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I sat exactly where I sat one year when Al Nicholson did some of his finest (read pure rubbish) on Gherig.

Thought I travelled back in time tonight, but it was Warnock.


Amen, at least Nicho had that unpredictable unco-ness that screwed the other player up at the same time....if that makes sense?

Hopefully Chip is ready for Round 1 but I think we should be careful with him, and I have no doubt we will be.


It's only NAB cup ,... It's only NAB cup ,... It's only NAB cup .



the team didn't care. Essendon is high on Hird. This equates to an Essendon win. It's the pre-season. Move on guys. The practice matches are more enjoyable. Closer to the action. Good opportunity to see the team during competitive training.


I think one of the reasons we were so poor tonight was the fact we had a two week break after a win and we probably relaxed too much. I think it's the perfect scenario to take Hooroo Jack Watts on a 6am run and swim and rip into him and work his butt off and make him think twice before he comes out and says he doesn't care about losing. Run him up a bloody big hill until he throws up then he might get serious.


Davey - hello? invisible cloak tonight or what?

Jamar, Martin - big and bloody useless. If you are 800-foot tall in marking contest with a bloke half your size you should pluck one occasionally instead of flapping around around on the ground like a fish. Martin has lost me completely, he has less use than the old screen door on a submarine

Moloney, Jones - showcase for your detractors tonight, pitiful excuse for hard midfielders and leaders

Bate - continues to be an absolute waste of space, do something, ANYTHING

Strauss - not an AFL footballer, will be gone soon

Warnock - just disappear please

Trengove - is a gun but what went wrong tonight looked positively rubbish

and last but certainly not least, the bloke that nobody mentions at times like these, golden boy Watts. Absolutely blessed with gifts most players would kill for but not blessed with the gift to actually have any impact on the match. We were still in it when Jurrah took a screamer in the centre of the centre of the ground and pinpointed it to him all on his own with plenty of time, perfect opportunity for a game-turning goal like a champion would do, did he kick it? Of course not! Absolute embarrassment tonight

well played Jurrah and Maric, to a lesser extent Jetta and Bennell, most of the rest, harden up and get your heads on straight or GTFO


I'm sick of seeing Watts choose not to give the ball off to the first or second options and then prop, turn around and get caught. A classic Watts move was evident on the eastern wing/flank towards the south end of the ground just before 8PM - midway into the second quarter. As soon as he won the ball I thought it was going to be another one of 'those' Watts moments and he didn't disappoint. I don't know what the cause is, but he needs to find a remedy.


We don't win enough clean ball from clearances.

This has been our biggest problem for some time. Beemer and Jones try hard but lack class.


and last but certainly not least, the bloke that nobody mentions at times like these, golden boy Watts. Absolutely blessed with gifts most players would kill for but not blessed with the gift to actually have any impact on the match. We were still in it when Jurrah took a screamer in the centre of the centre of the ground and pinpointed it to him all on his own with plenty of time, perfect opportunity for a game-turning goal like a champion would do, did he kick it? Of course not! Absolute embarrassment tonight

yeah, why didn't our 19 year old developing future prospect kpf rip apart this crucial NAB cup game?

seriously mate, you need a breathalyzer on your pc...


yeah, why didn't our 19 year old developing future prospect kpf rip apart this crucial NAB cup game?

seriously mate, you need a breathalyzer on your pc...

Haha Loving that last line.

Although he should have kicked it. You can't bring up the old "oh NAB game" into it. I'm sure he was as motivated and trying as hard a normal season game, if not then it's even more of a worry.


and last but certainly not least, the bloke that nobody mentions at times like these, golden boy Watts. Absolutely blessed with gifts most players would kill for but not blessed with the gift to actually have any impact on the match. We were still in it when Jurrah took a screamer in the centre of the centre of the ground and pinpointed it to him all on his own with plenty of time, perfect opportunity for a game-turning goal like a champion would do, did he kick it? Of course not! Absolute embarrassment tonight

Yeah agree.... Watts has never ever been criticized in his whole career?? are you serious mate he cops more than any player i can think of, he missed a shot and had a bad game, want him to promise every game will be one for the highlight reel?

deficiencies - centre work, clearances, defense in general, intensity


It's only NAB cup ,... It's only NAB cup ,... It's only NAB cup .


Hahaha... I like!!

Essendung supporters can chant Hiiiirdy all they want. Let them. NAB Cup is their only opportunity to secure wins! It'll wear out come season proper.

Strauss, Spencer, Martin, Nicholson, Warnock, Howe, Jetta, Maric*. These guys that are either just drafted or fail to secure a spot in our regular side got a go. And this is what NAB Cup is used for. To see how the irregular lads fair in terms of shaping our structure.

- Petterd, Scullz, McKenzie (OP??), Frawley, Morton. All imperative to our team and all missing.

- Tapscott, Gysberts, Blease, Gawn... where are they??? Cotton wool mayhaps.

- Our first 2010 draft pick in Cook was rested.

NAB Cup is merely a way for players to remove the rust from their systems and give the irregular players a crack.

* Maric HAS to be a regular in our Best 22. He has had an UNBELIEVABLE pre-season!!


Attempting not to care about this plastic tournament, but fark me what about some forward targets. All this end to end stuff is great when it works but we just kept bombing it in there and hoping for the best while they were down the other end picking targets with ease.


