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Dee Fan

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Annual even is on tonight it will be interesting to see what the reaction is and if there are any new announcements made. I'm sure that WJ will be in attendance and will keep all of Demonland appraised of the goings on.

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Annual even is on tonight it will be interesting to see what the reaction is and if there are any new announcements made. I'm sure that WJ will be in attendance and will keep all of Demonland appraised of the goings on.

Now remember last time Robbie!

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I can't remember last night let alone last year. I didn't go last year, they had it in August and I was away, are you thinking of the Blazers?

Probably a Roosy announcement.

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Annual even is on tonight it will be interesting to see what the reaction is and if there are any new announcements made. I'm sure that WJ will be in attendance and will keep all of Demonland appraised of the goings on.

Doubt it. WJ is on a Panama cruise. There will be people there who write on Demonland and hopefully they will keep everyone else informed.

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Just got home a very good night no announcements just a few words from PJ, Josh Mahoney, George Stone and PR about what it takes to be a successful team and how you need good people in all positions. They are convinced they have those people in place and that the team is good enough to take it up to the other sides.

Sat next to Jeremy Howe and he's convinced they have a chance to beat any team they play and they are looking forward to playing Port next week. I suggested he should take Wingard and he said he'd love the opportunity, then Chip came over and he reckons he should, it will be interesting to see who does.

They followed Roosy on match day when we played the Bulldogs and it was great to get an insight in to what goes on. They had him miked up and showed him talking to the players before and after the game as well as at all the breaks, plus what instructions he was giving during the game from the box. He challenges the players about what they did during the game and why didn't they do it differently as they were told.

They had an auction which went extremely well and the FH raised in excess of $600k. PJ said we need to get more members and the figure of 35k is unsustainable if we want to grow as a club the players are starting to show some improvement so they are hoping that the membership will as well.

Chris Dawes got up and spoke on behalf of the players and I'd have to say he is a very impressive person, he feels the players are capable of matching it with the best and wants the supporters to stick with it as we are getting there.

All in all a good night and if anything else springs to mind I'll post it.

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Thanks Robbie ^^, any comment on PR contract? Frawley contract etc.

No they stayed away from that but PR said he's loving his time as coach and loves going to work every day, he said it p155s him off if people stop him in the street to talk about the swans he said I couldn't give a shyte about them he's Melbourne now.

Howey reckons if we continue to play good football and show continued improvement Chip will stay. He also said Jesse loves being in Melbourne and is really laid back, spends most of his time at the club. He just got back from WA and there was no talk of how great it was there and how much he misses it so take that for what you want.

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No they stayed away from that but PR said he's loving his time as coach and loves going to work every day, he said it p155s him off if people stop him in the street to talk about the swans he said I couldn't give a shyte about them he's Melbourne now.

Howey reckons if we continue to play good football and show continued improvement Chip will stay. He also said Jesse loves being in Melbourne and is really laid back, spends most of his time at the club. He just got back from WA and there was no talk of how great it was there and how much he misses it so take that for what you want.

After living in Perth then moving to Melbourne and now back in Perth I can tell you without a doubt I would much rather be back living in Melbourne, hope Jesse feels the same! Thanks for the report

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Thanks for all that, Robbie. What a great effort. Another $600k. Great stuff. Well done, FH.

Further, if Frawley wants to take Wingard, who the hell is going to play forward? Only Pederson and Gawn? I would suggest Chip won't get that option.

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No they stayed away from that but PR said he's loving his time as coach and loves going to work every day, he said it p155s him off if people stop him in the street to talk about the swans he said I couldn't give a shyte about them he's Melbourne now.

Howey reckons if we continue to play good football and show continued improvement Chip will stay. He also said Jesse loves being in Melbourne and is really laid back, spends most of his time at the club. He just got back from WA and there was no talk of how great it was there and how much he misses it so take that for what you want.

Top stuff Robbie - thanks for these reports.

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Thanks for all that, Robbie. What a great effort. Another $600k. Great stuff. Well done, FH.

Further, if Frawley wants to take Wingard, who the hell is going to play forward? Only Pederson and Gawn? I would suggest Chip won't get that option.

I doubt that Chip will take Wingard I think he was just taking the p155, he's a very funny guy, great sense of humour. I could understand why he'd be popular at the club.

They did a parody of Roos with all the players wearing a Fitzroy jumper and a mullet wig and Chip's was just great. Roos found out about it the day before and gave them a bake which I think was all part of the show. He was like the rest of us and thought it was hilarious.

