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Ox on Open Mike tonight


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You don't want any more ex MFC players meddling in Club affairs but you'd be happy with him being on the Board. Go figure!

Love the Ox. He would be a good Coterie draw card. But hell I would not have him on the Board. If there is to be a representation of ex players in such an important role then surely there are candidates that are more suited.

At least on the board he would be the member of a team of decision makers, not micro managing. Ultimately, I'd probably rather non-MFC people throughout the club.

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How about you do smoething tangible and call Ox up on SEN and invite him down - afterall it's polite to ask

I've tweeted the invite, you never know he may read the board

Mate you have a problem with the Ox - good for you, thanks for sharing.

I'll refer you to post 45 - i don't care if he contributes or not

I personally think he is an inspriation though - guess you need to know what hard times are to understand how hard it can be

If you regard him as an inspiration, fine, others don't, my point is yes he has come through something but it was self inflcted, he had the opportunity to walk away when he could and he didn't, and he also had a lot of help to overcome...... and then some reckon he should be a role model...or the Messiah...er not for me thanks.....................hard times is relative, we have all faced adversity, it just depends on whether you want to advertise it or not

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I've tweeted the invite, you never know he may read the board

If you regard him as an inspiration, fine, others don't, my point is yes he has come through something but it was self inflcted, he had the opportunity to walk away when he could and he didn't, and he also had a lot of help to overcome...... and then some reckon he should be a role model...or the Messiah...er not for me thanks.....................hard times is relative, we have all faced adversity, it just depends on whether you want to advertise it or not

Are you sure you're a Melbourne supporter? he was a great player for us, gambling is an addiction not something you can just flick the off switch on and he was very strong to overcome that, inspiration or not, your club is in a hole, this bloke could and has offered to help the club so i don't really understand your objection.

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<p>Long time ago but I can still remember when my mate, "Greg Wells nephew" came home from training that day and said "Schwarta just did his knee jumping on my back".....I was shattered. After such an amazing 1994 finals series it devastated the Club. We could have been anything wit him up and about - we can only hope young Hogan has the same impact but better luck with injuries.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>The Ox was as capable as Carey - no doubt.</p>

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I've tweeted the invite, you never know he may read the board

If you regard him as an inspiration, fine, others don't, my point is yes he has come through something but it was self inflcted, he had the opportunity to walk away when he could and he didn't, and he also had a lot of help to overcome...... and then some reckon he should be a role model...or the Messiah...er not for me thanks.....................hard times is relative, we have all faced adversity, it just depends on whether you want to advertise it or not

Not sure if you are reading what I am saying - I never said he was the messiah, he could offer something to the club which needs all the help it can get

Good work on the invite

As for the rest I don't care

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Coming from someone with MFC respect and influence that's quite damning for Neeld.

Cue the D'land Neeld haters/removalists to rejoice in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1:2e1a47f1_celebrate.gif

Heyy song.....how the hec do u imbed those vidz pls mate?

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Are you sure you're a Melbourne supporter? he was a great player for us, gambling is an addiction not something you can just flick the off switch on and he was very strong to overcome that, inspiration or not, your club is in a hole, this bloke could and has offered to help the club so i don't really understand your objection.

You take up gambling, you can walk away any time, like smoking, drinking, etc etc, any addiction, if you have the bottle you can walk away.....he was a great player agree, 10 years ago, will remember him for that..........he has only offered, where is the action, all talk at the moment and potting the coach (my opinion)

As for Melbourne supporter, yes I am, but just don't fawn over the players, they are just footy players, Jimmy Stynes excepted who became much more

I am quite happy with the work crew who are attempting to get us out of the hole at the moment, if he wants to help, pick up a shovel

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You take up gambling, you can walk away any time, like smoking, drinking, etc etc, any addiction, if you have the bottle you can walk away.....

And with that one sentence, you have reconfirmed to me that, yes, you are a peanut.
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And with that one sentence, you have reconfirmed to me that, yes, you are a peanut.

Why is that?

Love the board, only been on two topics today, and one of the usual suspects can't help himself with a wonderfully worded well researched post, I would be shattered if it was somebody I actually cared about what they said, but seeing it is only you CBF, I'll follow your initials

Addiction , can be used as an excuse, if you have the character you can stop doing anything that is addictive, it just takes a bit of effort, I know because been there, done that, and got the t shirt

Anyway anything constructive to add to the topic, go on set a precedent for yourself

Edited by Satyriconhome
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If you regard him as an inspiration, fine, others don't, my point is yes he has come through something but it was self inflcted, he had the opportunity to walk away when he could and he didn't, and he also had a lot of help to overcome...... and then some reckon he should be a role model...or the Messiah...er not for me thanks.....................hard times is relative, we have all faced adversity, it just depends on whether you want to advertise it or not

Perhaps you could try being a tad less cynical?

