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Changes for next week vs Hawthorn


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Fascinating insight. Whilst where on a role can we add poverty, global warming and the recent increase in earthquake activity to his list of misdemeanors :wacko: ?

Give the kid a break

Yes he was a little off this week but in three quarters he still had 13 touches 3 goal assists, laid a couple of tackles(which he struggled with last year), kicked a couple of behinds which with a little luck could have been goals and has been the best forward during the preseason and one of the best against Hawthorn in Tassie. Surely he deserves a second game.

Maric does deserve a second game this week against the hawks.

Maric was singled out because he was swapped with pettard. how many touches did Pettard get in his one qtr?

we came back from 24 points down after Pettard was put on....

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Maric does deserve a second game this week against the hawks.

Maric was singled out because he was swapped with pettard. how many touches did Pettard get in his one qtr?

we came back from 24 points down after Pettard was put on....

My comments were in response to your comment that he wasn't taking pressure off Jurrah. Pettard should have started in my opinion.

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Hard to think Gysberts would be totally decisive but I'd like to see him if he's fit enough. Good at stoppages & against Hawthorn especially we struggle in that department.

Frawley in.

Am I the only one that is blown away by this attitude?

Gysberts has played 3 games, 2 were high possession games, the other - did he get injured or was he given less slack? He still needs to put on 5kg, yet people are screaming he is an automatic selection.

I'm not saying he is a dud - I do think he has a lot of upside, but can honestly say he isn't in my top 22. If he turns out to be a star, well done to the ones that called it early, but I'm happy to wait and see with this one, then jump on board if need be!

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Guest Thomo

I'd like to see Jetta on Mitchell. I think he could be a great stopper.

I think Maric was the worst player on the day, but deserves another week after his preseason, and Petterd has to start in the 18. Another week like last, and Maric goes out for Aussie, if he is fit.

If Frawley is fit, out goes MacDonald, or Rivers. I'd say Rivers, but I think the match committee will stick with him, so MacDonald to Casey. If no Frawley, no change to the 22.

Sub - Either Dunn, Bennell, Bail, Jetta or Tapscott, depending on matchups and if they want to manage Tapscotts workload. I'd have Dunn start as Sub, but I think they will ignore my fist idea and go with Jetta.

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Maric does deserve a second game this week against the hawks.

Maric was singled out because he was swapped with pettard. how many touches did Pettard get in his one qtr?

we came back from 24 points down after Pettard was put on....

Incorrect. We were 14 points down at 3/4 time. Not taking anything away from Ricky's last quarter performance, but don't forget, he was one guy that missed an opportunity in the last to win the game for us.

That said, he should start this week, and Maric plays the sub.

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After watching the game for a second time I have definitely changed my mind about Rivers staying in. I understand we need experience and leadership, but how many goals does it have to cost us per game? The guy gave up 2.1 in the 3rd quarter alone. I think Grimes has him covered because he can actually play on a man and have some decent disposals AS WELL as getting into the packs for marks/spoils, Rivers seems to have be a loose man to do that. In saying all that, I don't think he will get dropped, and that sucks.

Watts bashers need to realize footy is not all about disposal, he did a lot of handy things that weren't stats and should definitely stay.

Would love Gysberts to come in as one thing I noticed was a lack of creative possession around the stoppages, and from what we saw last year, that's his speciality.

Sylvia seemed lacking something, maybe still had his tail between his legs after being told off.

We definitely need a boot up the a**e about moving without the ball though, so many times when we were caught it was due to the receiving player being static, maybe the midfield can practice that while the forwards have set shots.

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Let's hope the FD don't think so

No. Let's hope they do. Dropping a player who had four super weeks in the pre-season for one bad game would be pre-emptive (assuming there wasn't a best 22 player screaming for a spot, like Petterd).

You're talking selections... I used the word judgement. What happens if they persevere and Maric comes in next week and kicks 3? Will you still be hoping the FD wielded the axe? Or shall we just go early again and drop Tapscott...

Maric was picked for a reason. You have to give him more than 3 quarters of the real stuff to prove himself in 2011...

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Sylvia seemed lacking something, maybe still had his tail between his legs after being told off.

As an aside, I was surprised at the number of times Col hit the ball in traffic at pace & well-balanced and just fumbled the first touch, which meant that instead of getting clear he had to stop and scramble it out under pressure. It's something he's normally so good at, but it was just slightly off for him on Sunday.

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No. Let's hope they do. Dropping a player who had four super weeks in the pre-season for one bad game would be pre-emptive (assuming there wasn't a best 22 player screaming for a spot, like Petterd).

You're talking selections... I used the word judgement. What happens if they persevere and Maric comes in next week and kicks 3? Will you still be hoping the FD wielded the axe? Or shall we just go early again and drop Tapscott...

Maric was picked for a reason. You have to give him more than 3 quarters of the real stuff to prove himself in 2011...

Here Here!

I think there is room for both Pettard and Maric in the forward line as they are different players the dilemma is who if anyone goes out?

So far in this thread alone we want to drop Maric, MacDonald, Jones, Rivers, Watts, Jetta & Bail.

We also want to bring back in Morton & Scully who are both injured, Frawley who is coming back from injury but is still underdone, Aussie & Bate who did little for Casey and Gysberts who could hold his head high on the Casey performance and will get a game soon.

Shows how little people know and the fact that personal opinion and likes and dislikes of certain players and very little research or fact goes into most of the posts.

I don't post very often because a lot of the time the posts are personal attacks on specific players with very little fact or basis. The early favourites for the scapegoat /whipping boy awards are out:- Maric, Rivers, Watts & MacDonald. Regardless of what good they do as soon as they have a bad game or make a mistake the knives will be out on here. I mistakenly thought that these forums were for "Supporters" One that supports, as a structural member of a building or group. 2. One who promotes or advocates a group, club or cause;

SOme of us need to ask are we actually supporters or not?

