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Garry Lyon says weak, cancerous types have to go


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Any of you guys hear this on Triple M this morning?

I thought Garry spoke brilliantly and made some fantastic points.

With Garry at the club, I reckon there is hope because he is a real pragmatist and that's exactly what we need right now.

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Agree. Extremely well spoken and said. I just wish one of our leaders (Green :rolleyes:) had of said something similar at half time. Like ... "Boys, if you don't step up to the plate and give me and this club everything you got ..... then it's me and all of you tomorrow in the ring! I'll be challenging and taking on on anyone who i see shirking a contest or not giving there all out there for this second half!". I realise this sort of stuff is pre-historic and frowned upon in today's game, but we sure needed someone to do something drastic that's for sure.

Having said that, i think Gary involving himself finally is at least something positive in the short term. But that's all it is apparently as he's only saying he'll commit up to the start of next season, no further. My worry would be who fills his shoes/role, whatever that might be, afterwards.

Personally i think Gary needs to commit for a longer term if we're to sort out the 'culture' problem within this club and set it on the right track for decades to come.

It's that big a task. A 6 month stint (or thereabouts) just wont cut it IMO.

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Agree. Extremely well spoken and said. I just wish one of our leaders (Green :rolleyes:) had of said something similar at half time. Like ... "Boys, if you don't step up to the plate and give me and this club everything you got ..... then it's me and all of you tomorrow in the ring! I'll be challenging and taking on on anyone who i see shirking a contest or not giving there all out there for this second half!". I realise this sort of stuff is pre-historic and frowned upon in today's game, but we sure needed someone to do something drastic that's for sure.

You realise Green had 1 possession until half time don't you ?!

If Green had said this, there would have been a mutiny at Skilled with the youth leading the charge.

I doubt he'd climb in the ring in any case. I don't think he's been to Beamer's Boot Camp at the 'Bool.

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Agree. Extremely well spoken and said. I just wish one of our leaders (Green :rolleyes:) had of said something similar at half time. Like ... "Boys, if you don't step up to the plate and give me and this club everything you got ..... then it's me and all of you tomorrow in the ring! I'll be challenging and taking on on anyone who i see shirking a contest or not giving there all out there for this second half!". I realise this sort of stuff is pre-historic and frowned upon in today's game, but we sure needed someone to do something drastic that's for sure.

Having said that, i think Gary involving himself finally is at least something positive in the short term. But that's all it is apparently as he's only saying he'll commit up to the start of next season, no further. My worry would be who fills his shoes/role, whatever that might be, afterwards.

Personally i think Gary needs to commit for a longer term if we're to sort out the 'culture' problem within this club and set it on the right track for decades to come.

It's that big a task. A 6 month stint (or thereabouts) just wont cut it IMO.

We can only hope that in the short time he is there, he undergoes a severe change of heart, or someone gets in his ear and make it clear to him that the time is now for him to help his club..... long term, not just for a few months.

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Agree. Extremely well spoken and said. I just wish one of our leaders (Green :rolleyes:) had of said something similar at half time. Like ... "Boys, if you don't step up to the plate and give me and this club everything you got ..... then it's me and all of you tomorrow in the ring! I'll be challenging and taking on on anyone who i see shirking a contest or not giving there all out there for this second half!". I realise this sort of stuff is pre-historic and frowned upon in today's game, but we sure needed someone to do something drastic that's for sure.

Having said that, i think Gary involving himself finally is at least something positive in the short term. But that's all it is apparently as he's only saying he'll commit up to the start of next season, no further. My worry would be who fills his shoes/role, whatever that might be, afterwards.

Personally i think Gary needs to commit for a longer term if we're to sort out the 'culture' problem within this club and set it on the right track for decades to come.

It's that big a task. A 6 month stint (or thereabouts) just wont cut it IMO.

Let's worry about 6 months in a few months time...Just let Garry help out Jim for now.

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Poor choice of words from Gary.

What? Because he used the word Cancer??? Are you for real??

We have major problems at the club and if we do not get rid of the ASAP it (the problems) will go through the club like a bloody disease (if they havnt already)!!

Garry would have meant anything else about it and Jimmy wouldnt have taken it that way.

