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Dean Laidley's 'interview' on AFL 360 tonight

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I wonder how Choko and Laidley would go as a team at Melbourne

Lol. They'd probably tear each others' throats out by about week 8.

I don't mind either in preference to say Eade if we couldn't get Mick or Roos.

To me, Choco has that 'Don't f%^k with me/Stick it right up em' look and presence about him don't you think?

He's a little bit volatile, somewhat aggressive and blunt. Might shake a few monkies out of their cozy trees down there and wake the place up a little if he sees any deficiencies/shortcomings in the club, such as interference in the FD from the executive etc.

He's also been to the well before on the field. He'll make sure the jobs done all round, including assistants. Authoritarian style will see the boys sitting up and taking notice, as well as the fact he's a proven premiership coach. I think he'll add the hardness and edge we've been lacking for so long. Exactly what this group needs at the moment i feel (if we can't get Mick).

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He got a [censored] list in a [censored] situation to a preliminary final and consistent finals series. He was told by the board that, despite the fact that he was of the opinion that the list needed to bottom out and start again, there just wasn't the funds available for the Roos to do so - to make such a move a la Carlton, Melbourne would have literally sent the Roos broke. So he went the other way, pushed for finals for acclaim and to get the coffers up. Then, when the cracks in the list really shone through, he was forced out for not being good enough.

That's why North can never afford to bottom out they have very few supporters and the few they have would drop off quickly if they spent a period at the bottom of the ladder and then had a slow climb back. By the time they did would there be any left?

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Yep, I agree Ned. I'm starting to warm to the Choco idea too. I think our boys were mollycodlled for too long. Treated like babies. Choco would give them a reality check and based on what he did during the bulk of his time with Port, get us tough, a bit dirty and very competitive. And given he teamed up with Laidley at Port, perhaps he could employ him as his right-hand man at the MFC.

So you want Choco and Laidley paired up together here? FMD.

Where are Port on the ladder now? How many finals did Choco win when he had the best side in the comp?

How much did he loose the '07 GF by?

No freaking way.

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I wonder how Choko and Laidley would go as a team at Melbourne

I like it. Laidley said he would not coach at another club with poor facilities and poor football department spending, Melbourne has neither of these. Would be a good duo.

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I can't see Malthouse, Roos or Clarkson ending up at Melbourne next year, so if you want someone who has coached at senior level it comes down to Eade, Laidley or Williams IMO.

There are reasonable concerns over all three, and I don't know that they'd necessarily be better than one of the more highly rated senior assistant coaches around at the moment.

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Dean there, done that.

At either the Swans or Hawks game earlier in the year (cant remember which)... when the team sheets were put up on the scoreboard before the game, our coach was listed as 'Dean Laidley'. Anyone else notice/remember this?

Not making this up, it was obviously an accident (and a very poor one) but would be funny if he ended up at the Dees.

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I can't see Malthouse, Roos or Clarkson ending up at Melbourne next year, so if you want someone who has coached at senior level it comes down to Eade, Laidley or Williams IMO.

There are reasonable concerns over all three, and I don't know that they'd necessarily be better than one of the more highly rated senior assistant coaches around at the moment.

Agree with that 100% they will not coach Melbourne next year.

I would like Laidley to be a consultant to Viney over the next 5 weeks and if it worked out ok then perhaps they would look at it for a further term. If we are going to get Malthouse it will be the following year when he's had a gut full of Buckley grabbing all his glory.

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Agree with that 100% they will not coach Melbourne next year.

I would like Laidley to be a consultant to Viney over the next 5 weeks and if it worked out ok then perhaps they would look at it for a further term. If we are going to get Malthouse it will be the following year when he's had a gut full of Buckley grabbing all his glory.

Laidley is still under contract at Port Adelaide, isn't he ? So, if that is the case I don't think a consultancy role with Viney over the next 5 weeks would be on the cards.


