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Jack Watts


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I rather like the mention of at least eight clubs interested in the lad. If he does tell the club that he wants out, we can auction him off and get some good compensation for him. I'd put Gold Coast in the box seat at this stage given the other rumour that Prestia wants to come back to Victoria.

Of course, given that this article relies entirely upon unnamed "sources" saying that Jack wants to be traded and backs itslef up by citing other HS articles, I don't think it actually has much factual basis other than the fact that Jack is out of contract. I note with interest that they mention that we haven't re-signed Frawley who is not even out of contract until the end of 2014. Poor research does not make me take this article seriously.

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I rather like the mention of at least eight clubs interested in the lad. If he does tell the club that he wants out, we can auction him off and get some good compensation for him. I'd put Gold Coast in the box seat at this stage given the other rumour that Prestia wants to come back to Victoria.

A swap of Watts for Prestia is one i would seriously entertain.

Midfield grunt that can kick the ball a mile. Sounds like Moloney only with a bit more athleticism.

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A swap of Watts for Prestia is one i would seriously entertain.

Midfield grunt that can kick the ball a mile. Sounds like Moloney only with a bit more athleticism.

Tell him he's dreamin'....GCS aren't that naive.

If Prestia wants out, they'll want a decent trade.

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If frawley, watts or gawn want to leave - and btw nothing I have heard about two of the three indicates that they do - it will be disappointing but we will get trade worth for them

So who is the "one" who you have heard stuff that indicates they want out - if it's the one I'm thinking of it's the one of the three we can least afford to lose.

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Contracted or not Silvia is the only free agent. The rest stay or there is a stand off and they stand out of football, now the AFL can't afford that to happen so unless we have any Tippett deals in the background they stay or we get an appropriate trade. Like for like...promising 22yo with great skills 60 games experience yet to reach potential, who mirrors that at another club. Maybe Swallow at the GC, good kid but not reached his potential, they might offer???

Key position AA full back 25yo 100 games etc. Who can match that? If Richmond want Frawley then the appropriate trade is Riewoldt or Delidio, they would offer someone like Edwards

We don't go for nqr players like someone suggested with Robinson. The right offer and we consider otherwise they stay. It's important we don't roll over on this.

Edited by rjay
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I think that if David Swartz wants to help the club out - They should get him giving Watts, Frawley and Sylvia motivational speeches about how good this club is and to help the younger ones build this club back up to where it belongs.

I would think that they'd respond to that more than Neeld's dry manerisms.

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What? Because one desperate Journo prints it and three others repeat it ?? It must be true right??

OMG we won't have a team at this rate....

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This is what I'm trying to explain, Crawf. Watts is behaving like a professional but his belief in himself has been hammered by how Neeld has managed him.

I'm sure he'd love to be performing according to his pay and winning games.

It's not as simple as you think.

This is another case of perception and supposition.

Where and when was he any better under Bailey? Sometimes things can be simple. I get well paid in my job. I have an obligation to do what I am told by my boss whether I like it or not. If I don't, I contribute to the weakening of the enterprise. My selfish actions would harm those around me. Football is a team game and everybody has a responsibility to their team mates. That's how simple it is. If you're suggesting Watts has been "hammered" because Neeld has asked him to be as good as he can be and played him in positions he doesn't like, well, I'm sorry but I think that says more about the character of Jack Watts.

Having said that, I don't know what the situation really is. Neither do you - it's all supposition until we hear directly from one of the horse's mouths. I'm just tired of all the statements about players and coaches that present things as facts when they are simply perceptions and, even worse, prejudice.

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No one can deny Watts has been appallingly managed since he came to the club. There has been a lack of mentoring to such an extent he has needed to go outside the club for a mentor (Multhouse), he has been used as a scape goat by Neeld, he has been publically humiliated on several occasions. As such his development and confidence has suffered. Add this disgusting behaviour towards him by Melbourne supporters and consistent losses. Who would be surprised if he wants to leave?

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No one can deny Watts has been appallingly managed since he came to the club. There has been a lack of mentoring to such an extent he has needed to go outside the club for a mentor (Multhouse), he has been used as a scape goat by Neeld, he has been publically humiliated on several occasions. As such his development and confidence has suffered. Add this disgusting behaviour towards him by Melbourne supporters and consistent losses. Who would be surprised if he wants to leave?

Several occasions? Used as a scapegoat? That anti-neeld vendetta blinding your judgement again old buddy? What about at the start of the preseason when neeld said jack had all the tools to be one of the most versatile players in the league akin to Brendan Goddard? How about in may last year when he said the previous administration set jack up to fail by claiming he was the poster boy of the future? And again when he said jack's standing as a number one pick didn't matter as he was now on a list, but jack showed all the tools to be a very successful afl player?

