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Tonight is the turning point for the MFC.

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I've deleted comments by Hannabal and WYL because they were directed at each other. Guys I share your frustration and fury, like you I thought tonight was inexcusable, but you posts were for each other and not a "general comment". I accept that there are probably 100 posts that should be deleted on that basis but I'm not going to read all that is posted tonight, I'd just be too depressing. Hope you understand why I deleted your posts.

In total frustration and disillusionment,


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I've deleted comments by Hannabal and WYL because they were directed at each other. Guys I share your frustration and fury, like you I thought tonight was inexcusable, but you posts were for each other and not a "general comment". I accept that there are probably 100 posts that should be deleted on that basis but I'm not going to read all that is posted tonight, I'd just be too depressing. Hope you understand why I deleted your posts.

In total frustration and disillusionment,


No i do not understand....Tonight is a night to let it all out.

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Right. I'm going to bed because I have to go to Bendigo early. Anyway, I want to just finish on two notes.

1) When you wake up tomorrow bitter about it, when you're dealing with it on the way to work, at work, with friends, whatever. Remember this. Remember this anger. Channel it and use it towards our goal. Let our club know that this is NOT good enough.

I've seen Disunity is Death cropping up. Why can't we be unified AGAINST a coach? Noone has yet told me that.

2) It's great to know that I'm not the only one who bleeds red and blue. Thanks for that tonight guys.

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I am the same as you and refused to sing the song after the Brisbane game, just like I refused to after we beat the Dogs to make the finals in 2005.

However we shouldn't be turning on our own supporters and begrudging them singing the song in victory. We are a small enoough group as it is, we don't need to fracture our base further.

Whilst i was very disappointed after the Lions game, i still sang the song. This was purely because i thought that i might not get to sing it as much as i thought i would at the start of the year. Little did i know how right i would be.

As for the no singing at the Bulldogs game. Are you serious. As poorly as we had played that night, the comeback was still something to behold. I remember thinking if Giansiricusa kicked the next goal, i would leave. Low and behold, he hit the post, and so started the fightback. What about when Danners came running down the stairs to share the moment with the boys. That's when we truly cared about winning football games. The same can't be said for tonight.

Edited by Demon Disciple
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For years we have quietly accepted. Now we the supporters have got to make a stand to our great Club.

We must expect more than tonight's Rubbish.

At work do not hide, fight for this club. Send an email to the club.

This will not do.....40 years i have copped repeated kicks in the guts....Now i have had enough....What has this club learnt since the '88 Grand Final...seriously as a club???


Long time time first time poster etc. Strongly agree with you here. Very rarely have I been as angry about a performance as the one I saw last night,even through the 07-09 rubbish years. We should be better than that now. I agree with telling the club how you feel and while it may not change things, it will help us as supporters feel better and the club know the anger/passion/frustration/hope we all have. You would hope they know it already but they don't always play like it. Here is a copy of text I emailed the club

Dear MFC

I was not going to send this email now in the heat of the moment but I changed my mind, my club needs to know how I feel and the passion I feel for this club. I would hope the players, coaches and club hierarchy feel the same way, feel the same passion, because it sure as hell didn't show on the field tonight. I don't want this to be a richmond FC, tear up the membership card rant but I'm angry

I have been a supporter of this club for 26 years and have very rarely seen such an incompetent, spineless, pathetic, heartless, gutless passionless performance as the one tonight by this club. Yet again we are flogged in the first quarter - this has been a problem over and over and over, but I keep hearing the same excuses from coach and players. Why are the players not up and about, what is the coach doing/not doing about it? Or are the players just not as good as they think.

Yet again we are flogged by a team who finished last last year yet show more heart and desire throughout the whole game. These are the games we should win if we want respect, but yet again we will be viewed as a soft, weak gutless club who disappears when its time to stand up and the pressure is on. We have been a laughing stock of the competition recently and last year gained some respect back but that has all but disappeared in the last 5 weeks.

The most frustrating thing tonight and for other games this year is turnover after turnover from players who should be able to hit those targets in the sleep. Eg Cale Morton kicking a ball out on the full, Jack Trengove kicking a ball out on the full, it goes on and on. Why does our leadership group fail time and time again in the tough games. What has happened to Brad Green this year, he is getting to the stage where he's not worth his place in the side based on the last 5 games. Why do we have no speed, and tackling ability in the forward line, why do we let sides rebound the ball with no pressure. I sure hope this is not part of our gameplan, Are we are being left behind constantly by sides who apply more pressure than us over the whole ground?

I am sick of hearing all about the players need to play together, they need to develop together and so on. Most supporters understand this and are happy with this if the players are playing their hearts out but it doesn't look like it. Other sides can develop their players quicker than we have done. We have the money now there are no more excuses about resources and development costs.

