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Tom Scully in September ...

Grandson of a gun

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Just out of curiosity how would this visibility take shape ?

You expecting open air interviewing at the local cafe perhaps ??

hourly updates on realfooty etc ?

ffs tHE two they are most after are still contracted to do a job for the forseeable weeks.. You expect them to out themselves ??

If ever a time for hush hush shhhhhhhhhhhhh !! its now !!

Now C'mon Bub - Your better than this!

Lets revisit a few facts from our 2007 experiance

Several reporters stalking negotiations at Steve Harris's place around August time

We signed an assistant Coach who was actively involved in the Finals who was still involved

to do a job for the forseeable weeks.

The silence is deafening no matter what take we all prefer to put on it.

And more importantly is pointing towards what most of us are hoping unfolds.

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perhaps youre an absolute idiot !!

Where do I suggest beleif or disbelief in anything towards the coaching choice Billy ? I simply put it that if the club was indeed after heh two most likely candidates Malthouse and Lyon then its hardly likely you'll see anythng in public capische ?? or is that too cerebal for you ?? hmm It was in answer to OMR complaining that he can see nothign visible happening regarding the coaching.

Go back to primary and learn how to read.

There is no analogy to the Scully farce. Nice try though

I personally think they're after someone like Mark Thompson and perhaps he's agreed

If Carlton do away with Essendon this weekend, we could know early next week

Edited by Viney12
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I personally think they're after someone like Mark Thompson and perhaps he's agreed

If Carlton do away with Essendon this weekend, we could now early next week

I don't know what I would prefer, to have Mark Thompson signed up next week or have Carlton knocked out in week 1 again....

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I wondered the same, it's not like Mick to say anything nice about MFC.

"The Scully one really worries me. That club has never had the chance to see the best of that player. They put all the hard work in and they lose a young player."

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perhaps youre an absolute idiot !!

Where do I suggest beleif or disbelief in anything towards the coaching choice Billy ? I simply put it that if the club was indeed after heh two most likely candidates Malthouse and Lyon then its hardly likely you'll see anythng in public capische ?? or is that too cerebal for you ?? hmm It was in answer to OMR complaining that he can see nothign visible happening regarding the coaching.

Go back to primary and learn how to read.

There is no analogy to the Scully farce. Nice try though

Well, there was more than 2 that we really wanted. It is fact that we offered Clarkson a 5 year deal, and it was made public, which led to him re-signing. It has been aired that we have offered Lyon a similar deal, to which he has not yet denied. The only "offer" that hasn't been made public is one to Malthouse.

OMR while complained we haven't seen anything, also later suggested that in his mind, the deal had been done. However, you decide to pick parts of a post to suit your insignificant disagreements.

The funny part about your earlier post; you mentioned that both Malthouse and Lyon are still involved in the season, so they shouldn't "out" themselves, yet you have been squealing for Scully to come clean all year? Loving your double standards... :rolleyes:

Edited by billy2803
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Well, there was more than 2 that we really wanted. It is fact that we offered Clarkson a 5 year deal, and it was made public, which led to him re-signing. It has been aired that we have offered Lyon a similar deal, to which he has not yet denied. The only "offer" that hasn't been made public is one to Malthouse.

OMR while complained we haven't seen anything, also later suggested that in his mind, the deal had been done. However, you decide to pick parts of a post to suit your insignificant disagreements.

The funny part about your earlier post; you mentioned that both Malthouse and Lyon are still involved in the season, so they shouldn't "out" themselves, yet you have been squealing for Scully to come clean all year? Loving your double standards... :rolleyes:

Need to pick you up on a couple of things - it is not fact that we offered Clarkson a 5 year deal. That's media again. In fact there has been conflicting reports as Clarkson said that he knew of interest from Melbourne and Adelaide but nothing firm. So again we are relying on unsubstantiated media reports. And that we have offered anything to Lyon is again media - all MFC officialdom has stated is we would be negligent not to make enquiries as to the status of these coaches.

I am not selective in what I believe Media is telling me. I take everything the media says with a grain of salt as so much of it gets proven to be wrong. Lyon has indeed said he doesnt deal in rumour and innuendo - does that mean that there is no deal been given to him by Melbourne or is Lyon actually lyin' ? Being offered a 5 year deal is not rumour and innuendo if indeed that is what he has been offered.

So there's the conundrum - what to believe and what not to believe.

