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World Cup loses its cheer


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Not sure if Demetriou was kidding when he said if a season was cancelled it could mean the closure of 3-4 clubs finishing up. I'll say it was just putting a bit of fear into the Fed Gov't/FFA for now.

That's the way I'm leaning also. He, and the FFA, probably know that they need to have the majority of AFL/NRL supporters (and the support of the codes) to put in a meaningful bid. Demetriou is trying to push the FFA to figure out its plan ASAP to either set out a map or deal with FIFA to uncover a compromise.

Stephen Gough was saying how it would be very difficult to the MCC to agree to a bid in a short period of time and that they would need to know soon.

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There are definitely opportunities for smart/forward thinking groups to collaborate and lobby for any goodies up for grabs. Casey could well put in for a serious upgrade of facilities and ride it on the back of its existing master plan etc. Could work with the right "pitch".

FFA has to appreciate it can only gets its cake if it pays the piper...and thats us..i.e AFL. West Sydney could see its ground upgraded courtesy of a similar approach as per Casey.

I think much will depend upon what pans out as per the exclusivity clause.. 4-6 weeks of games plus the 4 weeks moratorium on playing surfaces still adds up to one hell of a chunk of time. If they can nut out some sort of co existing arrangement then all well and good...if not..dont buckle AFL !!

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The anti-soccer brigade are out in full force on this one. Honestly, the sensationalist media practices currently in place are so over the top it's not funny. There is absolutely no way the MCG will be out of action for 16 weeks - at the most I would see 9 weeks (4 weeks of non-play and set up; 4 weeks of games; 1 week reconfiguring for AFL). And anyway as 45HG pointed out, we've survived without the MCG before. Reports of shutting down for the whole season are farcical in the extreme.

Think about how much money would be coming into the country if we won the world cup. You're talking about absolutely enormous winfalls for tourism and the flow on effects that would have on the economy. This is a much bigger picture than a simple sporting season - AFL, soccer, rugby league, frigging one legged sack racing - it's not just the sport it's the $$. Trust me, if the AFL/NRL/whoever are going to suffer inconveniences (both in sporting terms and in $$ terms) they will be compensated.

Edited by buddha82
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This situation makes me realise one thing:

Whilst in the past I have watched a lot of 'football' (as opposed to footy) and I am an Arsenal supporter, I only enjoy the game.

I love AFL footy.

I'd rather see the EPL burn than sit through a World Cup that severely weakens my club and my league.

If the end result of a World Cup is as drastic as the media is portraying it, then I don't want it and never will.

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its not so much anti-soccer....as Pro-footy brigade. Some people like any sports.. some really have an affection for soccer.. some dont ( Im one of them ).. Dont hate the game...couldnt really care less about it. Many simply dont want another game to impact the one we( the individual ) loves.

Some simply question the validity of rolling over so a relative minority ( in this country) of followers and a lot of overseas supporters can have their way here.. Be like trying to tell Canadians they cant have their Stanley Cup !!

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its not so much anti-soccer....as Pro-footy brigade. Some people like any sports.. some really have an affection for soccer.. some dont ( Im one of them ).. Dont hate the game...couldnt really care less about it. Many simply dont want another game to impact the one we( the individual ) loves.

Some simply question the validity of rolling over so a relative minority ( in this country) of followers and a lot of overseas supporters can have their way here.. Be like trying to tell Canadians they cant have their Stanley Cup !!

More history - there was a cancelled NHL season only a few years ago.

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well i am new on here i am a melbourne supporter however i came here from the uk 20 years ago i can see both sides have merit.

however a lot of people are assuming that australia has go the world cup not the case i dont think FIFa will give australia the World cup when it sees the amount of infighting in the country in regards from the other football codes.

in regards to the MGC being out of action for 12 weeks not to sure about that as in most countrys that get the world cup citys have to apply to be host citys in the world cup therefore all we have to do is persuade Melbourne not to apply to be a host city and problem is solved australia gets the World cup and AFL is ok at tge MCG. as for interstate venues not a problem Gabba subiacco SCG and AAMI not suitable for the round ball game. hope this helps and oh yes

Go the Demons

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I already hate soccer and to think we could miss out on atleast 4 weeks of AFL footy (or up to a full season) because of the World Cup is ridiculous. It only makes sense to host the event in countries where soccer is their national sport, which there should be a lot of, with how many times I've heard "the world game" in the past week.

