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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Agree with most things said here. I was always impressed with Joel at Brisbane, and very happy to see the Dees pick him up when Bne strangely showed him the door. Here's hoping he has a great 2011...!
  2. Yes, I'm with you C & B. I'm really mystified as to why they didn't play all the round 1 NAB Cup games on the one weekend, rather than stringing them over two weeks. Given the two week scenario, I would have thought the team would have some sort of hit out on the "off" weekend.
  3. Or given a good kick up the A...! No doubt the boffins at NB were given a clear direction re what the Club wanted, and how important it was to get it right. To get it THAT wrong after all that, in our day and age, with all the sophisticated technological know-how, you have to just shake your head and wonder! Anyway, as others have said, a BIG thanks to the Club for taking the time to give us an official explanation.
  4. Our next NAB Cup game is still 10 days away. Anyone know what the plan is in the meantime? Is another intra-club match planned, or what? Kinda wonder why all the 1st round of the NAB Cup couldn't have been played in the one weekend, rather than stringing it over two.
  5. No probs, Old Dee. The memory of many things is fading fast, unfortunately. It's just that I have this vivid memory of Danny kicking out with some raking drop kicks near the end of his days at Melbourne. When you guys questioned it, I really thought I was losing it. But, at least whoever wrote that bio I referred to earlier was obviously suffering from the same delusions as me! Anyway, all good!
  6. You guys were starting to make me think "Old-timer's Disease" had set in even harder...until I found the following on the internet... "An excellent kick, he combined dexterous use of the body with superb ..... the most conspicuous feature of his play was his prodigious drop kicking. ..... Recruited locally, Danny Hughes made his league debut for Port Adelaide in 1981 " So, maybe my memory aint as bad as some of you claim. LOL
  7. Stuff the torp! Bring back the drop kick! (LOL) Who remembers the days when Danny Hughes used to kick in after a point was scored? He would consistently send the ball into the centre of the ground with those long, raking drop kicks! Think he was just about the last exponent of the drop kick. Ah! Memories!
  8. Oops! Sorry, 45HG16. Didn't realise posting the entire article was a no no. Shall try to behave in future! LOL
  9. Just saw this story posted on the internet. Sounds like a great idea! http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/sport/2010/1216/1224285655259.html
  10. Yes, I loved him as a player. He came on board as part of a group of kids with funny sounding names. (Well, funny sounding to me! Apologies to them, 'cos I don't mean to insult anyone!) Leoncelli, Woewodin, Yze, Rigoni & Grgic all started playing around the same time, if my memory serves me correctly. I had a soft spot for them all. Only Grgic disappointed.
  11. Great that he was able to re-connect with the MFC over the past few months. The passing of another part of our rich history. Vale "Pops".
  12. Thanks for the report, Bhima. A good read, and much appreciated from those of us so far from the action. Will be interesting to look back in a couple of years' time, and see which of the new crop has made it. An exciting time for the MFC!
  13. Well done, MFC! Love it all. Well done Schwabbie & crew! (But not sure about that effort of a beard, Cam! LOL)
  14. See Danny Hughes is on the list of "Pemission to Train" with the Doggies. Have to hand it to Danny. He won't die wondering! Good luck to him!
  15. Another very good read from one of the better journos going around at the moment... A football lesson in indigenous respect
  16. Well done, DM. Looks good. (Has also been fun watching the evolution of this thing through the day...)
  17. Well put, HT. Agree completely! Bring on 2011.
  18. Remember when we had all three on our list? And, at various times we had high hopes for all three. Alas, none of them ever really reached the heights we had hoped for, and eventually two of them tried their luck elsewhere. I know all three have been mentioned in other rececent threads. But, I don't recall anyone making the connection that all three have been delisted this year. Yep. It's the off-season, and trivia abounds...!
  19. This thread does bring back memories of Hardeman and Smith. Both were held out as being special forwards for the Dees, but never quite lived up to expectations -- until they were moved to defence (Centre Half Back & Full Back respectively), where they became two of the best defenders ever to wear the red & blue. But, Newton...?? The faithful can but dream.
  20. GREAT news! Have to admit I got rather excited when I heard he was leaving Hawthorn a couple of years back. Was certain he'd be coming home to the MFC. Instead, he went home to SA!! I was gutted! Guess I was just two years too early with my excitement! Better late than never! Welcome home, Todd!
  21. Personally, I couldn't give a rat's about what happens at either bomberland or the cattery. But, I DID get a chuckle out of Balme's little gem. They didn't know Ablett was staying or going, and didn't have the smarts to come up with a Plan "A" and a Plan "B" to cover both contingencies! The mind truly boggles!
  22. Nice to see Jack Grimes named. Must be over his injury...
  23. I, too, am pleased to see them jetison their old jumper with the hodge podge of colours. However, frankly, I reckon they would have been better to go with that jumper they occasionally wore a few years back. It was simply the reverse of their clash jumper. That is, all purple, with a white anchor. Looked good!
  24. It's Rupert McCall's poem. I reckon it is a real classic, and should be wheeled out by the team at every opportunity. I've pinned the link to it in You Tube on to my desktop, so I don't lose it. Does anyone know the background to this poem? Is Rupert a Dees' supporter? Or, was he commissioneed by the club to write it? Or...? Would love to know, as there just seems to have been very little written or said about it (at least that I have seen), which I think is a real shame. Would hate for it to just disappear from the scene.
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