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Neale Daniher live on Footy Classified TONIGHT


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Anyone know where I might be able to get a copy of this?

Being in Sydney we get bugger all, and I would love to see the interview.

So if anyone can help me out with it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Spot on Paul.

Her AFL journalism is streets ahead of anything else around.

Some of the rubbish directed at her is evidence of the ignorance that litters AFL and those that support it.

Caroline Wilson [Mod Edit]......................[Mod Edit] is a sensationalist at best and she quite often shoots her mouth off without knowing what she is talking about. She is overly opinionated and a lot of the time just plain wrong and often I feel that she says things to get a reaction, stuff the facts. I can't watch Footy Classified for the simple fact that she is on it, get rid of her and bring in some real talent.

Example: Recently Wilson stated that York Park (Aurora Stadium in Launceston) is a second rate facility, if she had ever been to the place and checked it out she would never have made such a comment. The surface at Aurora is the best in the country (ask anyone from Hawthorn), with near capacity crowds for every game played there no matter who is playing. Tasmania is pumping millions of dollars into the AFL (particularly Hawthorn) but Tassie has spent a truckload to get the ground right and is getting it right which is more than can be said for the Telstra Dome. The woman just infuriates me aaarrrrhhhh!!!

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I suspect the team will turn this year around soon, the effort shown on Sunday was far better and when we get our players back in and our skills improve (hopefully), we will be more than competitive. I was impressed with ND last night. I think he genuinely does not know whether he will be coaching MFC again next year. What will be tough is, if we say win more than we lose from here on, maybe 10 /16 and finish about 10 - 12, do we give him another go ?

MFC have tried many different coaches over the years, a new coach is no guarantee of success.

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I can't stand footy classified...

Caroline Wilson, tries to ask hard hitting questions, but all that she manages to do is confuse the person she is querying, and then has a go at them, wow ground breaking stuff.

On the other hand, I am feeling a new sence of fondness for Danners.

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In that interview Danners did the right thing by the club. He was open and frank and made no promises.

As for tanking.... not for me I would prefer only playing kids when they are ready for afl level and always playing a side that is competetive.

I do not want to breed a losing mentality into the club, we need to be winning as many games as possible and people NEED to be showing up to watch their team play.

Finishing low is no guarantee of drafting well.

And at the risk of offending many people Judd will not be the answer (no matter how much I want to see him in the red and blue).

I hope I am wrong but if he is leaving WC he will be traded rather than enter the PSD and it will end up being a club like the wobbles that will offer enough to snare him.

He will be a million dollar player under a bidding war and can we afford to fit him in our cap and at what cost.

A little off topic but I believe tanking for the bottom positions does not equal success and will damage the players attitudes and also our crowds and therefore the club itself.

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Caroline Wilson (or [Mod Edit] as I prefer to call her)

No wonder most women find it hard to progress in this world ... the continual innuendo, vitriol and comments about personal appearance they have to put up with.

One side of me says Caroline Wilson should give that show away. Not because she's not good, but because her being talked over constantly by those verbal bullies in Carey and Hutchinson makes me uncomfortable.

The other side of me says "stick in there Caroline". She is a good sports journo. I suspect she's not liked by quite a few because she gets too much into the truth. Caroline Wilson compared to Hutchinson is like Four Corners compared to Today Tonight ... one gets to real issues, the other is just self-serving sensationalist fluff.

I also don't see anyone having a go at those two balding misogynists about their hairstyles or attractiveness.

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What kids can he play?

dunn, Bate, Jones, Petterd, Jamar, PJ, Bell, Sylvia are playing, Mclean and Bartram injured, CJ has had 3 games this year maybe one.

The only players left are Newton, Buckley and Frawley who is 3-4 weeks away from being match fit.

Of the three the only one that is playing well at Sandy over the past two weeks is Newton he deserves a look in.

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How good's the draft occo?

So should we outdo Richmond who have tanked the year?

What effect does Richmond's capitulation have on their financial situation?

Daniher has been witch hunted by the "experts" for various coaching shortcomings, now we want to tank the year?

No wonder other teams attack our culture. The ski season cant be too far off.

