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Goodwin shows some emotion...finally


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3 minutes ago, Farmer said:

Look. FFS no-one is interested in your meandering drivel , you sound like Cliff from Clematis who’s heard a rumour . For heavens’ sake stop, think about  something  more interesting like growing parsley . Give us a daily update. Would  be  more interesting than anything you’ve contributed in months.

Quite a few people were interested and spoke to me during the the day. 

Thankyou that will be all....


”Rude little Man....”

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9 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

Second hand sums it up completely

And same goes for a lot of posters on here, who have 'contact's within the club

I have heard nothing about Goodwin being told, in fact, the opposite, everybody just ignoring the noise

I think I would go with Chain when asked a direct question

Jesus you rate yourself pal.

Anyone with any inside info you don't like is pulling our chain, while YOU have all the good goss.



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28 minutes ago, faultydet said:

Jesus you rate yourself pal.

Anyone with any inside info you don't like is pulling our chain, while YOU have all the good goss.



Nah, don't rate myself, just don't like second hand rumours, that contradict what another coach has said

If @Sir Why You Little is quoting something second hand, that is exactly what it is

Considering the team has been closeted interstate for a couple of weeks and taking in the history since Goodwin took over, that very little information leaks out, I was a bit dubious on his assertion that Goodwin was told to show more emotion on camera, going against his whole public demeanourĺ, that is my opinion

Don't mind some inside info, but that is very few and far between on here

I get a bit of info, but never advertise or broadcast it on here

Chaplin's answer was on an online forum for members

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1 minute ago, Satyriconhome said:

Nah, don't rate myself, just don't like second hand rumours, that contradict what another coach has said

If @Sir Why You Little is quoting something second hand, that is exactly what it is

Considering the team has been closeted interstate for a couple of weeks and taking in the history since Goodwin took over, that very little information leaks out, I was a bit dubious on his assertion that Goodwin was told to show more emotion on camera, going against his whole public demeanourĺ, that is my opinion

Don't mind some inside info, but that is very few and far between on here

I get a bit of info, but never advertise or broadcast it on here

Chaplin's answer was on an online forum for members

If you believe that Chaplin would be prepared to give the lowdown on the coach being told to lift his game you are naive.

And I didn't get any assertion from SWYL's post that Goody was told to "show more emotion on camera". In fact it read to me like he was told to smarten up and perform better. Maybe you just jumped to a conclusion that suited your biases?

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I don’t know about his demeanour with the players but he has been an automaton outward for his entire tenure. Comparing coaches is difficult but we all Daniher the Reverend because of his change in the early naughts to being a spruiker of the club. And I think that had an effect on the club itself and I thought it was important. Goodwin needs to show more passion and personality as a coach outwardly - what he does inside the club is a different story. He should do whatever he needs to keep this form of the last two weeks up for enough of the season to get us into a finals run.

He has enough talent at his disposal to do it - and that’s regardless of passion and histrionics.

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On 7/19/2020 at 3:54 PM, bing181 said:

As soon as I saw that image on the video I knew there'd be a thread along these lines.

So cuffing predictable.

Don't ever change Demonland.

I thought the same the instant Cody Weightman kicked that goal, a DL thread will pop up/be revived discussing taking Kosi instead. Sure enough!

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19 minutes ago, faultydet said:

If you believe that Chaplin would be prepared to give the lowdown on the coach being told to lift his game you are naive.

And I didn't get any assertion from SWYL's post that Goody was told to "show more emotion on camera". In fact it read to me like he was told to smarten up and perform better. Maybe you just jumped to a conclusion that suited your biases?

This topic is titled 'Goodwin shows some emotion....finally,'     I took that as a hint and it was exactly what SWYL meant

Chaplin was asked directly about Goody showing emotion on camera, said  'it wasn't his style'

The camera caught one instance, I am sure there are one or two a game the cameras don't catch, but he is not one for constant histrionics 

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8 hours ago, sue said:

I don't see the need for a coach to show emotion in the box. Better to look calm in a crisis and not look like a whinger (you know which coach I mean).  Goodwin has always shown emotion when we have had a good win, so to portray him as emotionless is bunkum.

