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Today proves to me that Bailey must go

Guest Thomo

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Perfect response.

This thread is why 'lol' was invented.

What a strange way of looking at what happened today.

Bailey has obviously built a team that can be lethal; the next few months will determine whether they can build consistency and improve in key areas we have been recently shite in.

Spot on by a factor of ten. What an absolutely ridiculous conclusion to reach (ie sack Bailey). I was joking with my (rabid demon fan) mate after todays result what ways demonland and big footy posters could find a negative about todays result - who have they beaten? why do we need a crisis to respond, etc etc. Didn't see the result "as evidence Bailey should be sacked" line though. Pure comedy gold

Prey tell what would be the response if we had been, beaten, just won, won by 4 goals (but should have been 6)? Bailey got the boys up, repsonded as he should on the track, responded in the match when we lost Grimes, was brave enough to go with one ruck, was as calm after this win as he was after the loss and he's still done the wrong thing? Pleeease.

Results such as last week happen to a young side.Jeez a worst result just happened to a similarly young Crows side - sack Craig? Does any one really believe Richmond won't get a touch up at some stage. When they do, sack Hardwick? What about sacking Scott and Voss whilst we're at it

One final thing. We are in the 8. We are not a top 4 side (obviously). Our "peers" in terms of development stage etc are West Coast, Richmond, North and the Crows. We are above those sides on the ladder and if history is any guide are a good chance to remain so (ie the final 8 is often set about this stage of the year)

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Guest Artie Bucco


OP has absolutely no idea whatsoever about the concepts of motivation, leadership and the nature of the human psyche.

How embarrassing.

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Today proves to me that some supporters have had to endure way too much failure and as a result cannot ever be happy with what's going on

We won by 96, kicking 16 goals in a half. If we hadn't been wasteful in the first half it would have been 130 or more, and we did it without Scully, McKenzie, Rivers and Grimes. It was an incredible response lead by the senior group that shows the players are backing Bailey. Right now we are 7th with 2 highly winnable matches ahead. Enjoy it for a day, please

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Guest Thomo

Spot on by a factor of ten. What an absolutely ridiculous conclusion to reach (ie sack Bailey). I was joking with my (rabid demon fan) mate after todays result what ways demonland and big footy posters could find a negative about todays result - who have they beaten? why do we need a crisis to respond, etc etc. Didn't see the result "as evidence Bailey should be sacked" line though. Pure comedy gold

Prey tell what would be the response if we had been, beaten, just won, won by 4 goals (but should have been 6)? Bailey got the boys up, repsonded as he should on the track, responded in the match when we lost Grimes, was brave enough to go with one ruck, was as calm after this win as he was after the loss and he's still done the wrong thing? Pleeease.

Results such as last week happen to a young side.Jeez a worst result just happened to a similarly young Crows side - sack Craig? Does any one really belive Richmond won't get a tocuh up at some stage. When they do, sack Hardwick? What about sacking Scott and Voss whilst we're at it

One final thing. We are in the 8. We are not a top 4 side (obviously). Our "peers" in terms of development stage etc are West Coast, Richmond, North and the Crows. We are above those sides on the ladder and if history is any guide are a good chance to remain so (ie the final 8 is often set about this stage of the year)

Good post. I disagree, but better to see a thought out response than the pathetic LOL ROFL crap with no thought.

Another thumping would have told me that we do not have the players yet, and like many were saying during the week (mostly the same "lol' posters) that we are a few years away from being a good side. Today shows me that last week, and all games so far this year, the players have played below their best, and that with the right motivation they are a much better side.

I'd like to see the Dees play a few games like they did today without the help of the media and fan grilling before I am convinced that Bailey can coach.

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Guest Thomo


OP has absolutely no idea whatsoever about the concepts of motivation, leadership and the nature of the human psyche.

How embarrassing.

Quality response. Full of thought and reasoning, as expected. I think your ROFLAW argument showed great intelligence.

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Good post. I disagree, but better to see a thought out response than the pathetic LOL ROFL crap with no thought.

Another thumping would have told me that we do not have the players yet, and like many were saying during the week (mostly the same "lol' posters) that we are a few years away from being a good side. Today shows me that last week, and all games so far this year, the players have played below their best, and that with the right motivation they are a much better side.

I'd like to see the Dees play a few games like they did today without the help of the media and fan grilling before I am convinced that Bailey can coach.

if you didn't want to get laughed at you should have saved this post for next week. You seem so certain we are going to come out and play heartless unmotivated footy next week, you could have at least waited for the justification to actually happen first

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Bwa ha ha ha haaa

Don't you just hate it when a young developing team is placed right in the spotlight of rising expectations, and responds by toughening up and putting in a top effort?

Terrible stuff. Clearly our journey and progres is going nowhere.

