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Mark William's review of players


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No it is your slant that i am bagging the coach Rhino, i am asking a question that goes a lot deeper than that.

Cale Morton was pick 4 in the draft, but has never looked comfortable on the paddock, i have always wondered why.

So you say he was a pick 4 in the draft but has never looked comfortable but will openly muse that you wonder if it would be the case under a different coach? In the same breath, you ponder whether a promising young player would be essentially held back by our current coach (because, you know, there's such a history of that in Bailey's time), but that's not slanging Bailey? You're kidding.

You're following him from thread to thread and often multiple times within the same thread, essentially saying the same thing. I think someone said you should just put it in your sig and move on. I agree with them.

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So you say he was a pick 4 in the draft but has never looked comfortable but will openly muse that you wonder if it would be the case under a different coach? In the same breath, you ponder whether a promising young player would be essentially held back by our current coach (because, you know, there's such a history of that in Bailey's time), but that's not slanging Bailey? You're kidding.

You're following him from thread to thread and often multiple times within the same thread, essentially saying the same thing. I think someone said you should just put it in your sig and move on. I agree with them.

I will still wait for an answer to my question because i think it is an interesting comparison.

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Carp. And if you dont like it get a blog.

You could have asked about question Cale Morton against Dustin Martin without pointed reference to the respective coaches.

Deep questions and fair discussion is a worthy objective for you WYL. Good luck in your journey

Thankyou Grasshopper. You are always telling people to get a Blog Rhino..... :wacko:

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I stopped reading the clubs player reviews a long time ago

I got nothing out of them (even trying to read between the lines) and they just frustrated me

If you want good player reviews then come to Demonland, but you will have to filter them first to remove the MFCSS and MFCFS ones

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So you say he was a pick 4 in the draft but has never looked comfortable but will openly muse that you wonder if it would be the case under a different coach? In the same breath, you ponder whether a promising young player would be essentially held back by our current coach (because, you know, there's such a history of that in Bailey's time), but that's not slanging Bailey? You're kidding.

You're following him from thread to thread and often multiple times within the same thread, essentially saying the same thing. I think someone said you should just put it in your sig and move on. I agree with them.

Let us get a few things straight 45, Because it is you who have made the big call on my feelings towards our coach without actually asking me what my feelings are. So let me tell you, & you can file it away for season 2012 & Beyond ok.

First of all let me say i would really like & prefer if Dean Bailey & his assistants are coaching the MFC in 2012. Dean has done a great job in his first 3 years so he does deserve the chance. But right now he is right under the Hammer, & there is no escaping that.

The next few weeks will prove to the club & all members of the MFC what Dean is really made of, & that is actually a good thing. If he can straighten this club up in the same way that John Northey did in 1987, this list will go a long long way. But right now i am wondering if Dean & his team are actually extracting everything out of this list, which is why i bought up Cale Morton....he is no longer a newbie.

There comes a time in every career/job you have to put your foot into the unknown...Dean is there right now. He must back himself, i hope for the rest of the year he raises passions in his coaching, he has been teaching now for 3 years...Change his Back drop a little..But that is entirely up to him.

As Garry Lyon said last night he is in the drivers seat so it is in his hands for the next 6-8 weeks....i was thinking 4 myself, but either way he must just absolutely Go For It. If he gets it right, then he has a high paid gig for the next 5-10 years. Sets him up for good.

Conversely if this season goes pear shaped then we have to find the best coaches. Dick Pratt style. Not the best available, but the best. This List of elite athletes is too valuable.

All i want to see is this list pushed and backed as hard as is possible so they can never regret anything in their AFL career onfield. Now because of $$$ restraints i do not think a melbourne list has ever extracted close to maximum in the last 5 decades (junction oval crucified probably Northey, Balme & ND. Bails has now got AAMI Park...Cool. Give it your best shot Dean Bailey, i will be in the crowd, and i shall also be buying a 2012 Membership regardless of who is coaching.

