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It's a pity that anyone who has been a teacher gets saddled with this stereotype. Most of the time it's either irrelevant or untrue, just a convenient label for any type of authoritarianism.

Then again, I'm all for not taking crap from d**kheads, something teachers are good at.

I don't think there's anything wrong with an authoritarian/dictatorial/schoolteacher-esque whatever-you-want-to-call it coaching style. As mentioned, a lot of successful coaches fit into this mold.

All I was trying to point out was that not every player is going to get along with a certain coach, work well in collaboration with him, or fit into said coach's game plan. Doesn't mean that they are useless.That player might be able to play well at a different club with a different coach and a different game plan. AFL history is littered with examples of this.

The alternative argument presented seems to be that it's all Moloney's fault and that he is now crap.

I'm not apportioning blame either way, I just think it's a bit more nuanced than that.

Seems to me that Moloney and Neeld were not a good fit together. Best for both parties that he moved on.

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It's not personalities as much as it is playing demands. If Neeld wants players with a strong, defensive, running side to their game, Moloney doesn't fit. He also has some baggage from past events that wouldn't go down too well with Neeld's demands for professionalism, integrity and 100% application.

I'll be interested in seeing how Moloney goes at Brisbane ... I'm not sure what Voss's imperatives are.

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Ahhh, you're right, it's all to do with Neeld's style

Huh? Not what I said at all.

Some people just read whatever they want to see I guess.

All good, you continue to throw Moloney under the bus, and I will try to see the situation in something other than black and white.

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Just reading this article on the AFL website. If his agent has made overtures to every other club, I suspect that signs are not terribly good for Beamer. Surely if he has real value the clubs should be making offers to him? To me this sounds a lot like they are not getting any bites and are willing to take pretty much any offer they get.

Just reading this article on the AFL website. If his agent has made overtures to every other club, I suspect that signs are not terribly good for Beamer. Surely if he has real value the clubs should be making offers to him? To me this sounds a lot like they are not getting any bites and are willing to take pretty much any offer they get.

Just reading this article on the AFL website. If his agent has made overtures to every other club, I suspect that signs are not terribly good for Beamer. Surely if he has real value the clubs should be making offers to him? To me this sounds a lot like they are not getting any bites and are willing to take pretty much any offer they get.

IMO Moloney will be missed and good luck to him. Pointless being critical of Brent now. He's a Lion and has given Melbourne good service. Lets not continually re-assure ourselves by bagging out on him similar to the way some are still bagging Tom Scully. This sought of behaviour is not only ungrateful but shows a fickleness that's not Melbourne. Moloney didn't see eye to eye with Neeld and Moloney's not the only one that hasn't.. Time will tell ? Heartening that similar player Col Sylvia has responded to Neeld's approach so by no means Demonlanders take this as critique of Neeld.

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Re compo. If indeed the Sainters get 13 for Goddard then it's a major f-up . Way too high, in the context of our drafting.

I'd suggest mid 2nd round and let that be the litmus. The AFL made its own rod and am happy for them to correct it after we've spent our picks (lol)

And yet no one actually knows what will be given as its effectively arbitrary in nature as there's no public issuance of the criteria/compensation formula or guidelines.

The major problem as I se it is how it can and will steer some trades etc because some trading,where 1st round picks are involved can get very cute and precious. Going into this period we KNEW where all the early picks stood. Now from about half way in (1st) round they might change. This can dramatically change the field. Wouldn't be nearly as invasive in the 2nd round.

Am surprised anyone at AFL house can walk given all the feet being shot !!

Must say I have to agree with this.

AFL has only ever hinted at a formula for assessing relative value of players.

They can set the bar anywhere they like & it will be likely they will want it to have minimal effect on the draft.

Starting point is more likely to be end of first round IMO.

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Thanks for the memories Beamer, loved your work up until this year and good luck in Brissie... I'm sure you'll be spending a lot more time with your top off.

Jealousy ?? You could also have a BOD with some effort :)

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Huh? Not what I said at all.

Some people just read whatever they want to see I guess.