Edit - Falling into the trap - if you want to take it as gospel that we have indeed offered these deals and that is being reported only by media then that is the same media who are more than suggesting that Scully is gone according to their sources ?

Edited by nutbean
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Need to pick you up on a couple of things - it is not fact that we offered Clarkson a 5 year deal. That's media again. In fact there has been conflicting reports as Clarkson said that he knew of interest from Melbourne and Adelaide but nothing firm. So again we are relying on unsubstantiated media reports. And that we have offered anything to Lyon is again media - all MFC officialdom has stated is we would be negligent not to make enquiries as to the status of these coaches.

I am not selective in what I believe Media is telling me. I take everything the media says with a grain of salt as so much of it gets proven to be wrong. Lyon has indeed said he doesnt deal in rumour and innuendo - does that mean that there is no deal been given to him by Melbourne or is Lyon actually lyin' ? Being offered a 5 year deal is not rumour and innuendo if indeed that is what he has been offered.

So there's the conundrum - what to believe and what not to believe.

I know that the Club made an offer to Clarkson, and that is not based on media speculation.

The Lyon situation has been aired through the media, however, Lyon's management company have confirmed that Melbourne have expressed interest. Craig Kelly has been quoted on a number of occasions that this is true. He hasn't confirmed or denied if it is the deal that the media are reporting.

The one I find interesting is regarding Malthouse, and the fact that everyone (media and some "experts") think Melbourne and Malthouse would be a great match, but there has been no rumours that I have heard that a move has been made by the Club.

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I know that the Club made an offer to Clarkson, and that is not based on media speculation.

I am sure you will be avalanched with the word "source" ?

But then if you have a source at the club who says we offered a deal to Clarkson why would you dismiss all the media people saying Scully is gone according to their sources ?

Just playing devils advocate instead of doing work which I am paid for ...

Unless there is someone who is willing to stand up and say something definitive and put their name to it I tend to dismiss everything.

Now Chip Frawley according to some on here went on triple M and said " Tom announced to the players he is staying" - that to me is pretty interesting. Thats a name and a statement.

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I wondered the same, it's not like Mick to say anything nice about MFC.

"The Scully one really worries me. That club has never had the chance to see the best of that player. They put all the hard work in and they lose a young player."

Spoken like a true coach who has had to put the hard work in

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Chips Interview on the Rub http://www.triplem.com.au/adelaide/sport/afl/listen

Panel: When do you think you will find out about Tom Scully? Its been an ongoing saga do you think it will clarified by tommorow?

Chip: Um thats tough...that's a tough one I suppose...umm but as a player you think they are going to be here next year..um..suppose you plan on that..And he's said to us that he is going to be here next year and I take his word on that, but I dont know what going on but hopefully he does stay and he can build a sexual..successful group around him..

I loved the Freudian Slip must be thinking of Mad Monday lol

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Hagdorn is a he and he knows stuff all about Victorian clubs other than how to whinge how hard done WA teams are because of AFL bias to Vic.

Don't believe anything he says about Scully. He's dabbling in areas he has know hard evidence of let alone a faintest clue...

and you can add to that Hagdorn knows SFA about WA clubs or Footy in general.

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I am sure you will be avalanched with the word "source" ?

But then if you have a source at the club who says we offered a deal to Clarkson why would you dismiss all the media people saying Scully is gone according to their sources ?

Just playing devils advocate instead of doing work which I am paid for ...

Unless there is someone who is willing to stand up and say something definitive and put their name to it I tend to dismiss everything.

Now Chip Frawley according to some on here went on triple M and said " Tom announced to the players he is staying" - that to me is pretty interesting. Thats a name and a statement.

Amazingly, and you will find this hard to believe, I didn't discuss Scully, sorry!

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Anyone else just see Alistair Lynch slip up on AFL Insider just then? They were all talking about compensation to clubs who loose their players to GWS and naturally Scully's name was mentioned and then Lynch who works for Scully's management team stated there will be a decision made by the end of the week, thank god!

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Also posted this on Rhys Palmer thread, once again nothing concrete just more of the same media hyp without anyone naming or inferring to any reliable source.

Brad Hardie & Karl Langdon interviewed Palmers Manager (Colin Young) this evening as Rhys could not talk after mad monday. They asked him about Rhys flying over tomorrow to be paraded on Thursday as new GWS signing. He said yes he was and they asked further would Tom Scully and Chad Cornes be there.