If Dean can inspire this Team (along with Brad Green) for 2011 he is the man for the job.

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Thankyou Grasshopper. You are always telling people to get a Blog Rhino..... :wacko:

Funny...its only been you. :mellow:

Let us get a few things straight 45, Because it is you who have made the big call on my feelings towards our coach without actually asking me what my feelings are. So let me tell you, & you can file it away for season 2012 & Beyond ok.

No it was you that drew the inference on the coach as 45 has rightly potted you....

So you say he was a pick 4 in the draft but has never looked comfortable but will openly muse that you wonder if it would be the case under a different coach? In the same breath, you ponder whether a promising young player would be essentially held back by our current coach (because, you know, there's such a history of that in Bailey's time), but that's not slanging Bailey? You're kidding.

You're following him from thread to thread and often multiple times within the same thread, essentially saying the same thing. I think someone said you should just put it in your sig and move on. I agree with them.

I can only guess where 45 will file it and its sure not to recyclable.

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1) Regarding Bennell - "Jamie’s in the team to tackle and chase and he plays his role each week". Uhm, tackling and chasing should be part of every players defensive game, not be their sole role in the side?

If that's what Bennell's in the team for then he should be out of it this week. He's not doing either.

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My view of Bennell is a line-breaker who plays in bursts and can kick a few goals.

His defensive game needs work and those cameos haven't been happening this season, so he's in a similar position to Petterd - he should go back to Casey to work on things. Petterd was much more unlucky to be dropped, though.

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Cale Morton always looks to me as if he is still playing his first game.................

Morton is an interesting one. At the time of his year's draft, half the clubs (apparently) rated him top 5 or so, the other half didn't rate him at all (because of a percieved 'lack of liking for a contest').

MFC were obviously in the former group, picking him at 4. For mine, the second group had it right.

Whatever, I doubt whether Hardwick (or whoever) would have made any difference.

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Guest Artie Bucco

Goddard, anyone..?

I still hold onto (vain) hope that when he fills out, he will begin to relish body contact.

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Get your facts right, i have never dissed the coach, but he has got to step up, that is the reality.

I did and you have been sprung once again. Its the bleedin obvious that the Coach and the players need to stand up in the coming weeks. However, you have focussed repeatedly on the coach and demanded he must perform (without mention of the players) and your question before involving Hardwick and Bailey was clearly a none too subtle criticism on Bailey.

Why do you suggest "this is what I meant" when you are caught (frequently) by many posters for saying something ridiculous when "what you meant" clearly is not what you originally stated nad were challenged on?

At best its disingenius at worst its plain dumb.

Pathetic really.

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The FD should ask the media guys to back off every now and then IMO. all of the articles and interviews they put up on the website are a good way to celebrate a win, but after a humiliating loss there is no need for it....

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The FD should ask the media guys to back off every now and then IMO. all of the articles and interviews they put up on the website are a good way to celebrate a win, but after a humiliating loss there is no need for it....

Thats a bit of a Cinderella outlook there Im afraid. Youre asking wolves to ignore meat !!

Its humiliating because they were abysmal. Is that your or my fault ? No.. Its theirs. Reap as you sew. They played it they cop it.

Often forgotten is this is their job...theyre being paid to do this... and generally a condition of employment is to do it to the best of your ability and to attain certain measurable outcomes.

Did they ? No. Called to task is not so unwaranted really is it :rolleyes:

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Thats a bit of a Cinderella outlook there Im afraid.

No doubt!

And in my version of this fairytail footy clubs would spend less money on employing people to manage social media, interactive web sites etc etc and spend the money on players wages or decent coaches!


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I must confess Im not a great fan of irrelevant publishing. Seems the same ol fluff rolled out week in week out. Then again Im not sure how many different ways you can sugar coat "we played liked sh!t" !!

