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GOOD Friday....

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you'll need the saints to play some attractive footy first :)

Blockbusters are made, ANZAC is a perfect example, mainly due to marketing and amazing results in the early games which grabbed peoples attentions. They also need to be between clubs that draw a good crowd. Once on sing I believe we draw a good crowd, so we just need an opponent.

North's problem is they won't draw a crowd and you'll have an empty stadium.

As for Good Friday, I personally prefer it the way it is now.

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I'm religious and will be involved otherwise on this day. All I ask is that non religious football followers respect that many fans are religious and would appreciate the day free of football. Spare the thought, there may even be some footballers who appreciate some time for deeper reflection with other Christians on this day. To think that there are not some involved within club circles is ludicrous. Just give us a break from this constant sqawking. Four days of football over this long weekend and you cann't live without a game on Good Friday. Good gracious....what's the world coming to? I could say get a life, but I don't intend to be disrespectful to your freedom to choose. So let me suggest get eternal life, its not bad.

That's all well and good, but what about all the other religions' holy days that are not observed by the AFL?

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I'm religious and will be involved otherwise on this day. All I ask is that non religious football followers respect that many fans are religious and would appreciate the day free of football. Spare the thought, there may even be some footballers who appreciate some time for deeper reflection with other Christians on this day. To think that there are not some involved within club circles is ludicrous. Just give us a break from this constant sqawking. Four days of football over this long weekend and you cann't live without a game on Good Friday. Good gracious....what's the world coming to? I could say get a life, but I don't intend to be disrespectful to your freedom to choose. So let me suggest get eternal life, its not bad.

There is football played all over Australia apart from AFL, doesn't seem to bother them at all. A twilight/evening game would give you more than enough time to worship the death of your imaginary friend.

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That's all well and good, but what about all the other religions' holy days that are not observed by the AFL?

Go for it, tell me which ones you think would want to claim a public holiday and have no football played on it. I'll listen to any reasonable requests. I don't know of any other religion wanting one of there holy days free of football. You obviously do. p[lease enlighten me.
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There is football played all over Australia apart from AFL, doesn't seem to bother them at all. A twilight/evening game would give you more than enough time to worship the death of your imaginary friend.

So then if we aren't going to respect the significance of the day then lets all go back to work and have the usual Friday night game. But if you want the holiday, respect its purpose and those football lovers that value the purpose of the holiday. You seem to want your cake and eat it to.

By the way no intelligent historian would claim that Jesus was not a historical person. Nothing imaginary about it. Far more historical evidence for him as a real person than Plato, Julius Ceasar, etc etc etc. You don't have to believe what Christians do about him, that's a different matter and a personal choice, but it doesn't do you any justice by making ignorant comments on a public forum on a topic that is far bigger than you are aware of.

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So then if we aren't going to respect the significance of the day then lets all go back to work and have the usual Friday night game. But if you want the holiday, respect its purpose and those football lovers that value the purpose of the holiday. You seem to want your cake and eat it to.

By the way no intelligent historian would claim that Jesus was not a historical person. Nothing imaginary about it. Far more historical evidence for him as a real person than Plato, Julius Ceasar, etc etc etc. You don't have to believe what Christians do about him, that's a different matter and a personal choice, but it doesn't do you any justice by making ignorant comments on a public forum on a topic that is far bigger than you are aware of.

A topic far bigger than i am aware of??? Don't get me started. Your beliefs refuse to believe the dinasour existed, so i find it all a bit hard to take seriously.

Anyway, i think it is far more important to raise money for the Royal Children's Hospital than worship someone humans allegedly nailed to a cross (he could have done with a hospital on that fateful day...

Jesus was a carpenter, nothing more.

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There is football played all over Australia apart from AFL, doesn't seem to bother them at all. A twilight/evening game would give you more than enough time to worship the death of your imaginary friend.

Religious discussions. Brilliant.

Let's leave the Science Vs fairy tales debate to another forum shall we.

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Go for it, tell me which ones you think would want to claim a public holiday and have no football played on it. I'll listen to any reasonable requests. I don't know of any other religion wanting one of there holy days free of football. You obviously do. p[lease enlighten me.

I don't think there are any. That's the point. If there was a movement from members of the Jedi Order to have an annual Star Wars Day or whatever, would you consider it if enough people followed the "religion?" I wouldn't. Religious groups shouldn't be able to determine what the rest of society does on any level, at any time.

Not to mention the fact that public holidays now have an entirely secular meaning anyway. It might be called the Easter weekend, but I don't change what I do for these couple of days every year. I get my days off work, but that's only because the people in charge have decided to schedule a series of work-free days during this period. If those days didn't exist, I wouldn't cry foul because in the grand scheme of things, they don't really matter to me.