I'll leave the last words to Bailey himself, who I think has managed to get in ahead of what a lot of people would quite rightly be thinking -

"We played at a very good standard today but we've got to keep doing it. We can't go from West Coast standard to this week's standard and accept something that is in between."

I'm quite sure we'll all be watching intently next week. They better not get the impression that the heat is off, or that North won't require the same level of intensity. Especially over at $#%&hed Stadium.

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Good post. I disagree, but better to see a thought out response than the pathetic LOL ROFL crap with no thought.

Don't forget Bailey coached with 3 on the Bench from Mid 1st Q.

Credit when credit is due Thomo.

I think the players learnt something big today, When the team plays hard everyone actually gets into it and ENJOYS it

Lot's of encouragement as seen out there today.

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Bwa ha ha ha haaa

Don't you just hate it when a young developing team is placed right in the spotlight of rising expectations, and responds by toughening up and putting in a top effort?

Terrible stuff. Clearly our journey and progres is going nowhere.

I'll leave the last words to Bailey himself, who I think has managed to get in ahead of what a lot of people would quite rightly be thinking -

"We played at a very good standard today but we've got to keep doing it. We can't go from West Coast standard to this week's standard and accept something that is in between."

I'm quite sure we'll all be watching intently next week. They better not get the impression that the heat is off, or that North won't require the same level of intensity. Especially over at $#%&hed Stadium.

I am happy we are playing the next 2 games at Etihad, no one in our team can afford to relax this week. Our form there would be close to the worst in the AFL.

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Guest Artie Bucco

Quality response. Full of thought and reasoning, as expected. I think your ROFLAW argument showed great intelligence.

No sense of humour either Thomo?

The lean years have distorted your view on the game, by the looks of it.

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I know it goes against what most will think after such a great win, but today proved to me that Dean Bailey needs to be sacked. During the week I wrote

"I may seem strange, but I will be disappointed if the team can suddenly lay more tackles and play with more passion and desire than last week.

For the last few years, Melbourne has struggled because of being a young developing team. If the team can actually come out and lift this weekend because of the pressure put on them since the loss, it shows a real problem at the club in getting motivated to play AFL every week. To me this is much worse, and the coaching staff need to take the blame, and the coach must go."

All week some posted stated that the reason for Melbournes poor performance this year is because of the size of the younger players and the lack of quality in the senior players. Today proved that this is not the case. Melbourne were too physical and too hungry for the Crows today. When given the right motivation, the players can lift and play with desire by running hard and tackling

Dean Bailey has not been able to motivate the playing group, that is why they have preformed so badly. The media spent a week motivating the players and they came out and dominated. If Bailey cannot get the best out of the players each week, find someone that can.

Look mate--I attended a function this week at which Viney spoke--most impressively.

As you will recall he was at Hawthorn when they won the flag, then went to Adelaide. He made the point that the year before they won the flag, the Hawks played Pt Adelaide at AAMI stadium AND LOST BY 128 POINTS! He stressed that young Vic teams, in particular have an appalling record in nigHt matches in W A and SA. Was Clarkson unable to motivate them that day?

Bailey has had 1 season plus 6 matches to prove himself. Forget 2008/9--they didn't want to win. I thought 2010 was better than expected. Another poster has queried whether Bailey can do much in tight finishes.

Has his record been bad? I don't think so. 2 draws, 1 very improbable. A win against all odds coming from behind v Adelaide last year, plus a 1 point win over Port in Darwin. A tight win up in Brisbane. 2 narrow losses it is true, v Magpies and Bulldogs, but overall his record is fine I think.

Edited by stueyspencer no12
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Guest Thomo

Look mate--I attended a function this week at which Viney spoke--most impressively.

As you will recall he was at Hawthorn when they won the flag, then went to Adelaide. He made the point that the year before they won the flag, the Hawks played Pt Adelaide at AAMI stadium AND LOST BY 128 POINTS! He stressed that young Vic teams, in particular have an appalling record in nigHt matches in W A and SA. Was Clarkson unable to motivate them that day?

Bailey has had 1 season plus 6 matches to prove himself. Forget 2008/9--they didn't want to win. I thought 2010 was better than expected. Another poster has queried whther B

Interesting point. Hopefully Viney knows more about coaching than I do.

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If it was only this black & white. No doubt there was a lot of motivation this week but the game was played completely differently to last week as well. At times today we had our whole side within a kick of the play and the bal locked in our forward line. Much more like a Collingwood or W.C. We never looked like having those sort of numbers pushing up in the other games I've seen this year.

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Look mate--I attended a function this week at which Viney spoke--most impressively.