With regard to the coaching prospects, I would want a coach that has had experience at a club first hand and is up to date with current trends in the game. I ask myself what are the credentials of Laidley and the like ? Williams ? The game is forever changing...Williams has been out of the loop in GWS, is he up to speed with zones etc, how have both these guys fared in relation to today's game ? Their characteristics, demeanor ? How would they fit in ? And would they fit in with the boys club ?

Then I look at Eade, Malthouse - both at clubs and unlikely until proven otherwise IMO, especially the latter.

I keep coming back to Viney. Despite him stating he doesn't want to coach.

Outside of that guys like Neeld (Coll)and Burns (West Coast) interest me.

But I'll leave that to hopefully the right people to make the best appointment.

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Laidley is still under contract at Port Adelaide, isn't he ? So, if that is the case I don't think a consultancy role with Viney over the next 5 weeks would be on the cards.

You're probably right but that is what my ideal situation would be in the short term. Both hard men who never took a backward step.

Laidley has a very good brain when he talks tactics. Who knows Port are in the [censored] he wants to come home they want him to move over there full time, anything's possible.

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On that basis he must be running as far away from the MCG as his feet will take him.

"Tight knit group" hardly seems to describe the Dees at the present.

Having said that I think he is the best of the Experienced coaches going around.

Also if he is aware of the problems he might insist on the removal of some people before he takes over.

Also I think he would be much wiser this tiem around I think he is a lot wiser after the North experience.

There is no rationale to this but "He looks tough" to me

Crap, he wants the job badly, as do about another 20 blokes in the AFL.

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Laidley is still under contract at Port Adelaide, isn't he ? So, if that is the case I don't think a consultancy role with Viney over the next 5 weeks would be on the cards.


With regard to the coaching prospects, I would want a coach that has had experience at a club first hand and is up to date with current trends in the game. I ask myself what are the credentials of Laidley and the like ? Williams ? The game is forever changing...Williams has been out of the loop in GWS, is he up to speed with zones etc, how have both these guys fared in relation to today's game ? Their characteristics, demeanor ? How would they fit in ? And would they fit in with the boys club ?

Then I look at Eade, Malthouse - both at clubs and unlikely until proven otherwise IMO, especially the latter.

I keep coming back to Viney. Despite him stating he doesn't want to coach.

Outside of that guys like Neeld (Coll)and Burns (West Coast) interest me.

But I'll leave that to hopefully the right people to make the best appointment.

I'd take Laidley or Williams, the only bloke I wouldn't want is Eade

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To pass up on anyone that has come from North's culture would be ridiculous.

If he's available and "those" others have been crossed off the list, we should definitely entertain him. We have the skill and talent. Need the structure and grunt. He can bring that.

Pagan, too.

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Any potential coach who understands footy is first and foremost a contact sport would be a welcome change from our last three run & gun coaches.

Yes: Laidley, Clarkson, Malthouse, Roos, Matthews, Lyon (Ross: see Adam White 927) and I suspect Neeld given his Malthouse tutelage.

No: Eade, Williams, Wallace (proposed by the odd clown on SEN).

The "yes" list know pressure & defence win big games, the "no" list think footy is won with textas and a whiteboard.

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If he's available and "those" others have been crossed off the list, we should definitely entertain him. We have the skill and talent. Need the structure and grunt. He can bring that.


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I know there are some issues with the two people but let me explain how this could work.

We want a coach who will live MFC. Bleed like Malthouse bleeds for Collingwood. Deep down we are all jealous of the way he stands by his team and loves them.

Welcome Mark Williams. The bloke took an average list to many a final amid a heap of adversity broke through and beat a dynasty team to win their first grand final. The guy lives football and up until everything game day is the ultimate coach. His development and leadership is paramount to the success of a club.

Welcome Dean Laidley. Doubtful a more tactical coach has been around recently. Left the kangaroos amid claims although game day he was brilliant, struggled developing throughout the year.

