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The Inquistion continues until at least February ...


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If the club being investigated was Carlton and not Melbourne would you have felt the same way?

Even her recent efforts regarding Swan, as much as I wish bad things upon the Pies were poor. And we know about how Hutchy (of all people) took her to pieces regarding her inaccurate reporting of the Roos and Tasmaina, or Cornes being sacked by Power last year, only to go onto win their B&F this year. So no matter which team she is writing about I know I am more likely to be misinformed than informed.

Out of interest which are the facts on our tanking from Wilson that have made you feel informed Fan?

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Fairfax has today been has been requested to reveal its sources over the currency scandal.

If the crew that broke that story is anything like the sports dept ,they needn't worry because there isn't any .

Emma Quayle-the darling of demonland is of course excluded from any vitriol I may spit at The Age .

Dopey Denham and Kero - The Glibber twins .


Headlines for the next few months:

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our pre-season: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our Christmas: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our New Year: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our January training: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our February training: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our NAB Cup preparations: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our first-round preparations: Neeld"



The fact that he has written that coaches have been investigated 3 time and they still have no verdict makes me think that nothing will come of this investigation and the AFL is trying to wait for the media dust to settle so they can seep this mess under the AFL head quarters rug with the rest of the false accusations under there.


Headlines for the next few months:

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our pre-season: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our Christmas: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our New Year: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our January training: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our February training: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our NAB Cup preparations: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry hasn't affected our first-round preparations: Neeld"

"Tanking enquiry sure as hell hasn't effected our Premiership celebrations, Caro": Neeld !!


One of the reasons I think Caro is a must read is at least she has contacts and finds things out. We'd have a much better idea of where this was going if she was reporting it.

I still think we are very exposed here and I'm comfortable that the investigation is taking as long as it is. It's allowed us to participate in the drafting and trading this year which was critical and now any draft penalties will not hurt so much. If the trade off for that ability to participate is a long investigation I'll live with it. Also the longer it goes the more it becomes a non issue. That helps.

Unlike many here I'm not worried about Caro's reporting and want to here from here so I know what's going on. For the record I loved Grant Thomas too and am sorry he's gone.

I don't mind if we keep fighting it, & keep getting adjournments for 18 months if its not going well.

If they want our future in they're palms, Just keep them at bay for 2 more draft periods.


Mind you, I'm not convinced we will be exonerated. The weight of media criticism says the AFL, notoriously sensitive to the media, will be forced into punishment mode.

Me either.

As long as the investigation is open, I'm deeply concerned that we'll lose picks for the next 3-4 drafts.


If there was a specific rule we'd broken, I'd be worried.

If there was a precedent of another club who'd been punished for similar behaviour, I'd be worried.

If there wasn't numerous other clubs who have done exactly the same thing, I'd be worried.

If the club hadn't rattled it's legal sabres, I'd be worried.

The question is how elegantly can the AFL shut it down, without a legal fight and it spreading to a whole of league investigation... and that's the AFL's problem not the MFC's.


Theres a little bit about this Inquisition that reminds me of that poor sod, having made a date with that much sought after girl ,who is left waiting and waiting in the rain hours after the due meeting time has past. He still thinks theres a chance. Surely she's just late or something as kind.

Nope..shes not coming buddy and neither is any guilty verdict let alone punishment. In both instances someone's been had.

This is now going on...and on ...and on purely as theres no direction or substance to anything. There are elements in the AFL waiting for a miracle. Something, anything so they can hang a hat on it and pronounce the whole sordid debacle as successful and warranted.. It is of course neither..

Two words spring to mind.... Sucked IN !!! Andersen played a badly dealt hand and did so without conferring with his playing partner. He has been hoodwinked by the likes of Wilson and other similarly disguised protagonists.. He saw a nice shiny coin and got handed some chocolate money.

I find it interesting that given the absurd amount of time, effort and money spent on this witch hunt that had there actually been anything truly untoward then as is often the way in life it would have made its way to the surface and found a ready audience. There is always a Brutus or a Judas in these things. Yet the streets remain empty and silent but for an occasional tumbleweed ( aka throw away barb in the chip wrappers )

Folks , all we did was a legitimate and time honoured practice, List management. Thats all. We did what others have done. we did what was in fact condoned by the very head of the AFL. He must have seen no evil as he actually praised us at times.

So where is this transgression. Where is even the rule some seem to want to refer to ?

Neither exists.


If it's going to be closed down quietly it will happen before Christmas or very early in the new year while the major footy journos (for want of a better name with some) are on break. If it goes on further then I think they will have found some case to answer and it will go to the commission.

Let's hope we get some good Christmas news and can get on with 2013 without all this BS.