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I barrack for the dees and only the Dees, I dont barrack for leeds, porto, juvuntus or any other soccer team. Any action that gives rise to a potential weakening of my club I am against. Now you may call me anything you choose, TUF! Now we have the name calling out of the way lets look at this proposal.

If what is reported is incorrect and only 8 weeks are lost at the G and ALL OTHER VENUES, so be it, after all you need time to reconfigure all the venues. 4 weeks of games and 4 weeks to reconfigure [ dont you love that word]. So either you have the slowest and dumbest people requiring 4 weeks to paint some lines on the ground and place 2 gaols OR you need time to place seating out on the ground[thats my bet].

If has happened for concerts on grass grounds, the seating damages the surface of the grass, and at those times the seating and stage are only down for a few days. Just imagine what the surface will be like if it is covered for 6 weeks, 4 for games and 2 of the 4 reconfigure weeks. It will be unusable for weeks after the latte set have jetted home. But wait theres more.

There are 3 options as I can see, 1 No AFL that season..... It would kill most clubs, after all contracts still have to be paid and you just cant tell all the people employed by footy Australia wide to take an unpaid year off. Then there is the media rights, paid for but not delivered, ground contracts and all this for a few weeks of soccer.

2. Shorter season........... Contracts would still have to be paid out in full, media and SPONSOR deals still to be honoured. Games played at smaller venues, less crowd, less money.

3. Same length season.... Games would be played all over the place anywhere with gaol posts and grass. Less crowds means less money, less exposure media wise, less corporate sponsership.

And this only applies to the AFL, what about the VFL, NRL, Union, SANFL, WAFL and all the rest, pray tell who is going to pay compensation to all these bodies? I probably just scrapped the surface with compensation issues.

This is my final point, if soccer is so great and universal Why is fifa so scared of local competition ?

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this is a complete load of [censored] made up by the herald sun who are sensationalising the fact that the FFA LOOKED, LOOKED, at changing the G for the world cup if we won it so it was square at the bottom - of course requiring months of work. it was fairly quickly dismissed! of course.

8 weeks is the most we wont have the MCG for - and thats if it holds a final.

assume that no footy will go ahead during the world cup, thats 8 weeks off.

start a month earlier and finish a month later. sorted.

the afl in their short-sightedness are looking at this as a negative.

it should be an opportunity to showcase the best of australia infront of the world. i bet there are some nations out there that would LOVE AFL if only they saw it.

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Seems to me that a major concern for Demetriou is that information seems to be drip-fed instead of him being fully briefed about exactly what it will involve. The bids for both 2018 & 2022 have to be put together fairly soon; Demetriou doesn't want to find himself in a position where he has to sign off on a proposal that will create big problems for AFL, but which if he doesn't sign he will be accused of undermining the bid and going against the "national interest" (whatever that is).

Let's face it, the track record of soccer administration in this country historically leaves much to be desired, although the FFA does seem to be a massive improvement on its predecessors. But Ben Buckley is an ex-player and ex-administrator of Aussie rules, he would have as good an idea as anyone of the requirements for transferring an arena from AFL to soccer and back again, and he would also be in close touch with FIFA. He should surely be as aware as anyone of the requirements for AFL & NRL.

I thought also that the wording was that there cannot be a major sporting event in a city that's participating - does a normal round of AFL qualify as a major sporting event? It's possible that the AFL season may well be able to continue, though it will certainly be attenuated.

And surely the MCG would be first in line among stadiums in Australia to stage the WC final and other big games.

By the way, Australia is considered to have a much better chance of getting the 2022 tournament than 2018. That gives 14 years for arrangements to be worked out.

The main focus of the bid will be on the proven "never-failed" ability of Australia as a country to host extremely successful major international sporting events of whatever type, not on the capacity of the FFA alone.

And how many soccer matches were played in the 2000 Olympics? Enough venues were found then and it seemed to go very well.

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World Cup loses it cheer

"THE AFL has painted the dramatic scenario of a season laid to waste by a soccer World Cup in Australia, with the MCG unavailable for up to 12 weeks. "

3 months with no footy in Melbourne ? No thankyou.

I dont care to hear all the bleatings from the devotees of the "world game" i really dont. I couldnt care less if soccer fell over in this country. Yes theres room for many codes to co-exist..but I dont see the AFL preventing any other game from happening . It plays its game on its merits and allows others too.. alls fair in loive and war but to eliminate Football ( real Football ) from Melbourne at its rightful time is beyond bearing.