With Mark Williams bringing grunt strength and passion to the great club and allowing Dean Laidley to take over the game day role of tactics could be a lethal combo.

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Dean there, done that.

That would make it Neale, Neale, Dean, Dean. Hmm

I think there is definitley a spot for him , perhaps not as senior coach. I doubt our ability to land a massive fish. He may be in that next level that is realistic for us.

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On that basis he must be running as far away from the MCG as his feet will take him.

"Tight knit group" hardly seems to describe the Dees at the present.

Having said that I think he is the best of the Experienced coaches going around.

Also if he is aware of the problems he might insist on the removal of some people before he takes over.

Also I think he would be much wiser this tiem around I think he is a lot wiser after the North experience.

There is no rationale to this but "He looks tough" to me

Choco is the best of the experienced coaches at the moment, laidley hasnt won a flag.

I would rate candidates in this order









Start at the top work your way down, i would be happy with any of these.

Edited by DeeZee
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For those with long enough memories, the "best" coach does not always mean the person with a premiership record behind them. Here's a list of "best" coaches who were invited to another club, and for a million different reasons, didn't work out:

Barassi and the Dees

Joyce at the Bulldogs

Jewell at St. Kilda

Blight at St. Kilda

Walls at Richmond

Do you see the theme here? Premiership winning coaches who are offered huge money and incentives to come and take on a developing list at a struggling club. Sound familiar?

Malthouse, Roos, Clarkson may simply be a repeat of this age old formula. We must think outside the square a bit and go for someone who can bring to our club what we have rarely had.

I would love to get Roos here for two reasons:

1 . He is a culture changer

2 . Under his calm, friendly exterior he has a huge dose of mongrel. He will face-to-face any player, admin person or executive and give then bare cold hard facts wihtout any pause. But Roos is imply not going anywhere.

Could Malthouse handle our inner conflicts? I reckon it would end up a Blight / St. Kilda scenario

Clarkson knows the Melbourne cuture and will not come. Those great early 90's teams should have been premiership teams but the club was a shocking, dysfunctional mess at the time, and Clarkson was there. Not enough culture change at the top to attract him back.

For mine, Laidley is the best option available, but only after discussion about his coaching team. Getting this right is as important as the head coach. His assistants must also be people who can LEAD. I would love to see this scenario:

Dean Laidley - head coach

Wayne Carey - Forward Coach

Scott West - Midfield coach

Gary Ayres / Brett Lovett - Defensive Coach

Todd Viney - Head of coaching/coaching overseer / mentor.


Edited by Maldonboy38
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A thing to keep in mind this time around is last time one G Lyon only participated in the choice, now he'll be heading it up by all accounts. He , liek the rest of us has seen first hand that what we need is a more no-nonsense, more hard at it type footy nouse in a coach. Lyon will be less impressed with folders of presentations etc as opposed to the simplicity of "This is how Im going to kick some accountability into this team and get it playing football"

Tip..next coach will be a bit more old fashioned and a hard nut.. ; an understandiing of the current game...but a hard nut.

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I think its very important to keep inmind its as much the coaching team as it is the nominated "coach" . Malthouse is succesful because of who he has around him. So it must/will be at Melbourne. I cant say that at present weve got what we need.

All elements of our game seem wanting. A big hole left after Wellmans departure is still a big hole. Centre play seems somewhat one dimensional and even adhoc at times. The forward setup hasnt settled or really gelled.

Needs a bit of a clean sweep though out..not just THE 'coach'

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Att: MFC

Please, please don't get Dean Laidley in as head coach. He may have a great football brain, he may have been a tough player with a never say die attitude, but that does not mean he will be an excellent coach, and this has been proved in his time at North. We have a list of great potential, and Dean Laidley is NOT the man who can take them to that next level, or the level after that.

If you are considering Laidley, I would rather we take the untried path again. You have clearly stated that an experienced coach would be a preference, well, I know Laidley is experienced, but I don't think it's the experience we are looking for.



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