Young did not answer at all in regard to Scully, just said I would be very surprised if Cornes is there. He elaborated further that since Silvagni took over his role he has targeted young players (as is well known) aged under 24 and Ruckmen aged between 24 to 26 years.

After the interview Brad Hardie was adamant Scully was signed and he was delaying it as it was just part of saving face and his reputation to go along with the ruse of Scully not reviewing any contracts until season was over.

More fuel to the fire and nothing concrete from Langdon asking Hardie further about why Scully had not come out since making this decision, Hardie just rehashed everything we have all read in the media.

Until last week I was firmly in the I think he will stay camp but really unsure now, but I wont lose any sleep the club goes on either way.

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can somebody please explain?

why would one wait to give his club an answer after he has finished 2 days of " MEDICALS" if u intend to leave ?

quoting from his manager , Peter Blucher his client would " honour " his commitments to MFC .which is expected to conclude tomorrow...

"He's got to honour all of those things and thereafter turn his mind to absolutely what he's got to do ".

if he is leaving -what interest would it be to the club to do his medicals ? "NONE" !! ( quite the opposite.)

unless he is intending to stay, of course !!

if it was u or i why would i go through the facade of medicals if one intends to leave.?

at the expense of the club & your own rep.( at least be seen to try & do right & honourable thing.& announce immediately.

so if he waits to do 3 days of medicals then informs the club he is leaving ,- he has either, got real b---- of steel ..(& as such a real "expletive ")

and very much galling for the club and supporters...

or he is staying...!! and a real frustrating hero !

article then quotes his dad phil saying " he had his family's blessing to move interstate."

goodness gracious me what a deadly tactless game, & a slippery slope i must say.


heard "CHIP FRAWLEY" say on mmm, he told the players he is staying.

but all the "sports journo's say the opposite..


in an age thread a great quote from that famous yank writer, HUNTER S THOMPSON..

-" With a few rare exceptions, -sports writers- are a kind of rude & brainless subculture of fascist drunks whose only real function

is to publicise & sell whatever the sports editor sends them out to cover."

Hunter S Thompson was spot on!

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Also posted this on Rhys Palmer thread, once again nothing concrete just more of the same media hyp without anyone naming or inferring to any reliable source.

Brad Hardie & Karl Langdon interviewed Palmers Manager (Colin Young) this evening as Rhys could not talk after mad monday. They asked him about Rhys flying over tomorrow to be paraded on Thursday as new GWS signing. He said yes he was and they asked further would Tom Scully and Chad Cornes be there.

Young did not answer at all in regard to Scully, just said I would be very surprised if Cornes is there. He elaborated further that since Silvagni took over his role he has targeted young players (as is well known) aged under 24 and Ruckmen aged between 24 to 26 years.

After the interview Brad Hardie was adamant Scully was signed and he was delaying it as it was just part of saving face and his reputation to go along with the ruse of Scully not reviewing any contracts until season was over.

More fuel to the fire and nothing concrete from Langdon asking Hardie further about why Scully had not come out since making this decision, Hardie just rehashed everything we have all read in the media.

Until last week I was firmly in the I think he will stay camp but really unsure now, but I wont lose any sleep the club goes on either way.

What would those to ex footy Radio Jocks really know...all this talk takes up good airtime so the sponsors sell products.

I prefer to listen to Garry Lyon who last night was still confident the kid would stay.

Garry would have had some good chats with Sculls lately i am sure.

Don't get so nervous PSD...W.A. radio is different!!demon_cool.gif

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Guest Gareth Keenan

As Scully has not decided either way (or at least told either of the clubs of his decision), it gives GWS hope just as it does MFC.

Just like MFC, they can do nought but remain positive and believe that he will make the "correct" decision, and deal with it if he doesn't.

And wait.

Edited by Gareth Keenan
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After the interview Brad Hardie was adamant Scully was signed and he was delaying it as it was just part of saving face and his reputation to go along with the ruse of Scully not reviewing any contracts until season was over.

So a guy who has absolutely no information other than what he has read from other sports journalists and in all likelihood has never even met Tom Scully has just come out on radio and announced his belief that TS has been lying the whole time and that both he and the club are engaging in a face-saving exercise right now by pretending that he is still making up his mind?

Man, I really wish these hacks would man up and say this crap to Tom's face instead of hiding behind their microphones.

Is it so hard to believe that he told his manager not to bring him any contracts until his season was over and that they would talk about it then?

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