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You realise Green had 1 possession until half time don't you ?!

If Green had said this, there would have been a mutiny at Skilled with the youth leading the charge.

I doubt he'd climb in the ring in any case. I don't think he's been to Beamer's Boot Camp at the 'Bool.

Now your talkin' sense HT. I new you had it in Ya! Seeing is believing. Tasting is the proof of the Pudding!

Lets see what Gary's got. Lets see if he's a 'footy person', or another Politician???

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You realise Green had 1 possession until half time don't you ?!

If Green had said this, there would have been a mutiny at Skilled with the youth leading the charge.

I doubt he'd climb in the ring in any case. I don't think he's been to Beamer's Boot Camp at the 'Bool.


No argument here mate. Hence the rolling eyes next to Green's name in brackets. It was meant to be cynical even if i didn't convey it properly. I honesty couldn't see him doing anything like this either. I was saying this more in a wishful way. Most other clubs wouldn't put up with this crap on the field and leaders would stick there hand up at half time and do what they're supposed to do during the second half to at least stick their fingers in a few holes in the dyke! No rude comments please peeps!!! :blink:

There's always clubs at the bottom who may be void of key leaders as they're rebuilding. But i just figured we were better than a 'complete capitulation' for 4 whole quarters at this point in our development, regardless of the zany off field dramas.

I was more thinkiing of Beamer re standing up. But as he was apparently out for the count with the flu and with 0 possessions to half time then taken off never to be seen for the remainder of the game, this left a gaping black hole of leadership on the field.

I just hope that it truly was the flu that kept him to zero possessions and not some other crazy plan or shinanigans amongst the leadership group, including himself. I guess we'll never know.

It was left to a maturing young man in Watts along with a few supposed has beens like Bate and Dunny to fly the flag a little, albeit only for a few minutes from what i've gathered.

I don't have Foxtel and was working on the day, so i've only seen about 2 minutes of lowlights so far. But i heard every excruciating moment unfold on SEN's call. Although i did see the end of Bailey's run the week before against the Hawks (the straw that broke the camel's back for me), i still never expected such a black day and what i was hearing as it unfolded.

What a sad day for our club. The blackest that i've experienced in my 40 years of following them.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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We can only hope that in the short time he is there, he undergoes a severe change of heart, or someone gets in his ear and make it clear to him that the time is now for him to help his club..... long term, not just for a few months.

I think once he's in there, he'll find it a little hard to just turn the tap off and turn the other cheek. His other commitments sound pretty full on though.

Only time will tell

At least Gary calls a spade a spade so hopefully we'll start to get some straight talking/feedback from him once he's had a chance to rattle the cage a little.

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I cant wait ( well to happen ) for Todd and Garry to get all our littel darlings in a room....and explain a few facts of life or facts as they will now be for those wearing Red and Blue. Ought to be a an awakening for some...and a little intimidating for others, we can only hope !!! ;)

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Let's worry about 6 months in a few months time...Just let Garry help out Jim for now.

True true. Guess i'm being selfish eh. We don't know where he's at health wise. I just wonder if he really wants to step aside though. He might enjoy the cut and thrust a little (without last weekends turmoil of course....who would). But i recall him saying its something he enjoys and its given him something to get up for in the morning.

The weekend and subsequent turmoil aside, It may even be to his detriment to remove him from this role at this point. Either way we need to respect his wishes.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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I cant wait ( well to happen ) for Todd and Garry to get all our littel darlings in a room....and explain a few facts of life or facts as they will now be for those wearing Red and Blue. Ought to be a an awakening for some...and a little intimidating for others, we can only hope !!! ;)

Todd, Garry and someone from the outside who knows the inner workings of a successful football club. In addition to getting an A grade coach, we need a manager or someone who was deeply involved in a recently very successful club, to come and do a full review of how this club operates/communicates and co-ordinates things from the top executive down do the FD and boot strappers and fix anything that needs fixing, budgets allowing of course.

Although some are saying we've already done this and swept it under the carpet? If so, Garry et al need to revisit this review pronto. A review of the review as such.

Again, I would ask for an experienced football manager/administrator from a successful club (even on contract) to review it and seek advice on its worth. Combine parts of the two reviews (if the earlier review has any merit) into a final manifesto. Then move on it quick smart and push through the changes if required.

