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I must share my frustrations


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I am 25 years old and have been supporting Melbourne since 1990. My father since the late 60s, and his brothers shortly thereafter.

I have over the last few years developed a very frustrating sense of anger at the club. I don't seem to share the same mentality and optimism as others here, which fuels my frustrations. Since the 30+ goal loss against Geelong, I have developed a sense of hatred at the club, purely because I throw hundreds of dollars at an organisation that seems to be completely inept at expanding and improving. I keep hearing that the club is growing, but I am not sure what people compare it to. In perspective, the MFC is still a very small, nothing club that will never, ever be bigger than the establishment.

A few questions I would love to ask the club.

1. Why don't we have a major sponsor yet? I don't accept "they are working on it" as an answer. If they don't have a major sponsor by the pre-season cup, the CEO must be sacked.

2. Why are we near-last in social media rankings? Our social media manager and their team must be sacked. It is free marketing FFS. New teams, Sydney, Brisbane, North all have more followers and fans on Twitter and FB. These outlets are very important for brand growth and expansion. Why are we near-last?

3. Why have we seen no growth on membership figures year-on-year despite:

  • Casey "expansion"
  • New HQ
  • Extensive re-branding
  • Free marketing via social media (see No.2)

Who will be held accountable for these failures?

I am sick and tired of pathetically optimistic supporters sticking up for this lame excuse for a professional sporting club. We must start seeing results in 2012 across ALL fields, off-field on on.

You can't get around this. Don't give me any of this "the club is working on it" or "we have a promising future in Casey/Olympic Park/Docklands/Thailand/Japan/Whatever.

I've been hearing this rubbish for going on 10 years. Why aren't their results? It's quite clear that you need growth off-field across all facets in order to be successful on field. So where is the growth, and who will be held accountable?

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We compete with 9 other teams in VIC not 1 other in other states

Since Casey the Membership has increase, as it has over the last 3 years or more

We want a good sponsor i dont know, there is a global financial crisis atm

Growth would be aqcuiring the Bentleigh club, increasing a assets by about 600%

People are trying things are getting done

Do you increase the productivity at your job by more than this year to year?

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We compete with 9 other teams in VIC not 1 other in other states

Since Casey the Membership has increase, as it has over the last 3 years or more

We want a good sponsor i dont know, there is a global financial crisis atm

Growth would be aqcuiring the Bentleigh club, increasing a assets by about 600%

People are trying things are getting done

Do you increase the productivity at your job by more than this year to year?

Thanks for the response.

Other teams are seeing growth and the city itself is seeing record growth so there is no excuse for no membership growth, at a time when marketing outlets are extensive and participation numbers are up.

The club's interest in China is intriguing, but a global financial crisis shouldn't compromise a professional sporting club's ability to get a sponsor. The asking price by the club is clearly too high, hence the overseas investment.

All in all, your response seems to be one that insinuates widespread issues across the league, yet we aren't seeing similar growth. Why not?

Nice first post, sensing a troll

could write a novel about everything wrong with it

you have a sense of hatred to the club at a time when the club is in it's best off field position in 30 years you base this on Fb and twitter followers

you are indirectly taking a swype at the last 2 boards including the great man ...

go away and stalk girls you cant get on FB you moron

I'm really not. Would you like a photo of my 2011 membership card and scarf along with my username to prove my dedication to the club?

NOTE: Dedication does not exclude one from criticism. I am allowed to be critical, especially in the fact of 30+ goal losses and almost 50 years without success.

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Ummmm, we have a sponsor. We've nailed a major sponsorship deal, the biggest we've ever had in fact, with Energy Watch.

We just want to secure another major sponsor. 3 years ago we started the NAB Cup with no sponsorship. None. Zero. Zilch!

We also secured Volvo today as a continued sponsor.


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Gonna be quick cause I am on my phone with no computer available at the moment.

Firstly, if you want so badly to ask those questions, why didn't you just go to the AGM and ask them?

Second, membership has grown year on year for many years now. So not sure what your no growth stat is based on. Have a quick look at the link below for a few figures.


A few key points from the article:

1. 11% growth in 2011 against 2010 numbers.

2. Since 2003, membership has increased 78%.

Please feel free to comment on the above and tell me we have had no membership growth.

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We compete with 9 other teams in VIC not 1 other in other states

Since Casey the Membership has increase, as it has over the last 3 years or more

We want a good sponsor i dont know, there is a global financial crisis atm

Growth would be aqcuiring the Bentleigh club, increasing a assets by about 600%

People are trying things are getting done

Do you increase the productivity at your job by more than this year to year?

I know this is off the point, but AFL clubs in Victoria don't have to compete as intently with other codes as do teams from other states.

In Sydney, for instance, the Swans are competing with many NRL clubs, not to mention other football codes. Simply getting air time for the code is hard enough for them, let alone getting some focus on their club.

Back to this thread - a fairly aggressive first post. Been boozing by any chance?