I'm sure he (Watts) was as motivated and trying as hard a normal season game, if not then it's even more of a worry.

How motivated can a person who apparently doesn't care about losing be?

Sorry, but the question needs to be asked ...


This time last year they beat us by the same margin in the NAB Challenge Match at Visy Park.

Big deal. It was a pre season game and Bailey was trying out some things that didn't work on the night.

My spleen can vent on other things.


yeah, why didn't our 19 year old developing future prospect kpf rip apart this crucial NAB cup game?

seriously mate, you need a breathalyzer on your pc...

Post of the thread.

It's NAB cup people.


Big deal. It was a pre season game and Bailey was trying out some things that didn't work on the night.

Quite true

- Bartram had a run in the middle.

- Dunn was in defence with Jones at stages.

- JURRAH WAS IN THE MIDDLE - epic FAIL when a handball was shot out his way and he wasn't nearly quick enough to react -_- Stay in goal, Liam...

Gives an opportunity to see where players can be used elsewhere around the ground.

It also looked as though Green was happy to let the less experienced guys just have a real crack.


Jesus! We lost a nab cup match! Scrap the whole season!

Not too concerned. Let the bombers go

The 1st quarter. We were right back in it by 3/4 time but what's the point going gangbusters and doing hammys trying

to reel back in the lead in a preseason match.

We saw 2 very different agendas from the clubs tonight.

The bombers are trying to win back the respect of their supporters and justifying the appointment of the messiah hird. The dees have their eyes firmly on round 1 and are using the preseason as it should. Trying new players, getting a bit of miles in

the legs etc.

Good teams don't reveal their full hand of cards in the nab cup. And we are clearly

Becoming one of those teams.

If we serve up garbage like that in round one, you're I

Your rights to complain. But now, Just relax. It's a scratch match. Would you rather be a [censored] bombers supporter giving hirdy a standing applause like they just won a premiership. Please!

My only gripe; warnock is not close to afl standard, hurry back frawley!


I'm sick of seeing Watts choose not to give the ball off to the first or second options and then prop, turn around and get caught. A classic Watts move was evident on the eastern wing/flank towards the south end of the ground just before 8PM - midway into the second quarter. As soon as he won the ball I thought it was going to be another one of 'those' Watts moments and he didn't disappoint. I don't know what the cause is, but he needs to find a remedy.

I think that's the most animated post I've ever seen from you on Demonland ;)


I was told a few days ago that the Bombers were out to get us this season and they did it this time with style. Their work rate compared to ours was sensational. We did not work as hard as last week. Conceded a very high score for this abreviated form of the game. I don't mind we got beaten like this. Better to see all deficiences exposed now rather than later.

Grimes was OK but our defence was very disorganised and bad decision making. Again allowed too many cheap goals from stoppages and broken play. And conceded too many easy marks inside 50 as we also did last week.

Our midfield was poor. Something lacking there. Just can't get the ball out in stoppages. Scully was missed.

Our forwards again looked good despite limited opportunities. But not pleased with Watts. Showed very little. Maric looks like he can become a genuine goal hound. Dunn impressed and Jurrah was Jurrah for the most part.

I don't think Bailey had the team prepared for what to expect and was outcoached IMO.

Overall IMO a lazy performance from us but a very long way to go yet.


On a posative note, did anyone see the crunching spear tackle that N.Jetta laid down in the forward line in the 2nd quarter...was pure beauty :)


Happy to put a line through jetta never rated him and I don't think he will ever make it. If his job was to pressure the bombers backs he did a very poor job of it. Bennell back forward to put the pressure on the backs as he did last year but he needs to get into the game more.

Strauss is also of concern his pace is a major worry.


I worry that we really struggle to play the Dome. We seem to struggle on the smaller ground especally moving the ball out of defence.

When was it we last won there?

And (because I am to lazy to look it up) how many games do we have there this year?


I know it is only a practise match but it may be another long year!

we should have done a lot better remember the Essendaon side had 6 of their best on the side lines.

There is a very old saying "When the going gets tough, the tough get going"

And once again Bennell, Jetta and Watts were not in the hunt. There is a familar pattern emerging there!

I might add they had a few mates. e.g. our captain one of the worst efforts he has put in for some time.

You would thing I would be used to this by now, but I am not I hate loosing to ordinary sides by 39 points.


I know it is only a practise match but it may be another long year!

we should have done a lot better remember the Essendaon side had 6 of their best on the side lines......

How about Frawley, Scully, Mckenzie, Petterd, Morton

(along with Gysberts who has shown he can handle the big league)

that would be 6 from our best side too.


Our game plan seems like it will be extrememly difficult to pull off successfully on a consistent basis. Requires skills to be too precise and seems to involve too much risk taking. I really dont like the constant switching to the centre corridor even to contests. We dont spread enough when we have possession and the congestion leads to easy turnovers.

Clearances are a concern. Junior has left a massive hole there.

Warnock is not an adequate replacement for Frawley. Slow, poor skills, not creative.

Im willing to give Strauss some more time. Hes only played 2 AFL games remember and his kicking is very good. He does seem a little lost out there at the moment.

Maloney's one dimensional style of play is really starting to annoy me. Get it and bang it long.


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