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Judd's Worth


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i how i wish we could...why couldnt we have drafted a reiwold, franklin or Judd...

MFC have not drafted a player who has been in the top 10 players in the afl since the draft started...

Exactly. I've been waiting over 30 years to recruit a 'Judd'.

This football club is seen as irrelevant by every opposition supporter and just about every football media commentator.

And yet some so called knowledgeable supporters have so little understanding of the magnitude this coup would be to the MFC. On the field and off it.

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I'm all for growing our own list and developing our young. But I also recognise one of the great opportunities to possibly ever present itself to this club.

But, as I said, how did I know most Melbourne supporters would say "thanks but no thanks".


I agree

Its sad isnt it

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Sounds like the people that were saying you wouldn't draft Judd because of his shoulders.

I think you'd start with offering TJ and 4 and see where to go from there. West Coast will want more, but you never start with your highest offer.

What would you ask for if you were West Coast?

They've got a strong developing midfield so they don't need multiple midfielders. They need a key forward, maybe they could draft one with a top pick?

We all love to look for the sentimental comments, but I couldn't miss Judd's comment last year - "Did you ever think you'd be standing holding the Premiership Cup?" "Yeah I did... I was in red and blue though".

I'm all for going for him, it'd be a massive step forward on and off field for us.

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Mad to get Judd at any price and if you think he alone will win a GF think again, do you think a mill a year as reported will solve the problem then you are barking up the wrong tree, not worth it.

Yep, although Judd is one of the best, if not the best player in the league, he is not worth it. Not only would we have to give up too much for him, but his paycheck would then force the MFC to make players take severe pay cuts or trade them as to stay under the salary cap.

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Makes such wonderful sense.. we're a struggling club, but lets put all of 5 Million plus into one dodgy basket !!!

I seriously question the grey matter of some people !!

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Melbourne has a reputation for being very conservative.

That's because our supporters are just that. Weak and conservative.

Unlike you Hannabal I'm surprised at how negative supporters are on this thread, I know I shouldn't be but I am.

Hey morons, a trade might not work (one dodgy basket, give me a break; trade our own Judd - year they grow on trees), just like not all pick 4's turn out to be good players - let alone stars.

The upside is huge.

Just a pity that most of our supporters are as spineless of some of the teams we have put out on the field in recent times. That said, at least the team reflects those that support it.

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Whoever doesn't want the MFC to chase Chris Judd, please go follow another team

I am dead serious

Its supporters like you that have held the club back 40 years

Soft, timid, placid, fear of failure and/or success

Well I am not the typical Demon supporter. I am bold, brave and I believe in taking chances and HAVING SOME BALLS. I believe I have a lot in common with Dean Bailey

Whereas the majority of you have more in common with NEale Daniher

Well I am sorry, but I want to see a Premiership before I die


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Melbourne has a reputation for being very conservative.

That's because our supporters are just that. Weak and conservative.

Unlike you Hannabal I'm surprised at how negative supporters are on this thread, I know I shouldn't be but I am.

Hey morons, a trade might not work (one dodgy basket, give me a break; trade our own Judd - year they grow on trees), just like not all pick 4's turn out to be good players - let alone stars.

The upside is huge.

Just a pity that most of our supporters are as spineless of some of the teams we have put out on the field in recent times. That said, at least the team reflects those that support it.

Yes, we are a conservative lot in general but sometime's what you might wish to call "conservatism" is the appropriate course of action to take.

Hannabal pointed out that we need to become relevant. So there's a perception out there that we're conservative and irrelevant.

But how do we change that perception when we're effectively asset poor and not making enough to tread with our heads above water let alone compete with the West Coast Eagles and Collingw&%$’s of this world in so many areas of the industry?

I'm not convinced that we would necessarily be any closer to winning a flag if we went into hock and paid the high price to get Judd (in terms of draft picks/players, salary cap considerations etc) before we got our house into order. We need to work our backsides off to improve the club in so many areas before we become relevant; not follow others like sheep and rely on a quick fix to win a flag.

A Judd would be a nice addition to the club but we've just appointed as coach a person well known for his work in developing young footballers. That's been one of the areas where we've failed over the past decade - too many players have never fulfilled their promise or potential. So with the new coach and a new approach to player development who knows? We could have two or three youngsters within our system ready to become the next champions of the game. I’d like that even more than getting Judd at his currently bloated high price to the club.

If you look at which clubs are still left in the race for this year’s flag, then you’ll see that I’m vindicated in what I'm saying.

