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Your attendance at games is needed ...

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One of the points made at this morning's Melbourne Business Community Breakfast by CEO Peter Jackson was that the club's financial bottom line is being impaired by poorer attendances than those for which the club had originally budgeted.

My view is that those supporters who are therefore shunning the club be it for whatever reason - the team's performance, the president, coach, players, football department, club psychologist, whatever ... it's not really helping the cause and making his role as CEO in restructuring and reviving the club all the more difficult.

I know it's a tough gig but we're not always going to be traveling as badly on field as we are at the present time. My view is that you can't claim to be a part of any future success if you don't support your club in times of difficulty.

We should be out there in force against Collingwood on Monday.


I will be at the GWS game at Skoda in August...but unfortunately I cannot afford to travel to Melbourne at will and the next time I have to be down there is the weekend we are playing at TIO Stadium :-(


Spot on WJ

Am not happy with this club ATM but I will be there Monday

Coaches, Presidents, Players come and go the club is forever


On a slight side note....

Does the club get extra money if paid up members attend matches, or does the membership mean they get the full amount allocated for that person regardless of attendance? A mate of mine who was a Fitzroy member used to buy an extra FFC membership each year with the view that if every member bought 2, it would double their member numbers and help the club significantly. I thought it a good idea and have done this a couple of times when I could spare the dosh but didn't use the membership for entry. Anyone clarify this? Maybe I would have been better donating the money directly (or spending it on antidepressants).


I know it's a tough gig but we're not always going to be traveling as badly on field as we are at the present time. My view is that you can't claim to be a part of any future success if you don't support your club in times of difficulty.


If you want to join in when we get better, you have to pitch in now.


One of the points made at this morning's Melbourne Business Community Breakfast by CEO Peter Jackson was that the club's financial bottom line is being impaired by poorer attendances than those for which the club had originally budgeted.

My view is that those supporters who are therefore shunning the club be it for whatever reason - the team's performance, the president, coach, players, football department, club psychologist, whatever ... it's not really helping the cause and making his role as CEO in restructuring and reviving the club all the more difficult.

I know it's a tough gig but we're not always going to be traveling as badly on field as we are at the present time. My view is that you can't claim to be a part of any future success if you don't support your club in times of difficulty.

We should be out there in force against Collingwood on Monday.

He also acknowledged that we've been told all the positive spin before and that all he can ask us to do is believe...

We are paying for the sins of the past. He wants us to keep paying on a hope - a hope that the MFC have already borrowed, stolen, drawn against, used the equity in and sold to third parties.

We as a supporter group needed to be more critical - we need to demand success, to be ruthless and to expect elite performance. Jackson wants that for us and we need to reflect that. Well guess what, what comes with that is the withdrawal of my support when I think you've sold me a pup. I'll support my club in times of difficulty - I'll withdraw my support when it gets abused and the integrity of the club is clearly absent. We are just about at that point now. And when that's gone, it doesn't come back.


I'll be there Monday - but I'd genuinely like to know, if I've already bought a $550 Trident membership does the club receive any extra revenue whether I show up or not?


He also acknowledged that we've been told all the positive spin before and that all he can ask us to do is believe...

We are paying for the sins of the past. He wants us to keep paying on a hope - a hope that the MFC have already borrowed, stolen, drawn against, used the equity in and sold to third parties.

We as a supporter group needed to be more critical - we need to demand success, to be ruthless and to expect elite performance. Jackson wants that for us and we need to reflect that. Well guess what, what comes with that is the withdrawal of my support when I think you've sold me a pup. I'll support my club in times of difficulty - I'll withdraw my support when it gets abused and the integrity of the club is clearly absent. We are just about at that point now. And when that's gone, it doesn't come back.

And I just thought it was footy, rather over dramatic, but I get the gist of what you are saying, but the topic is about attendance, I will be there with bells on


Great post, Tim.

I have no interest in attending while the king of spin is ruining the club and any semblance of enjoyment I have in footy. Unlike some, my support isn't unconditional and never has been. It never will. It's not a concept I philosophically agree with. And I'm certainly no punching bag.

I expect responses along the lines of "weak", or 'your club needs you", or "you can't enjoy the good times if you haven't seen the bad", or any other banal remarks. I happily sat through 1981 when we won one game by a point. It's not the lack of winning that I can't tolerate. I can't tolerate the fool who coaches them, or the insipid efforts.

Enjoy the game.


He also acknowledged that we've been told all the positive spin before and that all he can ask us to do is believe...

We are paying for the sins of the past. He wants us to keep paying on a hope - a hope that the MFC have already borrowed, stolen, drawn against, used the equity in and sold to third parties.

We as a supporter group needed to be more critical - we need to demand success, to be ruthless and to expect elite performance. Jackson wants that for us and we need to reflect that. Well guess what, what comes with that is the withdrawal of my support when I think you've sold me a pup. I'll support my club in times of difficulty - I'll withdraw my support when it gets abused and the integrity of the club is clearly absent. We are just about at that point now. And when that's gone, it doesn't come back.

