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The Tom Scully Saga © continues ...


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To ask the obvious... If he HAD / HAS signed on , then there in no impediment what so ever in announcing it...is there ?

I think this IS the point. If he wants to stay, he could clear this unwanted distraction up in an instant with an announcement. Simple fact is that if he has opted to go to GWS he can't announce anything until the end of the season because the league "rules" prohibit it - as seen recently with comments surrounding the Davis signing / non-signing fiasco. Moreover, if it proves to be true that a commitment was made at the end of last season as a result of the Silvagni offer, it speaks volumes about a lot of things :mad: ..

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I think this IS the point. If he wants to stay, he could clear this unwanted distraction up in an instant with an announcement. Simple fact is that if he has opted to go to GWS he can't announce anything until the end of the season because the league "rules" prohibit it - as seen recently with comments surrounding the Davis signing / non-signing fiasco. Moreover, if it proves to be true that a commitment was made at the end of last season as a result of the Silvagni offer, it speaks volumes about a lot of things :mad: ..

Surely a more salient point is the Melbourne Football club position

Does the club want him to stay ander any conditions?

What is his real value?

It is up to the club to decide the value and potential long term contribution of T S not Tom nor his management nor the varoius hacks,commenattors and fellow travellers who seem to have a view

The important thing in all of this is the club and its future nothing else matters

Having observed the MFC management skills over many years my concern is they will make a poor choice in strategic terms.Any way at some pointin the next 4 weeks we will all be put out of our misery and we can move on t more important matters. I have said it before- Tom Scully is not more important than the footy club!

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Anger toward TS is understandable - yet pretty immature (disappointment is probably a more reasonable emotion)

Yet it is absolutely ridiculous to 1. Call scully soft. 2. Seriously doubt his footballing abilities

One of the harder second year players I think I've seen, esp at his size...and clearly will be a very good player.

It's fine to debate how good, or how much he's worth. But it is plain stupid to pretend the guy is the second coming of Brent Grigic.

Also, enough of the revisionist history on his better games last year - he's good, he'll be a loss if we do lose him, there's a small chance two comp picks might end up better for us, but come on - if they're at the end of round 1 they aren't exactly locks anyway

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What Melbourne should be focussing on is paying our other "out of contract" players what they deserve rather than trying to impress Scully. If Melbourne pay Scully more than anyone at the club, just to keep him, this will send the wrong messages through the playing group.

Pay Sylvia what he wants and if Scully doesn't want to stay then show him the door and help him pack his bags!

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What Melbourne should be focussing on is paying our other "out of contract" players what they deserve rather than trying to impress Scully. If Melbourne pay Scully more than anyone at the club, just to keep him, this will send the wrong messages through the playing group.

Pay Sylvia what he wants and if Scully doesn't want to stay then show him the door and help him pack his bags!

So don't appease Tom's demands - appease Colin's demands?

I don't think that is a very strategic approach...

Theo Epstein is the man in the front office of the Boston Red Sox - he knows a player's worth to his organisation - he is ruthless and single minded.

He gets the list of players, determines their worth, and then tries to sign those he wants within the parameters of their worth.

This is how Harrington and Schwab will do it and we should expect nothing less.

Tom and Colin will be offered contracts commensurate to their worth.

And if they are not appeased...

Hasta luego, por favor.

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Maybe I'm old fashioned but I revere players who put the Melbourne footy club's interests ahead of their own.

The "romantic" in me likes that notion too RR, as being a child of the early 50's, I grew up in the era of club loyalty and non-professional footballers; but the realist in me understands that the AFL has ensured that loyalty is a thing of the past unless a club is fortunate enough to retain a player long enough for that flame to ignite. My gut feeling is still that TS will stay, but if he doesn't, then I understand his reasons perfectly and will feel no malice toward him... just toward the system that allowed this situation to occur.

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Guest dieharderdee

I dont know how you guys show loyalty is a thing of the past, trengove prove most people wrong on this

Edited by dieharderdee
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What Melbourne should be focussing on is paying our other "out of contract" players what they deserve rather than trying to impress Scully. If Melbourne pay Scully more than anyone at the club, just to keep him, this will send the wrong messages through the playing group.

Pay Sylvia what he wants and if Scully doesn't want to stay then show him the door and help him pack his bags!

This is the common attitude from posters on this topic that makes me have to decide if I should pi$$ myself laughing, or burst in to tears.

Can anyone honestly, hand on heart, mother's grave, etc, say that they know what Melbourne is doing in terms of contracts for Scully as well as the other players, and know that it is an incorrect thing to be doing? What are we doing to try to impress Scully? Will Scully be the highest paid player at the Club if he is to stay?

