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Tom Scully


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The picks can be A grade players, even A++++ players, its a perfect case of better the Devil you know, fear of the unknown.

You have taken a very optimistic view on all of this rpfc, why not extend that a little bit further???

Yep we could draft spuds ala Masten, but given how much time is invested in drafting these days, the risk of an Anthony Banik is very remote.

The biggest concern as mentioned before is paying way over the odds for Scully, it may have a possible destabilising effect on his teammates and could see us lose one or two players down the line given too much salary cap is tied up in no31.

I agree that the world won't fall in if he leaves, I reject the notion that he is a liar, that we should cut our losses and give up. I want to be a big club.

I am not saying you have that position. I am just relaying my position.

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Guest 36DD

I will happily second that, I fear for what awaits some on here when an actual decision is reached. All I know is that i'll still have a footy team to support with a bunch of players who are passionate about and committed to the MFC.

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The picks can be A grade players, even A++++ players, its a perfect case of better the Devil you know, fear of the unknown.

You have taken a very optimistic view on all of this rpfc, why not extend that a little bit further???

Yep we could draft spuds ala Masten, but given how much time is invested in drafting these days, the risk of an Anthony Banik is very remote.

The biggest concern as mentioned before is paying way over the odds for Scully, it may have a possible destabilising effect on his teammates and could see us lose one or two players down the line given too much salary cap is tied up in no31.

For mine this is a very real concern. Scully supposedly lives in a vacuum but id go so far as to suggest thats not the norm. . Id be inclined to think more than one player is casting their gaze across al this and wondering wtf !!

Given he is one of many..i.e Scully is one mid amongst a number compared to say the influence of ONE very decent Ruck you have to wonder how close to the wind the club currently sails in its appraisal of all players and how Scully truly fits into this mix.

Lets just suppose Scully remains...and lets just suppose the final haggling results in a deal more likely closer to 4 mill, ( salary and benefits ) over 5 years... Does this represent the best value for that money ?

Im firmly on the side of caution in this. Too many eggs..too few baskets.

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For mine this is a very real concern. Scully supposedly lives in a vacuum but id go so far as to suggest thats not the norm. . Id be inclined to think more than one player is casting their gaze across al this and wondering wtf !!

Given he is one of many..i.e Scully is one mid amongst a number compared to say the influence of ONE very decent Ruck you have to wonder how close to the wind the club currently sails in its appraisal of all players and how Scully truly fits into this mix.

Lets just suppose Scully remains...and lets just suppose the final haggling results in a deal more likely closer to 4 mill, ( salary and benefits ) over 5 years... Does this represent the best value for that money ?

Im firmly on the side of caution in this. Too many eggs..too few baskets.

See that's where I think Harrington has done really, really well. We've frontloaded a lot of contracts over the past couple of years for exactly that eventuality. In addition, we've got room to maneuver over the next couple of years with a couple of other contracts. What the list management team can do is front-load the Scully contract as much as they can for next year - pay him $1.2, $1.3million - thus reducing the rest of it over the remaining 4 years. That, coupled with Aaron Davey becoming a veteran as of 2013 (only half his salary counting towards the cap) means that for the 2012 renegotiations we will still have plenty to move with. Not as much as we could have due to the Scully contract, no, but quite a bit nevertheless.

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Guest 36DD

For mine this is a very real concern. Scully supposedly lives in a vacuum but id go so far as to suggest thats not the norm. . Id be inclined to think more than one player is casting their gaze across al this and wondering wtf !!

Given he is one of many..i.e Scully is one mid amongst a number compared to say the influence of ONE very decent Ruck you have to wonder how close to the wind the club currently sails in its appraisal of all players and how Scully truly fits into this mix.

Lets just suppose Scully remains...and lets just suppose the final haggling results in a deal more likely closer to 4 mill, ( salary and benefits ) over 5 years... Does this represent the best value for that money ?

Im firmly on the side of caution in this. Too many eggs..too few baskets.

Unfortunately it is only human nature to compare yourself against others and yes this whole scenario could have negative ramifications for team harmony. Our default setting from birth in my best Shannon Noll voice is "What about me?"