You just keep posting your sickening propaganda, never with anything constructive, just the same vitriolic spiel.

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No one can deny Watts has been appallingly managed since he came to the club. There has been a lack of mentoring to such an extent he has needed to go outside the club for a mentor (Multhouse), he has been used as a scape goat by Neeld, he has been publically humiliated on several occasions. As such his development and confidence has suffered. Add this disgusting behaviour towards him by Melbourne supporters and consistent losses. Who would be surprised if he wants to leave?


the only thing disgusting was gifting him & others games some years ago, when they simply didn't deserve them... that was disgusting.... and the soft kicks the Melbourne players used to hang out for on their own, away from any danger, that was disgusting,,, free range, that was the old melbourne moto... free range.

the new harder approach that is about to show itself, that is wat we want... nothing disgusting about head over the footy... only honour.

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i wonder if this Watts thread will beat the other Watts thread (or should i say threads because every thread turns into a Watts thread eventually) in length? I'm taking bets!


IN American Dollars ???? (now worth more than ours) What odds ??? :)

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No one can deny Watts has been appallingly managed since he came to the club. There has been a lack of mentoring to such an extent he has needed to go outside the club for a mentor (Multhouse), he has been used as a scape goat by Neeld, he has been publically humiliated on several occasions. As such his development and confidence has suffered. Add this disgusting behaviour towards him by Melbourne supporters and consistent losses. Who would be surprised if he wants to leave?

Aaron davey has mick Malthouse as a mentor i know that for a fact and i know alot of other players go outside the club, i think that's just a personal choice and not really a reflection on the club, i however would be upset if watts walked, we have been pretty loyal to the bloke in terms of defending him when his form hasn't stacked up, i think most of it is just dependant on how each person perceives certain actions towards jack from the club.

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Right. Do you understand parenthesis? Perhaps with your ability to misquote you could become a footy journo for the age or the hun

Pays better than arguing with you on DL... !! Could be a good proposition.. Nah... more fun on here at the moment....Although I am getting a little dizzy following you around the circles you appear to be going around in.... time to move on from replying to your posts...... :)

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Of course he bloody well is!

Is the best kick for goal in the club, can run and mark.he needs coaching. Imagine if he was at Hawthorn. He'd be a star. I don't think you understand how terrible players can look when confidence is shot, .Makes them look tentative, even timid.

Ask the critics or supporters from other clubs and you will soon learn where Jack stands

The best kick for goal in the Club ??? Hell !! another reason to sack MN this week... I believe he is playing Watts at half back (again) against Freo.... Bugger !! What a waste of the "best kick for goal in the club" has to bloody get it and have a shot first !!

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Several occasions? Used as a scapegoat? That anti-neeld vendetta blinding your judgement again old buddy? What about at the start of the preseason when neeld said jack had all the tools to be one of the most versatile players in the league akin to Brendan Goddard? How about in may last year when he said the previous administration set jack up to fail by claiming he was the poster boy of the future? And again when he said jack's standing as a number one pick didn't matter as he was now on a list, but jack showed all the tools to be a very successful afl player?

You just keep posting your sickening propaganda, never with anything constructive, just the same vitriolic spiel.

Try this on for size. Maybe it'll fit that imaginary scapegoat.


Neeld at his best shooting off at the mouth to the press and adding more pressure on the kid. I don't disagree with much of what Neeld would like Jack to aspir to but what gives him the right to carry on like this in the press?

You just don't get it, do you?

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Try this on for size. Maybe it'll fit that imaginary scapegoat.


Neeld at his best shooting off at the mouth to the press and adding more pressure on the kid. I don't disagree with much of what Neeld would like Jack to aspir to but what gives him the right to carry on like this in the press?

You just don't get it, do you?

These are the 'offending' remarks:

He's got to develop a massive work ethic and appetite to play footy," Neeld said.

"All that other stuff . . . people don't want you in TV ads if you can't play.

"Just play footy, mate."

Watts, with the backing of the Demons, last season became the face of a major TV advertising campaign for sponsor Energy Watch.

His profile also increased through appearances on Channel 9's The Footy Show, but it is clear Neeld wants Watts to put all his efforts into fulfilling his potential on the field.

"My message to Jack could not be any clearer. You've played 40 games young man, you've got a long way to go," he said.

"I've had a chat with Jack and my advice was crystal clear . . . don't forget your core business and train really hard. Jack needs to train his backside off.

"Get to know the new sports science director really well, get to know your new coaches really well, but the way you can really improve is that you just work your backside off.

"All the stuff that people think about Jack, in terms of where he can get to, that only happens if you've got a massive work ethic to fall back on."