Theres a little bit about this Inquisition that reminds me of that poor sod, having made a date with that much sought after girl ,who is left waiting and waiting in the rain hours after the due meeting time has past. He still thinks theres a chance. Surely she's just late or something as kind.

Nope..shes not coming buddy and neither is any guilty verdict let alone punishment. In both instances someone's been had.

This is now going on...and on ...and on purely as theres no direction or substance to anything. There are elements in the AFL waiting for a miracle. Something, anything so they can hang a hat on it and pronounce the whole sordid debacle as successful and warranted.. It is of course neither..

Two words spring to mind.... Sucked IN !!! Andersen played a badly dealt hand and did so without conferring with his playing partner. He has been hoodwinked by the likes of Wilson and other similarly disguised protagonists.. He saw a nice shiny coin and got handed some chocolate money.

I find it interesting that given the absurd amount of time, effort and money spent on this witch hunt that had there actually been anything truly untoward then as is often the way in life it would have made its way to the surface and found a ready audience. There is always a Brutus or a Judas in these things. Yet the streets remain empty and silent but for an occasional tumbleweed ( aka throw away barb in the chip wrappers )

Folks , all we did was a legitimate and time honoured practice, List management. Thats all. We did what others have done. we did what was in fact condoned by the very head of the AFL. He must have seen no evil as he actually praised us at times.

So where is this transgression. Where is even the rule some seem to want to refer to ?

Neither exists.

The rule is "Bringing the games into disrepute".

That is the catch all rule to cover everything that the AFL does not have a rule for bb


The rule is "Bringing the games into disrepute".

That is the catch all rule to cover everything that the AFL does not have a rule for bb

We have done nothing of the kind. Again we only maintained a practice thats been around since dot.

I will tell you who has brought the game into disrepute. The AFl itself through its self serving bullying practices. These have been ably aided by the shrews such as Wilson and Denham and trolls like Ralph. they brought all this upon the game, not us.


Me either.

As long as the investigation is open, I'm deeply concerned that we'll lose picks for the next 3-4 drafts.

Watch out for the boogie man....


We have done nothing of the kind. Again we only maintained a practice thats been around since dot.

I will tell you who has brought the game into disrepute. The AFl itself through its self serving bullying practices. These have been ably aided by the shrews such as Wilson and Denham and trolls like Ralph. they brought all this upon the game, not us.

While all of that may be true bb

The AFL can say ( if they have any proof no matter how small ) that if MFC intentionally tried to lose.

This brings the game of AFL football into disrepute .

That is all they have to do, there is your broken rule

Now will they have any proof looks unlikely but I will believe we are off they hook when they say we have no case to answer.


Can't believe the hammering Fan has copped on this thread.

Is this a message board or an echo chamber?

This type of forum seems a bit pointless if you're not prepared to accept an opinion that differs from yours.

Some of you petals wouldn't have lasted long on Ology.

Is Fan still on Ology?

We are fine with diversity of opinion.

Blatant flaming of the forum is what I get tired of and when you write 'keep up the good work, Caro' without facetiousness or sarcasm - you are trying to start a riot in GenPop and you should be shut down.

Welcome to Internet Users trying to have a better experience on the Internet.


Old...we will disagree. You seem resigned to us taking a hit. I see nothing of this at all.

In fact if the AFL were to attempt any contrived rubbish the first witness id put up , in a REAL court of law, one that usurps any shite the AFL wants to play with , would be Andrew Demetriou himself..

This has been all about What-ifs and maybes.

Again I respectfully suggest , had there been anything it would have been found by now. It would have been hung out for all to see.

theres nothing


Old...we will disagree. You seem resigned to us taking a hit. I see nothing of this at all.

In fact if the AFL were to attempt any contrived rubbish the first witness id put up , in a REAL court of law, one that usurps any shite the AFL wants to play with , would be Andrew Demetriou himself..

This has been all about What-ifs and maybes.

Again I respectfully suggest , had there been anything it would have been found by now. It would have been hung out for all to see.

theres nothing

Not sure i am disagreeing with you bb

Just trying to point out that if they find any evidence they can use "bringing the game into disrepute"

I just don't trust the AFL on anything.

They are looking bad on this subject and as a result they are IMO trying desperatly to find evidence to nail us.

I really hope you are right that they have nothing.

I just don't trust the barstards


Old... I agree with you on not trusting the AFL

The element about this that does concern me is that they have seemingly painted themselves into a corner.

I sense they are wary of us and if not us per se they are attentive of "Finks'

Hopefuly Vlad is au fait with kenny rogers songs lol


Just trying to point out that if they find any evidence they can use "bringing the game into disrepute"

I just don't trust the AFL on anything.

If they do try and use this on us, I think that suggests that they could not bring anything else against us. That being the case it makes me think that is why Don McLardy has been more vocal about defending the 'integrity' and 'honor' of the MFC. This is the sort of vocabulary you would use against such a claim.