Vote NO to Soccer World Cup in OZ

This is Melbourne... we have traditions. Even two world wars couldnt bring this game to a halt and yet some trumped up clowns want to take our "right' away. I dont think so.

Traditionally the world cup is played and hosted by nations whose premier football code is soccer so its hardly an intrusion. This is Australia and its Premier code Is Australian Rules Football. If the world Cup doesnt think it can stack up against it in fair competition...then that says it all.

I'll be letting my local member know what I think of this ...I invite you to do likewise

I just cant understand how people like you are so anti World Cup Football to be held in Australia!!

Facts are our its the World Game bigger than the Olympics!

Played by more countries and more people than any other sport in the World!

More kids in Australia are playing Football than Aussie rules, thats girls also!

This is the Real Football! as word says Foot ball NO hands touching like the Aussie Rules!

The only way that Aussie Rules can play an international match is against the Irish and they have to use a ROUND BALL!

Look at the economic benefits that will come with the World CUP, exposure,tourism,business, Asian region exposure etc etc

Get your head out of the sand & look at the big picture!

Just to set the record straight I like AFL & have supported the Demons since 70s and a paid up member since 1998 and will party for a week if we can win a flag, but Im a passiont about World Football and the opportunity to see Aussies play in a World cup here & to hear the national anthem sends shivers up my spine

Gary Lyon who went to 06 Cup watched Aust vs Brazil and said the feeling & emotion whilst they played the anthem was something he has never felt before!

How you would want to deny that is beyond me!

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well i am new on here i am a melbourne supporter however i came here from the uk 20 years ago i can see both sides have merit.

however a lot of people are assuming that australia has go the world cup not the case i dont think FIFa will give australia the World cup when it sees the amount of infighting in the country in regards from the other football codes.

in regards to the MGC being out of action for 12 weeks not to sure about that as in most countrys that get the world cup citys have to apply to be host citys in the world cup therefore all we have to do is persuade Melbourne not to apply to be a host city and problem is solved australia gets the World cup and AFL is ok at tge MCG. as for interstate venues not a problem Gabba subiacco SCG and AAMI not suitable for the round ball game. hope this helps and oh yes

Go the Demons

Personally, i don't want to give up a season of AFL, for a weak arse world cup.

Nobody in this debate has talked about soccer riots!


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Oh, noes!! 3 months?

More than that - it's about 90 days...

The AFL will never recover.

Clearly you're not fussed.

However, your opinion isn't the only one.

And 12 weeks is a misnomer. The Cup runs for a month and the grounds have to be prepared for a month. That would be 8 weeks.

It's a hypothetical.

I wanted to gauge the poster's feelings towards a disruption longer than a few weeks.

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I just cant understand how people like you are so anti World Cup Football to be held in Australia!!

Facts are our its the World Game bigger than the Olympics!

Played by more countries and more people than any other sport in the World!

It's pretty simple to understand. AFL gets more interest here than soccer and we're talking about having the World Cup in Australia, not in one of the many other countries where AFL doesn't even rate a mention.

I don't think many would oppose Australia hosting the World Cup if it didn't mean a disruption to AFL.

In fact, I don't think many would oppose Australia hosting the World Cup if it meant a disruption to AFL of a month or so.

Look at the economic benefits that will come with the World CUP, exposure,tourism,business, Asian region exposure etc etc

Get your head out of the sand & look at the big picture!

Just like the benefits we get from the F1, but better*?

*perhaps that should be 'worse'

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Personally, i don't want to give up a season of AFL, for a weak arse world cup.

Nobody in this debate has talked about soccer riots!


When is the Australian phsyke going to finally mature enough to realise that you can actually follow/support both codes , it doesn't have to be this us against them mentality. Do yourself a favour and follow both sports, some of the hysterics you read both here and in the paper really are xenophobic

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When is the Australian phsyke going to finally mature enough to realise that you can actually follow/support both codes , it doesn't have to be this us against them mentality. Do yourself a favour and follow both sports, some of the hysterics you read both here and in the paper really are xenophobic

What if in fact (yet to be proven) the possible disruption/cancellation of an AFL season was to the detriment of your club, how would you feel then ?

