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Dank involved at Demons?


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Now you're being silly.

If the corporation fails then he will get fired, Schwab wasn't fired because he forgot to buy stationary, there were obviously other maters that led to is downfall.

I'm just sick of hearing these type of things:

The coach is no good, fire the CEO!

The CEO is no good, fire the president!

The doctor is no good, fire the board!

If we want to talk accountability, then put it where it lays.

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What do you want OD? I love this bloody club, and I'm sick of every faction trying to tear it apart including supporters like you who only ever seem happy when they get to bag it out.

If you think I don't then I have serious given you the wrong idea.

What I want is the same as you stuie believe it or not.

I have just seen this club sink year by year further and further over the last five years.

The people controlling it need to acknowledge they have got us to this point and give the job to some one else.

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The buck stops with the board, they hired him, they are responsible for him, but that little fact escapes you, doesn't it you FI.

Lol. You have backtracked a long way Robbie. You are laughable.

I never said they weren't accountable. But you are the one who shot his load prematurely about a lying deceitful board and is now trying to sidestep your original assertions when all you has to do was take a step back and examine facts on a whole instead of putting blind faith in people like Barrett.

As a Foundation member I applaud your support of the club.

You have shown however a great ability to get sucked into sensationalism and an inability to consider all facts before making an assertion.

Perhaps FW was a bit strong, but certainly you at times have NFI....

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If you think I don't then I have serious given you the wrong idea.

What I want is the same as you stuie believe it or not.

I have just seen this club sink year by year further and further over the last five years.

The people controlling it need to acknowledge they have got us to this point and give the job to some one else.

We're not in total disagreeance. I just don't like the media firing up the lynch mobs. It's important we get this right, so let's not rush headlong into action, let's take our time and do it right, for the sake of the club.

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We're not in total disagreeance. I just don't like the media firing up the lynch mobs. It's important we get this right, so let's not rush headlong into action, let's take our time and do it right, for the sake of the club.

I am going to finish now stuie , I get no enjoyment from our disagreement.

Not sure after 5 years patience is a thing most MFC members have much of anymore.

Now I am off for a single malt and a good lie down

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Are you friggin serious?

It is an utter disgrace that shoddy crap goes on at this club which our president and our board are unaware of.

It's almost worse than them knowing and trying to hide it.

FFS it's unacceptable. What sort of company lets its employees do what they please without being accountable to management at all times???

I can't even... You are an idiot. No offense. But seriously.

Think about what you said leaving aside the emotion.

Bate was apparently speaking to Dank and getting some suggestions on supplements. Bate then did his own checking on these and supervised all medical procedures and nothing illegal was used. As Wilson says Dank was not a club employee. How then would the Board know of these discussions other than for them to ask Bate directly which they did. They received an answer that appears to have been untruthful. They believed the club Doctor.

They then answered the AFL specific question, not knowing anything more.

Now they have found out and the Doctor is stood down.

Explain to me how that is a Company letting its employees do what they want without being accountable.

Also I think it is offensive that you called Stuie an idiot when your hysteria has got the better of you. Calm down and think about it for a moment. Yes the buck stops at the top but that doesn't mean that a President will know who every employee is talking to all of the time. That is just too ridiculous for words. What more would you have had this volunteer President do? No wonder people don't want public office.

I know you are hurting, I am too, we all are, but that doesn't mean we have to act like a pack of vultures.

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I am going to finish now stuie , I get no enjoyment from our disagreement.

Not sure after 5 years patience is a thing most MFC members have much of anymore.

Now I am off for a single malt and a good lie down

Look mate, we may disagree, but we both love the Dees, and despite our differing views you're an MFC brother and I'll always shake your hand after we butt heads.

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Speaking of FI's when are you gong to resurrect your Drafting/Recruiting thread again; give us all the wisdom of your vast knowledge on our fortunes at the drafting table.

Still reckon I'm wrong and that we've recruited well in the last ten years.

BTW there are plenty on this thread that agree with my position so do you want to refer your comments to them as well?

Lol. Now trying to deflect Robbie. You are a battler.

I am an advocate of giving kids a chance. You however like to muddy the waters and put words in my mouth.

Some kids make it some don't. Some recruiting decisions have been poor some have been great. Our developmental abilities leave a lot to be desired. Oh, By the way, as Jamar is so bad, when is your ruck gun Jake Spencer going to carry us in the ruck? Oh that's right.....

