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Congratulations MFC - we're truly on the way back

Ron Burgundy

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For years I've supported this club. For all of those years, the MFC's essentially been hopeless - not always completely hopeless, but always a bit hopeless in some fundamental aspect.

However, despite currently being bottom of the ladder, this club is no longer hopeless. In fact, it's probably the least hopeless it's been since 1964. It's finally on the verge of a period of sustained success - a period of being taken seriously.


Because of the following:

1. The club's administration. Stynes, Connolly, Schwab - finally, some really competent MFC clubmen with genuine ability running the club ... and injecting some passion, some life, some meaning into the club.

The MFC's burgeoning debt is finally being arrested, if not reduced altogether.

The club is being reunited - we all know those names coming back into the fold; for a start it includes a block called the MCC.

The club has a new base in Casey - better facilities, new supporters. This has been a coup.

The club is also intent upon upgrading its prehistoric training facilities - it's not inconceivable that the Dees will be training on the G in the near future. The facilities will also be top class - perhaps for the first time ever.

All of this is due to the current administration. To all of you, thanks. Thanks a lot.

2. The list. Grimes, Morton, Jurrah, Bate, Garland, Frawley, Petterd, Martin, Dunn, Wona, Bennell, Maric, Jetta, Cheney, Spencer, Watts et al - we really do have some bloody good young players coming through. From all reports, Blease and Strauss are similarly good prospects.

Bruce and Green still have a fair bit in the tank. Then we have Sylvia, Davey, Rivers, Moloney, McLean, Jones, Warnock and Jamar to add to this list. Robbo? Who knows?!

And add to this group (hopefully) picks 1, 2, 18, 19 and pick 1 in the pre-season draft. That's not a bad list. In fact, it's a bloody good list. And possibly achieved with some real rat cunning - something that's never ever been associated with the slow moving beast that's been the MFC previously.

3. Coaching staff. Bailey, Wellman, Mahoney, West, German. Good, effective unit.

These guys know what they're doing - I really believe that. Bailey's approach in the last few games, for such a new head coach, has been remarkably measured. He seems to know what we need to achieve - and he seems to be calmly navigating the stormy waters to get us there. Keep it up, Dean - despite what some might now be saying.

Pendergast seems also to be a very good recruiter - very impressed with Grimes, Morton, Maric, Jurrah, Bennell and Jetta, to name a few.

4. Leadership. Always been a problem for the Demons. That's changing. Moloney, Davey, Green, even Sylvia (I hope), McLean, Jones - all coming through as genuine future MFC leaders. Our next generation seems to have leadership in spades too: Grimes, Watts, Morton. This is the first time in years the club's been in this situation. This is good news.

5. Supporter base. Numbers are growing. Probably still a bit apathetic, but heaps better than before.

6. Ladder position. Currently 16th. I predict this will change ... radically.

7. White clash guernsey - much better than the silver one.

The signs are good. Get on board the positives ...

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I also believe that the Melbourne Football Club is heading into a period that a lot of people have been waiting for!

Too long now, the sleeping giant has been snoring his head off!!! The alarm clock is about to go off.....

The big fella may press snooze a couple of times before he is willing to rise, but when he does wipe the sleep out of his eyes and gets out of bed...... LOOK OUT WORLD!!!!

The next decade is going to be bloody awesome!

Go Dees!!

Edited by KrazyJay
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For years I've supported this club. For all of those years, the MFC's essentially been hopeless - not always completely hopeless, but always a bit hopeless in some fundamental aspect.

However, despite currently being bottom of the ladder, this club is no longer hopeless. In fact, it's probably the least hopeless it's been since 1964. It's finally on the verge of a period of sustained success - a period of being taken seriously.


Because of the following:

1. The club's administration. Stynes, Connolly, Schwab - finally, some really competent MFC clubmen with genuine ability running the club ... and injecting some passion, some life, some meaning into the club.

The MFC's burgeoning debt is finally being arrested, if not reduced altogether.

The club is being reunited - we all know those names coming back into the fold; for a start it includes a block called the MCC.

The club has a new base in Casey - better facilities, new supporters. This has been a coup.

The club is also intent upon upgrading its prehistoric training facilities - it's not inconceivable that the Dees will be training on the G in the near future. The facilities will also be top class - perhaps for the first time ever.

All of this is due to the current administration. To all of you, thanks. Thanks a lot.

2. The list. Grimes, Morton, Jurrah, Bate, Garland, Frawley, Petterd, Martin, Dunn, Wona, Bennell, Maric, Jetta, Cheney, Spencer, Watts et al - we really do have some bloody good young players coming through. From all reports, Blease and Strauss are similarly good prospects.

Bruce and Green still have a fair bit in the tank. Then we have Sylvia, Davey, Rivers, Moloney, McLean, Jones, Warnock and Jamar to add to this list. Robbo? Who knows?!

And add to this group (hopefully) picks 1, 2, 18, 19 and pick 1 in the pre-season draft. That's not a bad list. In fact, it's a bloody good list. And possibly achieved with some real rat cunning - something that's never ever been associated with the slow moving beast that's been the MFC previously.

