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Jonesy never saw it coming this week. Strange how we never see it coming.

I admit I am now more concerned about our level of talent. I've previously put alot of it down to a confidence issue, but the fact is we still have ALOT of spuds on our list.

There are quite a few who should not be on an AFL list and the fact they are indicates the whole football department have got it wrong from the coach to the list manager, Dunn today showed why he shouldn't, he is just not good enough and he's been re signed for quite a few years now. Davey shouldn't be on the list anymore he is completely innocuous and if he wasn't offered such a long, lucrative contract last time, he wouldn't be.

There are others and I'm sure we all know who they are, the question is why are they still there and when do their contracts finish. We gave Jamar a 3 year contract knowing that he has had injury problems for a few years and now we are paying him whilst Spencer does his job.

There has been a history of us stuffing up contracts and when will someone take responsibility for it when will we get someone that will do the job right.

The assistant coaches have a lot to answer for, which line has improved; I'd hazard a guess and say none. The backs still can't kick out properly after a point, the mids still get beaten and when they do get the ball they hack it forward leaving the forwards with little or no chance, that's if they were good enough anyway. The forwards can't mark the pill and drop simple chest or overhead marks if they by chance get their hands near the ball.

The recruiters still persist in drafting players with slight bodies when all other clubs are looking for harder, bigger bodies, we look like kids against other sides. The fitness guys can't get us fit enough to run out a game even though no other club seems to have a problem, we are told this will come, but when.

I doubt we have a skills coach, but if we do he should be the poster boy for how to F... up your job and still remain employed and get paid.

Spuds; we have a whole field of them, if we'd been around the time of the potatoe famine no one would have gone hungry.

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Blokes who have the cahonas to shake this club down.

Who would you get?

Biffen reckons ND has been approached, some say Ayres...forget Roos, he hates the Club. Matthews? Outta touch.


Craig until the end of the year, no choice in that, anyone decent is either contracted in media or coaching elsewhere.

I'd like to see Daniher come in as footy operator, not because he's former MFC but because I think he could be good in that role, same with Lethal.

Senior coach I'd go for Roos or Clarkson (who might become available depending on if the Hawks make the GF). I don't buy into this "Roos hates the club" stuff, he's a professional sports person, it's naive to think he has such an emotional attachment to something negative that he would let it hinder something he may want to do with his career.

Ratten is a possibility too, not as effective as Roos with building culture, but definitely didn't put up with any rubbish.

It's all academic at this stage, none of us know who's being sounded out behind the scenes, the only thing 100% at this stage is that Neeld is destroying this club one week at a time.

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Dont see how the hell we can afford a new coach, much as Id like one.....

This is my biggest issue too. AFL assistance is the only way I reckon. I can't see our supporters digging deep again. They've already erased $5mill, for it to be [censored] away.

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I agree but I can see no point in sacking him before the end of the season unless there is someone outstanding available who is prepared to take the job on. If the Board doesn't allow him a full season to see if he can get the job done, It's going to be even harder to find someone decent to take over. We will be judged by how we respond to adversity. At least, I think we need to wait for our new acting CEO to pass judgement otherwise what's the point of him being there?

I disagree. The dismal confidence of the team is bad and falling, every week will get worse with every demoralising loss, and we have some big games ahead of us. There is a point that the team will be Irrepairably broken and supporters apathetic. We must stop the rot and target the best experienced coach we can. Brisbane may be after a coach and we don't want to be beaten to the best. There may be others, eg west coast. Beyond sitting on our hands and hoping

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Craig until the end of the year, no choice in that, anyone decent is either contracted in media or coaching elsewhere.

I'd like to see Daniher come in as footy operator, not because he's former MFC but because I think he could be good in that role, same with Lethal.

Senior coach I'd go for Roos or Clarkson (who might become available depending on if the Hawks make the GF). I don't buy into this "Roos hates the club" stuff, he's a professional sports person, it's naive to think he has such an emotional attachment to something negative that he would let it hinder something he may want to do with his career.

Ratten is a possibility too, not as effective as Roos with building culture, but definitely didn't put up with any rubbish.

It's all academic at this stage, none of us know who's being sounded out behind the scenes, the only thing 100% at this stage is that Neeld is destroying this club one week at a time.