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I will happily second that, I fear for what awaits some on here when an actual decision is reached. All I know is that i'll still have a footy team to support with a bunch of players who are passionate about and committed to the MFC.

Yes, whatever the outcome.

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Guest 36DD

I agree that the world won't fall in if he leaves, I reject the notion that he is a liar, that we should cut our losses and give up. I want to be a big club.

I am not saying you have that position. I am just relaying my position.

I'm with you on that mate, for me its Y2K and the rapture all ova again, geez we are a fearful lot.

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Guest hangon007

In response to the few that think MFC haven't put themselves in the position.

Tom and his management made it clear that they wouldn't make a decision to the end of the season. Melbourne could still produce this offer in round 23 but they choose to bring it forward to round 15 hence their is now an offer from GWS as well (looks like the AFL have thrown out the rule book again about mid season approaches). I have no issue with the MFC talking turkey with the management as that's their job.

But now as you can see from this board people are stating that he should bring the decision forward because of special circumstances and that him waiting is dis-stabilizing the club well the MFC created these special circumstances by tabling the offer early hence they have themselves to blame if it is 'actually' causing issues within the club (I doubt it is).

So what is holding him back?

We have put our best offer on the table, all credit given to Velocity & Tom for waiting. We are requesting a decision to help stablise our season so we can all concentrate on probably the 8 most important games in the last 10 years. We are in a holding pattern with many of his team mates that you paint he deeply thinks about and cares for. We have a coach who, those next 8 games could well determine his coaching career, which Tom seems to get on with very well. We have acted now to try to stop many of the rumours, innuendo & speculation regarding Tom character.

Seems in the negotiation process we have given all we can. Only one person can end it all now.

So I ask again. So what is holding him back?

"Tom and his management made it clear that they wouldn't make a decision to the end of the season." Surely it could be the end of the season now for our football club, many key players & our coach if they cant concentrate 100% on these next 8 games.

Please actions speak louder than words. Unless he is waiting for something else, this whole saga could get a whole lot worse.

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Why? It is a massive decision and hardly one that won't be biased everytime you walk into AAMI Park and see the sentimental things that will sway a decision that has to be right for the individual.

Well get used to it. Free agency is on it way and this will happen agian, and contracts will be signed later and later.

At the end of the season he'll make his mind up; I'm guessing he'll walk into his family home and see the sentimental things that could sway a decision so decide that he has to put off making his decision? Please...Sentimental aspects should come into it? If not, then we're really only talking about the cash and on field success which are all pretty obvious?

Also, I don’t think free agency will be as bad as its cracked out to be. GWS and Gold coast are able to splash around ridiculous amounts of cash which makes leaving your current club a very attractive proposition. I cant see these types of figures being regularly bandied about with free agency, so i cant see that a high percentage of players will change clubs.

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Cam Schwab has done 10 tweets today; a significant increase on his recent sparse activity. This is a clear sign he has more time on his hands after Tom finally signed with GWS (or Melbourne).

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So what is holding him back?

If he looks at it now and decides to take the GWS offer, because he is an honest man he will have to announce it and all hell will break loose.

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Guest hangon007

If he looks at it now and decides to take the GWS offer, because he is an honest man he will have to announce it and all hell will break loose.

If he waits till the end of the season & selects GWS ... all media hell will still break loose.

If he waits till the end of the season & selects MFC ... all media hell will still break loose.

If we dont make the finals, we lose a coach or another key player. Talk about pressure. Do you want me to give you the media headlines now?

For the media the value is in the eyeballs not the story.

Damned if you do damned if you dont. Should add the only way not to be damned and to be true to his words is simple ... end it now.

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Could the club just say

"Tom we want an answer either way by next tuesday or were going to drop you and give another young player a go."

If he wants to stay he will sign, if not bad luck and we make a statement.

I know its not gunna happen but i am over this shite.

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If he waits till the end of the season & selects MFC ... all media hell will still break loose.

Melbourne supporters and members a-like will be in raptures. Who really cares if the media and journo's fall over themselves and GWS lose out ?

