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Melbourne v. Kangaroos LIVE SCORE UPDATES from Casey Fields


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Thanks for a brutally honest match report, I dont think ive seen the club in worse shape going into a season. There is no way we can turn it around now, there are too many issues which require long term solutions.

How does every player on a list have such terrible skills?

How the hell Miller, Green, yze, C Johnson kept a spot on the list is beyong me and very infuriating.

I cant believe we wasted to 15 picks on bell and Dunn.

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We were absolutely killed in the fast breaks yesterday. i didn't feel we were beaten in the 50-50 contests, but it just seemed that when we won the ball, it was turned over or sent to the next contest, however every time north got the ball it was moved like lightning up the field.

Hopefully this is just because we are building our preparations for the season proper and the roos are further in their development...

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Nothing wrong with handball and short passes. It is just that we stuff them up. Watched the NAB GF and that really showed up our lack of disposal skills. Also our tackling is sloppy.

In the first Q at Casey we gave away 2 goals from free kicks and Green kicked directly to an opponent who kicked an easy goal. The rule regarding hands in back and hitting oppoments arms has mede it tougher for the 191 - 193cm backs against bigger forwards like the Kangas have.

Going on form and that Bate, Robbo (may be suspended), Bruce underdone, etc i reckon we could struggle.

I think it is best to play the kids this season.

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No matter what the game plan is, if you can't execute basic skills and make good decisions with the footy, you are going to look like a very ordinary side. Then throw in the fact that you struggle to take the ball away from the centre with any conviction, look extremely one-paced through the middle of the ground and tackle poorly, you are going to look like an inept football side. And that's precisely what we were yesterday.

Having said all that, the game plan on show yesterday was somewhat of a shambles.

The big concern is we have only two players that you can count on for a solid, consistent, know what you're going to get performance from week to week. One is a third year player (Jones) and the other a 30-year-old veteran (McDonald, who wasn't a standout yesterday but has proved himself a consistent performer over the past couple years). Then there was only one player yesterday who looked capable of taking the game on and turning it in our favour and that was Davey. The only one that could escape the clutches of the North players and the only one that would use the ball intelligently everytime he got it.

Too many of our players fail to produce the goods from week to week. It is only pre-season and I'll reserve judgment until the real stuff starts, but if guys like McLean, Sylvia, Green, Moloney, Bate, Bell, who we need to become consistently good players week-in week-out, can't produce then we are in for a long year.

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laidley did also say after the game about his near full-strength team that he wanted them to play with 'the utmost commitment' that they could harness. tail of two teams, more reason not to take this game at face value

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I was at the game yesterday, but didn't see the first quarter. It also seemed I was on the wrong side of the ground, as the majority of the play seemed to be on the 'grandstand' side of the ground. Anyhow, some brief thoughts -

It's interesting to see that many have pointed out poor decision-making and chipping it around etc as a major problem. While I don't necessarily disagree, I think it's more a symptom than a cause. So often we'd break down when moving the ball attacking side of the wing, because there were limited / no options. I also went to the Geelong game down at SS a couple of weeks ago, and thought we had the same problem.

I thought the forward line struggled, with Neitz and Newton pretty static - it's no good just standing there, or putting your hand above your head. I know Miller has his flaws as an AFL footballer, but I have to admit that sometimes I was hoping to see his long leads up the ground to present for the ball carrier.Sylvia seemed to play forward a fair bit, and did some alright things.

Yze and Green both butchered the ball by foot on multiple occassions. I thought Carroll did alright though. Despite the scoreline indicating our backs got walloped. I'm not sure who he was playing on, but he took a few decent marks / made some spoils, and was also prepared to run offensively and offer an option up the ground too.

Buckley found the ball a fair bit, but the 'one-sided' comments are right. I also thought he decided to let the opposition make the play when he could probably have put in a contest, instead of conceding the loose ball and trying to corral the Roos player.

Jones also got the ball a bit, and looked to have more poise than most when he did so.

PJ looked alright at times too, with some decent skills.

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laidley did also say after the game about his near full-strength team that he wanted them to play with 'the utmost commitment' that they could harness. tail of two teams, more reason not to take this game at face value

That is exactley the reason we should take this game at face value and the reason why we should be so worried, why wouldnt we play with the upmost committment, why wouldnt we have a real crack..

I am sick an tired of people saying no need to panic and it's only a praccy match.. right now, we are the furtherest away from real success that it scares me. This team gives us nothing, this club is teetering on the edge extinction and this year will be another year where we (members) will be left empty and pondering what our future is.

Fair dinkum, this club had better start lifting it's game or i and i suspect a few others will give it away!

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Fair dinkum, this club had better start lifting it's game or i and i suspect a few others will give it away!

Are you serious? Just because we don't win a practice match? What if our players felt the same way? Jones goes to himself "Boy, I don't think Robbo chased as hard as he should have just then, I'd better not do it either." If we're crap now, how quickly do you think we as a club would disappear if the players took the same stance as you and "a few others?"

Fair dinkum, mate. Melbourne supporter indeed!