In any event it still is very much a moot point. John Worsfold said in today’s West Australian - EAGLES SET SIGHTS ON JUDD AFTER LOSS - that he’s very confident that Judd will stay. If he does, then he has the perfect opportunity to have a clause in his new contract that allows him to go to the club of his choice at the end of the contract period. If we put in the necessary groundwork now, it would not surprise me if we weren’t in the box seat in two year's time to get Judd back into a red and blue jumper and a much more reasonable price in relative terms than what he would cost us today.

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Yes, we are a conservative lot in general but sometime's what you might wish to call "conservatism" is the appropriate course of action to take.

Hannabal pointed out that we need to become relevant. So there's a perception out there that we're conservative and irrelevant.

But how do we change that perception when we're effectively asset poor and not making enough to tread with our heads above water let alone compete with the West Coast Eagles and Collingw&%$’s of this world in so many areas of the industry?

....If we put in the necessary groundwork now, it would not surprise me if we weren’t in the box seat in two year's time to get Judd back into a red and blue jumper and a much more reasonable price in relative terms than what he would cost us today.

You've got to spend money to make money. What we spend on Judd we'll get back in spades through the extra membership and exposure.

I've put up a trade which I think is reasonable, see my earlier post for reasoning, but have said Robb, Bruce and pick 4. That is effectively giving up one young player for a 24 year old who is one of the best players we'll ever see. As I said, is it enough....

Because others have more than us are we supposed to put a trade like this in the two hard basket and complain about how everything is so easy for them? Personally, I don't think we should.

If Judd wants to come home, he can make his own call and request a club. We need to make ourselves attractive to him. I don't think we are as big a basket case as some here tend to and with the club entering it's 150 year and work underway on our new facilities I would hope we could market ourselves to Chris.

Judd won't be the answer to all our problems, but he will make our midfield walk a hell of a lot taller and other players as well. We have some good young talent, if they keep improving, we have Judd for about 8 years, I think the future may just look bright. Yeah we'd have a lot of work to do, but whatever happens we have a lot of work to do...

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We won't get Judd unless Judd categorically nominates us as his preferred club.

If he doesn't, it's over before it started.

If he does, throw the bloody kitchen sink at West Coast, as long as his current groin issue can well and truly be resolved by a simple operation. I would hope we'd peek at his medical records before handing over our left nut and a million dollar.

TJ, Bruce, Green, Robbo, Sylvia, Pick 4... whatever it takes to get that superstar playing for this club!!!

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Because others have more than us are we supposed to put a trade like this in the two hard basket and complain about how everything is so easy for them? Personally, I don't think we should.

I'm with you on this one, throw everything at him. As others have said if that meant a trade such as Bruce, Sylvia and pick #4 then so be it. Not enough? At the very least, it jacks his price up to other clubs.

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Offer Judd the No 3 and make him captain of the side he loved. Money isnt everything (Im sure he's got heaps) and maybe he would settle for History instead.

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I posted this to a Melbourne supporter I admire, but I feel sums up too many Dees supporters. I only share it because it encapsulates my frustrations of all things Melbourne.

"you "don't see Judd as the must get answer" ? You wouldn't. No disrespect and for all your quality posts, I don't see you as a footy person. You're not passionate enough for a flag and you fall into the blandness that typifies this club and its supporters. Don't feel I'm being harsh as you're a great Dees person and a very intelligent bloke, but you, and the average Dees supporter like you, is why this club is nowhere.

Football clubs exist solely to win premierships. Solely. And without this steadfast mentality a club is bound to fail. And they'll make decisions along the journey that don't meet with what should be their sole objective, whether that be in their recruiting, trading, Board decisions, etc. And clubs that don't have this sole view won't win flags. They're too hard to win if it's not your total focus.

I want a flag. I want this club to thrive. I want the best. I want Judd. And I simply can't understand anyone who doesn't rate, nor understand this opportunity. This football club is seen as irrelevant by every opposition supporter and just about every football media commentator. And yet some so called knowledgeable supporters have so little understanding of the magnitude this coup would be to the MFC. On the field and off it."

All I can hear is the cost is too great. Rubbish. The benefits far outweigh any negatives. And what's the downside ? Oh yeah, we may not win a flag anytime soon. I wonder what that's like.

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some just dont get it ..

Judd is good.. but he's part of a team. he has a little help from time to time from the likes of Kerr.. Cousins.. he's fed by Seaby's, Cox's etc. .not to mention the Lynch's Hunter hanson of this world... its not JUST him !! Where our rucks ??

