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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/10/11 in all areas

  1. Congratulations to Brad Green. He had a pretty ordinary season, but there was heaps going on at the club, and hopefully this brings his confidence up for a good 2012. He reminds me of myself a bit Greeny; Handsome, gifted at a number of sports, after the weekend he'll have captained Australia in two of them (I was regrettably overlooked for captaincy of the Australian underwater hockey team). Actually, I now realise I'm not really like Greeny at all. Great to see the love and support from the Dees fans here on the site. Don't let loyalty or self-comparison get in the way of having a massive and anonymous backstab of the bloke who is the ever-loyal leader of our team, even if he did have a poor year on field. He's had plenty of absolute rippers, and hopefully will again. So let's all petition the MFC to have our anthem changed to Janet Jackson's "What have you done for me lately?". Only then might Greeny be 'embarrassed' by his appointment to captain our country in sport.
    2 points
  2. Says more about his colleagues and our year than Colin...
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Sylvia - serial offending chronic under-performer. I don't think selection in the Australian squad benefits him, it just goes to his head - he needs to understand what he's done.
    2 points
  5. In his fourth year at Melbourne, Pencil was just starting to show a little at Casey when he did his ACL. It was horrible luck, as he was the obvious choice to replace Jamar in the senior team when he was injured on the same weekend. Unfortunately for Jake, he has now been overtaken by a couple of others, and is no longer the long-term heir apparent to Jamar's senior ruck berth. He needs to make a speedy recovery from the reco. and have a good second half to 2012, to bolster his chances of remaining on our list after 2012. On the other hand, he could find that there is some interest from other clubs keen to recruit a big bodied tap ruckman who has already served a sound apprenticeship. In either case, 2012 will be an important one for Jake.
    2 points
  6. Look at this from Nick's collingwood page: '1 guy looked like. viney/schwartz/jamaer/gutnick. another 1 looked like matthew bate, another 1 looked like james mcdonald, and then there was afroman/lyon' I think that's you the_russian!!! Good description.
    2 points
  7. Does that mean we shouldn't invest in any more non-indigenous players?? I could mount a case to say they have been equally if not more inconsistent than the indigenous players. How about we pick the best players we can irrespective of their background and back our systems to make them the best they can be.
    2 points
  8. One bad year is all it takes around here to turn hero to villain. Think back 12 months. Brad was coming off his best year and a complete hero to many on here. He was the best and only clear choice for captain. Jake Spencer looked alright, Lynden Dunn was turning the corner, Martin had a bad year and was a certainty to be delisted. Guess what? things change in football very quickly. Its time to put the Green hating away for awhile. He has been named captain of the Australian team for heavens sake. Congratulations Brad. Season 2012 is behind you. Time to have some fun and enjoy your footy again. I for one will be watching and hoping you do well.
    1 point
  9. I was asked to run for Prime Minister by powerbrokers. That has as much credibility as Kennett's story.
    1 point
  10. I used to drive a Mini that only cost $400. Of course, that was when $10 would fill the tank.... Wonderful cars the old minis. I used to fit myself, my baby, his pram and the week's shopping into the car. I laugh when I see prospective parents rushing out to buy a station wagon so they can fit in the gear - all you need is a mini! Too bad it didn't have any door locks though - ever wondered why Mr Bean has a padlock on his? Well, now you know why!
    1 point
  11. Hang on , haven't .................
    1 point
  12. No. No and No. Blocks the development of other options.
    1 point
  13. I am sure Brad is rapt to be Captain...And Good Luck to Him.....BUT if he or Chippa get injured playing this Game i will be mighty pi$$ed orf. My Beef is with The AFL for actually having this meaningless series.....The elite of the AFL have quietly said no....i wish that was the case with our Boys... But if you wish to watch the game friday night, by all means do so,,,,I will be at the Movies...Footy season is over..Time to recharge the Batteries.
    1 point
  14. I'd rather cut Macdonald than Wonnaeamirri if Wonna shows up on 31 October in reasonable shape.
    1 point
  15. Can't believe some of the posts here. Actually ... I can, typical. Congrats to Brad. Being captain of an Australian team in any sport, under any circumstances is an achievement. There are 24 - no wait, 23 players in that squad, and if Brad wasn't the best candidate, Eade would have picked someone else.