3. Coaching staff. Bailey, Wellman, Mahoney, West, German. Good, effective unit.

These guys know what they're doing - I really believe that. Bailey's approach in the last few games, for such a new head coach, has been remarkably measured. He seems to know what we need to achieve - and he seems to be calmly navigating the stormy waters to get us there. Keep it up, Dean - despite what some might now be saying.

Pendergast seems also to be a very good recruiter - very impressed with Grimes, Morton, Maric, Jurrah, Bennell and Jetta, to name a few.

4. Leadership. Always been a problem for the Demons. That's changing. Moloney, Davey, Green, even Sylvia (I hope), McLean, Jones - all coming through as genuine future MFC leaders. Our next generation seems to have leadership in spades too: Grimes, Watts, Morton. This is the first time in years the club's been in this situation. This is good news.

5. Supporter base. Numbers are growing. Probably still a bit apathetic, but heaps better than before.

6. Ladder position. Currently 16th. I predict this will change ... radically.

7. White clash guernsey - much better than the silver one.

The signs are good. Get on board the positives ...

Best thread in a while! Some great positives there, and for the first time in a long while, some real causes for optimism.

BTW - we dont get pick 19, we only get one PP, before the first round.


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Pendergast seems also to be a very good recruiter - very impressed with Grimes, Morton, Maric, Jurrah, Bennell and Jetta, to name a few.

Good post.

Didn't Craig Cameron help recruit Grimes, Morton, Maric?

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3. Coaching staff. Bailey, Wellman, Mahoney, West, German. Good, effective unit.

Going through the coaches one by one.

Bailey - I like what he is doing, he knew the task was going to be tough, but he didn't mope around, he got straight into it. He also couldn't give a stuff what the outside world thought of what he is doing and how he is doing it. He knows he only answers to the hierarchy of Jimmy and Co, one in which i have the utmost respect for. He displayed his vision to Jim during the process of finding a new coach and the big fella was rapt, so Bailey is more likely than not, to be onto a good thing. Jury is still out, but i guess it will be how the team goes over the next year or so, where we will see if Bailey has got what it takes.

Wellman - Our backline has never been seen as the rock of our team throughout my entire life, more so the achilles heel. It has now become a backline that doesn't scream elite (although one Jack Grimes might have something to say about that), but will get the job done. All that is needed. Huge ticks for Wellman here.

West - A champion player fresh out of the game. Can only influence our midfield in a positive way. Hopefully will get a full-time assistants role as mid-field coach (if he hasn't already).

German - North have him short-listed for their coaching position, Enough said. Fantastic edition to our group of coaches.

Mahoney - We arrive to it at last. This guy needs to be given the arse. Our forward line has not been functioning well at all for the past 2 seasons. Jurrah is not going to save Mahoney from the axe. Heard a whisper that we might be interested in John Barker (former hawthorn player) as our forward coach.

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Yes, but he also helped recruit Newton, Bartram, Weetra, Bode,


Fair enough. I'm just highlighting that BP shouldn't be getting credit from ill-informed supporters about the recruiting the likes of Grimes, Morton & Maric.

It was CC.

Edited by High Tower
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Nothing revelatory but I guess it lists a number of the reasons many supporters are optimistic about the Club's fortunes, despite some horror results over the past couple of seasons. I'm not going to nit-pick over minor details, but one thing I wanted to comment on was the suggestion that Melbourne supporters are apathetic.

I'm constantly amazed that Melbourne's own supporters propogate a stereotype of our fans that is not only false but also unflattering and possibly damaging. For starters, take a look at our ratio of members to supporters or the level of financial generosity shown by the Club's supporters over the last year.

If anyone wants to throw low crowd numbers at me, please correlate on-field fortunes of other Clubs with their crowd figures first (Hawthorn in the 2000's is a good start). Oh, and take a look at our membership numbers over the past couple of cellar-dwelling seasons while you're at it :)

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Yes, but he also helped recruit Newton, Bartram, Weetra, Bode,


they were all late picks so he cant be blamed for that. Newton was late 40s i think, Bartram pick 60? Weetra pick 70 something and Bode rookie list. I dont think these were mistakes, all went on to play seniors at some stage. Most late picks dont work out.

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Mahoney - We arrive to it at last. This guy needs to be given the arse. Our forward line has not been functioning well at all for the past 2 seasons. Jurrah is not going to save Mahoney from the axe. Heard a whisper that we might be interested in John Barker (former hawthorn player) as our forward coach.

Interesting, how much weight do you give to this whisper?

I must say that one of my few reservations in our current setup has been Mahoney. Despite our poor year I expected to see a little more structure and effectiveness up forward than what we did. Barker could well be a good get, he played a more traditional forward type role but then this whisper could be groundless. Another thing to keep tabs on I suppose as pre-season approaches.

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Nothing revelatory but I guess it lists a number of the reasons many supporters are optimistic about the Club's fortunes, despite some horror results over the past couple of seasons. I'm not going to nit-pick over minor details, but one thing I wanted to comment on was the suggestion that Melbourne supporters are apathetic.