Edited by Chook
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By the way no intelligent historian would claim that Jesus was not a historical person. Nothing imaginary about it. Far more historical evidence for him as a real person than Plato, Julius Ceasar, etc etc etc.

this is not a religous comment but your highlighted statement is just rubbish. Julius Caesar and Plato were rather poor choices for the point you were trying to make.

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The point of the Easter Holiday, as far as I can tell, is for all of us think more about the concept of charity and about those in society who are less fortunate than ourselves.

In that respect it makes far more sense that we play a game of footy on the Friday night and channel all of the cash to the Royal Children's Hospital.

It would seem to me that acting on the charitable impulse is far better than merely sitting at home and thinking about it.

Hell, why not make it a weekly event - totally unlinked to any form of organized religion - and devote the proceeds of one match every Friday night to a different but just-as-worthwhile nominated charity?

Now that's a society I would be proud to live in.

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I don't think there are any. That's the point. If there was a movement from members of the Jedi Order to have an annual Star Wars Day or whatever, would you consider it if enough people followed the "religion?" I wouldn't. Religious groups shouldn't be able to determine what the rest of society does on any level, at any time.

Not to mention the fact that public holidays now have an entirely secular meaning anyway. It might be called the Easter weekend, but I don't change what I do for these couple of days every year. I get my days off work, but that's only because the people in charge have decided to schedule a series of work-free days during this period. If those days didn't exist, I wouldn't cry foul because in the grand scheme of things, they don't really matter to me.

Then go out and do something creative on the day your boss has given you off. If you want to watch North play GWS on a day off ... its hard to find any sensible response....pity a person whose life has wound down to that
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The point of the Easter Holiday, as far as I can tell, is for all of us think more about the concept of charity and about those in society who are less fortunate than ourselves.

In that respect it makes far more sense that we play a game of footy on the Friday night and channel all of the cash to the Royal Children's Hospital.

Hell, why not make it a weekly event - totally unlinked to any form of organized religion - and devote the proceeds of one match every Friday night to a different but just-as-worthwhile nominated charity?

It would seem to me that acting on the charitable impulse is far better than merely sitting at home and thinking about it.

Now that's a society I would be proud to live in.

A really great idea but it really doesn't address the crux of the Good Friday issue. Does society need football to give the money to the children's appeal. It would be interesting to note of those who want to give the money from a game to the Good Friday appeal how much they give themselves to the appeal. The other really important issue you raise is the way so many just sit at home thinking about things.
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I'm religious and will be involved otherwise on this day. All I ask is that non religious football followers respect that many fans are religious and would appreciate the day free of football. Spare the thought, there may even be some footballers who appreciate some time for deeper reflection with other Christians on this day. To think that there are not some involved within club circles is ludicrous. Just give us a break from this constant sqawking. Four days of football over this long weekend and you cann't live without a game on Good Friday. Good gracious....what's the world coming to? I could say get a life, but I don't intend to be disrespectful to your freedom to choose. So let me suggest get eternal life, its not bad.

So then if we aren't going to respect the significance of the day then lets all go back to work and have the usual Friday night game. But if you want the holiday, respect its purpose and those football lovers that value the purpose of the holiday. You seem to want your cake and eat it to.

By the way no intelligent historian would claim that Jesus was not a historical person. Nothing imaginary about it. Far more historical evidence for him as a real person than Plato, Julius Ceasar, etc etc etc. You don't have to believe what Christians do about him, that's a different matter and a personal choice, but it doesn't do you any justice by making ignorant comments on a public forum on a topic that is far bigger than you are aware of.

Harrison, you are entitled to your opinion but you go overboard in suggesting people adopt your "way" or intimating that you have some knowledge or awareness of the spiritual realm that others do not.

Edited by Range Rover
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Be specific, generalities are usually for opinions not facts

not disagreeing re JC as an historical figure but your example of Caesar and Plato is too silly. Their historical documentation is quite extensive and not disputed. More detail than that I can't be bothered....sorry

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Harrison, you are entitled to your opinion but you go overboard in suggesting people adopt your "way" or intimating that you have some knowledge or awareness of the spiritual realm that others do not.

beware the true believer.....

unless he's a demon's true believer of course

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not disagreeing re JC as an historical figure but your example of Caesar and Plato is too silly. Their historical documentation is quite extensive and not disputed.


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Athiests who get offended by other people's harmless religious beliefs (or God forbid its' symbols) are just as bad as religious people who hate gays or want to ban the teaching of Evolution. Religion is part of human culture. Don't fight it. Just live with it. Use a Good Friday Demons-Saits blockbuster to raise money for the Royal Children's Hospital. Sell Easter eggs. Whatever. The variety of people's beliefs, and the ability to share in them from time to time, is part of what makes a Multicultural society great. Footy on Good Friday is something that should happen.