However, both the Senior Coach and Executive need to sign off on it and anoint it, so that they are both in full agreement on the direction we are taking over a given period. No baulking or turning back once it's agreed to! Everyone pulling in the same direction for as long as contracts are binding! If this includes the CEO staying the hell out of the FD's day to day operations or maybe it does involve him, then so be it. However, clear lines need to be drawn in such matters! Assuming there is some truth to the CEO/player rift, we need to ensure this never takes place again. Glass walls if required.

No more melt downs on or off the field thanks.

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Poor choice of words from Gary.

Shall he take the approach always taken by the club, and be unclear, untruthful? Because we've been the pinnacle of success.

Weak types must go. Including those in positions that don't contribute that should, and that is not in reference to players.

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In the words of the immortal Gordon Lightfoot...."black day in July "

That's all I can think of to contribute after this last couple of weeks

Sorry Ravi

Ps can't wait to get to get to the G satdy

Edited by ravi shanker
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I cant wait ( well to happen ) for Todd and Garry to get all our littel darlings in a room....and explain a few facts of life or facts as they will now be for those wearing Red and Blue. Ought to be a an awakening for some...and a little intimidating for others, we can only hope !!! ;)

Maybe that will happen, but Lyon's comments didn't seem to reference the people who wear the red and blue out on the field:

“If there are issues at a footy club, I don’t care whether they’re with the CEO, the boot-studder and the bloke who hands the jumpers out, you get in the room, you look each other in the eye and you have the balls and the guts to put your issues on the table,” Lyon told Triple M’s Hot Breakfast.

“And if it takes three days to punch on and thrash them out and get a resolution , that’s what needs to be done.”

“And if you can’t come to the resolution, someone goes because to have weak types within a footy club who look you in the eye and say one thing, walk out the door, gravitate to other people of a similar mindset and start potting and undermining again, you’re never going to be any good.”

As an aside, I agree with his approach.

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Guest hangon007

Magnificent ... at last. Sounds like EVERYBODY is on notice. He will thrash it out.

No way was he just referring to just the players. Time to get rid of the weak that are not prepared to stand and fight, who are not prepared to do what it takes.

We are all in this boat together.

See you Saturday boys I will be there.

Go Dees.

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I just turned for Garry.....and I am not talking about vampires! He obviously knows what is going on behind closed doors, so it should be interesting to see the fallout over the upcoming weeks/months.

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The fact that the club is turning to Lyon to sort out the mess just shows how in the [censored] we are. How about the much needed talk of bringing "Premiership" people to the club. The head of our Football Operations coached Fremantle and besides obvious passion for the club he appears to bring little to the table. He doesn't even have the good grace to appear at the coaches final press conference. We appoint Viney as an interim coach ahead of all our assistant coaches. If none of them are capable of coaching for 5 weeks of what assistance were they to Bailey? Our President is a man of great integrity and courage and those he bought into the club to run the FD have let him down massively. We need to look outside the club at those who have succeeded elsewhere.

It really feels like the last throw of the dice, oh, hang on we already rolled that didn't we.

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Magnificent ... at last. Sounds like EVERYBODY is on notice. He will thrash it out.

No way was he just referring to just the players. Time to get rid of the weak that are not prepared to stand and fight, who are not prepared to do what it takes.

We are all in this boat together.

See you Saturday boys I will be there.

Go Dees.

Good to hear Chimp see you there!! Go the DEES!

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Guest hangon007

Good to hear Chimp see you there!! Go the DEES!

No problems I will be the one in the gorilla suit ... cant wait to stick my bananas up a few blues ... you know whats.

Go Dees

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So, after making a myestrious phone call to set Jim straight, after Bailey has been dismissed ans Schwab offered a last minute one year extention, Garry is going to "thrash out" the issues with his mates (i.e. the most significant figures left at the club) in the hopes of finding a "resolution."

And why is he qualified to do this exactly? Beacause he use to play for us? Because he is on the telly? Beacause he is friends with all of them?

It is sure as hell not because he intends to stick it out and see things through.

This is a farce. Worst of all, there may be no better realistic option.

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