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Another 2011..


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Now I'm not getting pessimistic here BUT, this is the same kind of talk going on here like almost this time last year, how we are gonna have so many more options cos of Clark, how we are a chance for the 8 etc.. I'm am praying that another 2011 doesn't happen because if it does then we r &*^%$#! I can see 2012 being a great year but then on the other hand I can see a crap year. I think out of all teams in the comp we are the sole team who not even Mike Sheahan could predict what is going to happen. The same talk as last year, hopefully not the same results as last year, lets not jinx ourselves again!

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gee glad the poms didnt consult with demonanders in 1939. they wouldve thrown in the towel and all committed mass suicide the moment hitler fired the first shot. we all demand determination and positive spirit from the playing group but there seem to be plenty on here that need a good dose of it themselves. lets all harden the **** up and throw this bull**** defeatist attitude away.

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I agree it can be seen as a flip of the coin which way we go but I think steady progress is more likely.

My definition of Steady Progress is: far fewer floggings; improved systems of bringing the ball back into play from opposition points; retaining the ball in our forward 50, better set ups at stoppages etc.

For me it doesn't have to translate into top 4 ot top 6 finishes. Improve in the areas mentioned and we will be well on our way. Another 20 games into youngsters in what I hope is a far more disciplined, structured game plan and we may be optomistic without being silly about where we will finish.

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Now I'm not getting pessimistic here BUT, this is the same kind of talk going on here like almost this time last year, how we are gonna have so many more options cos of Clark, how we are a chance for the 8 etc.. I'm am praying that another 2011 doesn't happen because if it does then we r &*^%$#! I can see 2012 being a great year but then on the other hand I can see a crap year. I think out of all teams in the comp we are the sole team who not even Mike Sheahan could predict what is going to happen. The same talk as last year, hopefully not the same results as last year, lets not jinx ourselves again!

Well...you are getting pessimistic and you seem oblivious to all the change that has happened.

There were many facets to our lack lustre 2011 as well as legitimate holes in our list. It can only be summised from looking back at our year that we lacked accountability at many levels that went from players through to the FD.Yourre not likely to get terribly far going about things in this manner.

On the field we lacked a forward structure thatrequired utter respect from an opponent. We lacked a 1st order kpf . The ramifications of that is that it becomes easy for other teams to out muscle and overbear our forwards. We lacked poise and grunt up the sharp end.

In the midfield the engine wasnt quite purring like the good V-8 required. It seemed a little all over the shop at times lacking , well you pick,: urgency, direction, dedication and possibly the greates of all , belief. Some will add to this a structure or game plan not up to scratch.

The back line is probably the most sound aspect of our setup. But injuries can take their toll and no matter how good you might be if you're constantly under siege from your opponents because others are letting their side down, well then you'll still get your bums smacked.

You can have much of the necessary ingredients but if the cooks and equipment arent quite on the money then youre behind the eight ball before you start and so were we.

This has changed, even now, even before a ball is bounced in training . The structure and the very makeup of the coaching dept hase churned all but completely.The people coming into these positions are there for one simple job. To harden up the team and knock a bit , well more than a bit, of accountability into the players. Whether it be sand , grass or existing only in the mind mark this as given a line is now being drawn. Things will be done differently.

The adition of Clark is huge. he not only provides focus at the business end it has a knock on efffect releasing our other forwards to be minded by lesser order opponents. In short we get some breathing space.

It would be fair i suggest that we're used to the idea of a "new beginning" , of false dawns and endless rhetoric but invariably these pronouncements havent been accompanied by serious intent.

It has this time. We mightnt fly straight or soundly for a little while as things get sorted but we will get better.

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The glass is both 1/2 full and 1/2 empty as far as I can see. With few injuries, a solid game plan and natural improvement, I would hope (nay, expect) to finish 7 - 10. Crucial injuries and we'll just be chasing our tail again.

Experienced players (I very much hesitate to call most of them leaders) will need to give their all, and new roles will be needed to be learnt by quite a few.

At this time last year I thought our biggest weakness was the coach and his cohorts. I believe, and pray, that that has now been rectified.

So all we can do now is hope.

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What are the chances we could surprise everyone next year and really push up into the eight? One team always seems to do it every year. Is it a "no chance" proposition?

Would depend on 2 fundamentals. 1. How effective the new coaches game plan is & 2. How quickly the team takes it on board. Very simple i know but the would be the fundamentals of it.

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Into yet another false dawn ... we shall not be sucked!