Edited by High Tower
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I just cant understand how people like you are so anti World Cup Football to be held in Australia!!

Ah lead with an untruth...I have always said am happy to compromise.. if not to the detriment of the game i happen to watch.

Facts are our its the World Game bigger than the Olympics!

so what.. why should I care.. There are more people playing darts than AFL..should that be relevent also?? Its a trifle

Played by more countries and more people than any other sport in the World!

thats a given...yet more and more take up our game each year too. . There IS room for more than one code...unless youre FIFA of course !!

More kids in Australia are playing Football than Aussie rules, thats girls also!

debatable.. Fact..Soccer has a very poor record translating any U16 participation into adult leagues.. At this point almost all the girls drop off too..

Why are you needing to desperately justify your existance..Im not fussed whether soccer is player or not.. I dont follow it.. I dont watch it.. And would only have a passing nationalist interest should Oz make any finals...more curiosity that anything.

You seem to be attempting to justify the right of the country to hold it.. I dont argue..ne ver had.. its the exclusivity of it..the paranoia of FIFA... Can you comprehend ?

This is the Real Football! as word says Foot ball NO hands touching like the Aussie Rules!

Who honestly gives a flying......you like the game.. thats great...good for you.. By the way..apparently the French use their hands :rolleyes: ....keepers do to I hear. dumb argument :unsure:

The only way that Aussie Rules can play an international match is against the Irish and they have to use a ROUND BALL!

Untrue.. the code is growing..and within 10 years there ought to be genuine AFL type competition between countries.. yes.. we play Ireland in a hybrid game.. mores the pity really

Look at the economic benefits that will come with the World CUP, exposure,tourism,business, Asian region exposure etc etc

befits.. or costs ?? who gets what..and who pays ? I see Soccer getting a huge leg up here..at whos cost ?? The type of tourist the typical soccer fan represents isnt one the is going to spend money anywhere much further than a bar..

Get your head out of the sand & look at the big picture!

Who's big picture ? What does it look like.. Sounds more like some bragging rights fest and all disputers can be held to contempt. Some of us arent prepared to take the trumped up fodder and spin without question

Just to set the record straight I like AFL & have supported the Demons since 70s and a paid up member since 1998 and will party for a week if we can win a flag, but Im a passiont about World Football and the opportunity to see Aussies play in a World cup here & to hear the national anthem sends shivers up my spine

Good for you !! I follow AFL and not Soccer. each to their own. Im not decrying you r ability to follow soccer...dont dismiss mine to not..or to not want MY game interupted mainly for the benefit of millions overseas.

Gary Lyon who went to 06 Cup watched Aust vs Brazil and said the feeling & emotion whilst they played the anthem was something he has never felt before!

he needs to get or more possibly!!

How you would want to deny that is beyond me!

Oh dear.. Lets say it again.. am happy to co exist.. is FIFA ??

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When is the Australian phsyke going to finally mature enough to realise that you can actually follow/support both codes , it doesn't have to be this us against them mentality. Do yourself a favour and follow both sports, some of the hysterics you read both here and in the paper really are xenophobic

Psyche. It is a bit over the top, but so is your claim of an immature Australian psyche.

I've been to many international friendlies and EPL matches and I really enjoy the game of football.

But I simply don't want it here if it is going to hurt my beloved game of AFL footy. Simple as that. And at the moment it looks like it most definitely will if we win a World Cup bid.

If there is minimal impact on AFL then I say bring it on. But I know this is not FIFA's style. FIFA is like Microsoft.

Those presenting the argument that we could show off AFL to the world via the World Cup - stop pretending.

You're not fooling anyone, lest maybe yourselves.

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When is the Australian phsyke going to finally mature enough to realise that you can actually follow/support both codes , it doesn't have to be this us against them mentality. Do yourself a favour and follow both sports, some of the hysterics you read both here and in the paper really are xenophobic

Hang on ...get things the right way around here please.

It is soccer that is stipulating that other sports must be suspended while the World Cup is being played.The problem is not the intolerance of the AFL - but the intolerance of soccer. Do yourselves a favour, soccer - and start working with the codes that built the facilities you now want to cash in on.

Let's be perfectly clear before throwing around emotive terms like "hysteria" and "xenophobic" - the us against them mentality - was created by - and is being sustained by - soccer!!