He's not asking to be idolised or placed on a mantle for overcoming his addictions. He is a Responsible Gambling Ambassador because he clearly believes that sharing his story might aid in warning others of the traps of addiction, or indeed, how to get through it. I doubt he does it for the praise, as I'd imagine it's a pretty thankless task.

As always in life, no matter what you do, there will be people lining up to knock you back down or question your motives. In this instance. you've put your hand up to fill that role.

The raw honesty you get from someone like Schwarz can rub people up the wrong way. Personally I find that refreshing compared to the alternative which we see all too often from those in the public eye..

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Why is that?

Love the board, only been on two topics today, and one of the usual suspects can't help himself with a wonderfully worded well researched post, I would be shattered if it was somebody I actually cared about what they said, but seeing it is only you CBF, I'll follow your initials

Addiction , can be used as an excuse, if you have the character you can stop doing anything that is addictive, it just takes a bit of effort, I know because been there, done that, and got the t shirt

Anyway anything constructive to add to the topic, go on set a precedent for yourself

I have decided to put as much research into this post as you did when you made that bonehead statement about addiction.

Just because you have gotten over addiction doesn't mean your experience applies to everyone. This really is the crux of the matter. You may do good work at the club. You may have overcome struggles in your personal life and I commend you for both. This doesn't give you the right to lord it over everyone else with your trite, self-righteous posts. I bloody well hope you contribute at the club because based on the damage you do on a daily basis on this board, you have quite a ledger to square up.

I find it funny that you are also gathering a fan club. What was it that Menzies said about not paying attention to anonymous letters? Given the fact that a few people are fed up with your self righteous, obtuse posts, maybe you might want to have a think about your general approach.

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I would be happy to see Schwarz come in as a motivational "speaker" to get the players revved up on game day as I think that is probably what he would be best at doing. He speaks very well, but nothing I have seen or heard from him can convince me he would be useful in an administrative/board position or that he would be successful as a coach. He even admitted himself in that talk, that his wife was really the one responsible for getting his life back in order and for managing the whole process.

There is no doubting the fact that he is an inspirational human being, but if I were him, I think I would not be throwing away my career in the media to become involved at the MFC full time.

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I have decided to put as much research into this post as you did when you made that bonehead statement about addiction.

Just because you have gotten over addiction doesn't mean your experience applies to everyone. This really is the crux of the matter. You may do good work at the club. You may have overcome struggles in your personal life and I commend you for both. This doesn't give you the right to lord it over everyone else with your trite, self-righteous posts. I bloody well hope you contribute at the club because based on the damage you do on a daily basis on this board, you have quite a ledger to square up.

I find it funny that you are also gathering a fan club. What was it that Menzies said about not paying attention to anonymous letters? Given the fact that a few people are fed up with your self righteous, obtuse posts, maybe you might want to have a think about your general approach.

Why, you obviously haven't.

As I said the other day, if you don't like what I write then don't read it, it ain't gonna break my heart, I write to offer an opinion, if it sounds self righteous that is your opinion and yours only, start a petition amongst the 'few' people who don't like my posts, I give you the list if you like

Damage to who captain?...........Disagreeing with some hardy fellows like yourself, you really believe this Board is that important, er no it's not, this is about footy and a footy club.

This is a topic about David Schwarz, I have heard him speaking about helping the Club for the last month or so, I want to see action rather than words, simple as that, too much to ask?

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Let's not forget about his 3 self-inflicted knee reconstructions...

Oh dear, think I have that covered as well, it is one of the hazards of playing sport, let me think, beling self righteous for a moment, 3 knee operations, one shoulder, one elbow, one ankle, two nose etc etc......I get it he is a hero in some people's eyes, he was a good footy player, he wants to help the Club, doesn't help it by potting the present Coach.......let's see him do something then.........as I said he has already used his 'life experiences' to talk to the first year players, let's see something else

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Love the call that a some of the problems Schwarz faced were self inflicted

You can say the same about Jack Watts, he either doesn't care or the weight of expectation has smashed him around. I don't disagree we all make life choices, we all stuff up some of us big time others not so big, but the thing about life, if you man or women up accept you need help to address your issues and come out the other side a better person you need to respect that journey and the individual because it is hard to beat addiction.

