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OUT: Abbott IN: Turnbull


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actually the real poor unfortunates can't afford to get on a boat

Daisy, that's exactly right. & IMO if you need to find safety urgently, you get to the first safe port ; not travel across oceans to get to greener grasses.

these people of means, paying fares to get here on deliberately unsafe one way boats, Via trying to manipulate us thru International embarrassment, are taking genuine refugees places in our intake.

there are people in gaols O/S, who have tried to escape persecution, ending up in prisons, who we could be taking in.... or exchanging for paid-up boat people who arrive after their fellow country-men here, urge them to come here & push in.

We, cannot solve all the worlds ills, & if we did open the floodgates, we would have thousands upon thousands arriving monthly.

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Daisy, that's exactly right. & IMO if you need to find safety urgently, you get to the first safe port ; not travel across oceans to get to greener grasses.

these people of means, paying fares to get here on deliberately unsafe one way boats, Via trying to manipulate us thru International embarrassment, are taking genuine refugees places in our intake.

there are people in gaols O/S, who have tried to escape persecution, ending up in prisons, who we could be taking in.... or exchanging for paid-up boat people who arrive after their fellow country-men here, urge them to come here & push in.

We, cannot solve all the worlds ills, & if we did open the floodgates, we would have thousands upon thousands arriving monthly.

DL they are coming through the airports you know. The numbers coming by boat will always be relatively small, there won't be thousands upon thousands jumping on rickety boats any time soon I would have thought. The risk is too high and the opportunity limited for such a long journey.

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DL they are coming through the airports you know. The numbers coming by boat will always be relatively small, there won't be thousands upon thousands jumping on rickety boats any time soon I would have thought. The risk is too high and the opportunity limited for such a long journey.

Yeah, no one cares when someone from England or New Zealand comes over on a plane on a tourist visa and stays illegally.

But come over in a boat fleeing persecution and back you go!

They'll take our jobs! Think of the children!

People will use phrases like "social integration issues" or "cultural clashing" but ultimately it's just masking simple racism. English illegal immigrants are ok, Afganis aren't. A lot of people don't even know they're doing it.

/flameshield on

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DL they are coming through the airports you know. The numbers coming by boat will always be relatively small, there won't be thousands upon thousands jumping on rickety boats any time soon I would have thought. The risk is too high and the opportunity limited for such a long journey.

yes I know, they're coming via plane as well those who can get visas. IMO we are bringing in the wrong personality types. too much arrogance & indifference to our ways is flying in.

we not bringing in enough who will worship our beautiful country & way of life & add to it... the money grabbers are trashing our ways with a grin. & some are sending money overseas, or even going over to fight for another cause. in short they aren't truly adding much at all to our eroding better days.

we used to have a fantastic way of life, whereby we all cared about one another, but this is fading under the bright UV light of Wealth.

Yeah, no one cares when someone from England or New Zealand comes over on a plane on a tourist visa and stays illegally.

But come over in a boat fleeing persecution and back you go!

They'll take our jobs! Think of the children!

People will use phrases like "social integration issues" or "cultural clashing" but ultimately it's just masking simple racism. English illegal immigrants are ok, Afganis aren't. A lot of people don't even know they're doing it.

/flameshield on

I don't mind the Afghan's, but didn't want to get into that afghan V indian area.

I've found the afghans to be very understated warm friendly & appreciative. much better than most new arrivals who flew in i've come across.

its hard to be discriminate between neighboring mid east nations without getting bogged down in racist rubbish. all nations have good & bad. we are bringing in the wrong types of people.

Edited by dee-luded
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its hard to be discriminate between neighboring mid east nations without getting bogged down in racist rubbish. all nations have good & bad. we are bringing in the wrong types of people.

After all, they too could end up sitting in the Northern Stands of the MCG.

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Immigration is a tough issue for any country.

The real problem is birth control.

World wide birth control is needed (particularly in busted arse countries).

I dont think we are obliged to take in refugees from anywhere at any time.

We should export condoms and the pill and teach people to use them(maybe BBO could be an ambassador)

But we dont do this because the stinking Catholic Church controls most of the charitable budgets of first world nations.


Anyone criticising Australias refugee policies must first provide an alternative.

There are no easy options sadly.

I've met some crap Afghans and some low Sri Lankans as well as good.

I don't buy persecution tales too easily either.

We should take our quota and no more.

If we do not depopulate I am sure the IMF will invent a way for it to happen.

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After all, they too could end up sitting in the Northern Stands of the MCG.