Edited by Ron Burgundy
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I have at times shared your frustration praha over the last 25 years - I began following the club in 1987 and have hated seeing all my relatives (except my Tigers supporting cousin) celebrate premierships and seeing the Demons never seriously challenge. I was ready to give up on the club after 2001 and crashing out after making the GF and then losing Farmer on top of that. But at the end of the day red & blue blood pumps through my veins. I think it is time to ask questions and it is a pity you didn't post this last week as I would have recommended you attend the AGM and pose these very relevant questions in that forum.

Obviously the club is aware of the problems and are attempting to address them but are they doing enough? Are they doing enough to engage new Australians and people from non-football backgrounds? I'm thinking largely of the rising Chinese and Indian communities in Melbourne. Or are they throwing all their eggs in the Casey basket? If so why do they think this will work? Do the kids in the Casey region already have a club allegiance through their families? If so are they likely to switch to the Demons all things considered? We all want the club not just to survive but to thrive. Relocations and mergers are off the table for now but will be back eventually and we can't afford to find ourselves without a seat when the music stops.

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I am 25 years old and have been supporting Melbourne since 1990. My father since the late 60s, and his brothers shortly thereafter.

I have over the last few years developed a very frustrating sense of anger at the club. I don't seem to share the same mentality and optimism as others here, which fuels my frustrations. Since the 30+ goal loss against Geelong, I have developed a sense of hatred at the club, purely because I throw hundreds of dollars at an organisation that seems to be completely inept at expanding and improving. I keep hearing that the club is growing, but I am not sure what people compare it to. In perspective, the MFC is still a very small, nothing club that will never, ever be bigger than the establishment.

A few questions I would love to ask the club.

1. Why don't we have a major sponsor yet? I don't accept "they are working on it" as an answer. If they don't have a major sponsor by the pre-season cup, the CEO must be sacked.

2. Why are we near-last in social media rankings? Our social media manager and their team must be sacked. It is free marketing FFS. New teams, Sydney, Brisbane, North all have more followers and fans on Twitter and FB. These outlets are very important for brand growth and expansion. Why are we near-last?

3. Why have we seen no growth on membership figures year-on-year despite:

  • Casey "expansion"
  • New HQ
  • Extensive re-branding
  • Free marketing via social media (see No.2)

Who will be held accountable for these failures?

I am sick and tired of pathetically optimistic supporters sticking up for this lame excuse for a professional sporting club. We must start seeing results in 2012 across ALL fields, off-field on on.

You can't get around this. Don't give me any of this "the club is working on it" or "we have a promising future in Casey/Olympic Park/Docklands/Thailand/Japan/Whatever.

I've been hearing this rubbish for going on 10 years. Why aren't their results? It's quite clear that you need growth off-field across all facets in order to be successful on field. So where is the growth, and who will be held accountable?

1. Getting another major sponsor is a tough gig. Its a two way street. Melbourne needs to associate themselves with a reputable sponsor, but also try and get as much money as possible. You must also take into account the global financial situation. For many companies to be struggling to pay staff, stay above board, to justify forking out up to 2-3 million is a lot and can't be justified.

2. As for social media. Thats a tough one. Our lack of success since 1964, means new supporters are tough to come by. Most social media followers are Gen Y and Gen Z. Meaning they will more than likely be supporting clubs that have had recent success in the last 15-20 years. Of which Melbourne has not.

3. Memberships have risen, so I think you're wrong with that. You also need to take into account, our debt. Our debt previously meant we were unable to spend on our "marketing" department. As our debt has just been eroded, it will take time for future plans to take affect.

Don't be fooled....Jimmy has set the foundations for this club for a long time. It will just take time for it to take fruition. Stay positive and try to look at the bigger picture rather than the immediate one.

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I know this is off the point, but AFL clubs in Victoria don't have to compete as intently with other codes as do teams from other states.

In Sydney, for instance, the Swans are competing with many NRL clubs, not to mention other football codes. Simply getting air time for the code is hard enough for them, let alone getting some focus on their club.

Back to this thread - a fairly aggressive first post. Been boozing by any chance?

Yes but your main competitor will be the same code, the AFL compete with NRL as whole not individuals i would have thought

is valid though

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Already a number of responses have given you some factual response to your questions.

As a mid 60 year old supporter from almost birth and member for how long I haven't calculated I'm prepared to take your frustration and impatience seriously. Who doesn't share a little, but if I get your drift it seems its got your life down. You either stick with it or you get another club. Obviously the latter is not possible.

Impatience and frustration is an emotional response, its yours and the fact others are working hard to change the status of the club and are doing it to most peoples satifaction suggests we need to know a bit more about you so that we can find out what's really bugging you. I suggest take as much space as you like and just start writing.

The demons need all that energy your've got but by using it in a positive way.

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Lets look at what the new Board has/is doing

  • Cleared 5 mill debt since 2008
  • Business turnover from 25mill-40mill
  • State of the art Training facility
  • Mcc alignment
  • More football/sports science... David Mission one of the best,Neil Craig both sports science & football brain mentor
  • Record membership 37K in 2011
  • Record new sponsor Energy Watch

Our club has never achieved this, can I remind you of the junction oval??? a fractured/broke board Gutnick/Zombie etc

Look at Collingwood & Geelong both broke late 90s got their ship in order attracted the best people to the their clubs it took them 10yrs to win a flag!