Some good changes off field and the addition of Clark are huge positives. But they've got it all to prove and the new strategies will take time to settle. Definitely still question marks over our mid field against quality top 8 opposition.

For me the challenge for Neeld and the playing group is to create a battle hardened, less emotional mindset. One that aggressively works to reduce the margin of losses and doesn't get too chuffed by the wins.

I'm going in to 2012 not expecting us to make the 8. A bonus if we do.

Edited by Yoda
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I think one aspect that Neeld will undoubtedly follow in the MM mould is that all players have roles. As such the all players have responsibilites and are acccountable. This has been an area we seem to have been shocking. Some players coming into and out of the game almost seemingly as per their interest . This will stop. Just knowing your team mantes wil lalway sbe at the contest will eventually lift the result. Undoubtedly there were times when those that were putting in were wondering why bother when half the team went walkabout.

The club has made wholesale changes to those who will guide and direct the game. its backed it up with improvements to howhte players will be able to play the game. This isnt minor tweaking...its radical.

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Bub, you're spot on and have summed the positives up very well. We do need to keep some perspective - of course - but having heard Neeld speak, I am confident he will instil a new resolve into the playing group. I also think that Neil Craig is a huge get for us. You do not attract the calibre of the guys we have, unless they can see something worth working with.

Sure, we might not set the world on fire in 2012, but I am sure we will see a different outfit, which will put smiles on our collective faces. Let's just get it done and support this new regime, with everything we can. No room for passengers anymore. Neeld will make sure of that.

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Bub, you're spot on and have summed the positives up very well. We do need to keep some perspective - of course - but having heard Neeld speak, I am confident he will instil a new resolve into the playing group. I also think that Neil Craig is a huge get for us. You do not attract the calibre of the guys we have, unless they can see something worth working with.

Sure, we might not set the world on fire in 2012, but I am sure we will see a different outfit, which will put smiles on our collective faces. Let's just get it done and support this new regime, with everything we can. No room for passengers anymore. Neeld will make sure of that.

Im sure it will look very much like the ad, wont happen overning but will happen. Youre correct in noting the Craig coup. Something that may have escaped some weery observers is even in the past month sor so there has to occured a monental change at the club as others are looking at us and dealig with us differetnly. Maybe I ought to wash my mouth out (or disinfect hese fingers ) for airig this but i almost fell of a chair , more than once, as man to man there were comments by those coming on board as to how professional and such we as a club were. Melbourne ? They talkinng about us ?? lol

You just get the idea its no longerr amateur hour, that in the parlance , we've got our sh!t together and are to be taking seriously

Big whoop'd de doo some think but its when you start getting your organisation right that the right things start coming out of it. Probably what caught most blind sided about teh Clark dealing was how relentless and unwavering we were in our efforts. Clark was one of a number of targets wed selected and we were going to get him and get him we did. Melbourne ?? yes Melbourne !!! We not only started throwing a bit of weight around we had the weight to do so and the beleif we could get across the line, even when it looked all over , even when they were shouting !! lol.

Now its easy to get carried away and thats what off -seasons are designed for Im sure but take note. This is the way we do , or will set abuot doing things now. We have purpose, we have direction , we have resources and we have committment to the job at hand. Translate ALL of that onto the field and you will get demostrably different results to those to date.

Its been accused of us in the past that no one really wants to come to us. But they are. In teh past we had to go chasing all over the place and often were unsuccessful in landing our prime choices but now we have players and officials selecting us above others. Thats huge.

All this goes to the level to which things will be done. Lots and lots of things are barely noticeable form the outside but those in the club will be absorbing all of this. It will become the nature of the fabric now.

To be frank...if we cant lift ourselves unto our perceived destiny now. We never will.. Its said a lot of on filed success comes from off field stability and successful steerage . Its looking liek we might wel have got to this point. Interestingly at a time more than a few clubs are struggling.

In the Myan Calender 2012 is the year it all supposedly ends. Its now interpreted that its really one existence finishing and another starting. Yep, its when all Hell lets loose and the Demon rises.

Go Dees

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1. From memory, although we didn't get the ball inside 50 on enough occasions in 2011, once we did, we were one of the most efficient teams.

2. Our back six (with 9+ players able to rotate through) is our strength, apart from the kick ins.

3. Apart from a poor game plan, our great weakness was defensive pressure from midfielders and forwards. We could't hold a game, or hold the ball in a space on the ground that then set up a play that allowed us to move it into our forward line. At least not very often.