I know the smart posters on here will abuse me for bring logic/reality in to this thread, and the rest will say that I'm keeping my head in the sand.

IF he goes, I'll be happy to say that I was hoping the Club did everything they could (within reason) and it just wasn't enough. IF he stays, well, those that doubted him should be...I'm buggered if I know, but it will make sick when they comment on his great seasons at the Club.

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This is the common attitude from posters on this topic that makes me have to decide if I should pi$$ myself laughing, or burst in to tears.

Can anyone honestly, hand on heart, mother's grave, etc, say that they know what Melbourne is doing in terms of contracts for Scully as well as the other players, and know that it is an incorrect thing to be doing? What are we doing to try to impress Scully? Will Scully be the highest paid player at the Club if he is to stay?

I know the smart posters on here will abuse me for bring logic/reality in to this thread, and the rest will say that I'm keeping my head in the sand.

IF he goes, I'll be happy to say that I was hoping the Club did everything they could (within reason) and it just wasn't enough. IF he stays, well, those that doubted him should be...I'm buggered if I know, but it will make sick when they comment on his great seasons at the Club.

So very well said billy. I will applaud your logic, not abuse you for it. Put your armour on though, others here are not so accommodating.

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So very well said billy. I will applaud your logic, not abuse you for it. Put your armour on though, others here are not so accommodating.

I'm prepared Kento!

I'll even go one step further...

All in here are jumping up and down wanting The Ox, Sheehan, etc, to name their sources, well, I'll throw it back to the posters in here who say he is going. Name your source. If you don't - you are as weak as pi$$, just like the rest. Will you get your rocks off if he does go, becuase you will sit back and give us minority the "I told you so"? Reality is you have no idea.

I have no idea if he is staying or going, but the only source I have that said he hasn't signed is Scully himself. Things may have changed since his presser, but as he hasn't come out and stated otherwise, I'm going to back the kid.

So, unless you have seen a signed contract, I'd suggest you STFU.

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I'm prepared Kento!

I'll even go one step further...

All in here are jumping up and down wanting The Ox, Sheehan, etc, to name their sources, well, I'll throw it back to the posters in here who say he is going. Name your source. If you don't - you are as weak as pi$$, just like the rest. Will you get your rocks off if he does go, becuase you will sit back and give us minority the "I told you so"? Reality is you have no idea.

I have no idea if he is staying or going, but the only source I have that said he hasn't signed is Scully himself. Things may have changed since his presser, but as he hasn't come out and stated otherwise, I'm going to back the kid.

So, unless you have seen a signed contract, I'd suggest you STFU.

Wow, prepare for war. Wish I didn't have to go to work soon, I'd like to see the fireworks from this one :lol: Needless to say, I still agree with everything you say mate.

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I'm prepared Kento!

I'll even go one step further...

All in here are jumping up and down wanting The Ox, Sheehan, etc, to name their sources, well, I'll throw it back to the posters in here who say he is going. Name your source. If you don't - you are as weak as pi$, just like the rest. Will you get your rocks off if he does go, becuase you will sit back and give us minority the "I told you so"? Reality is you have no idea.

I have no idea if he is staying or going, but the only source I have that said he hasn't signed is Scully himself. Things may have changed since his presser, but as he hasn't come out and stated otherwise, I'm going to back the kid.

So, unless you have seen a signed contract, I'd suggest you STFU.

i'll take your stfu and raise you a go and get..

What many here are suggesting is that there is no logical impediment to signing with melb, if indeed the ideal is to stay with melb.

What ...hes waiting to know the offer s?..Thats a furphy.

Hes waiting to see the result of the fall out form the Bailey saga ? well .. Is Sculy in charge of coaching all of a sudden ? If so cant wait for the benefit of all his time in the box. . If not..then again. Hes not wagging the dog I would presume so why is he any different to the Likes of Trengove, Tappscott, Gawn.to name but recent and such as Watts and others who have faith that th eclub wil lprovide and maybe its their job to just get on with it.

Everyone throws up...well he said !! What hasnt bloody changed since then ??And who is he ?

Someone who can decide in 5 mins flat apparently..?? I dont think so. He far more a thinker and calculator regarding how he goes about things, I'll give him that. Hes no bunny...not for a moment.

Weve been over this time and time again. It only makes sense...as opposed to romantic hogwash that hes waiting til seasons end to announce he'll be on his way. The only real interest is in the back story as to what really went on. Who was complicit... and who beneffits and how.

Occam's Razor id suggest

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i'll take your stfu and raise you a go and get..

What many here are suggesting is that there is no logical impediment to signing with melb, if indeed the ideal is to stay with melb.