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I doubt that Chip will take Wingard I think he was just taking the p155, he's a very funny guy, great sense of humour. I could understand why he'd be popular at the club.

They did a parody of Roos with all the players wearing a Fitzroy jumper and a mullet wig and Chip's was just great. Roos found out about it the day before and gave them a bake which I think was all part of the show. He was like the rest of us and thought it was hilarious.

Haha that's legendary! Could to hear the players up and about!
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I doubt that Chip will take Wingard I think he was just taking the p155, he's a very funny guy, great sense of humour. I could understand why he'd be popular at the club.

They did a parody of Roos with all the players wearing a Fitzroy jumper and a mullet wig and Chip's was just great. Roos found out about it the day before and gave them a bake which I think was all part of the show. He was like the rest of us and thought it was hilarious.

I love hearing that stuff. Shows they are enjoying it and banding together as a unit. COuldn't see that happening with the last coach...

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I love hearing that stuff. Shows they are enjoying it and banding together as a unit. COuldn't see that happening with the last coach...

I had a laugh thinking of the players doing a skit taking off Neeld. Both of the skit itself (there be lots of manic eye squinting, crazy rants, reality buses and no talk whatsoever of the dreaded w word) and of the reaction of Neeld sitting in the audience.

Edited by binman
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No they stayed away from that but PR said he's loving his time as coach and loves going to work every day, he said it p155s him off if people stop him in the street to talk about the swans he said I couldn't give a shyte about them he's Melbourne now.

Now that's a surprise, I just assumed he stil had a photo of "Joey" Kennedy in his wallet.

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Thanks Robbie ^^, any comment on PR contract? Frawley contract etc.

As good as spot as any to put this. Just watched the Roos Season review part 1 on Deetv. Roos is asked about his future. He says believes a succession plan is the way to go and mentions coaching two to three years a number of times. However right at the end he say's something along the lines of - ' 3 years coaching will see me out' .

I reckon we 'll get 3 years with Roos as head coach, then a transition to an acolyte with much the same game plan and approach, with Roos staying at the club in some other role.

Link: http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2014-05-22/roos-mid-season-review-part-1

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Further to Robbies insights:

the best part of the night for me was the video contrasting the experiences of playing football in their day with Hassa Mann, Robbie Flower, Todd Viney, Rod Grinter and Jack Grimes.

Before the match we were told stories of pasta, steak etc, while Hassa told of being recommended a mixture of 4 raw eggs and worstershire sauce....which he promptly vomited! JG's speciality is a smoothie with 12 bananas!

The stories of cigarettes being smuggled out to players at 3/4 time and trainers running out with a hip flask of whiskey isn't something that happens today either....

Best part was the enthusiasm of everyone, especially the players who are just so upbeat now that they can see and experience what Roos is drumming into them about how to play and how to win. And the Foundation Heroes put in yet again....$600,000+ on the night. One supporter alone pledged $60K!!

With another 32 Heroes signed since last year, the group gets even bigger. This year PJ and PR signed up as well!

A fantastic night and good signs that this Club is on the right track, and has a most generous group of supporters that enables us to achieve things otherwise that would not be possible....

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Further to Robbies insights:

the best part of the night for me was the video contrasting the experiences of playing football in their day with Hassa Mann, Robbie Flower, Todd Viney, Rod Grinter and Jack Grimes.

Before the match we were told stories of pasta, steak etc, while Hassa told of being recommended a mixture of 4 raw eggs and worstershire sauce....which he promptly vomited! JG's speciality is a smoothie with 12 bananas!

The stories of cigarettes being smuggled out to players at 3/4 time and trainers running out with a hip flask of whiskey isn't something that happens today either....

Best part was the enthusiasm of everyone, especially the players who are just so upbeat now that they can see and experience what Roos is drumming into them about how to play and how to win. And the Foundation Heroes put in yet again....$600,000+ on the night. One supporter alone pledged $60K!!

With another 32 Heroes signed since last year, the group gets even bigger. This year PJ and PR signed up as well!

A fantastic night and good signs that this Club is on the right track, and has a most generous group of supporters that enables us to achieve things otherwise that would not be possible....

Plus the players put in $10,000 in as well.

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Just got home a very good night no announcements just a few words from PJ, Josh Mahoney, George Stone and PR about what it takes to be a successful team and how you need good people in all positions. They are convinced they have those people in place and that the team is good enough to take it up to the other sides.

