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Female commentators..


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my position is very simple: I don't like female callers.

Everyone does it at some level, it is very difficult to remain 100% impartial in these sorts of things. But I would say that this comment is a textbook definition of sexism.

Discrimination based on sex.

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Everyone does it at some level, it is very difficult to remain 100% impartial in these sorts of things. But I would say that this comment is a textbook definition of sexism.

Discrimination based on sex.

So what? If someone doesn't like female football commentators, why can't they say so without being labeled sexist? Personally I couldn't care less who it is as long as they are competent, but if i didn't like females in the job I would have no hesitation in saying so.

I don't think men should play netball against women is there a problem with that?

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I reckon if Malthouse had of commentated I feel she would have been a much better person, better voice and a good knowledge of the game.

I agree with that. Christy Malthouse would be great...Underwood is a Dud. Simple.

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So what? If someone doesn't like female football commentators, why can't they say so without being labeled sexist? Personally I couldn't care less who it is as long as they are competent, but if i didn't like females in the job I would have no hesitation in saying so.

I don't think men should play netball against women is there a problem with that?

I have played netball against women. It was good fun. I have also played football against women. But yes I see your point.

However, there are physical reasons why sports are generally split into sexes. These same differences do not exist in the realm of football commentary, and if you think there is then yes you deserve to be labelled sexist. In my opinion at least. Outside of the playing of sport and sexual preferences I see no reason to bias towards or discriminate against any person based purely on their sex, because to do so is sexist. I should add that it is not evil to be sexist, I don't think there is anyone in the world who is truly unbiased, it is a reality of being human.

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I may have missed someone else pointing this out, but she also often calls well after something has happened which can be very annoying.

Contrast this with Denis C who during a boring patch can be rabbiting on about some off-field topic and suddenly resume the call describing who has done what almost as it happens. I think he must anticipate what the players are about to do so he can get in his timely descriptions.

As far as I'm concerned he is by far the best - and can throw on some genuine wit from time to time. The rest of them all have serious faults, male and female. The field of potential good female callers might be small given the male nature of the sport, but why can't they find some good men?

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I have played netball against women. It was good fun. I have also played football against women. But yes I see your point.

However, there are physical reasons why sports are generally split into sexes. These same differences do not exist in the realm of football commentary, and if you think there is then yes you deserve to be labelled sexist. In my opinion at least. Outside of the playing of sport and sexual preferences I see no reason to bias towards or discriminate against any person based purely on their sex, because to do so is sexist. I should add that it is not evil to be sexist, I don't think there is anyone in the world who is truly unbiased, it is a reality of being human.

I don't particularly like watching tennis but I flat out refuse to watch those screaming banshees that dominate Women's Tennis, that i guess makes me sexist.

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I don't particularly like watching tennis but I flat out refuse to watch those screaming banshees that dominate Women's Tennis, that i guess makes me sexist.

The difference is, you hate womens tennis because you find that the top womens tennis players are loud, obnoxius, and annoying to watch. Your issue has nothing to do with gender.

It all depends on your reasoning. If somebody says "I don't like women as commentators, because I think that to really understand the game, you need to have played football at the elite level against men", then there's nothing sexist about that. But to seriously argue that "commentary just doesn't sit right" for women (P_Man), or that only butch lesbians should be allowed to commentate (jungle dee; in fairness, probably a bit toungue in cheek) is to take up an idiotic and sexist position.

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I don't particularly like watching tennis but I flat out refuse to watch those screaming banshees that dominate Women's Tennis, that i guess makes me sexist.

That depends, do you not watch it because they are women, or some other reason like it is slower, only goes for 3 sets, is generally of a lower quality, or you don't happen to like the particular tennis players playing in Women's tennis at the moment? But again there are physical reasons why the tennis is of lower quality, and these same limitations do not apply to football commentating.

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That depends, do you not watch it because they are women, or some other reason like it is slower, only goes for 3 sets, is generally of a lower quality, or you don't happen to like the particular tennis players playing in Women's tennis at the moment? But again there are physical reasons why the tennis is of lower quality, and these same limitations do not apply to football commentating.

I have to confess I'm not all that keen on any Tennis but the constant screaming from the Women drives me mad. The squeal when they serve is usually long enough to last until the ball has actually hit the ground on the other side of the net, you can't tell me that is natural, it's cheating pure and simple.

