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'Bailey pleased despite defeat '


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'Bailey pleased despite defeat'

Taking nothing away from the boys and dean today; i feel that this is the wrong attitude from DB.....in his post match conference he seemed almost at peace with the result today. I say he should have responded to the press by saying NO where not happy.....this football club is all about winning n no matter the situation we aim and expect to win so of course where not happy!

anyway jst my view, your thoughts?


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I would normally agree, but I was expecting a massive loss and despite the hurt I was still quite happy. I was happy to see Melbourne play man-on-man, attacking football. Yes, Melbourne should have won and they shouldn't be happy with the result but there were a lot of positives to take out of the game.

I thought that Bailey did a great in just getting the players up for the game. They didn't come out really fired up and then just fade after five minutes, it was good, sustained, solid football.

But the thing that pleased me the most was that it was entertaining to watch. Even with the final few seconds it was just a good game of football and I really enjoyed it as a spectacle.

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'Bailey pleased despite defeat'

Taking nothing away from the boys and dean today; i feel that this is the wrong attitude from DB.....in his post match conference he seemed almost at peace with the result today. I say he should have responded to the press by saying NO where not happy.....this football club is all about winning n no matter the situation we aim and expect to win so of course where not happy!

anyway jst my view, your thoughts?


No he should be very proud with that effort-and yes we still need to improve to climb the ladder, but we now know that we can match a good side for 4 quarters.

With a little more effort the MFC will win more games than we lose on that showing.

But i know what you mean. Close enough is not good enough. I hope the team is proud but filthy on that result.

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'Bailey pleased despite defeat'

Taking nothing away from the boys and dean today; i feel that this is the wrong attitude from DB.....in his post match conference he seemed almost at peace with the result today. I say he should have responded to the press by saying NO where not happy.....this football club is all about winning n no matter the situation we aim and expect to win so of course where not happy!

anyway jst my view, your thoughts?


When has he ever not seemed at peace with the result in a post-match interview. The guy's just a cucumber. As in "cool as a." If he wasn't mad about losing last week, then obviously whether or not we won is not an issue for him. What Dean Bailey cares about is making the most of opportunities. And until such time as we do that consistently, whether we won or lost won't be an issue with him.

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There's a big difference between SEEMING pleased, and actually SAYING you're pleased. Pagan used to say the key to being a coach is, whenever in public view, look like you're catching a bus. For all we know Bailey was just doing his media-handling thing.

Coming into the game, we all thought we'd lose. The most positive among us hoped we'd play man-on-man like we did in the second half of round 1... And we got our wish. Had you said to me the result would be a loss, but within a straight kick... I think I'd have probably taken that 8 days ago.

We got more than we bargained for going into season 2010. I think EVERYONE thought we'd get touched up by the Pies, even when the draw was announced. It made sense.

The fact that we deserved the victory, is in itself, a MASSIVE step. Under Bailey we've beaten sides like Freo and Port at the G, and Richmond... all who we were beatable. Besides maybe the Brisbane comeback in 2008, and maybe round 22 last season against the Saints where we had to take our foot off the pedal... this is the biggest shock result under Bailey. And it's the best sign in 3 years the side is actually GETTING somewhere.

I think even he deserves to be a tiiiny bit relieved... certainly after the shock of the manner in which we lost wears off.

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Gee there's some hard markers. I'm pretty bloody pleased with this week compared to last. I didn't in my wildest dreams think we'd be in with a chance to win down to the wire. I think the players will feel they should have won, I think that will be enough for them to start off next week the way they finished yesterday.

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I think he can be justifiably pleased. But for a couple of things not wholly within his control (ie, unbelievable umpiring and the inexperience of some very inexperienced players), we would have won.

A bloody good effort - we were clearly the better team on the day, despite the scoreline.

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When most people in the members section yesterday had left, I was sitting there with a couple mates not believing what had happened in the last 3 hours, and more so what happened in the last 5 minutes of the game.

But I looked behind me, into the coaches box, and dean bailey was sitting there by himself looking out to the ground. He looked so hurt and so devasted with the one point loss. He looked more hurt then any other supporter or person in that ground. He then stood up, smashed something on his desk and kicked over 2 chairs..

As I was going to the game today, I was talking to my mates saying I am not sure if Bailey is the right man for the job, I didnt think he had the passion to drive the boys... But after seeing his face, I saw how much these losses affect this man. I think he hates to lose, I think he takes it personally when we lose and I think he will turn this club around with his desire to win...