Sat next to Jeremy Howe and he's convinced they have a chance to beat any team they play and they are looking forward to playing Port next week. I suggested he should take Wingard and he said he'd love the opportunity, then Chip came over and he reckons he should, it will be interesting to see who does.

They followed Roosy on match day when we played the Bulldogs and it was great to get an insight in to what goes on. They had him miked up and showed him talking to the players before and after the game as well as at all the breaks, plus what instructions he was giving during the game from the box. He challenges the players about what they did during the game and why didn't they do it differently as they were told.

They had an auction which went extremely well and the FH raised in excess of $600k. PJ said we need to get more members and the figure of 35k is unsustainable if we want to grow as a club the players are starting to show some improvement so they are hoping that the membership will as well.

Chris Dawes got up and spoke on behalf of the players and I'd have to say he is a very impressive person, he feels the players are capable of matching it with the best and wants the supporters to stick with it as we are getting there.

All in all a good night and if anything else springs to mind I'll post it.

Thanks RF, I'm certain the increase in membership required will take care of itself should we continue to improve onfield and win more often.

Out of interest, what are the qualifications for membership of the heroes club ?

If the info is any way sensitive could you shoot me an email please.

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Thanks RF, I'm certain the increase in membership required will take care of itself should we continue to improve onfield and win more often.

Out of interest, what are the qualifications for membership of the heroes club ?

If the info is any way sensitive could you shoot me an email please.

It's a donation Graeme you contribute $5k and that's i,t you don't have to put in anything after that or you can if you want.

You get an invite to the dinner after that every year.

Just one other thing the players are a bit jack of the media always finding an excuse for the other side for losing and not recognising the fact that we've played well.

The boys are stoked at the moment and want more wins, they genuinely believe they can take on any other team. It's been a while since we've had a team with that sort of self belief.

Roos is a genius, he's turned a bunch of disbelievers in to a team of believers.

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It's a donation Graeme you contribute $5k and that's i,t you don't have to put in anything after that or you can if you want.

You get an invite to the dinner after that every year.

Just one other thing the players are a bit jack of the media always finding an excuse for the other side for losing and not recognising the fact that we've played well.

The boys are stoked at the moment and want more wins, they genuinely believe they can take on any other team. It's been a while since we've had a team with that sort of self belief.

Roos is a genius, he's turned a bunch of disbelievers in to a team of believers.

Thanks for that. We haven't been a fave with the media since Northey's stint and the players will learn what a selective mob they are when we return to being contenders.

Difficult times for us supporters especially when we have to put up with vindictive germs like Barrett, Denham and Russell.

Incidentally I was at my old club in Ballarat last week, Northey coached them to a flag 5 years ago and I see he is coaching Learmonth in the district this year. The guy is a legend in the Ballarat area.

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It's a donation Graeme you contribute $5k and that's i,t you don't have to put in anything after that or you can if you want.

You get an invite to the dinner after that every year.

Just one other thing the players are a bit jack of the media always finding an excuse for the other side for losing and not recognising the fact that we've played well.

The boys are stoked at the moment and want more wins, they genuinely believe they can take on any other team. It's been a while since we've had a team with that sort of self belief.

Roos is a genius, he's turned a bunch of disbelievers in to a team of believers.

Very happy to hear the players state the media finding excuses for the other side losing & not us getting more credit for winning scenario's has cheesed them off....Ive been thinking this every time we win...

It will only drive the players more.

It just means we take an underdog tag every week which I'm more than happy to take right now.

Since we have been winning they (Media) wont fully Acknowledge that we DEE-Served the wins through sheer want and ability "NOT" because the other team lost the game.... & having many good coaching staff also!!! Not just Roosy exists.

It seems they just want to mention Roosy being an ex-swan all the time...he did this at the swans and that...I know....HOW ABOUT ROOSY IS NOW A DEMON & acknowledge the players aswell.

The players are believing...and delivering more often. Great to see!

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Incidentally I was at my old club in Ballarat last week, Northey coached them to a flag 5 years ago and I see he is coaching Learmonth in the district this year. The guy is a legend in the Ballarat area.

That reminded me of another story told last night by Rod Grinter.....

Apparently Swooper had arranged for the team to run a cross-country in the Ballarat area, but warned them that parts of it would take them through private property. So they were told to be careful about what they did on the run.

Unbeknown to the team he had arranged for a couple of the local yokels to fire some shot-guns as they passed through.......no doubt encouraging a concerted effort on the run, and apparently John thought it hilarious....but perhaps not the players at the time!

Again, I doubt we would see that happening today.

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