We probably discussed this at the time but are we not being a tad sensitive?

I would argue that while that message about the 'ads' he was in is more an issue for the commercial side of things at the club, allowing Jack to concentrate on his footy was the main point he was making.

He didn't throw him under a bus, over a bridge, or anywhere else.

Unfortunately, most of Neelds words in public are poorly worded and haphazard and they get misconstrued constantly. The amount of times he has had to say 'what I meant by that is...' would be numerous.

How he treats Watts in-house is not for us to know but he is playing this week and potentially in subsequent weeks.

And in these weeks we will see whether Neeld can win back his job, whether Jack Watts wants to stay in the role we envision for him, and whether the club sees him as the answer in that role.

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These are the 'offending' remarks:

We probably discussed this at the time but are we not being a tad sensitive?

I would argue that while that message about the 'ads' he was in is more an issue for the commercial side of things at the club, allowing Jack to concentrate on his footy was the main point he was making.

He didn't throw him under a bus, over a bridge, or anywhere else.

Unfortunately, most of Neelds words in public are poorly worded and haphazard and they get misconstrued constantly. The amount of times he has had to say 'what I meant by that is...' would be numerous.

How he treats Watts in-house is not for us to know but he is playing this week and potentially in subsequent weeks.

And in these weeks we will see whether Neeld can win back his job, whether Jack Watts wants to stay in the role we envision for him, and whether the club sees him as the answer in that role.

Support publicly, critique privately it's fairly simple. The coach should be shielding the players from the media's rubbish not adding to it.

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Try this on for size. Maybe it'll fit that imaginary scapegoat.


Neeld at his best shooting off at the mouth to the press and adding more pressure on the kid. I don't disagree with much of what Neeld would like Jack to aspir to but what gives him the right to carry on like this in the press?

You just don't get it, do you?

What exactly, do you feel, is inaccurate of what mark neeld has said?

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What exactly, do you feel, is inaccurate of what mark neeld has said?

Like I said above, I don't disagree with Neelds general sentiments. I take umbrage with the way he's thought it would be somehow beneficial to Jack and the club to raise more scrutiny on the kid when he was obviously in need of support and private mentoring/coaching. FFS, Neeld had been at the club for all of two months and barely knew the kid but felt compelled to make these statements to the media to which they gladly took and used to add more salt to the wounds.

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Like I said above, I don't disagree with Neelds general sentiments. I take umbrage with the way he's thought it would be somehow beneficial to Jack and the club to raise more scrutiny on the kid when he was obviously in need of support and private mentoring/coaching. FFS, Neeld had been at the club for all of two months and barely knew the kid but felt compelled to make these statements to the media to which they gladly took and used to add more salt to the wounds.

Exactly. The message isn't the issue. The forum this issue is delivered in is the issue. Plain stupid to be honest and i thought so at the time.

RPFC's point in the post above that "most of Neelds words in public are poorly worded and haphazard and they get misconstrued constantly" is spot on. He is a head coach a and for any coach (in any sport) being a good communicator is a key competency. There are any number of examples of him making comments that are not clear, the recent one about 5 years being the most recent - a comment that had Mitch Clark perplexed. Its one reason why i think he should stop doing so much media. If your messaging makes things more confusing don't say anything.

I wonder whether his poor communication in the media extends to explaining to his players his game plan or what he wants them to do. The on field evidence suggests it does.

Much was made of him being a teacher and good teachers also have to be good communicators. I wonder if he was a good teacher?

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What? Because one desperate Journo prints it and three others repeat it ?? It must be true right??

OMG we won't have a team at this rate....

I was referring to Neeld's responses not filling me with confidence. "Oh yeah..who is being targetted again? Oh that's right, Syliva, Watts and Frawley. I haven't really been keeping track. Yeah, they're good players. We'll speak to them and their managers.....in the fulness of time...it's all good brah.."

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Trade him for the best mid we can get, while he is still worth something.

Can't see him ever developing in our current side and just like someone said before why on earth would we give him another run at forward. We have Dawes and Clark with Hogan ready for next year. His chances are gone. Plus you can't be a power forward with his softness. Will never work.

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I had thought we let Rivers go because Watts was going to perform his role.

Seems as though we're a bit all over the shop here.

Also, I don't see Gawn as a player aggrieved with Neeld - it's the older players who seem to have an issue with him.

PS. I get that Rivers was a free agent and 'decided' to leave.

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I suppose nobody else has read this. Puts it all in a bit more perspective.

As I said earlier, the article saying Watts wants out is nothing more than speculation citing other speculative pieces as sources. It has no real value other than [censored]-stirring. Typical bored lazy journalism at the HS.

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