5 Million.. ...returned in membership..say 150 a pop.. that would be ...oh ...let me think.. a bit over 30000 ...!! what kind of stupidity is this. Yes you reap by investment, but at last look we didnt have 5 million to spend on a SINGLE player. We have to be alot more inventive and resourceful . To conjur up a fortune to throw at someone and thenpresto instant preniership.. honestly ...your either fools or intellectually challenged !! It just doesnt work that way.

Judd isnt alone in this universe.. there are others..

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Whoever doesn't want the MFC to chase Chris Judd, please go follow another team

OK, Melbourne Victory it is.

Judd is a superstar, but his OP problems surely cast some doubts on his true value going forward.

Also, it's far easier playing alongside Kerr and Cousins, as opposed to our inferior midfield, less Johnstone and Bruce, who are being thrown up as trade bait.

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some just dont get it ..

Judd is good.. but he's part of a team. he has a little help from time to time from the likes of Kerr.. Cousins.. he's fed by Seaby's, Cox's etc. .not to mention the Lynch's Hunter hanson of this world... its not JUST him !! Where our rucks ??

5 Million.. ...returned in membership..say 150 a pop.. that would be ...oh ...let me think.. a bit over 30000 ...!! what kind of stupidity is this. Yes you reap by investment, but at last look we didnt have 5 million to spend on a SINGLE player. We have to be alot more inventive and resourceful . To conjur up a fortune to throw at someone and thenpresto instant preniership.. honestly ...your either fools or intellectually challenged !! It just doesnt work that way.

Judd isnt alone in this universe.. there are others..

At least your first line holds some truth to it.

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At least your first line holds some truth to it.

explain oh wise one ..exactly what I dont get!!

glib remarks mean nothing if unsubstantiated and all you offer is get Judd get Judd get Judd. Nothing about how you fund it. Nothing about his less than 100% fitness going forward. , nothing about how he is not alone in his football, in fact you offer NOTHING as an argument..just cliches !!

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explain oh wise one ..exactly what I dont get!!

glib remarks mean nothing if unsubstantiated and all you offer is get Judd get Judd get Judd. Nothing about how you fund it. Nothing about his less than 100% fitness going forward. , nothing about how he is not alone in his football, in fact you offer NOTHING as an argument..just cliches !!

Try reading.

I've put my arguments up. ike a potential trade and it's reasons. Like how we will increase membership, the exposure would help with sponsorship.

All you've done is whine like a little school girl about how it's too hard and made up figures like 5 million. We need 30,000 new members do we?

No, if it was 5 million over 5 years, that would be 6,000 new members a year or 4,000 new members a year and more sponsorship.

That would be a more honest assesment.

I haven't offered cliches but you've offered distorted arguments.

Keep complaining about how everything is beyond us, it is supporters like you who make this club a second class citizen in the AFL.

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One player is NOT going to be the panacea for all that ails Melbourne at present. Not unless you're going to clone him and have about 5 of him running around!!!

Is he going to play first ruck ? Full back ?? Half back ?

Please explain anyone how one player is going to magically fix everything, especially when same said "one person " is not a guaranteed start in all games?

Apparently we are supposed to conveniently forget his groin/op condition. Well can't be too bad.. ITS ONLY PUTING HIM OUT OF FINALS !!

Can not some of you see what is plain before your faces that he is more a potential liability than a you beaut fixes all asset. What guarantee would you have he would be even playing beyond one year? And he would need to be to warrant all the money, the loss of OTHER opportunities. But no, please run off and do the first thing that comes to mind all clammer for Judd.

Judd IS good , when 100% fit but only so because of the supporting cast, the likes of which we don't presently have. I don't see to many answerig this dillemma.. Just let's get Judd!!!

I'm going to suggest investment in a "whole " team as distinct from one Messiah running around. Also better facilities , better and more support staff will reap more and longer lasting dividends.

I don't offer distorted arguments.. just common bloody sense, not dreamworld !!

In case you hadn't noticed we already have a handful of groin realted concerns without going into hock for another !!

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While virtually all Melbourne clubs are expected to be interested in Judd, it is Carlton, Collingwood and Essendon that have made the initial running. Melbourne is preparing its pitch, while Richmond will inevitably enter the fray.

Please Lord, make it happen

Gardner, Bailey, Connolly.... weave your magic!

Juddy, this is the MFC. The team you grew up following. You dreamed of wearting the number 3 for us. Well, here it is, waiitng or you, along with the Captaincy.

Please God, let Judd choose the MFC. For once let the football Gods shine on us!


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