It's a good thing hope is a renewable resource.


Great post, Tim.

I have no interest in attending while the king of spin is ruining the club and any semblance of enjoyment I have in footy. Unlike some, my support isn't unconditional and never has been. It never will. It's not a concept I philosophically agree with. And I'm certainly no punching bag.

I expect responses along the lines of "weak", or 'your club needs you", or "you can't enjoy the good times if you haven't seen the bad", or any other banal remarks. I happily sat through 1981 when we won one game by a point. It's not the lack of winning that I can't tolerate. I can't tolerate the fool who coaches them, or the insipid efforts.

Enjoy the game.

God, I am sure there are thousands of posters reading this, thinking how sad BH is not going to be there, we'll miss him..can you give a general direction of your location from Fed Sq and the G so sometime Monday we can wave whatever we think appropriate towards you.....


One of the points made at this morning's Melbourne Business Community Breakfast by CEO Peter Jackson was that the club's financial bottom line is being impaired by poorer attendances than those for which the club had originally budgeted.

My view is that those supporters who are therefore shunning the club be it for whatever reason - the team's performance, the president, coach, players, football department, club psychologist, whatever ... it's not really helping the cause and making his role as CEO in restructuring and reviving the club all the more difficult.

I know it's a tough gig but we're not always going to be traveling as badly on field as we are at the present time. My view is that you can't claim to be a part of any future success if you don't support your club in times of difficulty.

We should be out there in force against Collingwood on Monday.

Whispering I could not agree more with this view. Especially the part about supporting our club through thick or thin.


Great post, Tim.

I have no interest in attending while the king of spin is ruining the club and any semblance of enjoyment I have in footy. Unlike some, my support isn't unconditional and never has been. It never will. It's not a concept I philosophically agree with. And I'm certainly no punching bag.

I expect responses along the lines of "weak", or 'your club needs you", or "you can't enjoy the good times if you haven't seen the bad", or any other banal remarks. I happily sat through 1981 when we won one game by a point. It's not the lack of winning that I can't tolerate. I can't tolerate the fool who coaches them, or the insipid efforts.

Enjoy the game.

I won't call you weak or spineless or undeserving of success when it comes.

I'll call you precious. Way too precious.


And another thing...I'll go twice. In on my football membership and again on my MCC membership...that way the club does get a few dollars more (from the MCC).

Did it last week for the Hawks game and will again. I know it's pretty pointless but it eases my pain just a bit.


I won't call you weak or spineless or undeserving of success when it comes.

I'll call you precious. Way too precious.

Not precious, just no interest in watching effortless performances. I have way better things to do.

Golf being one.


I have already paid up my premium membership for the umpteenth time. I turn up at most games but the utter rubbish they serve up has turned me off. Even the most hardened supporters have their breaking points.


Even the most hardened supporters have their breaking points.

No they don't. I don't. Plenty on here don't.

You're not a 'most hardened supporter' if you have a breaking point.


Great post, Tim.

I have no interest in attending while the king of spin is ruining the club and any semblance of enjoyment I have in footy. Unlike some, my support isn't unconditional and never has been. It never will. It's not a concept I philosophically agree with. And I'm certainly no punching bag.

I expect responses along the lines of "weak", or 'your club needs you", or "you can't enjoy the good times if you haven't seen the bad", or any other banal remarks. I happily sat through 1981 when we won one game by a point. It's not the lack of winning that I can't tolerate. I can't tolerate the fool who coaches them, or the insipid efforts.

Enjoy the game.

I find myself agreeing with you quite a bit, but not on this occasion. Boycott other fixtures if you must, but not this weekend. I am seething at what is happening on and off field as much as the next person. But it is vital that we do what we can to keep QB attendance levels as high as possible.

Neeld will be gone soon anyway, don't make this about him. I'll be there travelling from interstate. If you still care about the MFC you'll be there too.


No they don't. I don't. Plenty on here don't.

You're not a 'most hardened supporter' if you have a breaking point.

I find myself agreeing with you quite a bit, but not on this occasion. Boycott other fixtures if you must, but not this weekend. I am seething at what is happening on and off field as much as the next person. But it is vital that we do what we can to keep QB attendance levels as high as possible.

Neeld will be gone soon anyway, don't make this about him. I'll be there travelling from interstate. If you still care about the MFC you'll be there too.

BH only cares about himself, nice to see you don't agree with his twisted viewpoint on this occasion


Going to support the colours doesn't mean you support the coach or certain people at the club. The club is bigger than Neeld or any other person, grow a pair and support your team.


Not precious, just no interest in watching effortless performances. I have way better things to do.

Golf being one.

Another thing you might want to consider is to practice jumping on bandwagons.

It might come in handy one day day.


It should also be mandatory for the players to put in a effort on game day.

I won't be there this Monday, even if we were 10-0 I would not be there.

I use to go no matter, now I go but really would rather be doing other things. Soon that will prob relate to not going at times if they keep dishing up this shite.


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