Well im really on the fence here. I dont want to see the dees finish bottom 4...infact i would hate that. But at the same time i think our list is very good but there are weaknesses. I have been watching a few boys play for TAC at Box Hill. I think its really important this year to look for another crumming forward, a ruckman, a FB and if possible a FF. I think CHB is covered with rivers atm and frawley in the future while CHF will be covered by dunn. The draft looks very good...Kruizer is a superbe tap ruckman who is 17 by years end but has a great reputation. Several games he has won the game for them by going forward and kicking goals. He in my opinion has already been the player responsible for winning 2 games when it counted with scores close. He will be taken top 3 i think.

Prismill...brother of Brett (geelong) is a great running midfielder who can play well in defence. He will be snapped up top 10 it looks like.

There are a number of others who i have commented on in other posts but happy to inform you of any other kids who have impressed me. I dont have my notes with me about the players atm.

I think for us to really have a chance in the near future we must get some new kids. Neitz will be retiring soon as with White and possibly Wheels. Bartram looks good to take Wheels possition but who plays FF? Newton isnt being given any recognition, Dunn looks better at CHF, Sylvia struggles with accuracy and distance, Yze is too small, Davey is a wasted assett at FF, Miller cant kick or mark and is prob too slow. Thats a real issue. Carroll i dont feel is a fb who will win a premiership for us either.

But in answering ur question the top 10 drafties look awsome.

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I thought Neale went out of his way on Footy Classified to say he and the players hadn't given up.

Yes he did...he also said in the Age and on classified that it would be very very difficult to make the finals now. My question is do we push to make a late run with little chance of finals and knowing if we finish 9-11 we wont get the best drafts. Or do we bottom out this year, recruit some kids and go hell for leather next year with a new coach and new fitness advisors.

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Yes he did...he also said in the Age and on classified that it would be very very difficult to make the finals now.

The two are not mutually incompatible. I can recognise it would be very hard to climb to the summit of Mt Everest, yet still approach the task as if I was sure I could do it. Otherwise why bother?

We have only one option. Play to win and select a team to win. No football club could ever seriously abide "tanking", in my opinion.

So that means picking the best players for the respective positions, young or old. It doesn't mean not giving a promising young player a start, but it does mean not promoting players who are not ready or not showing enough skill, application, experience, or whatever. "Youth at all costs" is just stupid ... for implementation of that policy, see: Richmond 06 May.

And there are now even supporters questioning why Petterd didn't play from Round 1! The only player who has done that recently is Bartram, and that was based on outstanding NAB Cup form. None of McLean, Jones, Dunn, Bate or Sylvia played from Round 1 of their first season.

Jeez, let's just put all of this year's draftees in for Round 1 2008. :wacko:

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No wonder most women find it hard to progress in this world ... the continual innuendo, vitriol and comments about personal appearance they have to put up with.

One side of me says Caroline Wilson should give that show away. Not because she's not good, but because her being talked over constantly by those verbal bullies in Carey and Hutchinson makes me uncomfortable.

The other side of me says "stick in there Caroline". She is a good sports journo. I suspect she's not liked by quite a few because she gets too much into the truth. Caroline Wilson compared to Hutchinson is like Four Corners compared to Today Tonight ... one gets to real issues, the other is just self-serving sensationalist fluff.

I also don't see anyone having a go at those two balding misogynists about their hairstyles or attractiveness.

Careful Maurie, making sense is uncommon around here.

Go Caro!

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Example: Recently Wilson stated that York Park (Aurora Stadium in Launceston) is a second rate facility, if she had ever been to the place and checked it out she would never have made such a comment. The surface at Aurora is the best in the country (ask anyone from Hawthorn), with near capacity crowds for every game played there no matter who is playing. Tasmania is pumping millions of dollars into the AFL (particularly Hawthorn) but Tassie has spent a truckload to get the ground right and is getting it right which is more than can be said for the Telstra Dome. The woman just infuriates me aaarrrrhhhh!!!

Pity they still can't get it right in terms of having an audible siren then! Waverley Park has the best playing surface in the league for years, and it didnt make it a good venue. The crowds are near capacity as the venue only holds 17,000 people, our game against Port would've been a sellout down there.

I thought Neale was very cagey when he was directly asked if he would be or wanted to be coaching Melbourne next year. He did however remain upbeat about us making some sort of comeback up the ladder this year, quoting that we won 10 out of 12 last year. Overall I thought he presented himself fairly well, pulled his usual tricks of not answering tricky questions by having a joke and laugh about himself.