I'm constantly amazed that Melbourne's own supporters propogate a stereotype of our fans that is not only false but also unflattering and possibly damaging. For starters, take a look at our ratio of members to supporters or the level of financial generosity shown by the Club's supporters over the last year.

If anyone wants to throw low crowd numbers at me, please correlate on-field fortunes of other Clubs with their crowd figures first (Hawthorn in the 2000's is a good start). Oh, and take a look at our membership numbers over the past couple of cellar-dwelling seasons while you're at it :)

Good points raised.

Yes, but he also helped recruit Newton, Bartram, Weetra, Bode,


Newton was a third round pick in 2004,Bartram and Weetra were speculative picks around 60+. Bode was a rookie elevated.

Hardly damming.

Going through the coaches one by one.

I am not sure any poster who is not on the inside at the footy department can make any reasonable informed assessment of the assistant coaches. Your assessment reflects the relative strengths of the playing list. Maybe its got something to with the quality of the cattle at his disposal. As a result, while I have no clear view on Mahoney your condemnation of him is harsh and ignores the fact that MFC have been a crud side for 2 years and that the midfield and forward line has been bereft of real talent and reasonable supply. And its the forward coaches fault. Nothing short of a witch hunt.

I must say that one of my few reservations in our current setup has been Mahoney. Despite our poor year I expected to see a little more structure and effectiveness up forward than what we did. Barker could well be a good get, he played a more traditional forward type role but then this whisper could be groundless. Another thing to keep tabs on I suppose as pre-season approaches.

Unless a coach has the quality of a player in the forward line and within a competitive team then he may as well be Houdini if he is to get the forward line to be productive. A thankless and difficult job.

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I agree with all the sentiments and comments made that this is truly a great post.

It is nice to see positive thinking and I agree with all that was said. I have followed the Dees for many years now and had started to worry I would never see a flag with the way things were going.

I now know that most likely I will and that will be due to the hard decisions and work the current admin and coaches are doing - including our list management and experimentation on game day.

These things are things that I couldnt see being done in the past but are necessary due to the upcoming arrival of GC and WS and the compromised drafts for the next few years. If you were going to bottom out and rebuild this was the last year you could afford to do that for some time. We have sucked up the pain pretty well as we can see a glorious light coming through our "tunnel" and I cant wait to walk towards that light!!! In fact I wish I could run but there are 3 weeks left and one win out of those 3 weeks will see the light starting to come out this end of that tunnel.


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Ahhh... yeah, its great to recap all the positives and I think the club is doing quite well...

I love a positive attitude & all...

But talk about rose-tinted glasses

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It's nice to read those things when there's so much talk of gloom & doom..

For all of us who've supported this club for a long time, it truly is a revolutionary stage in our club's existence. We have struggled on and off the field for such a long time, but there have been so many positive changes in the last couple of years. So many people have put their hands up to help get the club back on track, and it's something that's sort of easy to ignore or not give credit to when we're struggling to win games.

But the on-field pain is temporary. Like Big Kev was, 'I'm excited' by the direction the club's headed in, both on and off the field..

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Going through the coaches one by one.

Bailey - I like what he is doing, he knew the task was going to be tough, but he didn't mope around, he got straight into it. He also couldn't give a stuff what the outside world thought of what he is doing and how he is doing it. He knows he only answers to the hierarchy of Jimmy and Co, one in which i have the utmost respect for. He displayed his vision to Jim during the process of finding a new coach and the big fella was rapt, so Bailey is more likely than not, to be onto a good thing. Jury is still out, but i guess it will be how the team goes over the next year or so, where we will see if Bailey has got what it takes.

Wellman - Our backline has never been seen as the rock of our team throughout my entire life, more so the achilles heel. It has now become a backline that doesn't scream elite (although one Jack Grimes might have something to say about that), but will get the job done. All that is needed. Huge ticks for Wellman here.

West - A champion player fresh out of the game. Can only influence our midfield in a positive way. Hopefully will get a full-time assistants role as mid-field coach (if he hasn't already).

German - North have him short-listed for their coaching position, Enough said. Fantastic edition to our group of coaches.

Mahoney - We arrive to it at last. This guy needs to be given the arse. Our forward line has not been functioning well at all for the past 2 seasons. Jurrah is not going to save Mahoney from the axe. Heard a whisper that we might be interested in John Barker (former hawthorn player) as our forward coach.

Good points in the post overall but a slight oversight in regard to the coaches. Mark Williams is one of the assistant coaches having been promoted in 2 steps from when was Sandy coach. He is a good coach (3 premierships with Sandy and good results overall). Also is a nice guy and very well respected by the players.

I am not sure Mahoney will go. Wasnt he hand picked by Bailey and came with him to MFC??

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So West needs to be promoted while Mahoney needs to be given that arse?

The rationale, I'm yet to see it. Oh, if we're interested in Barker, he must be great. Oh how I love ill-informed opinion.

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