Media conferences mean nothing. The people inside the club want him there, he must bleed passion behind close doors and thats all we need. We dont need some [censored] abusing umpires and such after the game to the media, we need someone cool and collected and then unleash hell when it is only needed..

He would have been so pleased with how the boys played, he would have loved Bennells game.. he would have loved Newtons chasing and heavy bumps he laid on Collingwood defenders, he would have loved Dunn and Pettards game.. despite dropping a mark.. He just knows how important winning is to the club and he knows we arent far away from it.

He wants a win more then any demonland poster here

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When most people in the members section yesterday had left, I was sitting there with a couple mates not believing what had happened in the last 3 hours, and more so what happened in the last 5 minutes of the game.

But I looked behind me, into the coaches box, and dean bailey was sitting there by himself looking out to the ground. He looked so hurt and so devasted with the one point loss. He looked more hurt then any other supporter or person in that ground. He then stood up, smashed something on his desk and kicked over 2 chairs..

As I was going to the game today, I was talking to my mates saying I am not sure if Bailey is the right man for the job, I didnt think he had the passion to drive the boys... But after seeing his face, I saw how much these losses affect this man. I think he hates to lose, I think he takes it personally when we lose and I think he will turn this club around with his desire to win...

Media conferences mean nothing. The people inside the club want him there, he must bleed passion behind close doors and thats all we need. We dont need some [censored] abusing umpires and such after the game to the media, we need someone cool and collected and then unleash hell when it is only needed..

He would have been so pleased with how the boys played, he would have loved Bennells game.. he would have loved Newtons chasing and heavy bumps he laid on Collingwood defenders, he would have loved Dunn and Pettards game.. despite dropping a mark.. He just knows how important winning is to the club and he knows we arent far away from it.

He wants a win more then any demonland poster here

Nice post. You confirmed my suspicion that the poker face and bland comments are just for the media. I also appreciate that he didn't dump on the umpires.

I don't think in his media conference he said he was pleased with the result. I think he said he was pleased with the players' efforts. And how could you not be? They played better football than a premiership contender.

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When most people in the members section yesterday had left, I was sitting there with a couple mates not believing what had happened in the last 3 hours, and more so what happened in the last 5 minutes of the game.

But I looked behind me, into the coaches box, and dean bailey was sitting there by himself looking out to the ground. He looked so hurt and so devasted with the one point loss. He looked more hurt then any other supporter or person in that ground. He then stood up, smashed something on his desk and kicked over 2 chairs..

As I was going to the game today, I was talking to my mates saying I am not sure if Bailey is the right man for the job, I didnt think he had the passion to drive the boys... But after seeing his face, I saw how much these losses affect this man. I think he hates to lose, I think he takes it personally when we lose and I think he will turn this club around with his desire to win...

Media conferences mean nothing. The people inside the club want him there, he must bleed passion behind close doors and thats all we need. We dont need some [censored] abusing umpires and such after the game to the media, we need someone cool and collected and then unleash hell when it is only needed..

He would have been so pleased with how the boys played, he would have loved Bennells game.. he would have loved Newtons chasing and heavy bumps he laid on Collingwood defenders, he would have loved Dunn and Pettards game.. despite dropping a mark.. He just knows how important winning is to the club and he knows we arent far away from it.

He wants a win more then any demonland poster here

Made my day man Awesome post!! Don't let the fact that i'ts only 10.44 in the morning dilute that however :P

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Thanks for the support..

I am sure the loss is still hurting alot of you demonlanders.. but just imagine how much its hurting the boys and dean.. lets keep positive in our posts about every player that played yesterday.. they all tried and must be hurting

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When most people in the members section yesterday had left, I was sitting there with a couple mates not believing what had happened in the last 3 hours, and more so what happened in the last 5 minutes of the game.

But I looked behind me, into the coaches box, and dean bailey was sitting there by himself looking out to the ground. He looked so hurt and so devasted with the one point loss. He looked more hurt then any other supporter or person in that ground. He then stood up, smashed something on his desk and kicked over 2 chairs..

As I was going to the game today, I was talking to my mates saying I am not sure if Bailey is the right man for the job, I didnt think he had the passion to drive the boys... But after seeing his face, I saw how much these losses affect this man. I think he hates to lose, I think he takes it personally when we lose and I think he will turn this club around with his desire to win...

Media conferences mean nothing. The people inside the club want him there, he must bleed passion behind close doors and thats all we need. We dont need some [censored] abusing umpires and such after the game to the media, we need someone cool and collected and then unleash hell when it is only needed..

