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Biased commentators?


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After listening to 3AW whilst at the game and then coming home to watch the replay I am furious and disgusted with the biased commentators who were broadcasting both these media sources.

Firstly we have Tony Shaw, never in my life have I heard a more biased commentating effort than from Tony today (even counting the old Eddie days at 9), he was atrocious to the point that I had to stop listening to 3AW. Throughout the game he was constantly criticizing free kicks that Collingwood didnt get payed and kept talking about how good Collingwood were. When he made a point about Rocca clearly being a much better football than Dutchy (or something along those lines) I just switched off. I tried to get onto talk back after the game to complain but couldn't get through. However I then had the pleasure to listen to more Tony Shaw and how he was blaming the umpires and the Robbo free kick for Collingwoods loss and was making such a big damn scene about it all.

I then got to watch the replay and sit through Michael Christians equally if not worse biased commentating. He is just shocking, any idiot could tell from the get go he wanted Collingwood to win.

I have really had enough, I understand commentators etc have their teams which they support and all but in a professional circumstance, surely we as a viewer deserve more?

Commentating in general is a sorry state at the moment, especially on TV. Channel 7 is hopeless minus Dennis who seems to be loosing his spark and 10 have always been well crap.

But people like Tony Shaw and Michael Christian just ice the cake.

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I've just finished watching my tape of the game and I was staggered how biased the Ten crew were towards Collingwood. Sure, Christian is a recidivist offender when it comes to bias, but Luke Darcy and Robert Walls were more than content to echo Christian's tone. Only Huddo was able to keep himself in check.

And what is Christian doing commentating, anyway? How did he get the gig? He has a crap voice, overdoes adjectives - even the most mundane Collingwood action was "excellent", "clever", "courageous", brilliant", etc - gets things wrong and is, in round terms, a complete dud. Which Ten executive's daughter is he married to?

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Tony Shaw ... he was atrocious to the point that I had to stop listening to 3AW... was making such a big damn scene about it all.

1. It took Tony Shaw's bias to stop you from listening to 3AW????

2. Listening to Christian is like listening to 5AA. You wouldn't know there are two teams out there.

3. That Holland can hold Rocca like that is a huge indictment on Rocca. Suffer Rocca.

4. Back to Tony Shaw. Making a big damn scene? Ahhhh.... life's good. Keep up the good work Tony.

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Guest redandbluethruandthru

i live in tassie. i watch it on tv with the sound way way down. my own biased comments entertain me. escpecially when brocky slammed the ball into the chair. My comments were not suitable for on-air. you'll never hear wallsy or anyone say "[censored] yeah thats spirit " on tv

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thats y i listen to the aborignal station for footy commentry, not one biased commentator there

Please tell me who is this station you mention? What is their band and their frequency?

I bought a relatively expensive radio so I could tune precisely into lower signal stations just so I copuld avoid Rex Hunt. Yes -seriously!

I think I listened for a few minutes to 774 at 1/2 time and thought only Collingwood was playing.

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And didn't we get reminded of him being the ex-backline coach of the Pies about 1000 times. Who gives a fyin' f...

What he should have done if he really wanted the Pies to win was get Sh!thouse on the blower and tell him to remove his head from his anus and get someone who isn't a first gamer on to Robbo. Maxwell was getting carved by Bater anyway so he had a perfect oppurtunity for the swap.

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Please tell me who is this station you mention? What is their band and their frequency?

I bought a relatively expensive radio so I could tune precisely into lower signal stations just so I copuld avoid Rex Hunt. Yes -seriously!

I think I listened for a few minutes to 774 at 1/2 time and thought only Collingwood was playing.


in Melbourne its 1503AM

different for each states ,has unknown commentators and some like chris lewis, daryl white and micheal mclean


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the ABC commentators were not too bad

Are you kidding? Mark Maclure is a complete [censored]. Was absolutely bagging the crap out of Robbo for being selfish and trying to snap a goal in the first quarter. I turned off the radio, last time I listen to commentary when at the game, you don't need it. Seven goals later, I guess Maclure wasn't bagging Robbo any more. Over-rated, ex-Carlton toss-pot. Would be a much better fit at MMM or AW. Tim Lane is streets ahead of anyone on radio IMO.

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Im so glad someone put this thread up..... the commentary from Christian was a disgrace, if nothing else you would think at this level they would be professional.. it really ruins the game when u have to liusten to the f@#kin crap that he dishes up.. and for those that say dont listen, you get no atmosphere when u cant here the crowd......

i always am grateful when the dees play on fox, most of the commentary there is pretty good.. maybe not as over the top but generally pretty even minded.

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not as bad as the heradl sun today...

no praise watsoever for melbourne players

just hands in the back rule crap... refering to collingwood got ripped...

and then crap about robbo gettin bad defenders and how they were lackin their best team..

wat about the best 20 mins of football any team has seen this year..... in the first qrt biest pricks

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First point is, get over it. We beat Collingwood, try to be happy.

Second, It is the TV commentators job to barrack for the side that is trailing. It wouldn't be good if the commentators were saying "Collingwood will never come back from this and the game's over" somewhere during the third Qtr, they want to keep suspense and keep everyone watching.

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First point is, get over it. We beat Collingwood, try to be happy.

Second, It is the TV commentators job to barrack for the side that is trailing. It wouldn't be good if the commentators were saying "Collingwood will never come back from this and the game's over" somewhere during the third Qtr, they want to keep suspense and keep everyone watching.

Wow what an insight, I'm sure nobody knew that...

There's a massive difference between keeping the viewers interested and blowing your load every time one of your flashy favourites goes near it.

That Daicos wannabe dribbled shot on goal in the pocket from Didak for example: "He's clever!!!! HE'S VERRRRY CLEVERRRR" When the ball was curving AWAY from goal for [censored] sake. Not that "Chrisso" would've known that because surely his eyes rolled into the back of his head as soon as the ball hit Didak's boot.

I felt dirty watching it.

Most biased commentating I've ever seen on TV.

Not a fan of Huddo, but I honestly believe he was pumping the Dees up in some parts just to get at Christian. I think it worked.


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