All good, you continue to throw Moloney under the bus, and I will try to see the situation in something other than black and white.

21 posts and about 18 of them having a dig at Neeld and/or the club for its handling of a spoilt brat.

Now cfe, thought you'd be busy in Brisbane

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Huh? Not what I said at all.

Some people just read whatever they want to see I guess.

All good, you continue to throw Moloney under the bus, and I will try to see the situation in something other than black and white.

In case you missed it lets positives for Brent.



IMO Moloney will be missed and good luck to him. Pointless being critical of Brent now. He's a Lion and has given Melbourne good service. Lets not continually re-assure ourselves by bagging out on him similar to the way some are still bagging Tom Scully. This sought of behaviour is not only ungrateful but shows a fickleness that's not Melbourne. Moloney didn't see eye to eye with Neeld and Moloney's not the only one that hasn't.. Time will tell ? Heartening that similar player Col Sylvia has responded to Neeld's approach so by no means Demonlanders take this as critique of Neeld.

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21 posts and about 18 of them having a dig at Neeld and/or the club for its handling of a spoilt brat.

Now cfe, thought you'd be busy in Brisbane

Stop this necessity to be so so defensive and brick bat when it comes to Neeld. Lets wait for the "doing" and hope it's 2013. If some of you guys could support our current player list as you do Neeld am sure it would seep through to the players on match day. He may well be a brilliant coach, early days, but currently is 3 wins and LOTS of talk. His grand final wins at Ocean Grove don't count.

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21 posts and about 18 of them having a dig at Neeld and/or the club for its handling of a spoilt brat.

Now cfe, thought you'd be busy in Brisbane

Yeah, so I decided to post when I saw everyone's here getting on Moloney's case, so what? Not all of us see Neeld as the messiah and Moloney as the devil. Things just aren't that simple sometimes. I like them both.

I'm not "having a dig" at Neeld or the club in this case. All I said in my posts on the last page was that I suspected their personalities clashed and that Moloney might go better at another club.

I didn't criticize Neeld at all. In fact I said that a lot of great coaches share his style.

Simple comprehension skills... :mellow:

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Stop this necessity to be so so defensive and brick bat when it comes to Neeld. Lets wait for the "doing" and hope it's 2013. If some of you guys could support our current player list as you do Neeld am sure it would seep through to the players on match day. He may well be a brilliant coach, early days, but currently is 3 wins and LOTS of talk. His grand final wins at Ocean Grove don't count.

make that 4 (four) wins pants. :o

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In case you missed it lets positives for Brent.



IMO Moloney will be missed and good luck to him. Pointless being critical of Brent now. He's a Lion and has given Melbourne good service. Lets not continually re-assure ourselves by bagging out on him similar to the way some are still bagging Tom Scully. This sought of behaviour is not only ungrateful but shows a fickleness that's not Melbourne. Moloney didn't see eye to eye with Neeld and Moloney's not the only one that hasn't.. Time will tell ? Heartening that similar player Col Sylvia has responded to Neeld's approach so by no means Demonlanders take this as critique of Neeld.

He won't be missed by me...IMO he was the source of the problem that led to last years upheaval & 186...

His empire has come down...Good.

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Yeah, so I decided to post when I saw everyone's here getting on Moloney's case, so what? Not all of us see Neeld as the messiah and Moloney as the devil. Things just aren't that simple sometimes. I like them both.

I'm not "having a dig" at Neeld or the club in this case. All I said in my posts on the last page was that I suspected their personalities clashed and that Moloney might go better at another club.

I didn't criticize Neeld at all. In fact I said that a lot of great coaches share his style.

Simple comprehension skills... :mellow:

Weak and gutless.

You remind me of how IRW used to give Wattsvotes, take cheap shots in every other post and then claim he is a fan - just check his votes.