He would have been so pleased with how the boys played, he would have loved Bennells game.. he would have loved Newtons chasing and heavy bumps he laid on Collingwood defenders, he would have loved Dunn and Pettards game.. despite dropping a mark.. He just knows how important winning is to the club and he knows we arent far away from it.

He wants a win more then any demonland poster here

Post of the year. Thanks for that - served to confirm my suspicions too.

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I think you'll find that the speech delivered by Brad Green after the game before they walked off had the same undertones:

Green "Boys don't you dare think that todays effort was acceptable, we lost its that simple, I don't care that the football world don't rate us and think the filth may win the flag. We go out to win every week and we should of won today, we don't acceptable being competitive or good effort anymore we only accept wins. The MFC is writing a new chapter in its history and being competitive doesn't appear, I want all of you to be filthy at losing and remember this feeling as we need to get better."

Besides thats why he should be Captain next year (unless jnr goes around again). Speaking to Bailey a couple of weeks ago he stated that the players (and football department) were livid at their lose in the praccie match in Adelaide despite nothing being on the line and poor preparation etc etc. The club/players don't take to losing well and it's driving them to be better...

p.s This is the rollercoaster that will happen this year: we could easily be pumped by Richmond then smash Brisbane....

Edited by Wolfmother
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I think you'll find that the speech delivered by Brad Green after the game before they walked off had the same undertones:

Green "Boys don't you dare think that todays effort was acceptable, we lost its that simple, I don't care that the football world don't rate us and think the filth may win the flag. We go out to win every week and we should of won today, we don't acceptable being competitive or good effort anymore we only accept wins. The MFC is writing a new chapter in its history and being competitive doesn't appear, I want all of you to be filthy at losing and remember this feeling as we need to get better."

Is that actually what he said? "Filth," "the football world," "be filthy at losing" and so on? Not making any judgments, just wondering.

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I went to a breakfast last year where Cam Schwab, Spencer and Don Mclardy were in attendance and Cam said that Bailey was under instructions to be calm at media conferences. I guess that it takes a lot of pressure of him and the club if have doesn't have to come up with a different rant every week.

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But I looked behind me, into the coaches box, and dean bailey was sitting there by himself looking out to the ground. He looked so hurt and so devasted with the one point loss. He looked more hurt then any other supporter or person in that ground. He then stood up, smashed something on his desk and kicked over 2 chairs..

He wants a win more then any demonland poster here

Post of the year champ!

I'm glad the coach hurts after a loss, and I'll be even happier if the players hurt just as much.

Lets beat Adelaide next week and celebrate it one and all!

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When most people in the members section yesterday had left, I was sitting there with a couple mates not believing what had happened in the last 3 hours, and more so what happened in the last 5 minutes of the game.

But I looked behind me, into the coaches box, and dean bailey was sitting there by himself looking out to the ground. He looked so hurt and so devasted with the one point loss. He looked more hurt then any other supporter or person in that ground. He then stood up, smashed something on his desk and kicked over 2 chairs..

As I was going to the game today, I was talking to my mates saying I am not sure if Bailey is the right man for the job, I didnt think he had the passion to drive the boys... But after seeing his face, I saw how much these losses affect this man. I think he hates to lose, I think he takes it personally when we lose and I think he will turn this club around with his desire to win...

Media conferences mean nothing. The people inside the club want him there, he must bleed passion behind close doors and thats all we need. We dont need some [censored] abusing umpires and such after the game to the media, we need someone cool and collected and then unleash hell when it is only needed..

He would have been so pleased with how the boys played, he would have loved Bennells game.. he would have loved Newtons chasing and heavy bumps he laid on Collingwood defenders, he would have loved Dunn and Pettards game.. despite dropping a mark.. He just knows how important winning is to the club and he knows we arent far away from it.

He wants a win more then any demonland poster here

Cool, i was hoping he reacted like that. It was a fantastic game and effort But we lost a game we should have won. Losing is [censored], and always will be.

Stay on the Path Dean-we will succeed.

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Based on that cutting reply, I guess not. But it makes me wonder why you even wrote it.

Wasn't meaning to sound harsh...

I think that was the gist of what was said (it what words I don't know)but I was surprised that no one has mentioned it as alot think greeny should be the next captain and for him to grab everyone after the game and basically say we are better than that and shouldnt be happy with 'just' being competitive should be mentioned....

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