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"We didn't show care" - Rivers


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I was a huge fan of Bailey, but it's really hard to see how Bailey can come back from this...As for the playing group, DROP THE LOT THIS WEEK! mate, even i could have put in a better performance than yesterday embarassing effort. I might even head down to training and see if i can get a game, surely i could if that's the type of crap the MFC except....

Time to watch movies again, the seasons over....

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1. winning no more than 4 games per year in 2008-09

2. Getting games into kids...which is still occurring, means any gameday strategy is always going to be compromised.

I am not saying for a minute that Bailey is blameless, but he should not be automatically sacked for this.....the problems are deeper.

Richmond sack coaches because the fans and media demand it, and look where it has got them....

How about every time we have had an opportunity to stand up this year?

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B-e-c-a-u-s-e t-h-e-y l-o-s-t b-y 31 g-o-a-l-s. :wacko:

You are classic WYL. What would you expect players to say to the media when asked. Duh.

But that is not the questioned i asked..I know very well we lost by 31 goals

i want to know why our captain can have one disposal till half time, but the coach gets the sack...

It goes deeper than just sacking the coach Rhino.

If Jared Rivers does not respect Dean Bailey then he should be ashamed of those words

Edited by why you little
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The players need to do what they are paid for. Just shut up and play the game.

The captain should shut up. One disposal to half time is an embarrassment. Stripped of captaincy come seasons end.

Rivers should shut up. Was he not having a smile/laugh with Cats players after the game. Out of leadership group come season's end.

Davey, sure he wasn't apart of the game, but he has shown this year that he is not up to being a VC.

Moloney - no touches to half time. Words cannot describe how shocked i am. If he was subbed off at 1/2 time because of his doughnuts, then i must applaud the coaches for such a move (the only thing they did right all day). Moloney would be hurting more after yesterday, than when he was stripped of the VC. But his position in the leadership group must be looked at also.

No one can be overlooked from yesterday's trainwreck. I woke this morning, not like it was a bad dream, but being hit hard by reality. It hurts more today than it did yesterday and it will worsen until changes are made. That way at least we are going in a direction away from yesterday.

Every off-field position is being looked at. And too bloody right. the CEO, coaches, FD, even the board needs to come under review. Dare i say it, even our fearless leader's position must be talked about. Not saying that Jim should go. Absolutely not, he is the only positive i have about the club at the moment. But after yesterday, everyone involved at the club from the president down to the boot-studder must be held responsible.

As for the players, it is so clear that they didn't try 100% (probably less than 50%). It is simply inexcusable. Rumour of them sending a message the board of their discontent with the admin, be it subconscious or otherwise, is staggering. I will not believe it. But if it were to have happened, I consider it treason of the highest order.

The members, a record number of 37,000 must be informed of every little thing from the club. Full disclosure, as without us, this club would not exist. For too long has this club kept it's life-force in the dark. No more. No more. This club belongs to its members. Players come players go, so too coaches and CEO's and Presidents. The only constant is its members. The respect, love and adoration of the MFC held by us members will always be greater than any one other person as far as i'm concerned.

Yesterday, the players disrespected anyone and anything involved with the club. Such an abysmal display should never been forgiven or forgotten. Members will do the talking, it's time for this club to do the walking, something that hasn't happened in a very long time.


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How about every time we have had an opportunity to stand up this year?

That is what we need to find out Choko....you and me both, which is exactly why i do not want Anyone sacked until it ALL comes out.

In the past we have just sacked, got a new Band Aid and carried on.....this time it has got to be sorted or else the Club will DIE.

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The players need to do what they are paid for. Just shut up and play the game.

The captain should shut up. One disposal to half time is an embarrassment. Stripped of captaincy come seasons end.

Rivers should shut up. Was he not having a smile/laugh with Cats players after the game. Out of leadership group come season's end.

Davey, sure he wasn't apart of the game, but he has shown this year that he is not up to being a VC.