I share your frustration I supported them since the 70s dark days & a member since 98!

Remember all the ducks need to be lined up!

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how about I start with your 3rd point

3. Why have we seen no growth on membership figures year-on-year despite:blah blah blah

I give you

2006- 24,698

2007 - 28,077

2008 - 29,619

2009 - 31,506

2010 - 33,358

2011- 36,937

thank you

i'll rip out this one, sorry its a year old, but it shows the support for our club is nowhre near as bad as everyone seems to think it is:




Team Games Total Average

1.Collingwood Magpies 22 1,306,188 59,372

2.Carlton Blues 22 1,046,579 47,572

3.Essendon Bombers 22 1,009,837 45,902

4.Geelong Cats 22 983,498 44,704

5.Hawthorn Hawks 22 922,136 41,915

6.Richmond Tigers 22 834,699 37,941

7.St Kilda Saints 22 831,799 37,809

8.Melbourne Demons 22 799,889 36,359

9.Western Bulldogs 22 742,546 33,752

10.Fremantle Dockers 22 702,598 31,936

11.West Coast Eagles 22 693,328 31,515

12.Adelaide Crows 22 686,462 31,203

13.Sydney Swans 22 653,050 29,684

14.Brisbane Lions 22 639,309 29,060

15.North Melbourne Kangaro22 603,586 27,436

16.Port Adelaide Power 22 533,624 24,256

ALL 176 6,494,564 36,901



1.Collingwood 57,408

2.Hawthorn 53,978

3.Adelaide 45,545

4.West Coast Eagles 44,160

5.Essendon 40,589

6.Carlton 40,480

7.Geelong Cats 40,326

8.Fremantle 39,854

9.St Kilda 39,021

10.Richmond 35,960

11.Melbourne 33,358

12.Western Bulldogs 32,077

13.Port Adelaide 29,092

14.Sydney Swans 28,671

15.North Melbourne 26,953

16.Brisbane Lions 26,779

ALL 614,251 AVE 38,391

I hope it is noted that in that year we were 7200 members behind 5th biggest in the comp, and also 5600 showing up every week from 5th biggest in the comp. That's despite getting sunday night fixtures against Freo and for being a cellar dwelling side for a loooong time.. If you think these margins between us and the 'big boys' are big, you are kidding youself. Harden up.

Sorry.. here it is in a nutshell.. Hawks/Bombers regarded as 'big boys' well THE ACTUAL FACTS show that an increase of 13-18% in our figures would put us on par with them, which is ziltch considering we have had terrible on-field results and poor commercial fixturing for a long time. Like every other club, if we start winning we ill see a swell in support and how the AFL schedules our games.


5.Essendon 40,589

11.Melbourne 33,358 (82% of above figure)


5.Hawthorn Hawks 22 922,136 41,915

8.Melbourne Demons 22 799,889 36,359 (87% of above figure)

Edited by Curry & Beer
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Worried about 30+ goal defeats?

Ring the Adelaide Football Club and ask for Dean.

When Dean comes to the phone, let loose with your emotions and tell him.

You might want to ring Port Adelaide. Might save a little embarassment!!
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I am 25 years old and have been supporting Melbourne since 1990.

Think yourself lucky you missed the late 60's, the 70's and 80's until Northey showed up.

I get really angry at the club at times too and last season I was feral, but you know what in all the time I've been supporting it I think we are finally heading in the right direction. The appointment of the young skippers and leadership group, a coach and coaching group who give me confidence, maybe it is rose coloured glasses but I'm not ready to slash my wrists yet. Ask me if we get another 30 goal flogging but I think that will be the domain of GWS this year.

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I understand your pain praha and all being Melbourne supporters I feel most here would have felt similar frustration to yours over the years , I know I have .

Seeing as you are a member I also believe you have every right right to vent but think you are 6 mths late .

I feel your pessimisim at our current situation is misplaced as others here have trotted out the stats that show things are finally on the up off field .

We now have growing membership , top class training/recovery facilities , highly regarded fitness staff , plenty of support staff for the coach who looks to be putting together a big , strong , aggressive team .

If you read the traing reports you will see that the training is much different to previous years, bigger bodies running around , far more intense with a far more professional attitide .

Again like others have stated if we can start playing consistant good football putting wins on the board without self destructing like we did last year, membership will jump again , we'll get more free to air coverage and media which will make sponsors easier to lock in .

Right now we find ourselves in the enviable position that there is so much room for improvement with our young list that it isn't funny .

One of our newly elected young captains has stated he doesn't play for money , he plays for success , the other is born and bred Melbourne supporter .

I'm sure they both have the desire not to just go through the motions of being AFL players but to deliver what we all want most .

My advice is to keep supporting the club through membership as this will prove that we possess a strong supporter base , if our supporters are flaky , how can we expect our club to be strong .

While were not on the boil yet ,we as a club are bubbling away just nicely at this point .

Be a shame to chuck it all in just when we take off .

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