One line on great coaches, quite a bit on Knights. Have posted about the handling of Moloney, all clubs fault. His removal from leadership group not justified to you. Is it acceptable for a leader to be out on the grog regularly, so bad he embarrasses himself and the club? Is it acceptable for a leader to put up his hand to play when he was clearly not right and must have known that? Obviously he has such high opinions of himself that he thinks his 60% is better than the emergencies 100%. Going back further, is it acceptable for a leader to spit at first years players in preseason game practice as he was annoyed with them? Is it acceptable for a leader to be told to trim down a it in the preseason by his coaches but he ignores them? Does a real leader, spit the dummy as he has been removed from the leadership group and give up and the treadmill seems to have done this year?

Nah, but by you, the club has mishandled the situation this year, we should have kept the kid gloves on, we may have got pick 20 instead of pick 35 and just ignore the selfish behaviour. That would be great for the club.

It's Neeld's fault that Beamer gave up on the year, as you are such an expert on his style of coaching you can tell us it's only suitable for young players.

Keep sooking Brent

Edited by Rod Grinter Riot Squad
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Stop this necessity to be so so defensive and brick bat when it comes to Neeld. Lets wait for the "doing" and hope it's 2013. If some of you guys could support our current player list as you do Neeld am sure it would seep through to the players on match day. He may well be a brilliant coach, early days, but currently is 3 wins and LOTS of talk. His grand final wins at Ocean Grove don't count.

Show me where I am on the record of blindly supporting Neeld. But this troll has spent his whole time on here trying to paint Neeld and the club in a bad light for it's handling of Brent.

Show me the unfair attacks I have made on the playing group.

Otherwise, get a clue

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^^ I'm just not going to bother. You're clearly completely incapable of looking on this in a nuanced fashion. Black and white thinking helps no-one.

You need to grow up and learn how to READ instead of putting words in other people's mouths to suit your own purposes. Try engaging in mature and reasoned argument without taking resorting to this sort of stuff. Disappointing.

Neeld = messiah

Moloney = devil

Continue. Done with this.

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^^ I'm just not going to bother. You're clearly completely incapable of looking on this in a nuanced fashion. Black and white thinking helps no-one.

You need to grow up and learn how to READ instead of putting words in other people's mouths to suit your own purposes. Try engaging in mature and reasoned argument without taking resorting to this sort of stuff. Disappointing.

Neeld = messiah

Moloney = devil

Continue. Done with this.

^^ I'm just not going to bother. You're clearly completely incapable of looking on this in a nuanced fashion. Black and white thinking helps no-one.

You need to grow up and learn how to READ instead of putting words in other people's mouths to suit your own purposes. Try engaging in mature and reasoned argument without taking resorting to this sort of stuff. Disappointing.

Neeld = messiah

Moloney = devil

Continue. Done with this.

Big call there Sunshine.....You better back it up before you leave...
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Weak and gutless.

You remind me of how IRW used to give Wattsvotes, take cheap shots in every other post and then claim he is a fan - just check his votes.

One line on great coaches, quite a bit on Knights. Have posted about the handling of Moloney, all clubs fault. His removal from leadership group not justified to you. Is it acceptable for a leader to be out on the grog regularly, so bad he embarrasses himself and the club? Is it acceptable for a leader to put up his hand to play when he was clearly not right and must have known that? Obviously he has such high opinions of himself that he thinks his 60% is better than the emergencies 100%. Going back further, is it acceptable for a leader to spit at first years players in preseason game practice as he was annoyed with them? Is it acceptable for a leader to be told to trim down a it in the preseason by his coaches but he ignores them? Does a real leader, spit the dummy as he has been removed from the leadership group and give up and the treadmill seems to have done this year?

Nah, but by you, the club has mishandled the situation this year, we should have kept the kid gloves on, we may have got pick 20 instead of pick 35 and just ignore the selfish behaviour. That would be great for the club.

It's Neeld's fault that Beamer gave up on the year, as you are such an expert on his style of coaching you can tell us it's only suitable for young players.

Keep sooking Brent

Must say i agree with all this 100%
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Well I wish Beamer luck at his new club. ...was a fan of his playing until this year. Hope whatever messed it up is behind him, he re-ignites the flame and has a great 2013 and beyond. I'll very slightly support whatever team he plays for, EXCEPT when they're playing US! Goodbye Brent.

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