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I WANT HIM TO GO. He is a destabilizing influence and next year's draft will be a beauty. 2 1st round draft picks to be used over the next 5 years will do me. As we climb the ladder our picks will get lower and lower. A 1st round pick will be needed for young Viney.A 5 year contract? What stupidity! What about injury- he could go down with a worse knee injury than he already has. Say he breaks his leg like Barlow. Goodbye Tom

He is not a destabilizing influence, the AFL and GWS are. He is trying to get on with his job, do what many players before and after him do, and sign at the end of the season. This is not his fault, he should be free to deal with it as he said he would before it even became an issue. It's a bit of a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't situation. If he re-signs with the Dees, he's damned for not doing it earlier, being so selfish, taking too much of the pie.......... If he goes he's a traitor, gold digger, lowlife liar who can't be trusted..........

Now let's not forget here that HE is not requesting this large slice of pie. The club value him as a player enough to offer it to him to keep him, and they know much more about his qualities and potential than we do. They also have a much more intimate knowledge of what we can afford, so trust that they are doing their jobs correctly and it will not cause a player retention issue. Jack Trengove (whom I absolutely love) get's painted as a white knight on here, but may I put something to all of you who are railing on Scully. Trenners signed an extension on his initial contract which had a number of effects. First, it put him out of the scope of GWS this year. Second, it increased the money he earned straight up (does this not mean he is after money more than Scully who didn't request this). Third, it means that he is still free to get courted by GWS next year, whilst having taken a larger slice of the pie in his first three years at the MFC, and could quite possibly then leave for the superbucks. Now I am in no way suggesting that this is what would happen, but it goes to show that Tom has got paid less so far, asked for nothing more than anyone else, and is trying to deal with an unsavoury situation in the way that he feels most comfortable with.

I'm fed up with this whole situation as much as the next person, but he has done nothing to deserve all this criticism so hows about all the negative nancies take a chill pill and cut the poor (pun intended) kid some slack.

P.S. Welcome back Wolfmother, I like hearing from someone who actually knows Tom, other than just pure assumptions.

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Should add the only way not to be damned and to be true to his words is simple ... end it now.

Actually, that is the only way to not be true to his words, because he has said all along that he will make his decision at the end of the season. What is so hard to comprehend about all this?

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So what is holding him back?

We have put our best offer on the table, all credit given to Velocity & Tom for waiting. We are requesting a decision to help stablise our season so we can all concentrate on probably the 8 most important games in the last 10 years. We are in a holding pattern with many of his team mates that you paint he deeply thinks about and cares for. We have a coach who, those next 8 games could well determine his coaching career, which Tom seems to get on with very well. We have acted now to try to stop many of the rumours, innuendo & speculation regarding Tom character.

Seems in the negotiation process we have given all we can. Only one person can end it all now.

So I ask again. So what is holding him back?

"Tom and his management made it clear that they wouldn't make a decision to the end of the season." Surely it could be the end of the season now for our football club, many key players & our coach if they cant concentrate 100% on these next 8 games.

Please actions speak louder than words. Unless he is waiting for something else, this whole saga could get a whole lot worse.

I truly wish I knew but even when I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago (although there were no offers) he said he will stay his course because that is the plan that he agreed to and will follow his word. In the same conversation he did ask are supporters getting angry at him for waiting (similar to Cam.S why don't they believe my words) because he can't understand why he has to let outside influence effect his timeframe.

I'm never going to part of his inner circle that will look at both offers and do the pros and cons. This type of situation which the AFL has created will only come once in their career which as he said ' 18 months ago I was hoping to play a game of AFL now I will have to make the biggest decision of my life'. Overall he wants to stay a demon but at certain level the money becomes to good to refuse its up to GWS if they want to may him that.

You asked what is he like which I rudely haven't replied yet.... He is a mature young kid that loves football, never have I thought money was his driver but he is trying to rapidly adjust to a life that is played out in the media, the harsh reality of professional football (Jnr Macs departure was sudden and brutal and made them realise how good you can be playing and still get the axe without seeing it coming(them being the younger footballers)) and the fishbowl that is the AFL. He has rapidly changed in the past 12 months since he started and this year will be another huge learning curve. Its the sort of person you want on your team as you know he will do everything possible to succeed.