But that is another topic and a clear attempt at deflection by you.

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Another diversion stuie

Can you name another club in worse condition that the MFC over the last 30 years?

Maybe the Brisbane Bears circa 1991 when they were privately owned and appointed Wallsy as Coach:

What do we sing when we run out to play?

Dare to beat the Bear.

What do we sing when we're on our way?

Dare to beat the Bear.

We're Hot! (We're Hot!)

We're Mean! (We're Mean!)

We're Strong! (We're Strong!)

We're a Team! (We're a Team!)

We're the very best team you've ever seen,

We're the Brisbane Bears.

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Think about what you said leaving aside the emotion.

Bate was apparently speaking to Dank and getting some suggestions on supplements. Bate then did his own checking on these and supervised all medical procedures and nothing illegal was used. As Wilson says Dank was not a club employee. How then would the Board know of these discussions other than for them to ask Bate directly which they did. They received an answer that appears to have been untruthful. They believed the club Doctor.

They then answered the AFL specific question, not knowing anything more.

Now they have found out and the Doctor is stood down.

Explain to me how that is a Company letting its employees do what they want without being accountable.

Also I think it is offensive that you called Stuie an idiot when your hysteria has got the better of you. Calm down and think about it for a moment. Yes the buck stops at the top but that doesn't mean that a President will know who every employee is talking to all of the time. That is just too ridiculous for words. What more would you have had this volunteer President do? No wonder people don't want public office.

I know you are hurting, I am too, we all are, but that doesn't mean we have to act like a pack of vultures.

Read this Robbie.

Well said Redleg.

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The people controlling it need to acknowledge they have got us to this point and give the job to some one else.

They may be happy to do just that Old Dee, who do you suggest they give it to, no one else bothered to stand in February at the AGM. I don't see a huge line of talented people volunteering to have their reputations scorched.

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Think about what you said leaving aside the emotion.

Bate was apparently speaking to Dank and getting some suggestions on supplements. Bate then did his own checking on these and supervised all medical procedures and nothing illegal was used. As Wilson says Dank was not a club employee. How then would the Board know of these discussions other than for them to ask Bate directly which they did. They received an answer that appears to have been untruthful. They believed the club Doctor.

They then answered the AFL specific question, not knowing anything more.

Now they have found out and the Doctor is stood down.

Explain to me how that is a Company letting its employees do what they want without being accountable.

Also I think it is offensive that you called Stuie an idiot when your hysteria has got the better of you. Calm down and think about it for a moment. Yes the buck stops at the top but that doesn't mean that a President will know who every employee is talking to all of the time. That is just too ridiculous for words. What more would you have had this volunteer President do? No wonder people don't want public office.

I know you are hurting, I am too, we all are, but that doesn't mean we have to act like a pack of vultures.

Ok so you're suggesting it's acceptable for a club doctor to take medical advice from an outsiders then administer supplements, legal or otherwise, without informing so much as Mission? Craig? hell, our coach?

Surely someone other than Bate knew about the talks with Dank, in which case, our CEO and our board should have also known.

If people in our club are holding information from our board, it shows me that our board isn't strong enough and isn't demanding enough transparency. Either that, or they consistently hire unsuitable individuals who screw them.

Edited by Jaded
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Maybe the Brisbane Bears circa 1991 when they were privately owned and appointed Wallsy as Coach:

What do we sing when we run out to play?

Dare to beat the Bear.

What do we sing when we're on our way?

Dare to beat the Bear.

We're Hot! (We're Hot!)

We're Mean! (We're Mean!)

We're Strong! (We're Strong!)

We're a Team! (We're a Team!)

We're the very best team you've ever seen,

We're the Brisbane Bears.

You may be right Champ.

Shows the company we are in does it not.

Perhaps the AFL could merge someone with us too!

Only joking before the wolves fall upon me.

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Ok so you're suggesting it's acceptable for a club doctor to take medical advice from an outsiders then administer supplements, legal or otherwise, without informing so much as Mission? Craig? hell, our coach?

Surely someone other than Bate knew about the talks with Dank, in which case, our CEO and our board should have also known.

Dr Bates has been stood down, what does that tell you?

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Dr Bates has been stood down, what does that tell you?

incorrect. he has volunteered to stand down WHILE THE INVESTIGATION IS RUNNING.

in much the same way a teacher would stand down (innocent or guilty) if they were being accused of something inappropriate, while it was investigated.