I hope the whole club is hurting and I hope Bailey tears strips of the side behind closed doors and also for once in the media - no more softly softly bullsh1t, they're too young etc. They are highly paid professionals and it's time for a different old school approach. It's time for them to be told some harsh truths. It's also time for Bailey to cop some heat as well. It is becoming clear to me that he has lost the players faith and confidence. I hope he and the players turn it around because we should be playing finals this year.

I hope the club comes out and says something and I hope the players turn things around because I want this club to win a flag in my lifetime


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DP2015.. good on ya

I too will write them ( the club ) today but thought better about doing it til Ive calmed down. Your's is well put. I think the club needs to hear a lot more of this. Stuff the civility and softness towards failure and beleive me we failed big-time last night. It wasnt just that we lost but that we were inept in our efforts and it seemed but for a handful many simply didnt want to be there.

The side looked rudderless and flounderiing. Was anyone...ANYONE at the controls ? Didnt seem like it.

I dont like the trend I see. I will convery this to the club and urge any and all to do similar.

If the club doesnt want to draw a line in the sand...then we need to.

Where we are simply isnt acceptable.

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Writing won't achieve anything. The only thing that turns the tide for a club is the media scalding. Supporter backlash means little these days.

And I can assure you, the media will be out in full force.

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Writing won't achieve anything. The only thing that turns the tide for a club is the media scalding. Supporter backlash means little these days.

And I can assure you, the media will be out in full force.

They better be. We've been touted as the next big thing by the media all summer. Everyone jumped on the Melbourne bandwagon. To give them anything less than a blowtorch to the face will be typical for the media and will allow the club to escape once again with mediocrity.

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Writing won't achieve anything. The only thing that turns the tide for a club is the media scalding. Supporter backlash means little these days.

And I can assure you, the media will be out in full force.

Actually I disagree. Its tempting to think we are inconsequential but the MFC does listen. It will chuck asides vehement ranting...but if/should many take time to write coherently and passionately they will hear us.

One thing for sure...dont write and they wont hear !!

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I have written a letter. Read below. And i dont care if you think my letter is bad. What i am trying to do is show that i care about our poor performance and want to see us do better.

Att: MFC football dept.

Just wanted to pass on an email to express how disappointed I was with last nights game. I honestly don’t mind losing, but I will be damned if I am going to follow a team that does not at least get in and have a dip. I am not going to waste my time pointing the finger at anyone in particular, but last night was genuinely embarrassing. I can honestly say that I can’t believe we only lost by 54 pts in the end. In some ways I wish we lost by more because MFC deserve to have the spotlight put on them.

Anyway, I genuinely hope that the team can put that insipid performance behind them and show us all what they can really do. Its amazing how far a bit of passion and determination can take you. Plan to Succeed!!!

Good Luck…

Kind Regards



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Writing won't achieve anything. The only thing that turns the tide for a club is the media scalding. Supporter backlash means little these days.

And I can assure you, the media will be out in full force.

"Writing won't achieve anything" you say. I beg to differ strongly! The more letters and emails the club gets the more they know how passionate we the supporters are!

Maybe in the past we've been known to be somewhat apathetic but bugger it, enough is enough. It's time for us the supporters to tell the club what we think. Remember (and this is to all members) It's our club, unlike a privately owned English soccer club we the members own our club, we elect the board and by paying our subscription and joining the club we have every right to criticize aspects of the club's performance. And last nights on field performance was absolute cr*p!

And yes the media will also be out in force. But as supporters and members we can't leave it all up to the media!

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Don't worry, entirely of our own making we have given the media a couple of large targets. They don't generally miss.

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Writing won't achieve anything. The only thing that turns the tide for a club is the media scalding. Supporter backlash means little these days.

And I can assure you, the media will be out in full force.

You're so wrong - it's NOT writing that leads to the least amount of change.

Hopefully the club are being inundated with angry emails this morning. It makes a HUGE difference.

Cue the Bailey/Schwab/Stynes/Green press conference......

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Since moving out of Melbourne in 1990, I have not been to a Melbourne game at the MCG. I was there in '64 and '88 and have followed and suffered the ups and down during that time. Most years I have also been a club member - even though at times it was not possible to see any games on TV. So, as I am going to be back in town next week, I was really looking forward to going to the MCG next weekend, for the first time in 20 years, to see the team live. I was hoping we'd be playing one or our traditional rivals, on that day - thank goodness we're not !

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Since moving out of Melbourne in 1990, I have not been to a Melbourne game at the MCG. I was there in '64 and '88 and have followed and suffered the ups and down during that time. Most years I have also been a club member - even though at times it was not possible to see any games on TV. So, as I am going to be back in town next week, I was really looking forward to going to the MCG next weekend, for the first time in 20 years, to see the team live. I was hoping we'd be playing one or our traditional rivals, on that day - thank goodness we're not !