I can only suppose the club , in the social-media-frenzied world feels compelled to be as hip as the next bloke. They must feel the need to be 'out there' conecting with their readers/members.

I think we spend enough on players wages.... might need to spend more of size 14 boots to kick them with though !!

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I did and you have been sprung once again. Its the bleedin obvious that the Coach and the players need to stand up in the coming weeks. However, you have focussed repeatedly on the coach and demanded he must perform (without mention of the players) and your question before involving Hardwick and Bailey was clearly a none too subtle criticism on Bailey.

Why do you suggest "this is what I meant" when you are caught (frequently) by many posters for saying something ridiculous when "what you meant" clearly is not what you originally stated nad were challenged on?

At best its disingenius at worst its plain dumb.

Pathetic really.

Where have i dissed the coach Rhino? You are the pathetic one Mate, you spend your whole day ripping posts on here apart. It is most Tiresome really.

Your opinions are not the Gospel, they are your opinions.

Where have i said that Bailey does not deserve the chance to coach this side next year-If he has the mental toughness to get over this present Hurdle....Hmmmm

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Where have i dissed the coach Rhino? .. you spend your whole day ripping posts on here apart. It is most Tiresome really.

Where have i said that Bailey does not deserve the chance to coach this side next year-If he has the mental toughness to get over this present Hurdle....Hmmmm

Here is a sample of your opinions which clearly indicated that Bailey should go as senior coach and replaced by someone else.... I could have posted more. And please dont try and stretch the truth by saying keeping him on as an assistant fulfils your criteria of allowing him to coach the side. That would be plain dumb. As others have pointed out if Bailey is not head coach he is headed out the door

... Baley has been great. But his reign has hit the wall. We need a real Hard Nose Coach now.

Still doesn't explain why our senior Players showed no Fight. I like Dean Bailey, but i think he is a man at the end of his Road...Keep him on as an assistant , i can deal with that. But i do not think he can cut it as a match day coach.

I think Bailey is a Very Good Assistant Coach.

Keep Bails on as an assistant by all means, But the search for the Top Job starts NOW!!!!

We need a top line coach now....Bailey is an assistant. I like him but he is not the coach we need.

And here is the inferred comments that Bailey coaches soft and either does not demand that players regularly produce. Its another uninformed slur without the facts.

Would Dustin be playing with the same Flair and aggression at the ball if Dean Bailey and our Football Dept was coaching him, Conversely would Cale Morton be ripping it up with Damien Hardwick as coach?

Example Aaron Davey. We all know how much Talent he does have, but our club has never demanded that he produce it regularly.

Look at Chris Judd last night, Amazing...but he produces that regularly. Aaron Davey if motivated right could be just as good as Chris Judd, but he has never been pushed hard enough, by either himself or the MFC Football Dept.

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Let's take Dustin Martin's game from last weekend as one example....And i do know it was against Brisbane & i am not saying we should have taken him....Would Dustin be playing with the same Flair and aggression at the ball if Dean Bailey and our Football Dept was coaching him, Conversely would Cale Morton be ripping it up with Damien Hardwick as coach?

Cale Morton always looks to me as if he is still playing his first game, and he has played around 50.

Both Bailey & Hardwick were coached by Sheeds, they are both smart guys....but there is an ingredient missing somewhere...is it the coaches or is it still hiding in the very fabric of our club?

Where have i dissed the coach Rhino?

Right up ^ here WYL. You're questionning Bailey against Hardwick regarding an ingredient missing somewhere, inferring that Bailey lacks something in his coaching which Hardwick may have. Using a comparison of Martin and Morton which adds little weight to your argument of a "missing ingredient"...

Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it follows a trend you've been peddling in countless posts regarding Bailey. See Rhino's post for examples...

It is most Tiresome really.

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Cale Morton: Cale needs to continue to focus on the little things in his game

Like not kicking out on the full. That would be a great start. Jeez....this bloke was a top 10 pick?