I haven't followed the 'battle' about who told whom what, but I doubt if anyone told him to "show more emotion, that will help the team because the players' eyes are peeled on the coaching box".

I’d say the best coaches of the game have all been of the “emotional” persuasion. You could hardly call Barassi, Matthews, Malthouse, Jeans, Whitten et al “whingers”. 

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14 hours ago, Grimes Times said:

Maybe just maybe he wasnt ready fitness wise or his game wasn't ready, he had things to work on?

Now that he has fixed those thing we are seeing the benefit. If he was played earlier before he was ready we may have not. Its called good coaching.

good coaching? geez. Goodwin is the only reason we aren't a top 4 team. 

When's the last time T.McDonaldhas taken marks like Weideman did on the weekend? Weideman should've been the clear choice. These guys have been playing competitive footy for 10 years plus, you don't lose your ability. Nor do you improve greatly on a week to week basis. 

Like Bennell. he was chosen for selection, played 50% game time which equates to 32 minutes and then is told he needs to work on a few things. Jesus Christ, good coach? lol

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4 hours ago, Dr.D said:

good coaching? geez. Goodwin is the only reason we aren't a top 4 team. 

When's the last time T.McDonaldhas taken marks like Weideman did on the weekend? Weideman should've been the clear choice. These guys have been playing competitive footy for 10 years plus, you don't lose your ability. Nor do you improve greatly on a week to week basis. 

Like Bennell. he was chosen for selection, played 50% game time which equates to 32 minutes and then is told he needs to work on a few things. Jesus Christ, good coach? lol

I think he simply misread the room. He thought with the shortened games the quickest team would win. That's why he preferenced small forwards over having another key forward, that's why he wanted Bennell to get a couple more weeks in him rather than go at 50% gametime, that's why the players were going gung-ho at a frenetic pace. He was proven wrong and so has rejigged things to go with a more traditional setup.

It's a shame because I genuinely think we should have beaten Geelong and Richmond and that's on him. But at least we've got it right now and if we can keep up the form we saw on the weekend I don't think anyone will be complaining.

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33 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

I think he simply misread the room. He thought with the shortened games the quickest team would win. That's why he preferenced small forwards over having another key forward, that's why he wanted Bennell to get a couple more weeks in him rather than go at 50% gametime, that's why the players were going gung-ho at a frenetic pace. He was proven wrong and so has rejigged things to go with a more traditional setup.

It's a shame because I genuinely think we should have beaten Geelong and Richmond and that's on him. But at least we've got it right now and if we can keep up the form we saw on the weekend I don't think anyone will be complaining.

It's almost like he isn't stubborn and in fact is willing to make tactical changes her thinks will help win?

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1 minute ago, Demonland said:


Beat me to the punch, I just came to post this. Great question from Gibson, who obviously reads Demonland (hi Ben) and great explanation from Goodwin about the need for calm and clarity in the box.

It’s these types of answers from the coach that convinces me Goodwin is a high quality leader. Stuffs me why supporters would prefer a coach who loses his cool and cracks in high pressure situations.

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46 minutes ago, bing181 said:

“If you’re emotional, it’s really just a self-indulgence thing and it takes you away from what’s really important.”

Its well said.  Now keep winning Goody and become a legend.  First MFC premiership coach since 1964.  Someones gotta be the one.

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On 7/20/2020 at 10:36 PM, Satyriconhome said:

Nah, don't rate myself, just don't like second hand rumours, that contradict what another coach has said

If @Sir Why You Little is quoting something second hand, that is exactly what it is

Considering the team has been closeted interstate for a couple of weeks and taking in the history since Goodwin took over, that very little information leaks out, I was a bit dubious on his assertion that Goodwin was told to show more emotion on camera, going against his whole public demeanourĺ, that is my opinion

Don't mind some inside info, but that is very few and far between on here

I get a bit of info, but never advertise or broadcast it on here

Chaplin's answer was on an online forum for members

You just don’t believe info that you haven’t heard...

It bothers you...