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Guest hangon007

Melbourne supporters and members a-like will be in raptures. Who really cares if the media and journo's fall over themselves and GWS lose out ?

Not if its cost us a spot in the finals or another key player. Sorry, but many now, are already looking to the compensation & saying the "price" is already tooooo much. You only have to look around the forum.

We will be in even more raptures if he decides now and we can get on with making the finals ... we are still in the race.

Tom could make himself look a hero ... the stimulus moving forward would be un-measurable. What does he have to give up ... 1 simple line "I wanted to wait." instead he could say I wanted to put the clubs future on par with my own.

I'm tipping the media would & could only write positive stuff. "Skully walks away from the money for the good of the MFC" "Loyalty over Money" "Tom never lied" "Skully true to his word"... plus many more all positive for Tom & Velocity.

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In response to the few that think MFC haven't put themselves in the position.

Tom and his management made it clear that they wouldn't make a decision to the end of the season. Melbourne could still produce this offer in round 23 but they choose to bring it forward to round 15 hence their is now an offer from GWS as well (looks like the AFL have thrown out the rule book again about mid season approaches). I have no issue with the MFC talking turkey with the management as that's their job.

But now as you can see from this board people are stating that he should bring the decision forward because of special circumstances and that him waiting is dis-stabilizing the club well the MFC created these special circumstances by tabling the offer early hence they have themselves to blame if it is 'actually' causing issues within the club (I doubt it is).

Rubbish. The MFC is doing what is in the best interests of the MFC they cant put all their planning on hold for the sake of one player. They have done the right thing in my opinion and have compromised by not forcing the issue earlier in the season and not waiting until the last second when they have other players to look after as well aslook at other options such as maybe luring a player that the $600K could go towards if Scully heads to GWS. If Scully was fair dinkum about wanting to stay at the club he could easily make a decision now I mean seriously it's not rocket science. Either you stay here for less money or you go to GWS for a hefty payday. It just depends what he wants out of footy I guess does he just see it as a job or does he live and breathe it. It's fair enough to say that he told the club last year contract talks would be on hold til after 2011 and yes other players have done this before but this is a different situation. You can't compare apples with big Orange and black watermelons.

I've backed him to this point but I'm starting to think the kids gone. His manager says it's not the type of decision you make between training sessions? Well for the love of god surely this has been weighing on the kids mind all year and he'd have an idea of what he's going to do. Are we seriously expected to believe the kid will not even think about his future until the final siren in round 24 (or finals) and then meditate on this decision like a monk for a week? He knows what the MFC can get him and yes there may be some discussion about the particulars but if he wants to stay surely he can agree to an in principle contract with Melbourne and let his manager work out the particulars. Through no fault if his own the current situation has the kid putting himself ahead of the club and whether he intended it or not that is the way it's played out not he wants to stay with the MFC fine come to an agreement if he doesn't in the next couple of weeks then see you later don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Rubbish. The MFC is doing what is in the best interests of the MFC they cant put all their planning on hold for the sake of one player. They have done the right thing in my opinion and have compromised by not forcing the issue earlier in the season and not waiting until the last second when they have other players to look after as well aslook at other options such as maybe luring a player that the $600K could go towards if Scully heads to GWS. If Scully was fair dinkum about wanting to stay at the club he could easily make a decision now I mean seriously it's not rocket science. Either you stay here for less money or you go to GWS for a hefty payday. It just depends what he wants out of footy I guess does he just see it as a job or does he live and breathe it. It's fair enough to say that he told the club last year contract talks would be on hold til after 2011 and yes other players have done this before but this is a different situation. You can't compare apples with big Orange and black watermelons.