Roos? Nup.

Clarkson? His team will play finals again and perhaps win a flag and he'll come to Melbourne? Nup.

Ratten? Really?

There's not much out there, is there? Anyway, work tomorrow, life goes on.

Enjoy your week, stuie.


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This is my biggest issue too. AFL assistance is the only way I reckon. I can't see our supporters digging deep again. They've already erased $5mill, for it to be [censored] away.

I'm pretty confident the AFL would be more than willing to help us if it means we aren't hurting their overall brand as a result, we shouldn't settle for another untried coach though.

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Roos? Nup.

Clarkson? His team will play finals again and perhaps win a flag and he'll come to Melbourne? Nup.

Ratten? Really?

There's not much out there, is there? Anyway, work tomorrow, life goes on.

Enjoy your week, stuie.


So just so we're clear, you're happy for this club to keep losing, scrap that, keep getting destroyed, every week from now until the end of 2014?

You realised this is the easiest stretch of matches we're going to have all year and we've come out of it with 3 wins... 3 quarters won that is. Count with me, 3.

We are about to play Richmond, Freo, Hawthorn, and the list goes on.

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Roos? Nup.

Clarkson? His team will play finals again and perhaps win a flag and he'll come to Melbourne? Nup.

Ratten? Really?

There's not much out there, is there? Anyway, work tomorrow, life goes on.

Enjoy your week, stuie.


Great reasoning mate, you're explanations are as good as Neeld's... "nup".

Roos > Neeld

Ratten > Neeld

Clarkson > Neeld

Clearly there is tension at Hawthorn given Jeff's comments, and should Hawthorn underperform in finals I wouldn't be surprised to see Clarkson move.

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Neeld: "We just couldn't match the body strength of Gold Coast"

If only a few months, someone had told me this is where we would be at - I would've eaten my hat!

How many times did the public hear these sorts of comments from GC and GWS?

Less games experience, less body strength absolute bulls#%t! What excuses are the for not practising and implementing the non negotiable fundamentals of football.......tackling, running, kicking, smothering, stopping your opponent from getting the ball and fighting tooth and nail to I get it? There are none, teach and train these before any game plan is practised, train it so that it is so engrained that it becomes second nature. Play one on one footy all over the ground and force the players to be responsible for their direct opponent. The player that comes up worst for the week gets dropped.

This current game plan is a disgrace, it has more holes than a piece of Swiss cheese hence the reason opposing teams have such a high disposal rate against us, if it continues I won't be going to another game. I am sick of seeing an opposing player leading to the ball passing an MFC player guarding a position or 30meters behind.

Revisit the game plan when they are fitter, stronger and skills are up to scratch. The next two years of games should be spent developing that.

Edited by waikikkamukau
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I wish I could smack the back of his head every time he said these things.

It's worse than Bailey's "competitiveness".

Stop talking bullish!t cliches. It does nothing to make me think you have any idea how to coach.

Imagine if this is the sort of crap he feeds the players. No wonder we are defeated in the warm up.

To be fair I think he realises he's just marking time now and his career has gone down the toilet, he sounds like a man defeated who just doesn't have the will to care anymore.

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The bad thing for our playing group, is we have played all of gws, GC, pa, Brisbane, last years bottom teams bar us, and we are 1-6 with 50%.

This is damning and thanks for emphasising just how disgustingly poor we are (as if we didn't know). We have Richmond, Freo at Subi, Hawthorn and Collingwood the next few weeks and if any of those teams really decide to put their foot on our throat we could lose by 200. We are so far off the top teams we might as well be playing a different sport.

Make no mistake this club is in its death throes if something doesn't change soon, you can't keep putting in insipid efforts like that every week and expect no repercussions. I saw a kid leaving with his parents at 3/4 time decked out head to toe in Melbourne gear and he was saying "but mum it was Gold Coast, it was Gold Coast!" How many more games do you think kids like that can put up with before they get fed up? How many more times can we get thrashed on Queens Birthday for the networks get in Demetriou's ear about the revenue being passed up because we've stunk it up once again? How many more performances can guys like Frawley & Jones put up with before they ask to get the hell out of here not to mention Hogan and perhaps Toumpas as well??

Things need to change quickly because football clubs can survive losing but they can't survive having no hope.