HaHaHa Ok, so you think I hate the people in the Northern seats..... rubbish ! They are generally very nice people in the MCC & Northern Stands. the issue is they turn our players into very nice boys as well,,, instead of hungry hostile footballers; first.

the issue isn't we have a Northern stand, or an MCC, the Issue is the Northern Stand Culture, as it is, keeps us as the original 'Fuchsia's',,,, Soft & Lovelly,,,,,,, instead of letting the Deeeeeemons open the gates of Hell on our opponents.


the issue with the money hungry Boat people from the Near East & Mid East,,, who paid to enter Indonesia, so they could pay again to get onto very dangerous overloaded leaky boats, deliberately putting themselves & any kids; in immense danger of being swamped at any time, so they could have a materialistic dream... Not Safety, there chasing lifestyle.


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Good to see that the $51 million Royal Commission into union corruption has come up with diddly squat today in their four hour inquisition of Julia G. And let us get this straight, this inquisition of Juliar is about a $5000 to $7000 misuse of funds into renovations of her house. Who knows it might have happened who would know after all this time but yes let us line up the over paid SC to have their days, weeks, months in court and for what purpose? Of course the Labour Government could have called a Royal Commission into Johney's rush into Iraq and all the hundreds of thousands of deaths and dislocated lives that led to. But that is different at least in the eyes of News Ltd! Better to chase down a few thousand in Labour fraud than Rupert and his minion's role in the death of hundreds of thousands and the destruction of civilised communities.

Edited by Earl Hood
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I don't think Colin's chardonnay swilling revolution can wait for the IMF biffo

The weenies are squealing like pigs apparently in good ole willy

Chardonnay swilling? I have heard of beer swilling and chardonnay sipping but imagining someone trying to down a bucket bong loaded with white wine truly boggles the mind.

This bizarre verb/noun collocation just goes to show how out of touch you are DC out there in Jeffrey K's old electorate (I could picture you as one of his groupies who used to fawn over him whenever he would inflict himself on some poor, unsuspecting function). If you got out into the world that the rest of us populate, your eyebrows would raise in shock so quickly that you would drop your monocle into your snifter of port

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Chardonnay swilling? I have heard of beer swilling and chardonnay sipping but imagining someone trying to down a bucket bong loaded with white wine truly boggles the mind.

This bizarre verb/noun collocation just goes to show how out of touch you are DC out there in Jeffrey K's old electorate (I could picture you as one of his groupies who used to fawn over him whenever he would inflict himself on some poor, unsuspecting function). If you got out into the world that the rest of us populate, your eyebrows would raise in shock so quickly that you would drop your monocle into your snifter of port

Col, DC might not know better, he might frequent the Burvale, there used to be plenty of swilling back when I used to drop in for drink or two with my cricket club mates. Those were the days when you had to buy a supper ticket to listen to a cover band and keep drinking to stumps at midnight!

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Col, DC might not know better, he might frequent the Burvale, there used to be plenty of swilling back when I used to drop in for drink or two with my cricket club mates. Those were the days when you had to buy a supper ticket to listen to a cover band and keep drinking to stumps at midnight!

glad someone else has been outside the confines of the willy caste

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Col, DC might not know better, he might frequent the Burvale, there used to be plenty of swilling back when I used to drop in for drink or two with my cricket club mates. Those were the days when you had to buy a supper ticket to listen to a cover band and keep drinking to stumps at midnight!

I believe when he is not posting on Demonland, he is collecting royalty cheques from Parker Brothers as he is the real life inspiration for the bloke with the white moustache who wears the top hat on the front of the Monopoly box.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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Here we go again! Field Marshall Abbott sends us off to war in the Middle East for Operation "Unscramble the Egg"! Can we fix up the catastrophic mess we helped to make in the first place with a few Hornets and SAS operatives? Of course not but think of the political mileage this is worth for a Government bereft of domestic ideas well at least ideas that are not toxic with your average voter.

The testosterone levels are rising and I include Julie Bishop in this! Waiting for Tony to start wearing a leather jacket at official military functions.

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the issue with the money hungry Boat people from the Near East & Mid East,,, who paid to enter Indonesia, so they could pay again to get onto very dangerous overloaded leaky boats, deliberately putting themselves & any kids; in immense danger of being swamped at any time, so they could have a materialistic dream... Not Safety, there chasing lifestyle.


I think you will find that most people seeking asylum who come via boat turn out (in the past at up to rates of 90%) to be found to be genuine asylum seekers. Even with Abbott's current regime, the last set of statistics released showed that about 75% were found to be genuine refugees.

So you are telling me that a Hazara from the Swot Valley in Pakistan is just coming here for money are you?