    1 point
  16. Who killed Bambi? Seems to lack the tricks to play in the forward line, not strong overhead and lacks speed and agility to play a crumbing role - I can't see a future for him there even as a defensive forward. He is a good kick and I see him in the backline if he can make the cut. He's over-rated because we've had a lack of hard big bodied draftees. He hasn't had a pre-season yet so it will be interesting to see what he can do on the back of proper preparation. Will be ecstatic to be proven wrong and for the love here to be justified.
    1 point
  17. Over to you: www.karolinagames.com/horatio/
    1 point
  18. You seem to have trouble dealing with criticism of your opinion. You don't think Colin should be made the excuse of our troubles, and in the same post you gave plenty of excuses for Colin's troubles. As for whether he is good enough - maybe he isn't. He certainly is living up to that...
    1 point
  19. If you don't want the risk of injury, then build a residential compound at AAMI Park and transport your players around it in a cart enclosed in bubble wrap. Don't let them drive, go to pubs, go surfing, go on holiday or allow them to play with their kids. Why do Melbourne supporters want to put Green down so much? MFCSS? He's played IR before twice (2004 and 2010), and is the only club captain in the team. That's why he's been given the job.
    1 point
  20. My aunty has a moustache. Only shows up in the sunlight though.
    1 point
  21. Highly ironic statement to end your post on - you have give Colin plenty of excuses - Daniher, Bailey, injury, the MFC's general crapness, he isn't as good as we think, etc
    1 point
  22. If we made finals last year, Bailey may still be our coach, and we may not have experienced the sort of positive changes we've had during the off season, including a new and improved coaching panel and Mitch Clark. Not that I enjoyed last season, but I think in the long term it'll be remembered as a season which helped us make the required changes to get better.
    1 point
  23. Looked like he couldn't get off the ground at the end of the year. Hoping his body allows him to return to his best in 2012. His injury early in the year was a blessing in disguise as it allowed both Martin and Gawn to thrive under the added responsibility, but ultimately you'd still prefer to have your best ruckman on the park.
    1 point
  24. Started the year second in the ruck queue and finished it behind Gawn and Martin (and obviously Jamar). Development wise it was definitely an unfortunate year to do a knee (if a knee injury can ever be anything but 'unfortunate'). He gets a hard time around here, but he's still only a baby in ruck years. He's not the best user of the ball and he's a bit slow but he's strong and competitive - these are all the same things people said about Jamar at the same age. I still believe he's got a future at AFL level, but I can't see how it can be at the MFC. He's just behind too many now.
    1 point
  25. Scully had better turn up to the G. I've been practising my 'booing' skills, and plan on using them.
    1 point
  26. A double dose of Ned $cully in the second half of the season if that knee's right by then. Hope our home fixture against them's at the G and not Darwin.
    1 point
  27. nice little freebie there. the fact that we played GC twice this year made our shitty season look a little better... 2 free wins i wont complain about (and 2 chances to rub a certain players nose in the mud)
    1 point
  28. Don't get me wrong. Bartel is a very good play for whom I have great admiration. But he's clearly a rung below Pendlebury and Swan. In the past it seemed that this was the type of player that was needed in the midfield, which is exactly what we don't have. But Geelong's success with a hard working, big bodied midfield that lacked a true star midfielder gives hope that we can do the same without having to rely on picking up a star. We have players that are capable of being at the calibre of Bartel et al, but I don't think we have the Pendlebury/Swan/Ablett/Judd player on the list. Trengove is an excellent example of a player who is going to be a fantastic player, and a very good finals player too boot, but won't be a star. Gysberts has more chance, because he has a few special tricks in close, provided he continues to work on his running. Grimes is the only real chance we have with his combination of pace, size and endurance. We need to get a better midfield, but the question I have is how do we best achieve this midfield? In order to answer that I think we need to know what it looks like. Does it need to be (the equivalent of): a- Ablett (superstar), Trengove, Gysberts, Grimes, Viney. or are we better served with b- Trengove, Gysberts, Grimes, Viney, James Kelly, Joel Corey? I think it's a question worth revisiting after the events of recent seasons.
    1 point
  29. I'll pay it because it's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen. And double sunglasses!
    1 point
  30. You are nothing if not tenacious rpfc but in contrast to your stand over HWL I am in NO way dismissing/minimising Col's behaviour I simply say wait for more details rather than embellish the few tidbits we have. That's not too much to ask is it? When I know more I'll be happy to cast judgement
    1 point
  31. Sorry but how can Bartel not be classified as a star? Courageous, wins the hard ball, excellent overhead, uses it well, regularly kicks clutch goals, consistently performs in big matches and lifts at key moments in games. He isn't as flashy as other stars but there aren't too many midfielders you'd have above him if you were picking blokes to play in a Grand Final side. Judd and Ablett are the next level - superstars of the game. There's not many in that category. I understand such classification is a definition issue, but if we are talking about trying to bring in another star midfielder then you'd be pretty happy if you got a young Jimmy Bartel on your list.