Moloney - no touches to half time. Words cannot describe how shocked i am. If he was subbed off at 1/2 time because of his doughnuts, then i must applaud the coaches for such a move (the only thing they did right all day). Moloney would be hurting more after yesterday, than when he was stripped of the VC. But his position in the leadership group must be looked at also.

No one can be overlooked from yesterday's trainwreck. I woke this morning, not like it was a bad dream, but being hit hard by reality. It hurts more today than it did yesterday and it will worsen until changes are made. That way at least we are going in a direction away from yesterday.

Every off-field position is being looked at. And too bloody right. the CEO, coaches, FD, even the board needs to come under review. Dare i say it, even our fearless leader's position must be talked about. Not saying that Jim should go. Absolutely not, he is the only positive i have about the club at the moment. But after yesterday, everyone involved at the club from the president down to the boot-studder must be held responsible.

As for the players, it is so clear that they didn't try 100% (probably less than 50%). It is simply inexcusable. Rumour of them sending a message the board of their discontent with the admin, be it subconscious or otherwise, is staggering. I will not believe it. But if it were to have happened, I consider it treason of the highest order.

The members, a record number of 37,000 must be informed of every little thing from the club. Full disclosure, as without us, this club would not exist. For too long has this club kept it's life-force in the dark. No more. No more. This club belongs to its members. Players come players go, so too coaches and CEO's and Presidents. The only constant is its members. The respect, love and adoration of the MFC held by us members will always be greater than any one other person as far as i'm concerned.

Yesterday, the players disrespected anyone and anything involved with the club. Such an abysmal display should never been forgiven or forgotten. Members will do the talking, it's time for this club to do the walking, something that hasn't happened in a very long time.

Very well said.

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With respect WYL, I think you have totally lost it - 'can't see the forest for the trees' comes to mind!

All coaches work under constraints. The coach has control over all players including the captain (and I was at the game - the captain's role was not an easy one, nor was any other player's role!).

There may be other MFC internal issues, but don't deny the obvious - Bailey's tactics and approach are laughable (if it wasn't a serious matter).

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But that is not the questioned i asked..I know very well we lost by 31 goals

i want to know why our captain can have one disposal till half time, but the coach gets the sack...

It goes deeper than just sacking the coach Rhino.

If Jared Rivers does not respect Dean Bailey then he should be ashamed of those words

Dont start changing you tack. You didn't ask about the Captain having one disposal. You asked this "Why does Bailey not have the players, when they all back him when asked?"

The coach should go. The captain and the leadership group should all go.

Why do you struggle with that?

If it goes deeper than the coach why is the coach let off?

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Dont start changing you tack. You didn't ask about the Captain having one disposal. You asked this "Why does Bailey not have the players, when they all back him when asked?"

The coach should go. The captain and the leadership group should all go.

Why do you struggle with that?

If it goes deeper than the coach why is the coach let off?

And yet, it appears that the CEO will get the chop.

I am a bit either way on Schwab, probably more on the side of retaining. I still have absolute faith in Jim's decision making (assuming he is capable of making lucid decisions ATM). Whilst I respect the volunteerism of McLardy and the fact he stood up under adversity, he is a good Vice, not a great president, so I really I hope the right people are making the right decisions at the right time.

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Dont start changing you tack. You didn't ask about the Captain having one disposal. You asked this "Why does Bailey not have the players, when they all back him when asked?"

The coach should go. The captain and the leadership group should all go.

Why do you struggle with that?

If it goes deeper than the coach why is the coach let off?

I am not struggling with anything. You are right, the coach will go, because the majority will call for it.

What i am saying is i think Bails is a good man, who is not a "Soft" coach...i don't think our playing group wish to work hard enough as a unit.

Bailey will go, and we will lose a good man...The players will still be on the list.