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The two are not mutually incompatible. I can recognise it would be very hard to climb to the summit of Mt Everest, yet still approach the task as if I was sure I could do it. Otherwise why bother?

We have only one option. Play to win and select a team to win. No football club could ever seriously abide "tanking", in my opinion.

So that means picking the best players for the respective positions, young or old. It doesn't mean not giving a promising young player a start, but it does mean not promoting players who are not ready or not showing enough skill, application, experience, or whatever. "Youth at all costs" is just stupid ... for implementation of that policy, see: Richmond 06 May.

And there are now even supporters questioning why Petterd didn't play from Round 1! The only player who has done that recently is Bartram, and that was based on outstanding NAB Cup form. None of McLean, Jones, Dunn, Bate or Sylvia played from Round 1 of their first season.

Jeez, let's just put all of this year's draftees in for Round 1 2008. :wacko:

Some great posts on this thread Maurie. You are in fine form.

I cant believe that anyone would honestly tank a year after Round 6 with the view of a top but uncertain draft pick. Abolsutely extraordinary.

ML is quite right. Just to admit a job is difficult does not mean it cant be done and that MFC have given up.

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I thought Neale was very cagey when he was directly asked if he would be or wanted to be coaching Melbourne next year.

It's a "have you stopped beating your wife" question that ND can't win however he answers it. All the three possible answers ("Yes", "No" or "Maybe") have negative rumour possibilities.

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I think its really important this year to look for another crumming forward, a ruckman, a FB and if possible a FF. I think CHB is covered with rivers atm and frawley in the future while CHF will be covered by dunn.

occo how many quality players could we pick up in one draft? you want us to get 4?? the ruck will take 3-4 years to develop, and the FB and FF will prob take a couple as well. the exceptions to these rules are ready made players in the top few who rarely are a star first year out anyway.

with regards to FB what is wrong with carrol? he has been playing pretty well last year and this, he should never have been on williams and he should have taken hall from the start.

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Pity they still can't get it right in terms of having an audible siren then! Waverley Park has the best playing surface in the league for years, and it didnt make it a good venue. The crowds are near capacity as the venue only holds 17,000 people, our game against Port would've been a sellout down there.

Thanks Dave I was expecting a siren and crowd numbers crack.

The siren thing was a one off and has been fixed and it also bought forward a technology that IMO should have been in use long ago, that is vibrators worn on umpires wrist to indicate when the siren goes.

I think the technology could be taken one step further to give the umpire a non-leathal electric shock, each time he/she makes a woeful decision it can be activated by a button at your seat at the ground, the more unpopular the decision the bigger the shock, I like it. Should also boost crowd attendance.

As for Aurora Stadium holding only 17,000 the capacity is closer to 21,000 which may not sound much but when you put it into economic perspective:

Population of Launceston and surrounding area approx 100,000

Average crowd for AFL matches is say 17,000

Percentage of local population attendance = 17%

Rent of facilities - negligible & underwritten by the state government

Home team always makes a profit & huge sponsorship deal to boot

Population of Melbourne approx 1,500,000 (probably more I don't know)

Crowd at Melb v Port 17,000

Percentage of local population attendance = 1.13%

Rent of ground & facilities - a lot higher

Home team probably makes a loss

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We should play Port or Fremantle in Canberra, they have a small supporter base in Melbourne and we should play Sydney at the MCG we got 45,000 there last year and we weren't traveling so good then either.

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Anyone know where I might be able to get a copy of this?

Being in Sydney we get bugger all, and I would love to see the interview.

So if anyone can help me out with it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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I think the technology could be taken one step further to give the umpire a non-leathal electric shock, each time he/she makes a woeful decision it can be activated by a button at your seat at the ground, the more unpopular the decision the bigger the shock, I like it. Should also boost crowd attendance.

The only problem with this suggestion is the non-lethal!

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We should play Port or Fremantle in Canberra, they have a small supporter base in Melbourne and we should play Sydney at the MCG we got 45,000 there last year and we weren't traveling so good then either.

I think the deal is more about selling the swans to Canberra than moving unprofitable games from Melbourne. You are right, Melborne v Sydney games I have been too are always well attended. I have no idea why we played them at Telstra Dome the last couple of years. :wacko:

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