    1 point
  32. I think you need to delve beyond the simple drug abuse and look at the cause for it. The kid was clinically depressed and wasn't getting much help from the club on it, because they didn't even know. I think he's now in a much better position for a club to give him a support network and the understanding to help him succeed. There's no doubting he is talented, and for a rookie pick he's worth the punt.
    1 point
  33. Col has actually done nothing wrong besides being a bit of a twit. The MFC release on this states he was on his way home from his friends place where he stayed the night before. The club would not be stupid enough to run with this reason if they didn't have enough evidence to believe it to be true. If we are to believe the club it would seem he was up at this time to get back to his place in plenty of time to make it to training. I will back in the club to not lie to its members. Those drawing conclusions can do just that, but in the end none of you who are know the full story. A nothing story on a slow news day. Moving on.
    1 point
  34. I seriously cannot believe how quick to judge and damn people here are. Colin was a passenger in what appears to be a single car collision. He was out at 6.45am. That could mean he had a massive night, it could also mean he was getting up to do beach and weights. Either way, big deal in the off season or during the who cares cup? It appears as well that Colin left the scene. What does that even mean when you're a passenger and you haven't committed an offence? Nothing. The driver allegedly left the scene. Colin is a 26ish year old kid. FFS, give him a break. Have none of you ever been on learning journeys? Maybe start with the most important lessons about not judging others too harshly or quickly.
    1 point
  35. Colin needs to have a good look at himself. Getting in touble for kicking his girlfriend, thrown out of a club when he fell asleep while was drinking with Didak and Didak went on to accompany a thug on a shooting spree and now this. How many hints do you need?
    1 point
  36. Yeah, poor form from 7. People these days don't like to give people second chances and let them move on with their lives. The Media just keep on stirring up as much turbidity as they can hoping something will stick. Every young single man needs to go out on the turps occasionally. And occasionally get wasted. Too much Stress in todays World. IF, he wasn't driving, then I hope the other wasn't too far over the limit. Thats the only thing here.
    1 point
  37. I disagree that the excitement has been taken out. Obviously it's a far cry from our participation in recent drafts, but the 36-54 range in the past has netted us the likes of Gawn, Howe, Garland etc - there's still a good chance we'll get a good player. It'll still have the same feeling of getting shiny new presents that it always has.
    1 point
  38. cant wait for Sydney v GWS, i can see it now, 'Scully picks up the ball from some brilliant ruck work, turns 2 players with sublime skill then BANG, he never saw Goodes coming, hit by a Goodes train!!! Somebody call a Dr, no wait, a priest" before some of u jump down my throat IT"S A JOKE!! would never wish a player be hurt! apart from Stephen Milne
    1 point
  39. I still think Wonaeamirri has a lot to offer, it obviously depends on his personal situation, but he has so much to give still.
    1 point
  40. I've done a little more research on Manson. That Claremont Colts debut game mentioned above when he kicked 4.5 was in WAFL round 21 which the Tigers won by 124 points. His full stats were 15 kicks 0 handballs 9 marks 1 tackle, 3 hit outs and 1 inside 50. The following week, he flew in for a game with Claremont's reserves against East Fremantle and had a modest 4 possessions but kicked 2 goals. He was back in the Colts for their Round 23 demolition of Peel Thunder and he again had 15 disposals but this time one of them was a handball. He also took 11 marks and kicked 8.4. I think that was all for Claremont in 2011 but it was enough to qualify him for the Draft Combine and we should take a close look at him then. No doubt you can have too much of one type of player, but we don't have too many 195cm tall forwards who can kick goals. One of the considerations in drafting this bloke would be the club's capacity to ensure that it can create the right environment for a player from a very different part of the country that has a climate and culture completely unlike his home. We have a good track record with players from disparate regions but he would be yet another challenge and I wouldn't be shrinking away from that. Besides which, with a name that sounds like a cross between a country and western singer and a mass murderer, he would have grown up tough, especially in the outback desert regions. I like the sound of him. What can I say? Footnote: I also discovered during my researches that Claremont Colts have a player called Jacob Viney. With a name like that, I would rookie the kid and try to pull a switcheroo with another player who has a similar name just to get the kid into the team a year earlier.
    1 point
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