I'm sorry for you BD.

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I have been reading everybody's posts on here for quite some time. We have a right to feel anger about how we played last night. I agree with the above posts. Send in your emails to the MFC. I am in the process of writing in to express my disappointment with the club's performance. I think the more emails/letters they receive the more pressure there will be on Board to make a decision about our coach and football department. Something has to change after 3 years!

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Well the media is pretty much skimming over our performance, just the Dean says this and that...need Mike to have a real crack at us and DB to make every player study the criticism that will be in it. EVERYONE here has asked "Where is the intensity, desire and need?"

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Writing won't achieve anything. The only thing that turns the tide for a club is the media scalding. Supporter backlash means little these days.

And I can assure you, the media will be out in full force.

I completely disagree that writing wont achieve anything. We have strength in numbers, now more than ever before. Please let us all write and convey our disappointment, disgust, and despair in a coherent, well thought out way. Not in the way we were all writing last night. That was pure anger, which they will just disregard.

I do completely agree about the media however. I sent Robbo from the hun a link to this website and the facebook page last night to help him understand where we are coming from. He replied saying "I will. Thanks mate. Theres plenty of angst". Once he actually reads this site, he will realise there is some angst, and plenty of anguish, plenty of pain and plenty of despair. I hope he does a piece related to how we feel, not just quoting the BS response from the FD and players.

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I'm sorry for you BD.

I wish I could say "never mind", but this is so disheartening. It is time to take the boys in the team, out of cotton wool and make them men. It's also time for the "men" in the team, to step up and lead the team. As for the coach(es) ...who knows.

It's as if we've put on our time machine and gone back to the times when we were "nice", but hopeless. We've managed to pick up a very talented young group, but with a couple of exceptions, there's no mongrol in them. Then for the "leaders" it seems they are not "leaders" at all. That midlevel group with (bad boy) Moloney, Sylvia and Jones (and the Russian - he's consistent), they're giving it their all and it's their sort of "grunt" which needs to extend to the others. As for the coach(es)- showing how thoughtful and passionate you are would help.

Edited by BangkokDemon
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Since moving out of Melbourne in 1990, I have not been to a Melbourne game at the MCG. I was there in '64 and '88 and have followed and suffered the ups and down during that time. Most years I have also been a club member - even though at times it was not possible to see any games on TV. So, as I am going to be back in town next week, I was really looking forward to going to the MCG next weekend, for the first time in 20 years, to see the team live. I was hoping we'd be playing one or our traditional rivals, on that day - thank goodness we're not !

I hope you are still planning to attend BD.

The Club needs to hear the supporters...very loudly. If we all stay away from games, the club is let off.

I expect 35,000 pi$$ed off members to be at next weeks game....I want value for my hard earned coin thankyou MFC.

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Im not much of a letter writer but i had to do this, its not at all nasty (i dont think) but i just really needed to say something to them so here it is.


Hopefully you have received many many many emails about the disgraceful thing that happen last night at Patersons Stadium, just to show you how passionate your fans, supporters and paid members really are. I am sure you have already be informed by other outraged members of the lack of intensity, courage, leadership etc. so I will not bother going down that path. All I want you to know is how I myself feel about what's been happening this year and to beg of the players, coaches FD everyone to please please find a way to rectify this.

That thing last night feels like it hurt all of us more than it hurt the players. I remember last year the topic of having a "winning spirit" reared its ugly head and opinion was split 50/50 as to whether this was fact or fiction. I'm not sure if it is the "winning spirit" that this team is lacking or something else but they definitely lack one key ingredient in my opinion, they cannot play 4 quarters of footy. Why not? What is it that stops us?

I could go on, but I am at work and must get over this and move on.

See you at the G in 9 days time.

Pretty weak but atleast i got it off my chest.

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I hope you are still planning to attend BD.

The Club needs to hear the supporters...very loudly. If we all stay away from games, the club is let off.

I expect 35,000 pi$$ed off members to be at next weeks game....I want value for my hard earned coin thankyou MFC.

Unfortunately I don't think it will turn out that way WYL. I'd think it would keep people away. Doesn't mean I want it that way, just what I reckon will happen. One bloke last night said he wanted 40,000 to turn up next week, but not actually go in. Would definitely send the strongest message ever sent by supporters of any club I'd think.

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I hope you are still planning to attend BD.

The Club needs to hear the supporters...very loudly. If we all stay away from games, the club is let off.

I expect 35,000 pi$$ed off members to be at next weeks game....I want value for my hard earned coin thankyou MFC.

Of course I still plan to go !

My frustrations are so great it will be good let them out - just like before !!

You are 100% correct, staying away will achieve nothing, but 35,000 pi$$ed members, actively supporting/blasting what is going on, is a lot harder to ignore.

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