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Bailey Locked In


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I agree but who/what can tell you that hes not the right person for the job? Who out there would be better for the job? its a big business decision so they would want to make sure that there is someone out there that work with the same list beacuse if there isnt then we will have to rebuild again

Why would we have to re-build? Are we suddenly going to find ourselves in a position where we have to jettison our recent draft picks? I don't think so.

The proposition I and others are putting forward is to simply wait, measure the results and if there is incremental improvement then DB deserves the job. If not, we then embark on a search for the best available. Under that scenario, I fail to see why we would have to have another player clean out, other than those who will almost certainly go at years end anyway.

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I'm not sure how you reach that conclusion. We're simply asking for a "sound" business decision. .............And footy is a business nowadays, let's not forget that

Im tending towards this. If he has the mettle...if he has the goods and wherewithall to bring this side to its potential then we ought to start seeing some real improvements over the next couple of months. If there is no discernable improvement then youd be fully justified to wonder why. You then also would be duty bound to ask 'that hard question" of is this the right path.

We havent seen this team play much with the brakes off and I agree it might be prudent to allow Bails to show us what he can do before th eclub commits ..or possibly over-commits.

No one is wanting his sacking. Hes done a marvellous job to date under very trying conditions... They are different now with a different expectation. I think we'd all just like that addressed.

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No one is wanting his sacking. Hes done a marvellous job to date under very trying conditions... They are different now with a different expectation. I think we'd all just like that addressed.

No offence BB but apparently the club begs to differ. I'll go with the club on this one if they have had a long term focus and plan which Bailey has been squarely a part of since day 1. Stability is being severely under-rated in this thread as being a vital component to our performance, self belief and most of all success. It's not like we've signed Bailey up until the end of 2015.

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We will have to make a decision by about round 10 this year. We don't have the option to wait until the end of the year before choosing whether or not to renew his contract.

Most coaches these days have a clause in their contract that the club will inform the coach whether or not they will offer a new contract by midseason (eg, Mark Williams last year). Therefore we will have to make a decision on whether we offer him a contract by this time.

Is 10 rounds enough extra information that will change the board's opinion of Bailey enough to change their decision?

If the board current is pleased with what Bailey has done at the club, then will being 1-9 affect their opinion enough to sack him? The answer is no. If they rate him as a coach now, then 10 weeks won't change their decision, in which case they may as well offer him a contract now and let the club focus on more important areas.

Further to this, Bailey has high praise for being a development coach. Someone who educates young players.

What is the risk in having him contracted until the end of 2011? We won't win the flag that year anyway, so we'd actually be better off having a development coach at the helm like Bailey. If we think we're a chance at a flag in 2013 and that Bailey isn't the man to win it for us when his next contract expires, then we can replace him then (ie, when it actually matters). Currently we're better off having him as head coach to develop our young list. There's no harm having him there for the period of his next contract, plus we also get an adequate amount of time to assess whether or not he's the right man to coach our premiership team.

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Is 10 rounds enough extra information that will change the board's opinion of Bailey enough to change their decision?

If the board current is pleased with what Bailey has done at the club, then will being 1-9 affect their opinion enough to sack him? The answer is no. If they rate him as a coach now, then 10 weeks won't change their decision, in which case they may as well offer him a contract now and let the club focus on more important areas.

Disagree. 10 rounds could easily change the board's opinion. If we play those 10 rounds showing little to no improvement on last year, how could it not?

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Yes I understand. Melbourne supporters always take the approach of the glass is half empty what about the wth glass is half full?

On the weekend we had alot of our senior playres out and compaired to freo who had there full list to choose from. They were pretty firm favourites on the tote. yes we got beaten by 46pts but our average losing margin is 40 over the last 4-5 years we were never going to win.

It seems the players went in with your attitude, which is entirely the problem. Subiaco, MCG, ****ing MARS they should always beleive they can win and EXPECT to win before every game

North have a list thats as young as ours, their guys arent even top draft picks and they were up against one of the best teams of the last 2 decades, they didnt adopt a defeatist attitude, they showed up and they gave it to the CATS, and the Cats players didnt like it, they were [censored] off as a group that they were getting a pounding from a bounch of kids, they rallied and slammed on 6 goals in 11 minutes, North still held the line and every North aligned person that saw that game would be thinking about putting their hand in their pocket to buy a membership this year, i doubt our performance convinced anyone

Edited by red&blue&true
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My fears will be realised if DB gets the confirmed extension. My view remains unchanged to that posted in Bailey or Lyon thread.

Extrememly premature for an unproven product... Let's hope I'm proven wrong!

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What results?

One NAB cup at a ground where our recent results have been losses by:

46, 59, 28, 29, 25 to Freo and 8, 77, 22, 40, 52 to WC. We average around a 40 point loss there and this game wasn't even the real season!

So basically you were happy to sign him on no evidence, now a slice of evidence has come in and you no longer want to sign him. As I said, your (and perhaps a few other people's) system needs evaluating.

What have past results at a Ground got to do with anything? Are you of the Belief we gave up on the result before we had even left Tullamarine?

It's a Footy Ground made of Grass with Standard Goal posts, with only a small crowd-We should have given the Shockers a tough game-we didn't. They to are a shaky side.

I like DB but for him to survive he is going to have to fight for his life-That is not a bad thing btw.

But we gotta sort out this travel shambles really fast-Right now we shat ourselves any where apart from the MCG.

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Disagree. 10 rounds could easily change the board's opinion. If we play those 10 rounds showing little to no improvement on last year, how could it not?

Exactly, if we are still playing as poorly in 10 weeks as we did last Sunday then questions have to be asked. The bulk of the senior players have had two years under Bailey and they should be showing a greater understanding of his game plan by now.

