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Garry Lyon's six-month rescue mission over

Brayshaws' Helmet

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I may not be as articulate as some posters on this thread but I cannot hold back any longer I have been a supporter of our Club for something like 70 yrs even following them when we played our home games at Punt Rd as the M C G was unavailable during the war years I am appalled by some suggestions that Jim be asked to resign. sacked or to take a pay cut. All this coming from supposed "supporters" of Club I would say that Jim has given his guts and more for our club and to treat him in such disrespect saddens me greatly. Now on Gary .I don`t care whether he was asked ,stuck his bib in or what but he came in our of need,as friends do,to help. Of course the proof of the pudding etc but I firmly believe we have a very good coaching panel led by Mark. As an interstater I love the training notes so keep up the good work boys. God bless Jim and his family

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I may not be as articulate as some posters on this thread but I cannot hold back any longer I have been a supporter of our Club for something like 70 yrs even following them when we played our home games at Punt Rd as the M C G was unavailable during the war years I am appalled by some suggestions that Jim be asked to resign. sacked or to take a pay cut. All this coming from supposed "supporters" of Club I would say that Jim has given his guts and more for our club and to treat him in such disrespect saddens me greatly. Now on Gary .I don`t care whether he was asked ,stuck his bib in or what but he came in our of need,as friends do,to help. Of course the proof of the pudding etc but I firmly believe we have a very good coaching panel led by Mark. As an interstater I love the training notes so keep up the good work boys. God bless Jim and his family

Well said .

I often wonder if some fans understand the concept of a Team . Without Jim we are no longer a Team .

Most fans of other Clubs have nothing but respect and admiration for Jimmy with regards to the job he has done at our Club .

The reality is that our Club is in a far better position since Jim took over .

Jim stayes for as long as he wishes .

Edited by Macca
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It seems to me without reading the whole thread word word as usual that there are only 2 or 3 people disagreeing with the consensus.

1. The consensus being that Jimmy will continue to play whatever role he is capable of and whatever role he wishes.

2. That Gary Lyon has done an excellent job in his short time as a trouble shooting, head kicking, go to man.

The main thing out of both of these outcomes is that the MFC is the winner.

Looking forward to talking some footy like never before.

Edited by dandeeman
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Nitpicking? Hardly. Jimmy saved the club? No, he did not. Cam got sponsors. Many people threw their hard-earned at the club. Decisions about development, training and list management were already in place before Jim arrived. Jim built a facade and lots of people did the saving. Jim was a supremely effective figurehead and absolutely crucial to it all - but let's not get starry eyed.

Your entitled to your opinion TimD but I have to say I couldn't disagree with you more. Cast your memory back to June 2008 & this club was on its knees again. The AFL told us that the club stood for nothing, we were 5-6mil in dept & the likelihood of survival IMO was pretty slim. It took a lot of balls for Jim to step up to the plate & put the club ahead of himself. Whilst Jim couldn't have achieved what he has without the people you speak of, would those people be doing the work they are without Jim putting them there to do that work? There is no way anyone else could have revolutionized this club to its current form the way Jim has. No other person would have had the ability to unite a club & get us all moving together in the one direction. No other person associated with the club had the vision, leadership & influence to right the sinking ship.

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I may not be as articulate as some posters on this thread but I cannot hold back any longer I have been a supporter of our Club for something like 70 yrs even following them when we played our home games at Punt Rd as the M C G was unavailable during the war years I am appalled by some suggestions that Jim be asked to resign. sacked or to take a pay cut. All this coming from supposed "supporters" of Club I would say that Jim has given his guts and more for our club and to treat him in such disrespect saddens me greatly. Now on Gary .I don`t care whether he was asked ,stuck his bib in or what but he came in our of need,as friends do,to help. Of course the proof of the pudding etc but I firmly believe we have a very good coaching panel led by Mark. As an interstater I love the training notes so keep up the good work boys. God bless Jim and his family

Well said V.O.D. I find the discussion distasteful & also disrespectful. Jim has IMO earned the right to make his own judgement on his tenure as president.

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At the risk of giving new legs to the deskgate saga...

In all of this praise for Jimmy, Schwab, Lyon et al for the professional re-structuring of the footy dept, I wonder what role the Andrews Report played in all this?

You know, the report Caroline Wilson insisted had been shelved, ignored and not acted upon?

