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President Stynes


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I think we should all cool it and give him time to announce his board and his business plan. FCS he hasn't taken office yet. I read on 'ology that he has already gathered a massive financial commitment from potential board members which would wipe off half our debt in one hit. Let's wait and see what he does.

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I am extremely dissappointed that John Phillips sees himself as a better President than Jimmy his record of achievements pales into insignifacance compared to Jimmy doors will open in all areas opportunities will come our way as Jimmy has the contacts and is a great people Leader Phillips when he acted as CEO the best he could offer was to sack some of the dedicated staff and claim that they were the main reason for our plight also he is not a good modivator and the staff of the MFC have no respect for him

Having spoken to Jimmy he told me he has a very good plan for our future also he has a very good team of people to lead us out of our plight WHEN he informs the members officially of his blueprint all will be impressed .

Go Jimmy

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Having spoken to Jimmy he told me he has a very good plan for our future also he has a very good team of people to lead us out of our plight WHEN he informs the members officially of his blueprint all will be impressed .

Then why wont he tell us what it is and who is on his ticket? :huh:

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What's the Problem. Last Saturday Night was a sellout, and from all reports a Brilliant success. Now let us Move forward and hear what Jimma has to say. He will get People on board and inspire Passion. I Hope everyone on this site has read the Book he published about 10 years ago-TOTALLY INSPIRATIONAL.

Bring it on Jimma-IT'S TIME

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Then why wont he tell us what it is and who is on his ticket? :huh:

Mate.. Rhino..I agree. This to me is the niggle.. Its arse about to me.

I would have thought that the process dictated that teh Messiah that is Jimma.. would lay his cards out..even if not naming names.. but again..thats all part of the package.. so who's hiding what exactly ? I do nt get that.

Just as tthe Board ( wellat least a few savvy operators ) are asking for the plan first, then consideration second. Then thats what I would want.

As Phillips says..what, you justhand over the keys, thats not what the board is about and I agree.

I willlaways listen to anyones arguments..even change my mind or stance based on them, but to want me or others to take on faith..no way Jose !! Too much at stake.As a club we have just about One decent roll of the dice left. yes ,its that dire really ..OR that good..depending on spin. I mean one roll is better than none ..lol We need it right. Part of that is crossed T's and doted I's andf I see absolutely nothig like this.

Yes I will ( have no choice ) sit back in a fashion and wait for it all to be diseminated. For the vision to be made discernable. But I really cant give hime ( JS) any kudos for method so far despite the intentions.

Often success or failure lays in the detail..So I'll wait...as Ive seen no detail.

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What's the Problem. Last Saturday Night was a sellout, and from all reports a Brilliant success. Now let us Move forward and hear what Jimma has to say. He will get People on board and inspire Passion. I Hope everyone on this site has read the Book he published about 10 years ago-TOTALLY INSPIRATIONAL.

Bring it on Jimma-IT'S TIME

Alleluia brother. I hear the Lord. :unsure:

For someone who either deliberately upstaged a major Club event or allowed himself to be used by the media to do so, he has told us nothing of what he is going to deliver and who is behind him.

Now I have read his book...great ....now who is on his ticket and what is he going to deliver?

I loved Jimmy Stynes the player, I have donated a couple of times to Reach Out but putting the hoopla aside.....what is Stynes going to deliver?

BTW, if his half time performance yesterday with Tim Lane was a guide, Jimmy needs to convince himself of what he is saying not just others. He struggled yesterday and there will be far harder interviews and examiners than Tim Lane.

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BTW, if his half time performance yesterday with Tim Lane was a guide, Jimmy needs to convince himself of what he is saying not just others. He struggled yesterday and there will be far harder interviews and examiners than Tim Lane.

Rhino..I think much of that lamentable effort was simply due to him not actually saying anything..or wanting to at this time.

I'll allow his polish to grow.. but I just want the substance.

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Rhino..I think much of that lamentable effort was simply due to him not actually saying anything..or wanting to at this time.

I'll allow his polish to grow.. but I just want the substance.

Bub, no problem with that. He looked unprepared for the obvious questions Lane put to him. He needs a lesson or two from any wily politician who knows that you only give the answers you want to give regardless of the questions being asked.

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Mate.. Rhino..I agree. This to me is the niggle.. Its arse about to me.

You and RR seem to forget that Stynes already has the imprimatur of Demetriou and the AFL, which means that his vision and plans are not half-baked.

For John Phillips to dig his heels in, suggests that his board position is nothing more than an ego-trip.

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You and RR seem to forget that Stynes already has the imprimatur of Demetriou and the AFL, which means that his vision and plans are not half-baked.

For John Phillips to dig his heels in, suggests that his board position is nothing more than an ego-trip.