It's not just the new recruits that are flat footed and failing to produce flowing football.

Whilst most of the posters on here and Demonology will continue to support the club and buy their membership no matter what, I don't know if that will apply to the average supporter.

We will get a better understanding of where we are after the match against Essendon, let's hope the result is a bit closer.

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I think some of you have missed post #57.

not really...theres no announcement of it yet...is there ?

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What are they going to find out, definitively, in 10 weeks that they wouldn't already have found out in the last two and a half years?

Remember that the board has access to a lot more knowledge about Bailey than simply press conferences and match results.

i dunno, maybe that the bloke knows how to get the group to win games of football?, thats why we are here isnt it?.

howmany premiership coaches/players do we have on the board?, what makes them supreme experts on if this guy has the right stuff, despite him hardly ever winning on the day

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Dark Side of the Moon is a classic album, but not sure it adds anything to this particular debate. HT, as for post #57, if that is the case then the club should just announce it and puts us all out of our "misery" and we can move on to some other "informed" discussion.

iv'a because it's a useless debate in the first place!! can just see the club reading the posts and calling a board meeting don't think so, so again I say

The lunatic is on the grass.

The lunatic is on the grass.

Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.

Got to keep the loonies on the path.


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iv'a because it's a useless debate in the first place!! can just see the club reading the posts and calling a board meeting don't think so, so again I say

The lunatic is on the grass.

The lunatic is on the grass.

Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.

Got to keep the loonies on the path.


Us and them

And after all, we're only ordinary men.

May as well shut the forum down then. Sheez, obviously we should just accept everything, sight, unseen.

Edited by iv'a worn smith
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iv'a because it's a useless debate in the first place!! can just see the club reading the posts and calling a board meeting don't think so, so again I say

The lunatic is on the grass.

The lunatic is on the grass.

Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.

Got to keep the loonies on the path.


"Sitting on a Corn Flake

Waiting for the Van to come....

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Us and them

And in the end, we're only ordinary men.

May as well shut the forum down then. Sheez, obviously we should just accept everything, sight, unseen.

Never said that but most of these posts are only made on emotion and non understanding of where we are, only fools step off the path to please some people when things don't work out, again nahhhhh I won't.

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Give Bailey his extra year and than articles and threads like this will disappear overnight and everyone can go knocking on Freo's door. Personally I'd offer Bailey 2 years with some performance markers locked in. Bailey can start really coaching now. The list is young but relatively settled. He needs to be given the time to show whether he can meld this team into a winning unit. That will take at least the next 2 - 3 years.

Thought for the day.

Q: Had Melbourne won on Sunday would you be more likely to sign Bailey.

If your answer is yes you are a reactionary type who needs to think more before they post.

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Give Bailey his extra year and than articles and threads like this will disappear overnight and everyone can go knocking on Freo's door. Personally I'd offer Bailey 2 years with some performance markers locked in. Bailey can start really coaching now. The list is young but relatively settled. He needs to be given the time to show whether he can meld this team into a winning unit. That will take at least the next 2 - 3 years.

Thought for the day.

Q: Had Melbourne won on Sunday would you be more likely to sign Bailey.

If your answer is yes you are a reactionary type who needs to think more before they post.

The answer is no and my original position remains. Sound business decisions are based on measurable outcomes. By any measure, we're nowhere near it yet. If you simply want to rely on the "excuse" of a young list and inexperience, then look outside the club and see examples where having a red hot go is not confined to seasoned campaigners.

If you don't subscribe to that, then you're welcome to your Magical Mystery Tour, but if we disagree with you, it does not mean we are any less connected or committed to the club. Quite the opposite actually.

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I actually agree with Mike on this one, which can be rare.

Last year on here i stated that if it was up to me i would assess DB's coaching & Footy Dept. After the Q B'day Round 12 Game-and got shouted down by many in here-That is fair enough, But i still stand by my statement.

I want Bailey to succeed absolutely, but there is nothing wrong with a dead line. I worked in a news room with deadlines each day for 7 years, when the pressure was on most people excelled.

If Bailey's contract has been extended by 2 years at this point i will Back Jimmy & Co, personally i would wait till june.

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I actually agree with Mike on this one, which can be rare.

Last year on here i stated that if it was up to me i would assess DB's coaching & Footy Dept. After the Q B'day Round 12 Game-and got shouted down by many in here-That is fair enough, But i still stand by my statement.

I want Bailey to succeed absolutely, but there is nothing wrong with a dead line. I worked in a news room with deadlines each day for 7 years, when the pressure was on most people excelled.

If Bailey's contract has been extended by 2 years at this point i will Back Jimmy & Co, personally i would wait till june.

I have to agree with Mike Sheahan too....which is also quite rare! :wacko:

Personally I would not sign Dean Bailey to another contract until the end of this season. To do anything else would be foolish.

Like all other Demons supporters we want to see improvement from our team and this cannot be fully assessed correctly until the 2010 season is finished.

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I don't see much evidence of DB as a development coach, given the last two years!

How long is his potential timeframe - 2011, 2013 - why not 2020? Terry Wallace was given 5 years and look at that mess!

MFC has been waiting 45 years, enough is enough - time to move DB on!

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What have past results at a Ground got to do with anything? Are you of the Belief we gave up on the result before we had even left Tullamarine?

It's a Footy Ground made of Grass with Standard Goal posts, with only a small crowd-We should have given the Shockers a tough game-we didn't. They to are a shaky side.

I like DB but for him to survive he is going to have to fight for his life-That is not a bad thing btw.

But we gotta sort out this travel shambles really fast-Right now we shat ourselves any where apart from the MCG.

Game, set and...?

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