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Guest oldman emubitter

why aren't soccer fans questioning the ffa's role in this aurgument. the afl and mcg have put on the public record recently the lack of comunication from ffa re. the bid and ground use. this morning we read ethihad was on the table at sth africa last week yet we only find out about now. strikes me as complete arrogace on behalf of the countrys soccer governing body.

I also question the economic benefits of the tournament. fifa, being one of the most corrupt sporting organisations on the planet will cetainly be lining their pockets; how much will slip through to the locals?

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I agree with Beelzebub on this topic.

In fact I'd extend his argument to say that Soccer in general is a threat to our far superior, and older , and more traditional game of Australian Football.

"The world game" is like a cancer spreading through world sport and stifling local codes.

One reason it catches on so quickly is that it's so simple! 2year olds can have fun kicking a big soft round ball along the ground long before they can catch a moving ball, let alone hold it, drop it, and kick it in the air. Mothers like it since there's no body contact, and little Johnnie won't get hurt.Games don't take much time , and can be played on a small ground, or even inside. Villagers in Africa can play in a rough old clearing in the jungle.

But these factors don't make it the best game! The fact that only one player can touch the ball limits its potential as a spectacle. And only foot skills, not ball handling , are on display. How ridiculous to have to use your HEAD to propel the ball in the air! The low scoring makes Referees' decisions on penalties so crucial. The lack of scores makes the crowds restless and angry.Violence is much worse in soccer crowds than other sports. In South America, the crowds are separated from the players by barbed wire, moats, armed police, and water cannon are aimed at the crowd ready to fire!

I reckon our game, Australian Football(cf "Australian Rules", or "AFL"), is a much better game, and I don't care that it's not played overseas.

I perceive soccer as a threat, and I oppose us getting the World Cup here, even if it doesn't interfere with one of our local seasons.

This debate has crystallised a few things in my mind.

I hope Melb Victory lose every week!(they snubbed the MFC in the Olympic Park devt.)

I hope we don't make the next stage of the World cup in South Africa(ie we miss the final 16)

I hope we don't get a World Cup in Australia. If we must, send it to Sydney. They're less concerned about their rugby than we are about our game.

Call me a hide-bound red-necked traditionalist if you like, but that's what I think.

Go Hammers!

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I agree with Beelzebub on this topic.

In fact I'd extend his argument to say that Soccer in general is a threat to our far superior, and older , and more traditional game of Australian Football.

"The world game" is like a cancer spreading through world sport and stifling local codes.

One reason it catches on so quickly is that it's so simple! 2year olds can have fun kicking a big soft round ball along the ground long before they can catch a moving ball, let alone hold it, drop it, and kick it in the air. Mothers like it since there's no body contact, and little Johnnie won't get hurt.Games don't take much time , and can be played on a small ground, or even inside. Villagers in Africa can play in a rough old clearing in the jungle.

But these factors don't make it the best game! The fact that only one player can touch the ball limits its potential as a spectacle. And only foot skills, not ball handling , are on display. How ridiculous to have to use your HEAD to propel the ball in the air! The low scoring makes Referees' decisions on penalties so crucial. The lack of scores makes the crowds restless and angry.Violence is much worse in soccer crowds than other sports. In South America, the crowds are separated from the players by barbed wire, moats, armed police, and water cannon are aimed at the crowd ready to fire!

I reckon our game, Australian Football(cf "Australian Rules", or "AFL"), is a much better game, and I don't care that it's not played overseas.

I perceive soccer as a threat, and I oppose us getting the World Cup here, even if it doesn't interfere with one of our local seasons.

This debate has crystallised a few things in my mind.

I hope Melb Victory lose every week!(they snubbed the MFC in the Olympic Park devt.)

I hope we don't make the next stage of the World cup in South Africa(ie we miss the final 16)

I hope we don't get a World Cup in Australia. If we must, send it to Sydney. They're less concerned about their rugby than we are about our game.

Call me a hide-bound red-necked traditionalist if you like, but that's what I think.

Go Hammers!

Can't argue with you logic J.J. Australian Rules is the greatest Game, not just because i grew up with it-it just is....

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[quote name='Adelaide Demon' "Shut up idiot."

I take exception to this reply, which I think lowers the tone of this forum . I think I have put forward some reasonable points, and do not deserve the reply "shut up idiot". Where are you, moderators?

I presume you're a soccer lover who can't understand that there are Australians who value our local game. But I won't tell you to "shut up, moron".

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