Maybe because it took a lot longer and a lot more work to action all the recommended changes, especially while the season was ongoing.

$70K paper-weight anyone?

Or invaluable tool in restructuring the club to achieve ultimate success?

Time will tell.

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At the risk of giving new legs to the deskgate saga...

In all of this praise for Jimmy, Schwab, Lyon et al for the professional re-structuring of the footy dept, I wonder what role the Andrews Report played in all this?

You know, the report Caroline Wilson insisted had been shelved, ignored and not acted upon?

Maybe because it took a lot longer and a lot more work to action all the recommended changes, especially while the season was ongoing.

$70K paper-weight anyone?

Or invaluable tool in restructuring the club to achieve ultimate success?

Time will tell.

The AGM's coming up soon. Perhaps you or someone else will ask the question?
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Your entitled to your opinion TimD but I have to say I couldn't disagree with you more. Cast your memory back to June 2008 & this club was on its knees again. The AFL told us that the club stood for nothing, we were 5-6mil in dept & the likelihood of survival IMO was pretty slim. It took a lot of balls for Jim to step up to the plate & put the club ahead of himself. Whilst Jim couldn't have achieved what he has without the people you speak of, would those people be doing the work they are without Jim putting thedm there to do that work? There is no way anyone else could have revolutionized this club to its current form the way Jim has. No other person would have had the ability to unite a club & get us all moving together in the one direction. No other person associated with the club had the vision, leadership & influence to right the sinking ship.

Those who ask for Jimmy to stand down read above. IMO those who arent believers in Jimmy under estimate his abilities and show a very low moral fibre. Even business has a heart. All i see is a Pres who has shown remarkable insight to get a very astute football brain in Garry Lyon and talented Mr McLardy to step up as he had more important issues in the last 6 months. I see this as excellent leadership. Its very understandable that a man who is fighting for life to lean on 2 men he respects and trust. He asked these 2 men trusting they were up to the task.

I will also add its a legal grey area to sack an ill person. Especially when he has added value to the club getting astute ppl to take up responsibilities. Even Steve Jobs was given to his very near end to play a role in one of the biggest companies world wide. He chose when to walk away. If Apple can do it so can the MFC.

Sincere thanks Garry, Don, Jimmy Craig and the board for the changes you have made possible and have made over the last 3 years. We are at minimum on equal grounds with the AFL powerful clubs, or hopefully ahead. This is dependant on the the structural changes and personal recruited (on and off the field). No need to dream, start believing!

Special thanks to Jimmy

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I absolutely see where you are coming from timD, and don't begrudge you that opinion. I am interested to know if Jimmy is still earning a presidents salary, as I do not know, and I think that is the most important thing in all of this.

Sorry mate...all Board positions are voluntary positions. I can't take seriously the views of anyone whose opinions are based on the extraordinary misconception that Jim and Don and Co do what they do for money!!

That is a disgrace of a post. you should be ashamed even thinking that motives like that were behind any involvement Garry had.

I really am shocked with the negative posts towards Garry. Amazing.

So am I. Amazed , disappointed .... even ( as a Melbourne supporter) embarrassed!

I may not be as articulate as some posters on this thread but I cannot hold back any longer I have been a supporter of our Club for something like 70 yrs even following them when we played our home games at Punt Rd as the M C G was unavailable during the war years I am appalled by some suggestions that Jim be asked to resign. sacked or to take a pay cut. All this coming from supposed "supporters" of Club I would say that Jim has given his guts and more for our club and to treat him in such disrespect saddens me greatly. Now on Gary .I don`t care whether he was asked ,stuck his bib in or what but he came in our of need,as friends do,to help. ...... God bless Jim and his family

Well VOD - you might be Very Old - but you are also Very Wise : Well said!!

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It's a very touchy subject this one. I think we have to understand what the MFC is going through with Jimmy and his health is a bit out of the ordinary, I can't imagine there's a book with any set rules of how to handle this situation. We all love Jim and want to see healthy again and all appreciate what he's done for our club. Has his situation hindered the club in any way? Id say in some ways it probably has but does it outweigh the good he's done, not in a million years.

