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Marketing & Rebranding

Guest wheres_jacka

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Guest wheres_jacka

Ok, we all know that we are in dire straights long term, unless we engineer some sort of a massive turnaround ala Hawthorn, Carlton, St. Kilda. Due to some amazingly incompetent brand management from the 60's to not so long ago, we have a support base which is too small to grow from. As a kid it was almost embarrassing to go for Melbourne, due to the facts we were duds on the field and everyone’s grandparents went for Melbourne.

So in saying that we need new supporters and in term members. We are doing the China thing (which I championed years ago along with enticing new immigrants to support our club). Therefore how do we get new numbers in order to get to the critical mass, we need in order to grow and survive.

Well not one measure will totally be the sole solution. One however that will help is protecting and promoting our brand. We have disbanded with the Demons moniker. I am neither here no there with that decision, however now is the time to use it as a positive.

We don’t need an animal or a flimsy adjective for a nickname.

We need a strong identity, but still keep Melbourne as our main identity.

We need a catchy, kid friendly, new supporter friendly and current member friendly identity.

I propose we use the Nickname.

Melbourne "United"

Yes "United" being the nickname. Therefore Melbourne is still predominant; however United conjures up a number of positives.

United: Unite MFC, MCC. Unite the city and new supporters. Unite the club admin and all factions. Unite the club with the population of Melbourne. Unite the team.

United is a powerful word that provokes images of power, success, hard work, team work, loyalty, professionalism.

Now there is also the Man U factor. Obviously they are the biggest sporting club in the world. If we are going to attract global sponsors, the Mel U brand is a lot more attractive the Melbourne Demons. The sponsorship and marketing leads into Asia would be a lot more attractive. The name Mel U runs off easier for kids and erases the nerdiness of the club of yesteryear. Kids will relate to the "U" factor a lot more. Europeans coming to Oz will relate to the U factor better

There are many nay sayers who wont like this, however it is time for change albeit not too radical.

Go the Melbourne United FC


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Ok, we all know that we are in dire straights long term, unless we engineer some sort of a massive turnaround ala Hawthorn, Carlton, St. Kilda. Due to some amazingly incompetent brand management from the 60's to not so long ago, we have a support base which is too small to grow from. As a kid it was almost embarrassing to go for Melbourne, due to the facts we were duds on the field and everyone’s grandparents went for Melbourne.

So in saying that we need new supporters and in term members. We are doing the China thing (which I championed years ago along with enticing new immigrants to support our club). Therefore how do we get new numbers in order to get to the critical mass, we need in order to grow and survive.

Well not one measure will totally be the sole solution. One however that will help is protecting and promoting our brand. We have disbanded with the Demons moniker. I am neither here no there with that decision, however now is the time to use it as a positive.

We don’t need an animal or a flimsy adjective for a nickname.

We need a strong identity, but still keep Melbourne as our main identity.

We need a catchy, kid friendly, new supporter friendly and current member friendly identity.

I propose we use the Nickname.

Melbourne "United"

Yes "United" being the nickname. Therefore Melbourne is still predominant; however United conjures up a number of positives.

United: Unite MFC, MCC. Unite the city and new supporters. Unite the club admin and all factions. Unite the club with the population of Melbourne. Unite the team.

United is a powerful word that provokes images of power, success, hard work, team work, loyalty, professionalism.

Now there is also the Man U factor. Obviously they are the biggest sporting club in the world. If we are going to attract global sponsors, the Mel U brand is a lot more attractive the Melbourne Demons. The sponsorship and marketing leads into Asia would be a lot more attractive. The name Mel U runs off easier for kids and erases the nerdiness of the club of yesteryear. Kids will relate to the "U" factor a lot more. Europeans coming to Oz will relate to the U factor better

There are many nay sayers who wont like this, however it is time for change albeit not too radical.

Go the Melbourne United FC


Go "u's" or "youse" doesn't have the ring to it of "go Dees".

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The whole point of branding is to crreat e a Unique identity, one that is wholy and undeniably 'that ' particular entity.