Not necessarily..maybe he is just doing HIS job !! its called Dilligence. Its whats expected of Directors and I for one am glad that someone can say "whoa there fella..what ya got to show us first !!"

So he went to see VLAd.. big whoopee do ..really. VLAD does not run OUR club.. We ar eits members..not him!! According to protocl..WE ought to be the first to get wind.

Yes I appreciate we need to work with the AFL.. but not FOR the AFL..their job is actually to work for US.. remeber that concept Fonzy ??

SO Mo.. I dont accept your proffeerings that ist Ok because he and Vlad got together. I commend Philips for at least having where with all to ask the question...so many seem to have forgotten to in their rush to get out the door.

So in order of business its MFC first AFL second.

As we are the members..we ought to be privvy to the proces ...not just the recipients of the events clandestine !!

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Alleluia brother. I hear the Lord. :unsure:

For someone who either deliberately upstaged a major Club event or allowed himself to be used by the media to do so, he has told us nothing of what he is going to deliver and who is behind him.

Now I have read his book...great ....now who is on his ticket and what is he going to deliver?

I loved Jimmy Stynes the player, I have donated a couple of times to Reach Out but putting the hoopla aside.....what is Stynes going to deliver?

BTW, if his half time performance yesterday with Tim Lane was a guide, Jimmy needs to convince himself of what he is saying not just others. He struggled yesterday and there will be far harder interviews and examiners than Tim Lane.

I was at the game. I have no idea what Tim Lane asked and don't really care. I just Believe Stynesy has the Metal TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING. THIS CLUB HAS BEEN PUSHED AROUND TOO LONG. Hell we can't get any worse-unless we die.

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You and RR seem to forget that Stynes already has the imprimatur of Demetriou and the AFL, which means that his vision and plans are not half-baked.

For John Phillips to dig his heels in, suggests that his board position is nothing more than an ego-trip.

Stynes has said he has had a coffee with Demetriou. That does not suggest that anything formally submitted. What is the imprimatur of Vlad and the AFL mean? It would be folly and counterproductive for the AFL to weigh into this matter at this point.

Its in everyone's interest for MFC to steady its own ship. Would John Phillips be wondering behind all the hoopla what is Stynes platform is? If John Phillips was on an ego trip then his performance on the Board might have reflected behaviours which have not necessarily been evident thus far.

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I just Believe Stynesy has the Metal TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING. THIS CLUB HAS BEEN PUSHED AROUND TOO LONG. Hell we can't get any worse-unless we die.

Agreed about the Club. Now what is Stynes' platform and how is he going to turn things around?

BTW, writing in CAPS implies shouting and does little to impress a point of view. ;)

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Could you give me the gist of the interview with Tim Lane?

I've only read this, and don't see terribly much problem with the excerpts:


The article covers the topics. I thought Stynes lacked conviction partially because he cant disclose his plans or his team. Nevertheless it lacked the polish and fizz you would expect of someone who is supposed to have a vision.

He may well have a vision and a good one at but he has yet to disclose any substance behind it.

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You and RR seem to forget that Stynes already has the imprimatur of Demetriou and the AFL, which means that his vision and plans are not half-baked.

For John Phillips to dig his heels in, suggests that his board position is nothing more than an ego-trip.

Does he though, I've read innuendo and supposition that Vlad supports Jimmy, but it would be incredibly unlikely for anyone from AFL house to come out and back candidates publicly. At least on face value they need to remain impartial.

I have absolutely no problem with a peaceful transition and for things to move forward, but like many are saying - all we have at this stage is that Jimmy wants to be President and promises of big things to come. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Supposedly he has eight backers willing to cough up 250 K each, well it's a good start, but I'd expect that they should have some credentials in their own right, otherwise the current board members are well within their rights to tell them to sod off and wait for the end of year AGM.

I have no feelings about Stynes ability to be president one way or the other, but I want a strong and unified board, people that are savvy and can make sound business decisions.

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A peaceful transition..is not the issue.. its applauded if anything.

JImmy Stynes. Its almost irrelevant who it is as per our gripe. Onya Jimma..

The AwFuL.. othger than a watchful eye. .none of their business..its OUR business !!

Current board members wanting to see the "plan"...well tfft !!

The only issue..is CONTENT.. we have seen absolutely none. Only a vague inference to monies donated. As to that.."a big round of applause" thanks !! really..thanks !!

Show us the plan...we may indeed fall fawning al lover it.. we may take it to heart.. we may jump onboard with such volition that the football world will have understood a sleeping giant stirs.

But we cant do anything..until we know..and can understand the merits or otherwise.

I dont take things in business on faith. Id be broke !!

