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On 04/03/2017 at 11:25 AM, Biffen said:

The family courts have ruined men's lives in the past few decades with ridiculous rulings in terms of custody and asset dispersal after divorce.

There is no doubt that in an attempt to placate the feminist lobby ,our court system have used an uneven hand .

hopefully the courts are now able to recognise the damage done to perfectly decent men who have divorced their wives.

lets remember some women are violent,aggressive,domineering ,verbally and physically abusive toward their spouses and children and importantly, very , very capable of lying to the court.

we cannot discuss white ribbon day in the one hand and suicide prevention on the other as if they are totally seperate issues.

men have been forced to give custody and assets away when their earning capacity is assumed to be more resilient.

women are more likely to gain acceptance into uni, earn more in their twenties,and graduate.

they are also just as likely to break their marriage vows in this day and age.

The Sir Walter Raliegh treatment of the Australian and British courts has led to a latch key generation of kid without dads in their lives due to punitive judgements made on automatic formulas .

Surely each case must be judged on its merits.

Feminism was supposed to be about achieving equality.

it achieved much more than that.

it achieved positive discrimination and so called "affirmative action" targets, a weak willed society of limp confused boys who've never known a father,high drop out rates at uni for men who politicall didn't fit,a wipe out of the trades and technology sector in favour of feminist studies and other rot .

knock on effects of having greater female participation in the workforce have killed off industrial staples and innovation. Doubled mortgages in 15 years because they can(banks),and caused a crisis in child care .

not only has there been an over reach of feminism in western society , in which women have achieved the same levels of sexual promiscuity as men, an 80% increase in divorce rates since 1970,and the sexualisation of teenage girls through an imagined "sexual power",it has lead to many men simply not being interested in marriage ,having seen the power disparities played out live before them.

Meanwhile this same Marxist indoctrination has done little to irradicate the real inequalities existent in Muslim countries,India,Africa  and societies struggling to battle out of an agrarian based existence,concentrating merely on an extension of girl power in the more advanced countries instead.

how many men lose jobs so a woman can pursue her course for 12 hours a week? Real jobs lost for dilettante students.

i think it's time western women look to emancipating their Muslim sisters but of course that's left to western men who die in places like Iraq and Afghanistan for women's rights under an archaic theology not even western men would support.

forced marriage, genital mutilation, child infanticide,polygamy,domestic slavery- last time I heard its a Muslim problem- not caused by western men but you would not know it because it doesn't fit the media narrative.

As my father said- if men were meant to raise children they would have been born with breasts- the real oppression is in ideological fallacy that diminishes a mans right to legal recourse for access to his children and his assets after divorce.


well done feminism!!


Whilst I never visit this website for its repartee, Im still shocked that users have allowed this piece of absolute horse s*%t go unrebuked for 24 hours.

Your feeble attempt at intellectualism may go unnoticed by many here but not by me - a few misplaced supposedly erudite words, phrases or quotes does not a compelling argument make 

Ive never read such a shameless piece of generalist, self aggrandising, wholly unsubstantiated drivel in all my life - not to mention the offensively bigoted, sexist and racist undertones. 

Please accept the undoubtedly insignificant and inconsequential life you must have led and your fading into obscurity with some measure of integrity and self respect - when you reflect on your meaningless life, don't use public forums as a sounding board for the rage and anger you feel that is now manifesting in overt bigotry and racism. Or better yet go join one nation or the KKK or the Women Haters League or wherever else upper middle bogan men go to die - but do it privately.



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12 minutes ago, Bizmo Funyans said:

Whilst I never visit this website for its repartee, Im still shocked that users have allowed this piece of absolute horse s*%t go unrebuked for 24 hours.

Your feeble attempt at intellectualism may go unnoticed by many here but not by me - a few misplaced supposedly erudite words, phrases or quotes does not a compelling argument make 

Ive never read such a shameless piece of generalist, self aggrandising, wholly unsubstantiated drivel in all my life - not to mention the offensively bigoted, sexist and racist undertones. 