I feel really positive about 2012 because the language and content coming out of the coaching staff is about role playing, defensive pressure etc...

I feel really positive about 2012 because with MItch Clark in our forward line I expect Jurrah, Watts and Howe to shine.

Neeld has given us a line to hang our expectations on. i.e. "Melbourne will be the hardest team to play against in the AFL". These are statements about attiude and culture that we have not seen or heard in a long while.

But (and just like the Duchess of York - a very big butt) at this satge it is all list management, drafting and pre season talk.

I reckon we are aiming at position 7 - 10 but I would be disappointed being 10th.


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Footy reminds me of Rabiit ears. If you get the antennae in the right spot and right direction its a perfect picture.. get is just a bit wrong and its a snowstorm. . Not far between the two.

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This is my favourite time of year. We are unbeaten, last season is a (bad) memory, spring carnival is in full bloom and next season holds hope and the dream is alive.

Looking forward to the first practice match, hopefully gainst Brisbance again at princess Park 9and hopefully they will have fixed p the beer supply problem).

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Would depend on 2 fundamentals. 1. How effective the new coaches game plan is & 2. How quickly the team takes it on board. Very simple i know but the would be the fundamentals of it.

Only wish this was true. Injuries will be the main aspect of where we finish. Your points are foundered but will take most probably (as RR has already stated) 3 years to have full impact.I'd be very satisfied if we won 10/11 games however with steady improvement and not the thrashings of 2011. Again another interesting year for the club. Go Dees.

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7-10 might be reasonable.

I do take note that Neeld had suggested there were gaps in the list and to date weve really only added one. Id be curious if hes looking to anyone in the psd/draft to fill a role. or if we simply fill x position(s) this year and look to finish it eos next year.

Who knows...in the new atmosphere maybe someone will step up :)

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it all still comes down to luck with injuries, improvement from young players and form of old players...

Hopefully the enw coaching group can get the most out of the boys next season

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What I find interesting is that people classify 2011 as a backwards step, I actually feel that although we didn't progress as well as I'd like we still got games into a lot of our young guns and with the addition of Clark I feel we have good reason to be excited about 2012.

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7-10 might be reasonable.

I do take note that Neeld had suggested there were gaps in the list and to date weve really only added one. Id be curious if hes looking to anyone in the psd/draft to fill a role. or if we simply fill x position(s) this year and look to finish it eos next year.

Who knows...in the new atmosphere maybe someone will step up :)

I think that the only real gaping hole is another gun mid (factoring Viney as an inclusion in 2013). With that in mind, and given the boost to our forward structure provided by Clark as well as the physical development of our younger players, I don't think 7-10 is a reasonable expectation next year.

Unlike the season just gone, we should have a discernable gameplan and a focus on structure. Key players like Watts (and Morton?) will add yet more bulk over pre-season and the natural development of the young side should point to noticeable improvement. And we are not jettisoning a chunk of older, experienced heads to facilitate the acquisition of more youngsters in the draft.

I'm not saying that we should make finals next year, but 10-12 wins should be a minimum target. If we don't hit that range I would suggest that some of our annointed young 'guns' aren't coming on has hoped and we should be revising our 'window' expectations

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Ill put Morton aside for the moment as I simply have no real faith hel'll come good (as some suggest) . He might, I wont hold my breath. I do however expect the likes of Watts , Trenners, Howe , Jurrah ( as just a selction) to benefit greatly from another solid pre season and simply benefit from their added experience.

Im imagining that greater attention to those second and third efforts, to individual and team accountability will in itself provide more monentum during games. The effect of enertia is often overlooked. In the past weve just stopped and games pass us by. I think this will stop.

Im not expecting but hoping a re -enerrgised Green , Sylvia and Davey can give that older more seasoned spark to the side.

In the end..we 're all hoping they just come to play and play hard. The rest wil invariablky take care of itself

Anything less than 11 wins will be abject failure in my eyes, and I still would like more. We need to be competitive against the higher teams. In essence we need to be one of them.

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7-10 might be reasonable.

I do take note that Neeld had suggested there were gaps in the list and to date weve really only added one. Id be curious if hes looking to anyone in the psd/draft to fill a role. or if we simply fill x position(s) this year and look to finish it eos next year.

Who knows...in the new atmosphere maybe someone will step up :)

I'd say 10 minimum. There is going to be some easy wins out there with GWS added to the bottom dwellers esp if we get some of them twice.

Having said that there are plenty of other metrics (than wins) which will indicate our improvement (or lack of) next season

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