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I have held commenting on the 4 games so far as I wanted to see the entire preseason matches.I was at both the geelong and nm games, we played better against geelong than we did against nm,WE ARE A RABBLE.Now before you all run for your keyboards to say I am not a DEES supporter and it was only a practice game stop and read on.

I went to the game,never bet against the Dees or even pick against them in tipping contests, have never left a game early even when we are getting a hiding, so I delieve I have payed my dues and am entitled to my opinion even if it disagrees with the "ITS ONLY A PRACTICE GAME CROWD".

Its not only a practice game its a visual indication to the people who might buy a membership that its maybe not the year to be putting in their money.I was taught many years ago in a different sport representing my state that "HOW YOU PRACTICE IS HOW YOU PLAY".

I ask you a question? what have we got out of our preseason,What has st. kilda got out of it. Ill tell you what MONEY, MEMBERS and confidence for all their players young and old. Can we say we even got one of those things. NO!!!!!!!!!!!

On saturaday Jones,Carrol,pj and Davey were in my blurred vision not bad BBBBBBut NEITZ,YZE,GREEN and JEFF WHITE were a waste of space.

Oh lord please let me be wrong and the players realise that it is the season proper and come out like champions

P.S. I have the radio on and Max Merritt has just finished singing "slipping away"

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Are you serious? Just because we don't win a practice match? What if our players felt the same way? Jones goes to himself "Boy, I don't think Robbo chased as hard as he should have just then, I'd better not do it either." If we're crap now, how quickly do you think we as a club would disappear if the players took the same stance as you and "a few others?"

Fair dinkum, mate. Melbourne supporter indeed!

By the way we are playing, thats exactley what looks like is happening..

I am serious "mate", unfortunately i dont think you get it, practice matches are the launching pad for a club's on field and more importantly off field preperation, and what we served up is attrocious,

And dont worry, we are crap now, the players look like they dont care less, and that's the reason this club is disappearing. Thanks for answering that for me.

And dont give me "fair dinkum mate, melbourne supporter indeed", i am a supporter, have been for a very long time, i have paid my dues, and i am entitled to stand up and say it how it is, if our players did the same, things might change.

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sometimes wonder if a lot of demon supporters are front runners. when things aren't rocking and rolling along, then just bag everything and everyone you can.

It's times like this I feel ashamed to be a Melbourne supporter...

Nothing to do with the team, it's their [censored] weak fans so quick to lay the boot in...I thought Richmond were worse for that

yes we're playing like [censored]...but the real stuff hasn't even started yet

teams can just as quickly turn it around as they can turn to [censored]

Carlton won ALL their competitive pre-season games last season...Geelong looked shambolic til they hit their straps against (Carlton i think)

Let's just give the players a chance and the coach a chance to gel

we've only played four games under a completely new coach, coaching team and gameplan

none of them were for four points

Many of our players were playing their first or second games since August, not to mention coming off injury-interrupted seasons

lets not lay the boot in to neita and brocky just yet

Have your say...but we're meant to be SUPPORTers,

Can't wait for ski season to start to get rid of all the wingers

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ski season , I dont take that crap from supporters of other teams. I have never I repeat never been to the snow dont own a 4wd or even a mobile phone. I go to every game in vic. and have been interstate a couple of times for games. I notice you have stayed away from the question I asked and instead slipped the boot in to fellow members instead.

I repeat what have we gained as a club preseason? low membership, no wins-not even close and worst of all a senior list that should be leading the youngsters through example and application.

If you dont like the way I think or talk tough. for too long the mighty DEES have been content to cruise along underperforming.can you remember the feeling back in 2000 with the appearience of Bruce and Green particularly in the final against carlton, dynamic performance, what happened? Where are our stars and heroes? Jones, Davey and maybe Rivers.

Maybe its my age[57] but I would like us to be more accountable and ruthless, the only really hard at the ball on saturaday was when Millar cleaned up poor CJ.

If you dont like my attitude just sit next to me in the outer every week and dont you dare leave early. you can tell who i am as I will be the old bloke in the ski outfit

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it's fair enough to be disappointed with our performance to date, i expected better myself, then i think back to last year and realize how many guys are coming back from injury. just because the names are there doesn't mean they will perform straight up. moloney, silvia, davey, rivers, mclean, bruce, bartram, dunn, wheatley.....the list goes on. it's no surprise to me that the better performers in the pre-season are the guys that have been injury free for a while. the injured guys need time and it's much more important they stay healthy and on the park with gradual improvement. there will be no switch flicked come round one, so don't expect it, it will be a few weeks into the season before we see some real competitive performances imo, but i think the signs are good. moloney and silvia seem to be unhampered, davey looks good, mclean is getting games, they will only get better. doesn't it make some sense that we had fade-outs in our last 2 games? the guys coming back from injury are being nursed, but once they get the run back in the legs i think we'll be looking ok. not round one, but 3-4 games in without too many injury drama's and we'll be much better. anyone who read Mark Stevens preview the other week will have noted that we are coming of the worst run of injuries from any side on record, that doesn't just stop at the end of the season.