This is why the Ox is ideal for Jack, he is at the crossroads of his footy career with the MFC, we either find someway or someone to guide Jack through this or he will jion the list of highly talented youngsters that have left our club and even more so never realise their full potential.

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You have an opinion - yay for you

The only thing I am confused about is why you feel so strongly the need to bring the Ox down. People deserve second chances

That's a very brave outlook to have on this board

See people don't read my posts.

I don't want to bring him down, in my eyes he is just a bloke, a very good footy player in his time

If he wants to help, then instead of getting his head on the tv, get down to the Club, offer his services, he has said he would, there are lot's of other things he could do

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That's a very brave outlook to have on this board

See people don't read my posts.

I don't want to bring him down, in my eyes he is just a bloke, a very good footy player in his time

If he wants to help, then instead of getting his head on the tv, get down to the Club, offer his services, he has said he would, there are lot's of other things he could do

Fair enough - I think i finally understand your point and agree

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If he wants to help, then instead of getting his head on the tv, get down to the Club, offer his services, he has said he would, there are lot's of other things he could do

He met with the President a few weeks back and did exactly what you asked him to do. I take it the club didn't feel it needed his help. I'd say he's very entitled to the opinion he voiced because he's both a passed player and a paid commentator who has actually offered to do something.

I'd also say its fairly hypocritical of you to pot him about his addiction problems as a rebuttal to him voicing an opinion regarding our senior coach whose win loss record speaks very loudly for itself. No former players can pot an unsuccessful coach, but supporters can pot former players for overcoming a gambling addiction? Touché (that means 'right on dude' in French). Your logic is beyond reproach (that means 'makes no f*#king sense' if read with the sarcasm and disdain intended).

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I do find modern society rather concerning

The Ox in question, yes he has, with the help of some great people, managed to drag himself back from the brink, but he should not have put himself there in the first place, it is a cop out to say you are 'addicted'

He can be congratulated for achieving this outcome, but not put on a pedestal for doing so.

Same with being a good footy player, there are hundreds of those, he is nothing more than them

We seem as a society to have a predilecton for elevating flawed characters as something to aspire to

Let's take as an example which I prefer of another so called bad boy, Col Sylvia, one or two blemishes, but he realised what he was doing, so now but without fanfare he spends time visiting the RCH on a regular basis to keep himself grounded, using his 'celebrity' for good and you will find him volunteering to do a lot of the community work with the Club as a way of giving back

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I do find modern society rather concerning

The Ox in question, yes he has, with the help of some great people, managed to drag himself back from the brink, but he should not have put himself there in the first place, it is a cop out to say you are 'addicted'

He can be congratulated for achieving this outcome, but not put on a pedestal for doing so.

Same with being a good footy player, there are hundreds of those, he is nothing more than them

We seem as a society to have a predilecton for elevating flawed characters as something to aspire to

Let's take as an example which I prefer of another so called bad boy, Col Sylvia, one or two blemishes, but he realised what he was doing, so now but without fanfare he spends time visiting the RCH on a regular basis to keep himself grounded, using his 'celebrity' for good and you will find him volunteering to do a lot of the community work with the Club as a way of giving back

Why do you kepe saying he's being put on a pedastool? Who's putting him there?

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He met with the President a few weeks back and did exactly what you asked him to do. I take it the club didn't feel it needed his help. I'd say he's very entitled to the opinion he voiced because he's both a passed player and a paid commentator who has actually offered to do something.

I'd also say its fairly hypocritical of you to pot him about his addiction problems as a rebuttal to him voicing an opinion regarding our senior coach whose win loss record speaks very loudly for itself. No former players can pot an unsuccessful coach, but supporters can pot former players for overcoming a gambling addiction? Touché (that means 'right on dude' in French). Your logic is beyond reproach (that means 'makes no f*#king sense' if read with the sarcasm and disdain intended).

He also professes to love the Club, so perhaps he should have kept his 'paid' opinion to himself, rather than offering another free kick to the many Club detractors. I am not potting him, I am just not gushing in my praise, if you read my posts you will see why.

I really don't think you have made a point, seeing that you are misrepresenting what I have said, but if it makes you happy then Touche (said with just a hint of sarcasm)

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