Top 5 actually. But he didn't make that choice, the club did.

Where have i dissed the coach Rhino? You are the pathetic one Mate, you spend your whole day ripping posts on here apart. It is most Tiresome really.

Your opinions are not the Gospel, they are your opinions.

Where have i said that Bailey does not deserve the chance to coach this side next year-If he has the mental toughness to get over this present Hurdle....Hmmmm

I love your passion WYL.

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Right up ^ here WYL. You're questionning Bailey against Hardwick regarding an ingredient missing somewhere, inferring that Bailey lacks something in his coaching which Hardwick may have. Using a comparison of Martin and Morton which adds little weight to your argument of a "missing ingredient"...

Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it follows a trend you've been peddling in countless posts regarding Bailey. See Rhino's post for examples...

HT i am asking Dean to step it up, we are yet to find out whether he can. I am not asking him to leave, but if he is not up to it in the next 2 months sadly he will be leaving.

I am asking Questions and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Here is a sample of your opinions which clearly indicated that Bailey should go as senior coach and replaced by someone else.... I could have posted more. And please dont try and stretch the truth by saying keeping him on as an assistant fulfils your criteria of allowing him to coach the side. That would be plain dumb. As others have pointed out if Bailey is not head coach he is headed out the door

And here is the inferred comments that Bailey coaches soft and either does not demand that players regularly produce. Its another uninformed slur without the facts.

I have not once said that Dean Bailey should leave....I do not think he has pushed himself or the team hard enough....But now is his time.

You want to read into it Rhino, your usual negative slant...but sorry it aint there.

I am challenging Bails to get harder so that he in fact can keep his job.....as Garry Lyon said on FC "Dean is driving the Bus right now, it is up to him to get the players up"

Stage 1...not to be blown away in the first Quarter.

So please do not tell me i wish to sack the coach...it is simply untrue. If Dean's time is over at the end of this year it will be that he cannot take this group to the next level, a level he must have known has already existed.

My comparison of Dustin Martin & Cale Morton still stands....Those 2 players seem to be a pretty good Barometer as to where each Footy Dept is, as of today.

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I have not once said that Dean Bailey should leave


So please do not tell me i wish to sack the coach...it is simply untrue.

I knew you would retort with that. And its dishonest. You have said that he should he replaced as senior coach. Its inexplicable that he could possibly stay on as an assistant. And you know he will not leave of his own accord.

My comparison of Dustin Martin & Cale Morton still stands....Those 2 players seem to be a pretty good Barometer as to where each Footy Dept is, as of today.

Its a pity you never actually compared Dustin Marin and Cale Morton but insinuated something else about the respective coaches. Its embarrassing

I know you work in the media so this may not apply in that industry. But if anyone put an argument/point of view in the same manner that you have in my line of work then they would have at the very least have their integrity and a number of other fundamental aspects of characterbrought into question.

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I knew you would retort with that. And its dishonest. You have said that he should he replaced as senior coach. Its inexplicable that he could possibly stay on as an assistant. And you know he will not leave of his own accord.

Its a pity you never actually compared Dustin Marin and Cale Morton but insinuated something else about the respective coaches. Its embarrassing

I know you work in the media so this may not apply in that industry. But if anyone put an argument/point of view in the same manner that you have in my line of work then they would have at the very least have their integrity and a number of other fundamental aspects of characterbrought into question.

FFS it doesn't matter what i say to you Rhino does it, Believe what you wish to believe. If Dean Bailey is our coach next year i will be happy, because it will mean he has lifted his own work rate and that of his assistants.

If his work rate does not go up we will have a new coach and assistants.

Now Does that say to you i want a new coach??? Think about it now....i as a member will buy a membership next year if Dean Bailey is our coach, because he will have proved himself

It is you who are now embarrassing yourself not i.

How dare you say i want to treat a good man the way Richmond burnt Wallace. Dean has his destiny in his own hands.

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