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I have absolutely no problem with a peaceful transition and for things to move forward, but like many are saying - all we have at this stage is that Jimmy wants to be President and promises of big things to come. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Supposedly he has eight backers willing to cough up 250 K each, well it's a good start, but I'd expect that they should have some credentials in their own right, otherwise the current board members are well within their rights to tell them to sod off and wait for the end of year AGM.

I have no feelings about Stynes ability to be president one way or the other, but I want a strong and unified board, people that are savvy and can make sound business decisions.

grazman, business credentials alone won't save our club. The nature of the industry, and in particular the MFC, means that during times of poor on-field performances, our bottom line gets hit. Now is the time to get people with energy, passion and the time to devote to the club.

Football is all about perceptions, and regardless of how well you think the current board have performed, the status quo can't remain.

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grazman, business credentials alone won't save our club. The nature of the industry, and in particular the MFC, means that during times of poor on-field performances, our bottom line gets hit. Now is the time to get people with energy, passion and the time to devote to the club.

Football is all about perceptions, and regardless of how well you think the current board have performed, the status quo can't remain.

So it assumes that the current Board have no energy, passion and the time to devote to their task. Fine. And I am all for the change if change is for the better. So what is Stynes going to do to change the status quo and how is going to do better than the existing Board?

As far as football being all about perceptions, its pretty much true at the media level. However, if you are claiming that Vlad and co have given their imprimatur to Stynes, I can tell you that behind closed doors, the AFL does not let perceptions get in the way of Club's that are struggling and a free cup of coffee does not do the trick either.

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A peaceful transition..is not the issue.. its applauded if anything.

JImmy Stynes. Its almost irrelevant who it is as per our gripe. Onya Jimma..

The AwFuL.. othger than a watchful eye. .none of their business..its OUR business !!

Current board members wanting to see the "plan"...well tfft !!

The only issue..is CONTENT.. we have seen absolutely none. Only a vague inference to monies donated. As to that.."a big round of applause" thanks !! really..thanks !!

Show us the plan...we may indeed fall fawning al lover it.. we may take it to heart.. we may jump onboard with such volition that the football world will have understood a sleeping giant stirs.

But we cant do anything..until we know..and can understand the merits or otherwise.

I dont take things in business on faith. Id be broke !!

Bub, if Stynes wants to be appointed to the Board and be elected to replace Gardiner as Chairman then the existing Board are quite within the rights to demand to see his plan and how he seeks to do it. If I was a Board member, I would be unimpressed if there was nothing circulated to review prior to the meeting in which there was vote in regard Stynes becoming Chairman. If Stynes is focussed on a peaceful transition he should be seeking to inform and placate questions of existing Board members

The members will have right to vote at the AGM on Stynes and any other director appointed by the Board from here on.

However, as Jimmy has taken to play the publicity game he now needs to inform members publicly what those plans and people are.

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So it assumes that the current Board have no energy, passion and the time to devote to their task. Fine. And I am all for the change if change is for the better. So what is Stynes going to do to change the status quo and how is going to do better than the existing Board?

I am, and probably everyone else is, going to hold off judgement until we have some concrete notion of what he is going to do, whether he has a plan, and who is coming onto the board.

But it does make me uneasy that these things will be known after Jim takes over, usually it's the reverse.

This is a coup. Let's hope they know what they are doing.

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let me get this right.

jimmy wants to be pres-yes- until thursday we still have one, jimbo has to be elected to the board by us the members, if there is no competing people he is in unopposed. the board then votes to elect a pres.

i think 30 days notice in the print media needs to be given for elections to be held.

until nominations for said elections be announced how about we dont slit jimbos throat just yet in true MFC tradition lets a least wait for a little while before the blood lust takes over

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let me get this right.

jimmy wants to be pres-yes- until thursday we still have one, jimbo has to be elected to the board by us the members, if there is no competing people he is in unopposed. the board then votes to elect a pres.

i think 30 days notice in the print media needs to be given for elections to be held.

until nominations for said elections be announced how about we dont slit jimbos throat just yet in true MFC tradition lets a least wait for a little while before the blood lust takes over

1. The Chairman is elected by the Board from amongst its numbers. There is no requirement that the Chairman be an elected Director.

2. A person can become a Director by election by the members or by invitation of the Board to fill a casual vacancy.

3. All Board members must be elected by the members. In the case of a Director who joins the Board by invitation to fill a casual vacancy, that Director must retire at the next AGM (usually held in December) and is free to nominate for election at that AGM.

4. A Director is required to retire at the third AGM following the AGM at which he/she was last elected. The only exception to the 3 year rule is that if in a given year no Director retires by application of the 3 year rule or by resignation then at least one Director must retire and can stand for re-election.

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