I've backed him to this point but I'm starting to think the kids gone. His manager says it's not the type of decision you make between training sessions? Well for the love of god surely this has been weighing on the kids mind all year and he'd have an idea of what he's going to do. Are we seriously expected to believe the kid will not even think about his future until the final siren in round 24 (or finals) and then meditate on this decision like a monk for a week? He knows what the MFC can get him and yes there may be some discussion about the particulars but if he wants to stay surely he can agree to an in principle contract with Melbourne and let his manager work out the particulars. Through no fault if his own the current situation has the kid putting himself ahead of the club and whether he intended it or not that is the way it's played out not he wants to stay with the MFC fine come to an agreement if he doesn't in the next couple of weeks then see you later don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Not if its cost us a spot in the finals or another key player. Sorry but many now are already looking to the compensation & saying the "price" is already tooooo much. You only have to look around the forum.

Personally, I'd back Tim Harrington & the club on offering what they can afford considering they're the ones doing all the measurements and contract analysis with front loading, staggered timeframes etc. Not what others are voicing here.

I'm tipping the media would & could only write positive stuff. "Skully walks away from the money for the good of the MFC" "Loyalty over Money" "Tom never lied" "Skully true to his word"... plus many more all positive for Tom & Velocity.

That's a pretty obvious tip h007 if that comes to fruition. They'll do whatever to sensationalise in order to sell news. Truth or not.

How about, "Grubby Allen not so smug now"..

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In response to the few that think MFC haven't put themselves in the position.

Tom and his management made it clear that they wouldn't make a decision to the end of the season. Melbourne could still produce this offer in round 23 but they choose to bring it forward to round 15 hence their is now an offer from GWS as well (looks like the AFL have thrown out the rule book again about mid season approaches). I have no issue with the MFC talking turkey with the management as that's their job.

But now as you can see from this board people are stating that he should bring the decision forward because of special circumstances and that him waiting is dis-stabilizing the club well the MFC created these special circumstances by tabling the offer early hence they have themselves to blame if it is 'actually' causing issues within the club (I doubt it is).

I have no problem with MFC tabling their offer now.

I also choose to believe there was no offers/approaches from GWS prior to the current offer. I am not naive enough to believe that GWS have not earlier expressed interest either directly or through intermediaries to TS management but I choose to believe no offer was tabled or at least Velocity have said they will not field any offers from GWS at this point. I am sure Velocity always had knowledge that an offer would be coming (when asked for) and when tabled would be in vacinity of $XXXX over XXX years. Therefore there is no subtefuge or lies or deceit in saying that prior to the current time Velocity have received no offers, been no approaches or held discussions with GWS. I have no problem with this and I choose to believe that neither Velocity or TS has therefore lied.

That TS management have accepted the tabling of the MFC offer - I have no problem with this - I am sure that there have been ongoing discussions even though the timetable for the decision has been set by Velocity and hasnt altered.

That it is getting to the point end of the discussions - I have no problem with Velocity asking GWS to now table their offer as Velocity are seeing that MFC has basically put its best foot forward.

There is still a raging debate over 3rd party payments that will and wont be acceptable - so there is still a way to go.

Therefore I still have no issue with Velocity and TS waiting until the end of the season to make the decision.

To throw the cat amongst the pigeons I also believe that the decision to hold off talks until post season 2011 made last August was in part decided by Velocity that they were aware that GWS would come sniffing - I have no problem with that either.

I choose to believe that nothing has been signed and am hoping he will stay but will not ignore that there is some big cashola on offer for him to move.

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If he waits till the end of the season & selects GWS ... all media hell will still break loose.

If he waits till the end of the season & selects MFC ... all media hell will still break loose.

If we dont make the finals, we lose a coach or another key player. Talk about pressure. Do you want me to give you the media headlines now?

For the media the value is in the eyeballs not the story.

Damned if you do damned if you dont. Should add the only way not to be damned and to be true to his words is simple ... end it now.

You're comparing the wrong things ...

If he waits till the end of the season & selects GWS ... all media hell will still break loose.

If he selects GWS now ... twice as much media hell will break loose.

I agree it will be a media [censored]-storm when he does decide at the end of the season, either way. But it will be twice as bad if he decides NOW to go to GWS and announces it. There'll be feral MFC supporters picketing training, demanding he's played in Casey 2s and booing him in the process. That will derail our season much worse than if we wait patiently.

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