Please accept the undoubtedly insignificant and inconsequential life you must have led and your fading into obscurity with some measure of integrity and self respect - when you reflect on your meaningless life, don't use public forums as a sounding board for the rage and anger you feel that is now manifesting in overt bigotry and racism. Or better yet go join one nation or the KKK or the Women Haters League or wherever else upper middle bogan men go to die - but do it privately.



Take some sort of a chill pill Biz (Biffen can supply them if needed) and don't take anything that is written here too seriously - especially on hangover Sunday morning.

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4 minutes ago, Bizmo Funyans said:

Whilst I never visit this website for its repartee, Im still shocked that users have allowed this piece of absolute horse s*%t go unrebuked for 24 hours.

Your feeble attempt at intellectualism may go unnoticed by many here but not by me - a few misplaced supposedly erudite words, phrases or quotes does not a compelling argument make 

Ive never read such a shameless piece of generalist, self aggrandising, wholly unsubstantiated drivel in all my life - not to mention the offensively bigoted, sexist and racist undertones. 

Please accept the undoubtedly insignificant and inconsequential life you must have led and your fading into obscurity with some measure of integrity and self respect - when you reflect on your meaningless life, don't use public forums as a sounding board for the rage and anger you feel that is now manifesting in overt bigotry and racism. Or better yet go join one nation or the KKK or the Women Haters League or wherever else upper middle bogan men go to die - but do it privately.



Well done you.

A stinging and erudite rebuke , unequivocally put!

You have failed to address a single point in reference to divorce,courts,second and third wave feminism,the relative lack of interest in the plight of third world women and male suicide.

You did manage to get KKK into the sentence.

I shall note not to use public forums for my repressed anger and vitriol.

May I suggest you not jump to conclusions.

Dont they teach manners in feminist studies ?

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And I suppose unrelenting misogyny is the correct manner in which to attempt to make a point about what you perceive as the current male plight. 

Im not going to bite as George Carlin said it best: "Dont argue with idiots, they will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience".

And judging from your posts, you sir are that most dangerous type of idiot - the one that thinks they are intelligent. 

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Just now, Bizmo Funyans said:

And I suppose unrelenting misogyny is the correct manner in which to attempt to make a point about what you perceive as the current male plight. 

Im not going to bite as George Carlin said it best: "Dont argue with idiots, they will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience".

And judging from your posts, you sir are that most dangerous type of idiot - the one that thinks they are intelligent. 

I have plenty of loving women in my life thank you Bizmo.

Thanks also for your total lack of mental application and your general inability to even describe what has made you so angry.

Youve made assumptions based on misguided perceptions.

One can be capable of making an anti- feminist statement and still love women.

Best you don't argue with me.

You lack the armoury,wit and charisma to present a challenge,let alone a point.

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9 minutes ago, Bizmo Funyans said:

And I suppose unrelenting misogyny is the correct manner in which to attempt to make a point about what you perceive as the current male plight. 

Im not going to bite as George Carlin said it best: "Dont argue with idiots, they will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience".

And judging from your posts, you sir are that most dangerous type of idiot - the one that thinks they are intelligent. 

You should have  taken my advice and chilled Biz, because having fired your shot you then had to expose yourself as just another weak debater who is left with nothing but the most base argument of all - personal attack.

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22 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Take some sort of a chill pill Biz (Biffen can supply them if needed) and don't take anything that is written here too seriously - especially on hangover Sunday morning.

Propoganda at any level always starts with passive acceptance. Im just sick of the general "they took our jobs" redneck mentality thats creeping into everyday society. The other day my old man sent me a hate filled email about 'halal' food and how outraged he was. I mean seriously. 

And you "Biff" - the only place your argument is going is outright misogyny. You cant throw those outrageously generalised statements about how hard Men have it these days without realising the inescapable corollary of your argument - that women are to blame. You can say "courts" or "employers" or however else you want to point the finger - the fact is these bugbears of yours are (if indeed this is true) the result of "feminism" - an ideology designed to bring equality to women. 

Its a slippery slope to Kantianism Biff. 



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16 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

You should have  taken my advice and chilled Biz, because having fired your shot you then had to expose yourself as just another weak debater who is left with nothing but the most base argument of all - personal attack.

