missed matches) ban 2 years ago

Imagine if they hadn't made themselves look so foolsih by going to court and trying to block teh ASADA trial on technicalities....twice.

Imagine if Essendon had recognised and taken responsibility for the drug shambles and sacked Hird and others along with Evans at the outset

Imagine if they hadn't protested their innocence whilst at the same time having conveniently NO supporting records to back them up nor have them supplied by Dank

Imagine if the Essendon heavies hadn't moved in to stop people that KNEW what had happened actually testifying

Imagine if the media hadn't been so full of utter crap in defending the indefensible

.....just imagine

And finally ( I cant help myself) imagine if Melb had had even half the media support when they got publically shamed for doing what half the clubs in the comp had done

and imagine if the AFL had taken responsibility for creating a rule that encouraged teams to lose at seasons end instead of just blaming us

....just imagine

There.....I feel better.

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Said something, small article, in the Hun this morning about the CAS findings against the 34 (if any!) being released today! Not that I pay much attention to this newspaper but just thinking what if they happened to get off , or case collapsing stuff, the week they play us....(would be typical).

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Agree BB. He will be gone just as soon as the CAS findings are released, without a payout. There should also be a clean out of the board, management and executive. That is the only way for the EFC to get a fresh start. It will be an awfully long rebuild though as they go through endless courts cases trying to clear themselves of Hird's legacy.

What if they get off?

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