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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I think you will find that most people seeking asylum who come via boat turn out (in the past at up to rates of 90%) to be found to be genuine asylum seekers. Even with Abbott's current regime, the last set of statistics released showed that about 75% were found to be genuine refugees.

So you are telling me that a Hazara from the Swot Valley in Pakistan is just coming here for money are you?

sure they're seeking asylum, but to put their safety at risk on 'one way boats', from any danger they run from is ridiculous, & they come here trying to barge in when they could seek asylum in India, Pakistan, Turkey, etc

instead of getting on planes to Indonesia, maybe they should just try India.

they come here with political intent, to try to besmirch us into taking them in via international media..

the nearest safest port is the answer, if you try to outrun a blazing wildfire, not wait for a plane ticket & get on sinking boats.

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sure they're seeking asylum, but to put their safety at risk on 'one way boats', from any danger they run from is ridiculous, & they come here trying to barge in when they could seek asylum in India, Pakistan, Turkey, etc

instead of getting on planes to Indonesia, maybe they should just try India.

they come here with political intent, to try to besmirch us into taking them in via international media..

the nearest safest port is the answer, if you try to outrun a blazing wildfire, not wait for a plane ticket & get on sinking boats.

India: Not a signatory to the 1951 refugee convention.

Pakistan: Why do you think they no longer play Pakistani cricket matches in Pakistan? The Taliban control large swathes of the northern Pakistan (after they were forced to retreat to after the 2001 war).

Turkey: That would be like driving to Geelong from Melbourne via Mallacoota. That being said, Turkey receives our annual quota of refugees in a month.

I think you will find that it's not a case of flying on planes to wherever. You will find that most refugees who make the journey have been mostly chewed up and spat out of refugee camps where you mostly have no hope for the future. You can't get a job. Your kids can't really get an education. It's just you, your rather meaningless UNHCR refugee status ticket (as you have no settlement country) and a long wait for resettlement.

I would also ask if you were running from official persecution, why would you give your location away by handing your passport over at an airport?

The last part is just unworkable as a general principle. Say if you were a person seeking asylum from North Korea, would you try to set up shop in the nearest port (which technically is South Korea but it's unreachable due to the DMZ)? Where do you think the next nearest 'port' is and what hopes do you think you would have of getting settled?

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Here we go again! Field Marshall Abbott sends us off to war in the Middle East for Operation "Unscramble the Egg"! Can we fix up the catastrophic mess we helped to make in the first place with a few Hornets and SAS operatives? Of course not but think of the political mileage this is worth for a Government bereft of domestic ideas well at least ideas that are not toxic with your average voter.

The testosterone levels are rising and I include Julie Bishop in this! Waiting for Tony to start wearing a leather jacket at official military functions.

No it's about preserving our relationship with the USA. Would you rather we were totally alone and at the mercy of any nation?

yes I know, they're coming via plane as well those who can get visas. IMO we are bringing in the wrong personality types. too much arrogance & indifference to our ways is flying in.

we not bringing in enough who will worship our beautiful country & way of life & add to it... the money grabbers are trashing our ways with a grin. & some are sending money overseas, or even going over to fight for another cause. in short they aren't truly adding much at all to our eroding better days.

we used to have a fantastic way of life, whereby we all cared about one another, but this is fading under the bright UV light of Wealth.

I don't mind the Afghan's, but didn't want to get into that afghan V indian area.

I've found the afghans to be very understated warm friendly & appreciative. much better than most new arrivals who flew in i've come across.

its hard to be discriminate between neighboring mid east nations without getting bogged down in racist rubbish. all nations have good & bad. we are bringing in the wrong types of people.

India is not in the Middle East.
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No it's about preserving our relationship with the USA. Would you rather we were totally alone and at the mercy of any nation? India is not in the Middle East.

Lucky we have you to point out the really dumb posts!

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No it's about preserving our relationship with the USA. Would you rather we were totally alone and at the mercy of any nation? India is not in the Middle East.

Hi Louis just asking which nations are we at the mercy of? Russia sending an Amada from the north? China perhaps who pay much of our national income? Is it Indonesia who the USA may or may not see as an enemy and who we can handle anyway, Japan? Where is this threat please tell me. If we arm ourselves sensibly with state of art jet fighters and submarines (and these can be off the shelf items from Europe etc) not bleeding edge design like the JSF from the USA we can handle ourselves quite well thank you. I am sick of this dependent attitude that we are a sitting duck for the major powers. Maybe you want to reinstate the guns at Point Nepean!

The Russians are coming!

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