Agreed - personal attack withdrawn

*Although I note your old mate wasn't shy in throwing them out himself 

Edited by Bizmo Funyans
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18 hours ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Correct dc! Picket seems a dubious character at best and, to think he had the effrontery to try and get an invite to The Manor.

Hey Uncle what is a similar establishment in beautiful down town Romsey?? 

Let me guess, Mrs Slibeth's Pie shop??

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1 hour ago, Biffen said:

Redleg- Marie Antoinette actually said" let them eat brioche"  .

The peasants were revolting.


Speaking about revolting peasants, that reminds me of the masses of them at Victoria Park,  in the good old days. Worse than revolting.

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3 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Hey Uncle what is a similar establishment in beautiful down town Romsey?? 

Let me guess, Mrs Slibeth's Pie shop??

Nah the pie shop's kosher picket but there are a couple of old sheilas at the Opp shop that I reckon might be "acquaintances" of dc - if you get my drift.

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2 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Nah the pie shop's kosher picket but there are a couple of old sheilas at the Opp shop that I reckon might be "acquaintances" of dc - if you get my drift.

would appreciate some pics, uncle. after all it is a long trip and i don't have a government driver

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Just now, Bitter but optimistic said:

Nah the pie shop's kosher picket but there are a couple of old sheilas at the Opp shop that I reckon might be "acquaintances" of dc - if you get my drift.

Bahh Haa haa ha Nice one LOL!

Also you would find my company at the Manor "Illuminating" particularly given my bountiful offerings, Picked Octopus, Blue Vien Cheese, Blue Banner Picked Onions, Russian Salami and a range of eclectic foods fit for the king of the manor! Did I also mention plenty of Pepperjack shiraz and Irish Whiskey??


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2 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Well it really all comes down to context Red.

Well the context was usually poured from paper cups, or refilled beer cans. Charming. 

Most dangerous place at the ground was the visitors' race, where as Team Manager in 1979 under Big Carl,  I was warned to not stand there watching the game.

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10 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Bahh Haa haa ha Nice one LOL!

Also you would find my company at the Manor "Illuminating" particularly given my bountiful offerings, Picked Octopus, Blue Vien Cheese, Blue Banner Picked Onions, Russian Salami and a range of eclectic foods fit for the king of the manor! Did I also mention plenty of Pepperjack shiraz and Irish Whiskey??


You can shove most of that stuff where the sun don't shine picket but a case of Pepperjack would be a step in the right direction.

PS picket I know you consider yourself something of a film critic so I'd like your opinion.

I just watched a quirky western called " Purgatory" (made in 1999). It was recommended to me by an old slightly dotty priest would you believe.

Anyway I thought it was a real pizzer! Do you know it?

Edited by Bitter but optimistic
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17 minutes ago, Bizmo Funyans said:

Propoganda at any level always starts with passive acceptance. Im just sick of the general "they took our jobs" redneck mentality thats creeping into everyday society. The other day my old man sent me a hate filled email about 'halal' food and how outraged he was. I mean seriously. 

And you "Biff" - the only place your argument is going is outright misogyny. You cant throw those outrageously generalised statements about how hard Men have it these days without realising the inescapable corollary of your argument - that women are to blame. You can say "courts" or "employers" or however else you want to point the finger - the fact is these bugbears of yours are (if indeed this is true) the result of "feminism" - an ideology designed to bring equality to women. 

Its a slippery slope to Kantianism Biff. 



So your "general" vibe is that I'm not a nice person.

My point was that feminism achieved a great deal then took itself further into a realm beyond equality - into unequal opportunity.

Rather than bludgeoning western men perhaps they could take the fight to Africa or India.,maybe help sisters there?

Do you not know any men who've suffered unfairly in the divorce courts ?

Feminism is guilty of the same oppression it seeks to redress.

Your dads email has nought to do with it. 

You hate the political climate as I see it .

Every "ism" ,every ideology will someday become so hypocritical that It will be replaced.

So it is with feminism and the spiteful way you sought to defend it proves my point.

The corollary you highlight is not necessarily so. 

Courts are not meant to take sides.They should be about resolution.

Halal food is another hypocrisy that simply overrides 200 years of food handling and animal welfare regulations but we can discuss that elsewhere .

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2 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

It's a good bedtime read.

You can't take that lying down!

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