Also if it came to this charge and the MFC decided to contest it outside of the AFL jurisdiction (ie a court of law) I suspect that it would get torn down pretty quickly. Therefore I don't think the AFL would want to test this outside of it's own backyard.

If anything, the AFL with the rules / incentives that they put in place are as guilty of that charge as any club that sought to take advantage of them (In my opinion)


Not sure i am disagreeing with you bb

Just trying to point out that if they find any evidence they can use "bringing the game into disrepute"

I just don't trust the AFL on anything.

They are looking bad on this subject and as a result they are IMO trying desperatly to find evidence to nail us.

I really hope you are right that they have nothing.

I just don't trust the barstards

OD, I'd agree with your suspicions about the AFL; they seem to be capable of any kind of capricious or illogical decision that preserves their interests. But in this case there is a rule (about attempting to lose games). If they can't find sufficient evidence to apply that rule, then 'bringing the game into disrepute' is going to look (quite rightly) like a hollow and desperate gesture, and one that will no doubt land them at the court room door.


I call this the "my kids" approach by the AFL - with the media playing the part of my kids and me being the AFL.

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

When we do get there it has taken so long that my kids have lost interest and moved on to something else.


I call this the "my kids" approach by the AFL - with the media playing the part of my kids and me being the AFL.

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

When we do get there it has taken so long that my kids have lost interest and moved on to something else.

No now sit down and shut up!


Disagree. It is in fact the opposite. They can now say we did everything possible and used all available resources and couldn't find evidence of rule breaking by the MFC.

I know that's the other argument - and how I hope its the right one.

But I can't imagine the AFL coming out and saying that we have spent 6 months (plus!) chasing down every thing that moved at the MFC in 2009 and there is no evidence they tanked ( threw games or whatever).

"We wish to assure the doubters that we have subjected Melbourne to every interrogation technique known to mankind and found they have no case to answer. We ( I, Vlad) have been confident of this all the way through but after Brock McLean's claims felt that it was important for the integrity of the competition to devote considerable time and money to prove that absolutely. We appreciate the willing cooperation of the MFC"

"Yes Caroline you have a question?" ...... " Look I'm not going into detail this morning - but let's just say that individual statements can only be properly understood in context" ...... " No Caroline I'm not going to go into individual matches - but let's just say that some sound coaching moves don't look logical from the other side of the fence". "Yes Caroline, you might think that its possible to make judgments like this in 5 minutes - but you'll just have to take my word for it that these judgments involve dozens of variables and thousandsof pieces of evidence" "Yes Caroline, it may sound strange to you that we had to interview Dean Baileys four times (actually I think it was six) to decide this - that's just a measure of how complex it was .... besides we were in Adelaide anyway on the Tippett affair" ........ "No , at no stage did we involve legal counsel because at no stage during the entire investigation did we contemplate any findings that Melbourne would have sought to deny" ...." No .. the investigation never changed direction - it was just a systematic evidence-gathering process"

It can't be that hard to establish innocence - unless you are absolutely determined that you are going to establish some guilt - in which case you'll find it.

If you are right that the delay is because they want to demonstrate that they have been thorough - then all they are doing is demonstrating that they have been stupid ( and incredibly wasteful)

If there was a specific rule we'd broken, I'd be worried.

If there was a precedent of another club who'd been punished for similar behaviour, I'd be worried.

If there wasn't numerous other clubs who have done exactly the same thing, I'd be worried.

If the club hadn't rattled it's legal sabres, I'd be worried.

The question is how elegantly can the AFL shut it down, without a legal fight and it spreading to a whole of league investigation... and that's the AFL's problem not the MFC's.

McLardy's made it clear from Day One that we'll take a guilty verdict to court. The only way the AFL will avoid the court - is by shuttingit down before Clothier and Haddad find something damning in the rubbish bin. It will be the MFC's problem if it gets that far.

We have done nothing of the kind. Again we only maintained a practice thats been around since dot.

I will tell you who has brought the game into disrepute. The AFl itself through its self serving bullying practices. These have been ably aided by the shrews such as Wilson and Denham and trolls like Ralph. they brought all this upon the game, not us.

Actually the person who has really brought the game into disrepute by airing his whinges in public is Chris Judd's nemesis , Brock McLean

I call this the "my kids" approach by the AFL - with the media playing the part of my kids and me being the AFL.

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

kids - are we there yet ? me - not yet

When we do get there it has taken so long that my kids have lost interest and moved on to something else.

I like it

... but your kids have got a heck of a lot more commonsense than the AFL ( and C Wilson)


This inquisition may now take as long as the Spanish Inquisition. Tighten the seatbelts, 350 years to go fellas.


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