What ...hes waiting to know the offer s?..Thats a furphy.

Hes waiting to see the result of the fall out form the Bailey saga ? well .. Is Sculy in charge of coaching all of a sudden ? If so cant wait for the benefit of all his time in the box. . If not..then again. Hes not wagging the dog I would presume so why is he any different to the Likes of Trengove, Tappscott, Gawn.to name but recent and such as Watts and others who have faith that th eclub wil lprovide and maybe its their job to just get on with it.

Everyone throws up...well he said !! What hasnt bloody changed since then ??And who is he ?

Someone who can decide in 5 mins flat apparently..?? I dont think so. He far more a thinker and calculator regarding how he goes about things, I'll give him that. Hes no bunny...not for a moment.

Weve been over this time and time again. It only makes sense...as opposed to romantic hogwash that hes waiting til seasons end to announce he'll be on his way. The only real interest is in the back story as to what really went on. Who was complicit... and who beneffits and how.

Occam's Razor id suggest

You must be a very intelligent man B59, because I'd like to think that I'm fairly switched on, and that post has made absolutely no sense to me.

Perhaps the minority that have a similar opinion to me could try and crack B59's code for me, if they are able.


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Hes not wagging the dog I would presume so why is he any different to the Likes of Trengove, Tappscott, Gawn.to name but recent and such as Watts and others who have faith that th eclub wil lprovide and maybe its their job to just get on with it.

Edit required - Watts did not renew his contract until the season had concluded. (news release 14th September 2010)

Edited by nutbean
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The end of season can't come quick enough. Gee, if we do make finals (unlikely I know), will people be disapointed that we have to wait a bit longer for a decision (or announcement, depending on your belief).

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The end of season can't come quick enough. Gee, if we do make finals (unlikely I know), will people be disapointed that we have to wait a bit longer for a decision (or announcement, depending on your belief).

It will depend on what season Scully is going wait until the end of. The doubters will expect it to be the end of the Melbourne season, while the hopefuls will be happy to wait until the end of the AFL season (after the Grand Final).

September is going to be the silly season in this place!

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This is the common attitude from posters on this topic that makes me have to decide if I should pi$$ myself laughing, or burst in to tears.

Can anyone honestly, hand on heart, mother's grave, etc, say that they know what Melbourne is doing in terms of contracts for Scully as well as the other players, and know that it is an incorrect thing to be doing? What are we doing to try to impress Scully? Will Scully be the highest paid player at the Club if he is to stay?

I know the smart posters on here will abuse me for bring logic/reality in to this thread, and the rest will say that I'm keeping my head in the sand.

IF he goes, I'll be happy to say that I was hoping the Club did everything they could (within reason) and it just wasn't enough. IF he stays, well, those that doubted him should be...I'm buggered if I know, but it will make sick when they comment on his great seasons at the Club.

The only difference is that the amount Sylvia is "apparently" after is a much more realisic figure than what Scully is likely to achieve. In my opinion the best player in every club should be the highest paid and Tom Scully is not even close at the moment. You could urgue that Syvlia isn't either but atleast he is close.

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It will depend on what season Scully is going wait until the end of. The doubters will expect it to be the end of the Melbourne season, while the hopefuls will be happy to wait until the end of the AFL season (after the Grand Final).

September is going to be the silly season in this place!

As distinct from March, April, May, June, July and August??? :lol:

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I think Sylvia and a few other players were not happy with performance based contracts. Before people say they should have to earn it with how they play the issue is more so if the players is injured they won't be able to factor in the perfomance based aspects. This becomes an issue when you want players to attack the ball and go back with the flight and sacrifice there body. To me the Sylvia and Scully situations are different. I see it as Sylvia wants to stay but wants to sort out his contract whereas scully is considering other offers.

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The only difference is that the amount Sylvia is "apparently" after is a much more realisic figure than what Scully is likely to achieve. In my opinion the best player in every club should be the highest paid and Tom Scully is not even close at the moment. You could urgue that Syvlia isn't either but atleast he is close.

But you, me and everyone else on here have no idea what either player is being offered by the MFC. The contract for both players may have performance-based bonuses that, if achieved, could well see either be the highest player at the Club. But I'm sorry DBJ, it's all a complete guess.

Sure, read what the papers write, but all I ask is that you have a bit more faith in mine and your Club and it's people, rather than what a newspaper prints.

It's like this fundraiser we had the other week, and how people assume it was a "save Scully" attempt. Who knows what it was for. Perhaps it was to give Malthouse a juicy contract. But I highly doubt that the $800k raised is all going in Scull's contract. But again, WHO KNOW'S???!!!

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