All i hope that happens is that the club right down the line finds out where the Deep Rooted problem is, because sacking Bailey will not sort it out.

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It goes deeper than the coach......

Maybe so, but aren't we all so clever now? A big on-field loss loss, and all of a sudden it's our management. Yet when it was patently obvious there were issues last week, and Green have up the ghost on On the Couch, we are jumping at shadows.

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With respect WYL, I think you have totally lost it - 'can't see the forest for the trees' comes to mind!

All coaches work under constraints. The coach has control over all players including the captain (and I was at the game - the captain's role was not an easy one, nor was any other player's role!).

There may be other MFC internal issues, but don't deny the obvious - Bailey's tactics and approach are laughable (if it wasn't a serious matter).

I agree with what you are saying...But i don't think this is all about Bailey...and if he is the one to get the chop the club is still in denial.

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What do the members want?

Maybe different to what I want.

Do we have a democracy or a dictatorship. I am happy with a dictatorship if the leader is stynes. He is one man who can't be faulted.

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Why does Bailey not have the players, when they all back him when asked??? Find that out before anyone is sacked.

Something must have occurred during the week to trigger yesterday's melt down other than the year's roller coaster/fatigue/Bailey not "having the players' respect etc.

However, word outside the club (from a reliable source....yep, bet you've heard that before lol) has it that the players STILL haven't been able to forgive Bailes for dumping J Mac a year or so too early and sending him packing against the wishes of most within the club.

This doesn't excuse yesterday's deebacle, and if it has any truth to it at all, then it probably speaks more of the senior playing group than it does of Bailes.

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Something must have occurred during the week to trigger yesterday's melt down other than the year's roller coaster/fatigue/Bailey not "having the players' respect etc.

However, word outside the club (from a reliable source....yep, bet you've heard that before lol) has it that the players STILL haven't been able to forgive Bailes for dumping J Mac a year or so too early and sending him packing against the wishes of most within the club.

This doesn't excuse yesterday's deebacle, and if it has any truth to it at all, then it probably speaks more of the senior playing group than it does of Bailes.

That's true re McD.

I can only say that, when leadership (coach, Board, etc...) preach unflinching commitment, then shaft the most devoted, selfless captain up the rear end, there will be fallout.

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An important point is being missed. Every AFL club has contractual obligations for the coach and one player to provide media interviews after each and every game - no exceptions. Does anyone seriously think that Bailey or Rivers wanted to stand in front of the media? It takes incredible character to stand there in front of reporters and repsond to prepared questions that you don't get to see before hand, and then have every answer dissected and analysed, then edited for TV. What does need to be addressed is some of the pathetic "company line" answers that our players have been taught to say. Green and co look like deer in headlights.

So many Demonlanders have written "words are cheap". Have a brief look at history and you will discover that words are essential and powerful. The problem is, someone from the club has to say something. Jimmy, Schwab and Connolly now realise that the inner conflict that they all thought was being managed behind closed doors now becomes the focus of the media attention. One of these three or even McLardy need to turn their focus from those internal matters and talk about the loss to the media. So far, it has been non-club people like Lyon and Schwartz speaking out. How about one of our club leaders stop trying to hide the inner conflict, show the same courage that Bailey and Rivers showed, fronting the media, and letting us know that they are as humilated, embarrassed, angry and betrayed as the rest of us?

The inner conflict needs addressing, but having no-one from the club speaking publicly at this point about our loss is a blight on our club. Can you imagine Eddie or Kennett after a 186 point loss? They have left Bailey and Rivers to speak to the media and have hidden in the background. Not good enough.


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I am not struggling with anything. You are right, the coach will go, because the majority will call for it.

All i hope that happens is that the club right down the line finds out where the Deep Rooted problem is, because sacking Bailey will not sort it out.

No you are struggling. Bailey will go if the Board determines him to go. Period. Like I said Bailey will not be only scapegoat.