To me the "united" idea is flawed. its a monicker well known throught the world as being associated not only to another club, but another code.

stick the letters MU in front of most and intimate its to do with football and the overwhelming response will be Man United !! Youve already noted that..and its the whole argument agaisnt such a path.

You need to be distinct, there are any number of Uniteds around and whilst I see where youre going with the play on words it means nothing to Aussie rules.. Nothing !!

No...for me stick to Demons please

we sing "Its a grand ol flag"....not 'you'll never walk alone' !!

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we sing "Its a grand ol flag"....not 'you'll never walk alone' !!

Arrrrgggghhhh! Sacrilege! That's Liverpool's theme song! God only knows what United sing. Something about prawn sandwiches probably.

Otherwise I totally agree with you Belzebub. I'm truly sick of our code using what are, in effect, cliches that have been popularised by another sport. They may be recognisable, but not with our code.

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oh...just to validate the above


yep..its in the Uk..and thats the whole point..

and then there's


yep... a wonderfully unique brand :huh::rolleyes:

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They may be recognisable, but not with our code.

Every club in the AFL has a unique brand, promoted every time they play. I'm not sure that's the problem. The difficulty is getting memberships, sponsorships and attendances.

Whether a club has Brand A-B* or Brand A-C* will only play a minor part in success, in my opinion the major determinants are on-field performance and perceived image.

* i.e. "A" is the name "Melbourne", "B" and "C" are whatever nickname (Dees, Demons, Dragons, United etc.) we want to give ourselves.

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Every club in the AFL has a unique brand, promoted every time they play. I'm not sure that's the problem. The difficulty is getting memberships, sponsorships and attendances.

Whether a club has Brand A-B* or Brand A-C* will only play a minor part in success, in my opinion the major determinants are on-field performance and perceived image.

* i.e. "A" is the name "Melbourne", "B" and "C" are whatever nickname (Dees, Demons, Dragons, United etc.) we want to give ourselves.

Spot on Maurie.

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The thread I thought was about the branding.. not the performance.

Branding anding amrketing is about awareness and identity. The ability to stand aside from others in a similar field.

Team performance and knock on effect on membership is whislt related a somewhat different aspect .

Branding is about recognition. Marketing is the promotional awareness of that recognition.

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Ok, we all know that we are in dire straights long term, unless we engineer some sort of a massive turnaround ala Hawthorn, Carlton, St. Kilda. Due to some amazingly incompetent brand management from the 60's to not so long ago, we have a support base which is too small to grow from. As a kid it was almost embarrassing to go for Melbourne, due to the facts we were duds on the field and everyone’s grandparents went for Melbourne.

So in saying that we need new supporters and in term members. We are doing the China thing (which I championed years ago along with enticing new immigrants to support our club). Therefore how do we get new numbers in order to get to the critical mass, we need in order to grow and survive.

Well not one measure will totally be the sole solution. One however that will help is protecting and promoting our brand. We have disbanded with the Demons moniker. I am neither here no there with that decision, however now is the time to use it as a positive.

We don’t need an animal or a flimsy adjective for a nickname.

We need a strong identity, but still keep Melbourne as our main identity.

We need a catchy, kid friendly, new supporter friendly and current member friendly identity.

I propose we use the Nickname.

Melbourne "United"

Yes "United" being the nickname. Therefore Melbourne is still predominant; however United conjures up a number of positives.

United: Unite MFC, MCC. Unite the city and new supporters. Unite the club admin and all factions. Unite the club with the population of Melbourne. Unite the team.

United is a powerful word that provokes images of power, success, hard work, team work, loyalty, professionalism.

Now there is also the Man U factor. Obviously they are the biggest sporting club in the world. If we are going to attract global sponsors, the Mel U brand is a lot more attractive the Melbourne Demons. The sponsorship and marketing leads into Asia would be a lot more attractive. The name Mel U runs off easier for kids and erases the nerdiness of the club of yesteryear. Kids will relate to the "U" factor a lot more. Europeans coming to Oz will relate to the U factor better

There are many nay sayers who wont like this, however it is time for change albeit not too radical.