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sometimes wonder if a lot of demon supporters are front runners. when things aren't rocking and rolling along, then just bag everything and everyone you can.

Not me man, call me crazy, i am just pretty keen to see some real success, and i hope i'm not being greedy here when i say i would like to be alive to see a premiership. I think it is far worse to sit there and say nothing. It's not like this has been just a year or so without success, mate, things havn't been 'rockin and rolling along' for a long time now.

Please dont imply we are front runners, just very frustrated supporters who have every right to question a club who is not performing well.

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I watched on Saturday, not really caring if we win or lose but looking for improvement and showing signs we are almsot ready for round 1. What I saw was a group of senior players not having a crack and a group of young players trying to impress.

Lets start with our senior players Yze, White, Robbo and Neita they played like they didn't want to be out there. I expected Yze to star in these games to try and cement his spot, from what I saw he should be starting at Sandy. The other three will play round one and will be better.

I was impressed with some of our younger players they might not of had good days but some good signs. Mclean, Sylvia, Jones and Moloney all want the footy with the first three wanting the contest and hunting the footy. Moloney to me is more of an outside midfielder but he only makes our midfield stronger. Buckley has the much needed speed just needs to work on making the right decisions, CJ just needs to get more of the football, he has the polish once he gets it. PJ was our best big man on the park loves the contest good skills but he needs time on the ground and while White is still in favor PJ will not get that. Aussie and Weetra showed a bit and will only get better at sandy this season. Frawley is a concern looks OK at ground level but looks lost in the air, not good for a tall defender hopefully he can improve that part of his game.

Miller is a CHF only and Yze is a forward pocket they are two thinks that Bailey should take away from Saturday. Also be happy to see Whelan, Rivers, Wheatley and Bartram playing form Sandy thats a handy back four add in Bell and Carroll there is your six.

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Fair dinkum, this club had better start lifting it's game or i and i suspect a few others will give it away!

Demon3, i think it is this specific comment that some people have a problem with. I dont mind suporters getting critical after bad performances, but this sort of comment reflects badly on our supporters

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sometimes wonder if a lot of demon supporters are front runners. when things aren't rocking and rolling along, then just bag everything and everyone you can.

They are no different to other supporters.

However they are no bigger frontrunners than many of the players that posters seem to think that despite evidence to the contrary that if they play in a certain position where they constantly failed that everything will be alright.

Injuries aside and regardless of the scoreboard, the performance of many senior players has been insipid and as another poster pointed out the absence of any player fitting into the A category of footballer. We have many senior players who have alot to play for but seem only to be heading towards the twlight of their career at a rapid rate. We many many young players that are not AF standard but might (not necessarily will) be in a few years.

I am sure Bailey is fully aware of the gig he took on. He will certainly know just where its all at now.

Supporters are entitled to feel disappointed by the poor performance of their team regardless of who they support.

Are you serious? Just because we don't win a practice match? What if our players felt the same way? Jones goes to himself "Boy, I don't think Robbo chased as hard as he should have just then, I'd better not do it either." If we're crap now, how quickly do you think we as a club would disappear if the players took the same stance as you and "a few others?"

Fair dinkum, mate. Melbourne supporter indeed!

I think Demon 3 has a very valid point. Nathan Jones might not buck from his admirable work ethic but other young player watch and observe in the heat of battle so called "leaders" not chasing not manning up and not accountable then it does have a cancerous rub off.

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Demon3, i think it is this specific comment that some people have a problem with. I dont mind suporters getting critical after bad performances, but this sort of comment reflects badly on our supporters

Ok, i shouldn't speak for others, and i shouldn't say i will give it away, because i wouldn't, thats just the level of frustration i am feeling.

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Its not only a practice game its a visual indication to the people who might buy a membership that its maybe not the year to be putting in their money.

Whilst i realise the dire need to raise membership levels, how many times have we been kicking ass top 4, then hit round 16 and faded out. So frustrating. I hate to keep harping on about Sydney, but surely they are onto something. They always seem to peak a bit later on in the season when it matters (read finals)

As much as a successful pre-season run raises expectations and gets a few fly-in members signed up, its results during the season and playing in finals that best accomplishes this

I ask you a question? what have we got out of our preseason,

As many games as possible into the legs of injured players. Less than two weeks ago, we had an injury list with a remarkable resemblance to last years...thankfully this quickly whittled away, but we can't expect all these returning players to return and suddenly mould into a smooth cohesive unit

We've played on the side of caution this pre-season hoping not to repeat mistakes of the past. It appears we won't be racing out of the blocks, but lets see how we're doing rounds 2-5 before we drop our bundle

What has st. kilda got out of it. Ill tell you what MONEY, MEMBERS and confidence for all their players young and old. Can we say we even got one of those things. NO!!!!!!!!!!!

good luck to them...all the previous winners have done ever so well come home and away time

Oh lord please let me be wrong and the players realise that it is the season proper and come out like champions

I dearly hope you are

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