Oh dear.

To reiterate my position, as already stated - I don't think it is appropriate to tag a game of football as associated with a particular religious affilition, and I also feel that the intimately sacred aspect of such a day should not be diffused by what strikes me as, well, some kind of merchandising deal.

How that earnt me a spray for being 'just as bad as' gross hatemongers and bizarre flat-earthers, I'll never quite understand.

Except, actually, I do understand, all too well. Hence my position, and sensitivity regarding the issue...

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Religious discussions. Brilliant.

Let's leave the Science Vs fairy tales debate to another forum shall we.

Science v Fairy Stories of imaginary friends! :lol:

'Give that they may Grow"..... Demons v Saints. Bring it on.

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Then go out and do something creative on the day your boss has given you off. If you want to watch North play GWS on a day off ... its hard to find any sensible response....pity a person whose life has wound down to that

Don't tell others what to do. That's the point of what I'm trying to say. I think you may be missing that, and if pity is your reaction to a person doing nothing on their weekend off work, then perhaps you need to look a little harder for a sensible response.

And as for Little Goffy, were you offended by the movie Angels and Demons? Religion is part of our culture, and belongs to no-one. How is using the concept of the battle between good and evil so that money can be raised for charity and people can have a good time "cheapening" anything? The day is sacred to some people, but not to others. Regarding the "just as bad as" quote, what you and Harrisonrules are both doing is forcing your beliefs on others.

You may view religion as something sacred that must be respected at all times. I view it as a part of human culture that can be responsible for a lot of positive things for individuals and society. I'm supporting a day where people can be happy for a few hours raising money for a great charity. This just happens to tap into one aspect of culture that a few people believe they "possess."

Edited by Chook
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Then go out and do something creative on the day your boss has given you off. If you want to watch North play GWS on a day off ... its hard to find any sensible response....pity a person whose life has wound down to that

There is nothing wrong or disrespectful in having a long sleep on Good Friday, particularly if you work long hours every other day. I mean nothing is open anyway.

Why did you mention North & GWS?? The thread is about the Demons & the Saints playing a night game on good friday. Q.E.D.

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Every team has the right to a rivalry and marque match per season. It happens in all the best leagues of the world, where lowly teams still have their own big games of the year. You don't have to earn anything. You just have to have an event to hold the match on, sort of like a marquee match, the only game on for the entire day (or at least until night). Good Friday would have been great for North. They're never get it.

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not disagreeing re JC as an historical figure but your example of Caesar and Plato is too silly. Their historical documentation is quite extensive and not disputed. More detail than that I can't be bothered....sorry

Your original comment spoke of an imaginary friend. You questioned his historicity. Compared to other historical figures the quality of documentation of is far superior and more prolific. You do not know the subject well enough. I am not stating the others are not historical but there is absolutely no questioning Jesus historicity and the documentation to verify it. I grant you the freedom to do with it what you want, burn it spit on ityour privilege. But imaginary?.silly,
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Your original comment spoke of an imaginary friend. You questioned his historicity. Compared to other historical figures the quality of documentation of is far superior and more prolific. You do not know the subject well enough. I am not stating the others are not historical but there is absolutely no questioning Jesus historicity and the documentation to verify it. I grant you the freedom to do with it what you want, burn it spit on ityour privilege. But imaginary?.silly,

Let us not forget that the same book states that the first man incredibly just appeared formed from rock. I would call that very imaginary myself.

The Cartoon continues...

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Don't tell others what to do. That's the point of what I'm trying to say. I think you may be missing that, and if pity is your reaction to a person doing nothing on their weekend off work, then perhaps you need to look a little harder for a sensible response.

And as for Little Goffy, were you offended by the movie Angels and Demons? Religion is part of our culture, and belongs to no-one. How is using the concept of the battle between good and evil so that money can be raised for charity and people can have a good time "cheapening" anything? The day is sacred to some people, but not to others. Regarding the "just as bad as" quote, what you and Harrisonrules are both doing is forcing your beliefs on others.

You may view religion as something sacred that must be respected at all times. I view it as a part of human culture that can be responsible for a lot of positive things for individuals and society. I'm supporting a day where people can be happy for a few hours raising money for a great charity. This just happens to tap into one aspect of culture that a few people believe they "possess."

I have one simple point, a significant number of religious people love, play, administer their football. I ask that the other supporters respect that on the one day society set aside for acknowledging its cultural- religious foundation, that no game be played for it would compromise many football people. This year we have had Thurs, Sat, Sun, Mon and Tue games, 5 days of a 6 day weekend. Usually its a 4 or 5 day fixture. Do you really need that extra day?
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