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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. And my 14th aint bad for someone who NEVER tipped against the Mighty Dees! (something certain others with higher scores can't claim! LOL) Yep. There are "winners at any cost", and then there are the loyal supporters, who sacrifice for the love of the team... Makin' ya feel just a little guilty, yet, Andy??
  2. In spite of what happened re his departure, it's my understanding the past has been pretty much buried, and Woey has for some time demonstrated his love for the MFC. A few years back, when he did the circuit of the MCG before the Queen's Birthday clash against Collingwood, he had his kid dressed in a Melb guernsey. Think he's also shown up in the Melb rooms after a game or two as well. His is another of those great stories, in the way he broke into the team through sheer desperation, and went on to be a true club champion. And, from all reports, he has been excelling as a coach. So, yes, if there's a spot available at MFC, and he's considered good enough to fill it, I'd love to see him back in the fold.
  3. Poor guy! Really feel for him. May not be the most talented guy on the list. But, he gives it his all. Thought he did pretty good yesterday, too. Held Harvey to only 3 or 4 touches up until the time he was injured. He also said via Twitter: Individually learnt alot this season playing alot of roles on some of the superstars, hopefully hold me in good stead, keen 4 a big 2011 The support for the entire yr by the demon faithful has been enormous loved it!! Wish him all the best for a swift and complete recovery, ready for a full pre-season!
  4. Hilarious! So, did McLaren pay the 50 metres?? LOL
  5. He's bowing out with dignity. Good on him!
  6. Yeah. I'd be happy if we got him. He's a very good player. Been impressed with him from his first game.
  7. Yes, If I remember correctly, I seem to recall Bell pretty much dedicated his footy to the memory of Broady. Really had hoped he would excel for that reason, if not for Bell, himself! Regrettably, injury cut him down, and I don't think we really ever got to see the very best of what he was capable of. Seems he was having a pretty good pre-season this year, too, before he again was cruelled by injury. Some guys just don't seem to be able to take a trick. (Add him to the list of Schwarz, Lyon, Tingay, Glen Lovett, etc. etc.) All the very best, Daniel. You gave your best to the MFC. We can ask for no more.
  8. Farewell, Brad. Never really managed to live up to the lofty heights that your first season teased us with. But, always gave your best, and you've been a great club man. Can's ask any more than that! All the best for your future!
  9. My vote's with Moloney. Absolutely bleeds Red & Blue, and is a true leader, both on and off the field. Green would be my second pick but, while he's a class act on the field, I'm not so sure he's quite the leader of men that Moloney has developed into. But, at the end of the day, I'm sure whoever eventually gets the nod will do a fine job.
  10. LOL! You think he might be having the last laugh? Maybe! (But, only until we start slaughtering them on the field in coming seasons!)
  11. Agreed! Think it's time whoever makes the airing decisions needs a good rocket up the whatsit! There is no reason why they can't show the game on Main Event! Not happy, Jan!!!!
  12. I had an interesting chat yesterday with a lawyer who is representing me on a matter. He admitted to being a passionate Collingwood supporter (as are several generations of his family, plus ALL his friends). He flies from the GC to Melb for most of Collingwood's games. Passionate. I told him my life long love affair with the MFC, and how I had three good reasons for it -- My Dad followed Melb, and both my sisters followed Collingwood. Also told him there's two things that make me happy. One is Melb winning. The other is Collingwood losing. And, that when they happen in the same match, I'm in raptures. In spite of that, he had complimenatry things to say about Melb, and agrees we are a team on the rise. He even conceded Melb should have beaten Collinwood both times this year. Not bad from a passionate supporter of the enemy! (Mind you, given the size of the fee I was paying him, I guess he could afford to be patronising! LOL)
  13. Just saw the same thing. The kid can't take a trick! Sure hope it aint serious!
  14. I can't believe more people haven't commented on this. It is just SOOOO inspiring! If you haven't listened to it, be sure you do! If you have a dry eye at the end of it, you better check your pulse, because you must be dead!
  15. Jones has to be stiff! Though, it may also be an enforced rest. He could barely walk after the match last week -- had cramped up quite severely in both legs, and had to be helped to walk with the trainers.
  16. Thanks for the heads up, MM! Didn't know anything about it! Just watched and listened. After seeing the video presentation on the explanation of the new emblem, this presentation by Rupert is the perfect icing on the cake! Truly awe inspiring stuff! I sure hope they play it on the big screen to the players in the rooms on Sunday just before they run out on to the MCG...!
  17. Thanks, George! Sorry I missed it!
  18. Regrettably, I wasn't able to make it to the after match celebrations at the Pineapple Hotel last night. But, according to Schwabbie in Twitter, there'll be a few supporters with sore heads today. Maybe that explains the lack of reports re the function either here or on 'Ology! Anybody got a report? Would love to hear who was there and what was said..
  19. Was great to be in the stands last night and watch Joel strut his stuff against his old side, at their fortress. Thought he played well, once again, and I was really happy for him. To be told at the end of last season that he wasn't part of Brisbane's finals campaign, and then to be part of such an exciting, young outfit, while his old mob self-destruct, would think he might be feeling justice is being done. And, really impressed to see his attitude as expressed in the article about him on the MFC website this morning: "JOEL Macdonald says he took greater delight from winning on the road, as opposed to the Demons beating his former side" He says he's moved on, and now he's a Dee! Love the guy! Go Dees!
  20. Also, think he was tagging Black for much of the time, and Black didn't seem to be his damaging self, either! So, not sure Junior was all that bad. I was at the game. Was wonderful to leave the Gabba winners for a change. But, man it was a scrappy affair! Nothing like the free flowing spectacle we saw last week. But, credit to the boys for scrapping it out. Brisbane are renowned for their big second half come-backs, especially at the Gabba. So, to hang in their and take away the points was pleasing -- even though there were some nervous moments as the gap grew closer near the end! Such relief when the final siren sounded! Have to admit Jurrah is a frustration. We all know what he is capable of. Was so looking forward to him exploding last night. Maybe next week! Go Dees!
  21. Bummer! Guess Tapscott will just have to get a run in Round 22 to snag the 6th nomination! LOL
  22. Watts, Jordie & Bail all to get nominations in the last five rounds, to give us six for the year...!
  23. Melbourne by 100 points. Because I will be there, and that would make me a VERY happy boy! LOL (I've left the Gabba on too many occasions in the past, with my tail firmly between my legs. Not THIS time!!!)
  24. You have to admire the Ox, after all he's been through, and to see where he's at today. His Dad was murdered when David was 8 (and David was in the room when the murder took place). He then managed to break into the highest ranks of the AFL to become an elite player - only to have his career cruelled by injury. He battled a gambling addiction that saw him throw away all his footy income. But, he's turned that all around. Has a lovely family, and is building a career in the media. Believe he's also helping other gambling addicts in some way. Yeah, well done, Ox!
  25. And, they both seemed quite capable of handling a surf board!
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