Maybe so, but aren't we all so clever now? A big on-field loss loss, and all of a sudden it's our management. Yet when it was patently obvious there were issues last week, and Green have up the ghost on On the Couch, we are jumping at shadows.

You picked a 31 goal flooging from the body language. Bravo.

You were jumping at shadows at OTC.

If you really want to be clever you need to back play when Stynes took "control" of the football dept eight weeks and who was going to be impacted by this. It stems beyond the big loss.

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However, word outside the club (from a reliable source....yep, bet you've heard that before lol) has it that the players STILL haven't been able to forgive Bailes for dumping J Mac a year or so too early and sending him packing against the wishes of most within the club.

This doesn't excuse yesterday's deebacle, and if it has any truth to it at all, then it probably speaks more of the senior playing group than it does of Bailes.

To be honest I think that is a perfectly rational and fair reaction. I'm by no means saying it should be used as justification for their performance, but they have every right to be outraged. It was an unspeakably ill thought out move.

How much thought was given to potential ramifications of forcing your club's captain, a peerless servant to this club, into early retirement? Not least of which, what message does it send to the rest of the playing group? I'm still absolutely fuming over it.

Forget all the tanking rubbish. The J Mac incident will sully the club's name for years to come, and it is going to take one hell of a leader in both coach and captain, which we clearly don't have right now, to get us moving past it and forward once more.

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What do the members want?

Maybe different to what I want.

Do we have a democracy or a dictatorship. I am happy with a dictatorship if the leader is stynes. He is one man who can't be faulted.

The members want a Premiership!

The members want a strong healthy club!

The members don't wont to worry about losing players to other clubs!

The members don't wont to sit through matches that embarrass the [censored] out of them!

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Id be happy to start with players that respect the Jumper and the Club.... seems wer hqve many that dont

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Id be happy to start with players that respect the Jumper and the Club.... seems wer hqve many that dont

I think Blze mayve had a few frothies or two eh mate?

Can't blame ya. We need all the analgesics we can get our hands on at the moment


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To be honest I think that is a perfectly rational and fair reaction. I'm by no means saying it should be used as justification for their performance, but they have every right to be outraged. It was an unspeakably ill thought out move.

How much thought was given to potential ramifications of forcing your club's captain, a peerless servant to this club, into early retirement? Not least of which, what message does it send to the rest of the playing group? I'm still absolutely fuming over it.

Forget all the tanking rubbish. The J Mac incident will sully the club's name for years to come, and it is going to take one hell of a leader in both coach and captain, which we clearly don't have right now, to get us moving past it and forward once more.

I can't see how holding a grudge like that to the point of committing hari kari on Saturday is something you would want at any club though and that any player would want this type of result. Sullies the name of the playing group as well as the coach i would've thought.

Pretty selfish act if it was carried out to that level and i'm not saying it was the reason behind the mauling. Not saying it hasn't had an effect thought.

Oh well. All by the by now by the looks of it with Bailey gone apparently.

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No you are struggling. Bailey will go if the Board determines him to go. Period. Like I said Bailey will not be only scapegoat.

You picked a 31 goal flooging from the body language. Bravo.

You were jumping at shadows at OTC.

If you really want to be clever you need to back play when Stynes took "control" of the football dept eight weeks and who was going to be impacted by this. It stems beyond the big loss.

Do you live in Egypt Rhino? Cos you're fair dinkum in denial.

Honestly, it's ok to be wrong. People won't think any less of you.

I didn't pick a 31 goal loss from Green OTC, I picked what I already knew, which was that there was disunity at every level of the club. And it wasn't just his body language. It was his comments. Blind Freddy could observe it, but apologists and after-the-fact experts couldn't apparently see it. Isn't it interesting that according to Caro, the day after OTC, Green and others met the Board to confess their disillusionment.....

If the MFC was a good at playing, coaching, managing football as it is at selling us all false, rubbish, hope, I for one would be thrilled.

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