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I may not be as articulate as some posters on this thread but I cannot hold back any longer I have been a supporter of our Club for something like 70 yrs even following them when we played our home games at Punt Rd as the M C G was unavailable during the war years I am appalled by some suggestions that Jim be asked to resign. sacked or to take a pay cut. All this coming from supposed "supporters" of Club I would say that Jim has given his guts and more for our club and to treat him in such disrespect saddens me greatly. Now on Gary .I don`t care whether he was asked ,stuck his bib in or what but he came in our of need,as friends do,to help. Of course the proof of the pudding etc but I firmly believe we have a very good coaching panel led by Mark. As an interstater I love the training notes so keep up the good work boys. God bless Jim and his family

Totally agree

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Even Steve Jobs was given to his very near end to play a role in one of the biggest companies world wide. He chose when to walk away. If Apple can do it so can the MFC.

Very good point there demonsterative

Sorry mate...all Board positions are voluntary positions. I can't take seriously the views of anyone whose opinions are based on the extraordinary misconception that Jim and Don and Co do what they do for money!!

I apologise for offending you so much hoopla. In no way do I suggest that they do it for money, and I firmly believe they do not, but I admit I wasn't aware they don't get paid for the immense amount of work they put in. God forgive me. Doesn't men my opinions count less than yours or anyone elses mate. FWIW, if you care (and you should know this if you read all my posts), I am firmly in the camp that believes Jimmy should be in the day until he chooses to step down, and am quite horrified that there is even a discussion regarding him being asked to step down. I suggest that perhaps next time, before going off half-cocked, you actually take the time to read the posts properly and not attack someone for having essentially the same view that you seem to be supporting.

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Very good point there demonsterative

I apologise for offending you so much hoopla. In no way do I suggest that they do it for money, and I firmly believe they do not, but I admit I wasn't aware they don't get paid for the immense amount of work they put in. God forgive me. Doesn't men my opinions count less than yours or anyone elses mate. FWIW, if you care (and you should know this if you read all my posts), I am firmly in the camp that believes Jimmy should be in the day until he chooses to step down, and am quite horrified that there is even a discussion regarding him being asked to step down. I suggest that perhaps next time, before going off half-cocked, you actually take the time to read the posts properly and not attack someone for having essentially the same view that you seem to be supporting.

Well said kento...
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Guest lambtotheslaughter

Well done to the coot from Kyabram, My thirds team lost two grand finals to Ky in 70 - 71 and I thought that nothing good could ever come from that place except the road out. You are a champ Gaz. BUT only if we win more games than we lose and when we lose we don't capitulate

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It really does feel like a science v religion argument.

One side sees the other as lacking morality, while one side sees the other as irrational.

Ne'er the twain shall meet, since each side is basing their opinions on very different values.

I'm not sure that I completely accept this - for it implies that the "moral based" argument is less than fully "rational"

To me it is entirely rational to focus on the "positive" when considering the contribution of those who have a track record of quality service.

Some would argue that to seek to find fault with legends /heroes is less than helpful - if not destructive.

I apologise for offending you so much hoopla. In no way do I suggest that they do it for money, and I firmly believe they do not, but I admit I wasn't aware they don't get paid for the immense amount of work they put in. God forgive me. Doesn't men my opinions count less than yours or anyone elses mate. FWIW, if you care (and you should know this if you read all my posts), I am firmly in the camp that believes Jimmy should be in the day until he chooses to step down, and am quite horrified that there is even a discussion regarding him being asked to step down. I suggest that perhaps next time, before going off half-cocked, you actually take the time to read the posts properly and not attack someone for having essentially the same view that you seem to be supporting.

Well written Kento. I withdraw my comment completely. As you have said it was based on your first sentence taken out of context - and was therefore entirely inappropriate

The thrust of my post was my frustration at the negativism of others - not your little factual error. Your opinions are well worth reading ( quite apart from the fact that they seem to be the same as mine!!)

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Well written Kento. I withdraw my comment completely. As you have said it was based on your first sentence taken out of context - and was therefore entirely inappropriate

The thrust of my post was my frustration at the negativism of others - not your little factual error. Your opinions are well worth reading ( quite apart from the fact that they seem to be the same as mine!!)

Well thanks for the clarification hoopla :) I completely concur as to the frustration caused by negativity. I often wonder how "supporters" can find such negativity out of such positive occurrences. One can only hope that football comes back soon and saves us from the whirlpool of madness that is the preseason!

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