As you will recall he was at Hawthorn when they won the flag, then went to Adelaide. He made the point that the year before they won the flag, the Hawks played Pt Adelaide at AAMI stadium AND LOST BY 128 POINTS! He stressed that young Vic teams, in particular have an appalling record in nigHt matches in W A and SA. Was Clarkson unable to motivate them that day?

Bailey has had 1 season plus 6 matches to prove himself. Forget 2008/9--they didn't want to win. I thought 2010 was better than expected. Another poster has queried whether Bailey can do much in tight finishes.

Has his record been bad? I don't think so. 2 draws, 1 very improbable. A win against all odds coming from behind v Adelaide last year, plus a 1 point win over Port in Darwin. A tight win up in Brisbane. 2 narrow losses it is true, v Magpies and Bulldogs, but overall his record is fine I think.

Thanks for an actually interesting Insight. Interested to hear more if there was anything further to add.

Be careful not to hijack this thread from it's stupity however.

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Quality response. Full of thought and reasoning, as expected. I think your ROFLAW argument showed great intelligence.

If you get out of this with just a few ROFLAW's and LOL's, you'll have done well.

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LOL indeed reading this, -the media motivated them- , the football media is as a group, daft with very few exceptions i.e. Flanagan but more generally characterized by twits such as Sheahan and Mark Robinson, even Tim Lane who I've met and consider a reasonable bloke, still drives me nuts with his perceptions about footy.

Our young players are by any standard elite athletes who got where they are by hard work, not gifts from a Kellogs box and the promptings from wannabe muses. West Coast was a shocker without a doubt, and any athlete great or small can lose heart and get distracted and 'bin' a game but the good ones regroup and rework which they have obviously done under the coach's guidance. At any stage have you seen the coach having tickets on himself or acting smug in any way, (I can't recall but feel free to prove me wrong).

I for have no doubt he is looking constantly and without hesitation for how to get this group of awesome young men firing on all cylinders all the time, and when they do I know it will not be because the 'media' did anything at all.

Now a few more home fans turning up might help though, less than 20k at the 'G' the media should be roasting us.

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The media spent a week motivating the players and they came out and dominated. If Bailey cannot get the best out of the players each week, find someone that can.

That's it..... get Caro to give the pre-match address each week!!

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less than 20k at the 'G' the media should be roasting us.


Mother's Day....crap weather...coming off a poor performance...playing an interstate club on the slide...

18-20k was definitely to be expected.

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Bwa ha ha ha haaa

Don't you just hate it when a young developing team is placed right in the spotlight of rising expectations, and responds by toughening up and putting in a top effort?

Terrible stuff. Clearly our journey and progres is going nowhere.

I'll leave the last words to Bailey himself, who I think has managed to get in ahead of what a lot of people would quite rightly be thinking -

"We played at a very good standard today but we've got to keep doing it. We can't go from West Coast standard to this week's standard and accept something that is in between."

I'm quite sure we'll all be watching intently next week. They better not get the impression that the heat is off, or that North won't require the same level of intensity. Especially over at $#%&hed Stadium.

I posted the following previously before this weekends match

"A win next week isnt good enough even if it happens, it has to be the continuing performence from here on in

No more capitulations each game has to be fought right out to its bitter end even if we are loosing

We as supporters should demand nothing less.

And should that occur, it may be the only thing that could possibly save Bailey from the axe come end of season ."

Aftyer hearing Baileys Press conferance it is nice to see him state this clearly

The players themselves are the only ones who know why they put in the performence they did against Westcoast.

However I have believed for a very very long time that the difference between a good coach and a also ran coach is that the good coach gets his players up each week and ensures they perform to their maximum , even if they dont win on the day.

In Comparing last weeks performance to this weeks, this has obviously this has not been the case.

The players by this weeks performence show clearly they are capabale of playing some good football, it is getting them to perform with consistency that is the true test of a good coach .

I still do not believe Bailey is the coach to take us to that level, to be to truly be considered a real contender for a Grand Final Flag

If Bailey manages to get that consistency out of the players so they perform on a consistent basis, then maybe Ill reconsider my view

This season holds the key to Baileys aspirations and we all know that.

A one off performence wont do it and he knows that, now we need to see if he can get them to perform each week to the best of their abilities, now we know what they are capable of this becomes even harder for Bailey, but thats what a good coach can deal with.

This season will tell if Bailey falls in that category

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Crowd figures = boring old story.

Bailey = needs a strong strong showing against Nth this week. Sick of being consistently 5 goals or more behind this side. Bank on Harvey attempting to run around Bartram 3-4 times (selfish) and expect it to be very open if going by the last meetings. That must stop this weekend as pressure all over the ground should see us account for Nth.

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Bailey will stay if we can maintaon the intensity / desire shown today for the majority of the season.

Its really all up to the players. Bails plays some part in pumping them up, but if we're going to slag him when we loose we should also praise him for the wins!

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