Go the Melbourne United FC


I think you make same good points Jacka.

Our supporters need to take note of what has happened to Footscray and North Melbourne since they've changed their names to the Western Bulldogs and the Kangaroos. They've become easy targets of the AFL's push to expand into other regions.

It seems that the club now recognises that we rightfully need to push the 'Melbourne' brand far more than the 'Demons'.

However, being a Man City supporter for 30 years, I assimilate the United nickname with the arch enemy, and would find it hard to yell out 'Go United'!

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in case it had escaped some...its all really moot....there already is a Melbourne United !!

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Seems like an unneccesarily negative and pessimistic original post there.

And I'm completely unconvinced that something as insubstantial as a name change, particularly when the new name has no particular significance to, well, anyone, is going to change things around.

It's the hard work day in day out, the thousands of small decisions which grow the club. That has to be where all the emphasis is and any grand solutions will only waste time and money, and create confusion.

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WJ I could go into all sorts of detail, but I'm certain within a day or two it would be completely redundant...

Basically, I don't like your idea on any level.

We are the Melbourne Demons. It's as simple as that. I LOVE that we have a mascot that's rare in the world, and while I'm certain change is the way to go, I'm certain big blanket changes like this one that only serve to weaken our cause are not the best idea. If, as what happened decades ago, a certain coach or player coins a phrase that takes over by it's own right (fuschias-demons), then we'll have the debate then.

Edit: I just read over that and it seemed a little cold... I didn't mean to criticise you or the effort you make, but just thought I'd throw my 5 cents in. Nice effort, but it's a no for mine.

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on reply to the topic it is a crap idea...whats the point of trying to be like other soccer clubs...we are MelbourneFC..that is simple and easy enough, let alone melbourne united FC...we are distinctively different to all of the other melbourne clubs because WE are melbourne fc...the football club of melbourne..this whole melbourne united crap will [censored] off everyone and do jack all to help the club...and just to correct you on your united idea, we are still i suppose officially demons because that is our mascot...alot of fans wont even notice that the logo is gone

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Guest wheres_jacka
on reply to the topic it is a crap idea...whats the point of trying to be like other soccer clubs...we are MelbourneFC..that is simple and easy enough, let alone melbourne united FC...we are distinctively different to all of the other melbourne clubs because WE are melbourne fc...the football club of melbourne..this whole melbourne united crap will [censored] off everyone and do jack all to help the club...and just to correct you on your united idea, we are still i suppose officially demons because that is our mascot...alot of fans wont even notice that the logo is gone

Settle down newbie. Anyway I am just throwing it out there. You guys cant handle thinking outside the square, thats cool. Thats the thinking thats ended us up in the position we are now.

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The thread I thought was about the branding.. not the performance.

If you want to spend your time discussing something that is really peripheral to our success, go right ahead. The topic subject includes "marketing" and that's a lot more than just "re-branding".

I just received the Annual Report. We've made a profit of around $100,000 compared with around $800,000 last year. While our revenue is up by $1.6 million, a lot of it has rightly been sunk back into the football department. Our balance sheet (Assets minus Liabilities) is still in the red by $3 million and the auditor notes that "the ability of the MFC to continue as a going concern is dependent on the club being able to generate sufficient funds from their revenue sources ... accordingly there is a significant uncertainty whether the club will be able to continue as a going concern and therefore whether they will be able to pay their debts as and when they become payable" (standard Auditor-speak for "you'd better get more money, and if you ever go broke I'm not responsible").

Only successful on-field performance (combined with good marketing and building a modern image) is going to change that, not an irrelevant name change from "Demons" to "United".

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Only successful on-field performance (combined with good marketing and building a modern image) is going to change that, not an irrelevant name change from "Demons" to "United".