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he has a point in one way. Its the players out there who dont chase, man up tackle and kick properly. Maybe he really wants to vent but is holding back. Maybe now he is getting really really sick and tired of these players.

As Finey said on SEN a good coach gives the players credit when they win and protects them by taking the brunt when they lose - that "look at the players" comment was quite unbelievable and I have no doubt the media will jump on it if they even care enough anymore.

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As Finey said on SEN a good coach gives the players credit when they win and protects them by taking the brunt when they lose - that "look at the players" comment was quite unbelievable and I have no doubt the media will jump on it if they even care enough anymore.

That's crap. Listen to what he was responding to & you might get some context.

The question was to do with how he saw his own future. He actually said it was not about him, but about the players.

He was actually being supportive of the players.

But I guess these media hacks never miss a chance to twist things.

Funny, I thought we would have enough experience of football media BS by now than to take their interpretation of anything seriously.

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That's crap. Listen to what he was responding to & you might get some context.

The question was to do with how he saw his own future. He actually said it was not about him, but about the players.

He was actually being supportive of the players.

But I guess these media hacks never miss a chance to twist things.

Funny, I thought we would have enough experience of football media BS by now than to take their interpretation of anything seriously.

Even if that is what he meant he did not communicate it very well - the comments by Finey were actually in relation to Neil Craig's presets towards the end of his time at the Crows I was just applying it to the comments Neeld made.

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I have never left a game feeling hollow, no anger, no passion, nothing, I just didn't care and all I could do in the last have was laugh and make jokes on how bad we are. It is not only the players that are giving up the supporter base is to and we have losing a generation of supporters. The club gained a generation through the late 80's, 90's, and early 2000's this was shown in our attendances and growth in memberships, now all those kids that have turned around 6 after 2007 will be gone, some will stay loyal because they want to be around dad but that will be short lived once they hit their teens and we still suck.

The funny thing is that we are getting more media coverage than ever, all for the wrong reasons. New Balance is a high performance brand they will leave us when their contract expires, Opel is now associated with a bad brand you can't have that when you are entering into a market, in fact every sponsor we have will be considering if they want to support the MFC.

In 2010 we came out and smashed Sydney and we were 3 years into a rebuild and Sydney was on the slide, so we thought, 2012 they win a flag and we have returned to the bottom of the table with no glimmer of hope.

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Even if that is what he meant he did not communicate it very well - the comments by Finey were actually in relation to Neil Craig's presets towards the end of his time at the Crows I was just applying it to the comments Neeld made.

Oh, I get it.

Finey interprets a response out of context.

Someone, like you, repeats out of context interpretion.

Out of context interpretation becomes the truth.

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Big changes are needed this week otherwise supporters & sponsors will start to walk.

The playing group is dysfunctional as is the club, 15 more weeks of this...i think not.

Big day for Peter Jackson today.

Hard calls needed. Supporters need to know what the hell is going on.

Our debt demolition has been WASTED by a board who are still there.

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Rattan won't come - he knocked back the Port job

Roos would just laugh if approached

Why would Clarkson want anything to do with us - he'll probably have another premiership by the end of the year

Eade hasn't done it at any club

Craig could never go the next step at Adelaide

Viney was just as bad as Neeld when he stood in.

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Want to make sure I beat the traffic, what time the boys heading down to Sorrento today?

Cards no need to worry, that didn't work so we are reverting back to the last thing that did, we are relocating back to the Junction. It is believed the Possum [censored] and rat sh*t is character building. The players are looking forward to having Rat Sack in their lockers, they have been killing coaches for the last 10 years, killing a few rats should be easy. Peter Jackson will also relocate to oversee the rat killing program.

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Cards no need to worry, that didn't work so we are reverting back to the last thing that did, we are relocating back to the Junction. It is believed the Possum [censored] and rat sh*t is character building. The players are looking forward to having Rat Sack in their lockers, they have been killing coaches for the last 10 years, killing a few rats should be easy. Peter Jackson will also relocate to oversee the rat killing program.

Well that works our perfectly as Ice T is coming out for a tour just so he can open the "new" facilities with his updated song "Coach Killer".

I reckon a few of the Melbourne Super Rules players who train at Powerhouse Oval just down the road might still be better players than what we have.

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