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They may be happy to do just that Old Dee, who do you suggest they give it to, no one else bothered to stand in February at the AGM. I don't see a huge line of talented people volunteering to have their reputations scorched.

I don't think the February AGM is a good indication of what you suggest Redleg.

It was before the "we did not tank" but cope this $500 000 fine decision.

People were still prepared to give the incumbents the benefit of the doubt.

Since then the club has descended into farce.

What do you suggest we just blunder on indefinitely.

If there is no one who will offer themselves for the job then we are truly sunk.

Because this lot has shown after 5 years that they not only cannot improve the teams on field performance.

They have made it worse

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You may be right Champ.

Shows the company we are in does it not.

Perhaps the AFL could merge someone with us too!

Only joking before the wolves fall upon me.

Doesn't bear (PNI) thinking about does it.

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Lol. You have backtracked a long way Robbie. You are laughable.

I never said they weren't accountable. But you are the one who shot his load prematurely about a lying deceitful board and is now trying to sidestep your original assertions when all you has to do was take a step back and examine facts on a whole instead of putting blind faith in people like Barrett.

As a Foundation member I applaud your support of the club.

You have shown however a great ability to get sucked into sensationalism and an inability to consider all facts before making an assertion.

Perhaps FW was a bit strong, but certainly you at times have NFI....

I'm not backtracking at all the board/ club have either deceived us or are incompetent, take your pick. You obviously have no interest in corporate governance and don't seem to care that we replaced a doctor who was with the club for 20 years with one who has either questionable judgement or is a liar. If he told the board that he had no contact with Dank then you work it out for yourself.

They have today's scapegoat, who's next.

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Redleg and Stuie i am really surprised that you are both taking the stance you are as you both seem relatively switched on. Do either of you understand what governance means?

Lets say it is true that the good Doctor did not follow proper processes and there was a "breakdown in reporting protocols". Leaving aside the fact that President of the club has said the club did a thorough review of the club supplement program (and seemingly did not pick up this breakdown in protocols - i mean what sort of review fails to pick this up?) the responsibility for such a breakdown is the completely that of the boards - not the employee. This is what governance means - and this is why being a board member, little lone a president is such a huge responsibility When the [censored] fails it is on your head!

They have seen fit to sack a CEO and now a doctor. The CEO is the board's representative and a doctor their employee. Can either of you seriously suggest that this does not directly reflect on the board? Governance 101

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incorrect. he has volunteered to stand down WHILE THE INVESTIGATION IS RUNNING.

in much the same way a teacher would stand down (innocent or guilty) if they were being accused of something inappropriate, while it was investigated.

Yes, and Cam Schwab voluntarily stood down...

Come on mate, clutching at very loose straws there. Clearly the club thinks he's done something unacceptable and has acted accordingly.

Has Hird stepped down?

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Redleg and Stuie i am really surprised that you are both taking the stance you are as you both seem relatively switched on. Do either of you understand what governance means?

Lets say it is true that the good Doctor did not follow proper processes and there was a "breakdown in reporting protocols". Leaving aside the fact that President of the club has said the club did a thorough review of the club supplement program (and seemingly did not pick up this breakdown in protocols - i mean what sort of review fails to pick this up?) the responsibility for such a breakdown is the completely that of the boards - not the employee. This is what governance means - and this is why being a board member, little lone a president is such a huge responsibility When the [censored] fails it is on your head!

They have seen fit to sack a CEO and now a doctor. The CEO is the board's representative and a doctor their employee. Can either of you seriously suggest that this does not directly reflect on the board? Governance 101

So we sack the board because the doctor did the wrong thing without them knowing.... Not exactly a real world scenario.

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Lol. Now trying to deflect Robbie. You are a battler.

I am an advocate of giving kids a chance. You however like to muddy the waters and put words in my mouth.

Some kids make it some don't. Some recruiting decisions have been poor some have been great. Our developmental abilities leave a lot to be desired. Oh, By the way, as Jamar is so bad, when is your ruck gun Jake Spencer going to carry us in the ruck? Oh that's right.....

But that is another topic and a clear attempt at deflection by you.

You were all over me like a cheap suit when I said we had recruited poorly and now you try to weasel your way out of it. You even started a thread about it directed at me then disappeared when it all started falling apart WAP.

Talk about NFI.

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