I totally disagree. We're in a competition that is designed, via the salary cap and draft, to make all teams competitive. It's inevitable that clubs are going to have peaks and troughs when it comes to on-field success, hence it's imperative that the club's revenue stream isn't reliant on on-field success.

Maurie, 'good marketing and building a modern image' is what every business strives to achieve, but in a football sense, how about coming up with something tangible, before dismissing Jacka's proposal.

As Jacka stated, we need to think beyond the square.

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As Jacka stated, we need to think beyond the square.

But I just have no idea of why "United" is better than "Demons" in selling the club. Manchester United came about because there was a disparate bunch of ragtag footballers from various works and railway sheds in Manchester in 1879, and the suggestion of "United" brought them all together into what turned out over the next century to be a power. Who or what exactly are we "uniting"?

We pay qualified marketing people to sell our club. They have far more experience in it than me. If you or I have what we think is a good idea, we should tell them about it and they might use it. But I just think a brand name change to "United" is not one of them.

And brand changes don't cost nothing. Every sign, printed item, piece of stationary, jumper, sticker and logo has to be changed. I just think we could do better with the money, especially when we don't have much of it.

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Settle down newbie. Anyway I am just throwing it out there. You guys cant handle thinking outside the square, thats cool. Thats the thinking thats ended us up in the position we are now.

haha sorry i didnt mean to sound harsh...i like ur thinking outside the square but i just dont like the idea of us sounding similar to adelaide united and manchester united...melbourne fc is simple and i think it is good as it seperates us from the other melbourne teams as bieng the most outstanding club...i think that melbourne victory fc (similar to melbourne united fc) is too much of a mouthful wheras melbourne or "the demons" (bieng our nickname) is well recognised in football and is easier

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If you want to spend your time discussing something that is really peripheral to our success, go right ahead. The topic subject includes "marketing" and that's a lot more than just "re-branding".

I just received the Annual Report. We've made a profit of around $100,000 compared with around $800,000 last year. While our revenue is up by $1.6 million, a lot of it has rightly been sunk back into the football department. Our balance sheet (Assets minus Liabilities) is still in the red by $3 million and the auditor notes that "the ability of the MFC to continue as a going concern is dependent on the club being able to generate sufficient funds from their revenue sources ... accordingly there is a significant uncertainty whether the club will be able to continue as a going concern and therefore whether they will be able to pay their debts as and when they become payable" (standard Auditor-speak for "you'd better get more money, and if you ever go broke I'm not responsible").

Only successful on-field performance (combined with good marketing and building a modern image) is going to change that, not an irrelevant name change from "Demons" to "United".

mate youve modified the topic.not I.. And I was discussing it as was offered..youve introduced the other item of on filed performance.. That in iteslef is a very manifest effect but its not what this started out as..Thats the point

Everythng you mention re the report is prety much right...it has to be its written in it.

But spare correcting me form the actual topic of the thread .

We all know performance will ( if better ) enhance opportunities etc etc etc....and i aggree with yo that that will have an effect ( let alone mor eof one ) than changing to any "United" way but that wasnt what we were talking about :)

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Settle down newbie. Anyway I am just throwing it out there. You guys cant handle thinking outside the square, thats cool. Thats the thinking thats ended us up in the position we are now.

Excuse me?

I'm pretty comfortable thinking 'outside the square'.

It's 'inside the toilet' that I don't want to go.

And "settle down newbie"? Next time you post, do a quick proof read and remove anything that is totally pointless %^%-measuring, ok?

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we should sing YNWA before games anyway, great song

please no...there is one song at melbourne lol...we dont want big changes (well i dont anyway)-unless it brings us a premiership we can sing "oops i did it again" if that works

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please no...there is one song at melbourne lol...we dont want big changes (well i dont anyway)-unless it brings us a premiership we can sing "oops i did it again" if that works

why all this talk about change....just leave things alone. We are the Melbourne Football Club....GO DEES. .....All I want is a great year to celebrate our 150th in season '08.

And don't touch our 'anthem" either.!!!!! ...."It's a grand old flag" etc etc etc :angry: :angry:

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