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We def need as many mids as possible against the hawks. We get smashed in the centre by them everytime.

You realise you can't have them all on the ground at once right? Having heaps of midfielders in the side isn't going to improve anything - what we really need is the ones that are in the side to not play like sheet.

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IN: Gysberts

OUT: Watts

We def need as many mids as possible against the hawks. We get smashed in the centre by them everytime.

Watts is not doing anywhere near enough to warrant being in the seniors.

I hope there's 'No change' this week. I'd like to see Frawley given extra time, as I don't think we need him against the Lions. Then, he could a week more training, before The gold coast "Kids".

If Frawley came in Rnd 3, for defensive 'Pace', maybe McDonald, or Rivers, could go.

Then when Morton is ready, Watts'y, had better be showing some form.

# I'd like to see them fastrack Howe, into form & fitness. I would love to see him on the Sub seat, in 5 or 6 weeks....

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I'd like to see Jetta on Mitchell. I think he could be a great stopper.

I think Maric was the worst player on the day, but deserves another week after his preseason, and Petterd has to start in the 18. Another week like last, and Maric goes out for Aussie, if he is fit.

If Frawley is fit, out goes MacDonald, or Rivers. I'd say Rivers, but I think the match committee will stick with him, so MacDonald to Casey. If no Frawley, no change to the 22.

Sub - Either Dunn, Bennell, Bail, Jetta or Tapscott, depending on matchups and if they want to manage Tapscotts workload. I'd have Dunn start as Sub, but I think they will ignore my fist idea and go with Jetta.

I think if Frawley was to come in, then it may be McDonald who subs.

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Guest Thomo

I think if Frawley was to come in, then it may be McDonald who subs.

Why's that? To sub for Frawley if he is not fit for a full game?

I like the idea of an extra runner or someone that can bring a bit of spark as a sub.

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Watts will stay, they'll give him at least 5 or 6 matches to try and shown something before they look at dropping him.


Frawley should have at least 1, possibly 2 games with Casey before coming in. Same with Morton.

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Incorrect. We were 14 points down at 3/4 time. Not taking anything away from Ricky's last quarter performance, but don't forget, he was one guy that missed an opportunity in the last to win the game for us.

Gee I could have sworn Jamar missed a sitter from 20m......

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Am I the only one that is blown away by this attitude?

Gysberts has played 3 games, 2 were high possession games, the other - did he get injured or was he given less slack? He still needs to put on 5kg, yet people are screaming he is an automatic selection.

I'm not saying he is a dud - I do think he has a lot of upside, but can honestly say he isn't in my top 22. If he turns out to be a star, well done to the ones that called it early, but I'm happy to wait and see with this one, then jump on board if need be!

Scully, McKenzie and Morton are injured (while McDonald and Bruce are gone). I can see why people might think Gysberts is a handy inclusion, and I also don't see how people advocating for Gysberts on the basis we need more mids for the game equates to them screaming he is an automatic selection (or even best 22).

Gee I could have sworn Jamar missed a sitter from 20m......

He didn't say Petterd was the only one......

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Scully, McKenzie and Morton are injured (while McDonald and Bruce are gone). I can see why people might think Gysberts is a handy inclusion, and I also don't see how people advocating for Gysberts on the basis we need more mids for the game equates to them screaming he is an automatic selection (or even best 22).

He didn't say Petterd was the only one......

I just assumed with the amount of people in this thread saying that Gysberts has to come in for Maric for this week, that they rate him a lot higher than I do. And I'm pretty sure if I went through the "best 22" threads on here, a majority of posters would have Gysberts in that team.

I'm one of few that, for this week, think that it'd be a shame to drop Maric after Saturday's performance (which I didn't think was too bad), considering he was one of a few that really stood out and made a statement in the preseason. I'd be giving him until the bye to get to the level needed, by that stage Wona will be match fit, so there will be competition for his spot.

Based on this years games, I have Maric ahead of Gysberts in terms of form, therefore don't believe that the change that a lot are talking about should happen.

Our Round 5 side is going to be a very, very interesting one. I think it will give us a great indication as to how we will travel this year, and it will give us an even great indication where the future of some of our players are at (ie Bate).

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IF he is fit, Frawley in for Macdonald and make Petterd in the 21, but not sure who to put as the sub. Maric should be given a month to prove his pre season form in the 21.

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Gee I could have sworn Jamar missed a sitter from 20m......

My point was that while Ricky played a great 10 minutes in the last quarter, he wasn't the great saviour that he is being pumped up to be (hence my comment about him missing a reasonable chance).

I can't wait to see Ricky get through 2 seasons uninjured, just to see what he is really capable of. I'm still not sure his position - I know he played CHF last week, but as I'm old-fashioned, I don't think that will contribute to us winning a premiership. Nb - I am a believer of a premiership team needing 2 bigger key forwards, and will challenge anyone who thinks otherwise! Ricky is NOT a big key forward.

Edited by billy2803
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Watts will stay, they'll give him at least 5 or 6 matches to try and shown something before they look at dropping him.


Frawley should have at least 1, possibly 2 games with Casey before coming in. Same with Morton.

Please, what is the point of wasting Frawley's time at Casey?

He trained last week and did more than half a pre-season. If he's given the all clear he comes straight in.

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Neither can I!

Especially Mcdonald.

One of our low lights I am sure.

When are people going to except that Macca was finished !!! Would you rather have the Brad Johnson scenario and play on a year too long ??? The club did what it needed to do & I applaude them for making the hard call. It's something the MFC has struggled with in the past.

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