I have been privvy to a lot of information over 6-7 years, most of it coming to fruition  

i don’t always quote it on here, but seeing a noticeable change from both Goodwin and the Gamestyle i thought i would pass it on


Edited by Sir Why You Little
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1 hour ago, Nasher said:

Beat me to the punch, I just came to post this. Great question from Gibson, who obviously reads Demonland (hi Ben) and great explanation from Goodwin about the need for calm and clarity in the box.

It’s these types of answers from the coach that convinces me Goodwin is a high quality leader. Stuffs me why supporters would prefer a coach who loses his cool and cracks in high pressure situations.

I’ve been watching all the video content the club has put out lately, and Ben has been doing a really good job. His questions are well thought out and often asks similar questions to what a supporter may ask. This is another great example.

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3 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

You just don’t believe info that you haven’t heard...

It bothers you...

I have been privvy to a lot of information over 6-7 years, most of it coming to fruition  

i don’t always quote it on here, but seeing a noticeable change from both Goodwin and the Gamestyle i thought i would pass it on


Have you watched the video above Scoop

I don't believe a second hand piece of information that contradicts everything I have been told or heard

Never said that your not entitled to believe it

The game plan hasn't changed and you made no mention.of that in your original post, the personnel to successfully implement the game plan has been tweaked 

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8 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Have you watched the video above Scoop

I don't believe a second hand piece of information that contradicts everything I have been told or heard

Never said that your not entitled to believe it

The game plan hasn't changed and you made no mention.of that in your original post, the personnel to successfully implement the game plan has been tweaked 

Give it a rest mate. You weren’t there i don’t care what you believe.
i have no idea what your last paragraph is on about. 
Quite alot has changed on the field over the last few weeks, more than a few tweaks both on and off the field. 

It is not hard to see even via a TV Screen ? 

Edited by Sir Why You Little
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Meh,  he doesn't show emotion to the players at the quarter or 3 quarter time breaks.

I'm not going to be blinded by this rubbish. We should be a top 4 team with our list.  17th last year and 12th now. not bloody good enough. 

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12 hours ago, Nasher said:


It’s these types of answers from the coach that convinces me Goodwin is a high quality leader. Stuffs me why supporters would prefer a coach who loses his cool and cracks in high pressure situations.

My assumption is that those types of supporters don't actually understand "emotion". To them you are either calm or violent/angry, and any subtly between them is lost. Those supporters don't want to see Goodwin smile, laugh or cry. They want to see him yell and scream and break things and lose control. Pretty toxic, if that is your only measure of "emotion".

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13 hours ago, Nasher said:

Beat me to the punch, I just came to post this. Great question from Gibson, who obviously reads Demonland (hi Ben) and great explanation from Goodwin about the need for calm and clarity in the box.

It’s these types of answers from the coach that convinces me Goodwin is a high quality leader. Stuffs me why supporters would prefer a coach who loses his cool and cracks in high pressure situations.

I have been super impressed with club's comms and media this year. Just terrific.

And Ben Gibson has been a key part of that. Love how invested he is in the club. Has settled, got his confidence and is now a good performer behind the camera. Knows his stuff, players etc respect and like him.and he asks good questions.

Though for me he missed the obvious one. What made him angry in that ladt quarter?

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I think it is great that he is cool and calm in the coaches box and at games.  As it should be.

But his press conf/interviews have been dull with repetitive commentary for a very long time.  That is where fans see him the most.  He is our main window to the club.  The videos could almost be replayed week after week.  It is good that in the last few weeks he has seemed less robotic and more energised.   



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1 hour ago, deanox said:

My assumption is that those types of supporters don't actually understand "emotion". To them you are either calm or violent/angry, and any subtly between them is lost. Those supporters don't want to see Goodwin smile, laugh or cry. They want to see him yell and scream and break things and lose control. Pretty toxic, if that is your only measure of "emotion".

They are also mistaking "emotion" for passion.

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1 hour ago, binman said:

I have been super impressed with club's comms and media this year. Just terrific.

And Ben Gibson has been a key part of that. Love how invested he is in the club. Has settled, got his confidence and is now a good performer behind the camera. Knows his stuff, players etc respect and like him.and he asks good questions.

Though for me he missed the obvious one. What made him angry in that ladt quarter?

Benny has been very very good.

Love the pre game he does as well with the players and coaches. 

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