As I've said I don't care if women commentate as long as they do it well but I can understand that there are some that would prefer to have men only do it and I have no problem with that. The label of sexist is rather stupid, it is personal choice and that's all, we are too quick to use the term sexist and is annoys he hell out of me.

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I have to confess I'm not all that keen on any Tennis but the constant screaming from the Women drives me mad. The squeal when they serve is usually long enough to last until the ball has actually hit the ground on the other side of the net, you can't tell me that is natural, it's cheating pure and simple.

As I've said I don't care if women commentate as long as they do it well but I can understand that there are some that would prefer to have men only do it and I have no problem with that. The label of sexist is rather stupid, it is personal choice and that's all, we are too quick to use the term sexist and is annoys he hell out of me.

And while there are people who descriminate against a sex, because of their sex I will highlight the fact that it is sexist. But that it isn't a big deal either.

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I have to confess I'm not all that keen on any Tennis but the constant screaming from the Women drives me mad. The squeal when they serve is usually long enough to last until the ball has actually hit the ground on the other side of the net, you can't tell me that is natural, it's cheating pure and simple.

As I've said I don't care if women commentate as long as they do it well but I can understand that there are some that would prefer to have men only do it and I have no problem with that. The label of sexist is rather stupid, it is personal choice and that's all, we are too quick to use the term sexist and is annoys he hell out of me.

I wish underwood would walk off into the sunset and Play Tennis so i do not have to watch or listen to her. She is very average at doing a hard job. She's got Balls for doing it, but ultimately she should be placed in the "Dixie Marshal" oevre. Don't call us we'll call you.

Trouble is i don't think ch 10 are going to listen to me!!!! B)

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There are just too few who actually are easy to listen too.

There's only one. Guess...

"Shaun (McManus) goes back to collect the ball, a free kick, and several teeth."

"It's not easy being Green"

"Injuries and a careless case of Croad rage might leave the Dockers playing catch-up . . . again"

"The bunsen burner`s being applied to Danny Frawley`s posterior. He`s in the hot seat."

"The tiger fans will beat the traffic home tonight."

" Richardson's play is red-hot, but his goal-kicking is at room temperature."

"bounces with annoyance"

" Scotty Cummings alone in the square, jumping up and down and waving his arms like they're playing My Sharona"

"A couple of big touches from Clive (Waterhouse), who was battling up until about 5 minutes ago, in danger of becoming Clive Waterboy."

"(Cameron) Ling's running off the ground a little bit gingerly"

"The Hawks play modern football, with 60's haircuts.....they're my kind of team."

"The Magpies ought to be kicking themselves right now, but with their luck, they'd probably miss."

"(Daniel) Metropolis, kicking from the city end"

"(Jeff) Farmer may have an injury to his calf........hmmm, a farmer with a calf problem."

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I'm not sure how the fact that it's a "matter of preference" negates the fact that it's sexist.

I could say that I would rather listen to white commentators than black commentators, and that would be my personal preference, but it's still a preference based purely on ethnicity and therefor a racist position to take.

Same thing here; preferring a male commentator over a woman -if it's based purely on gender- is a sexist position. I'm not even being emotive or trying to insult anybody- by definition, in strictest sense of the word, it is sexist. As Jackattack said, it's a benign form of sexism the likes of which we're all guilty of, and I'm not trying to argue that anyone who'd rather listen to male commentators is a chauvanist pig. It's the sort of thing we all do, but let's not pretend it's not a kind of prejudice, because it obviously is.

Having said that, theres a fair difference between saying "I don't warm to woman commentators" (Hannabal), and saying "women shouldn't commentate" (P_Man). The former statement doesn't discount the idea that there are women out there who would be good at the job, it just states a predisposition to prefer male commentators. The latter statement suggests that women are inherenty unable to perform the task well.

Um, yeah. Kelli Underwood is crap.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Sam Lane on the other hand I reckon I could handle!

I'd happily handle Sam Lane. :wub:

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The only general 'issue' with women commentators is that for generations it has been a male voice that we're used to hearing.

There will be an adjustment phase, then it wont be a problem.

Of course, it would help if the only current woman calling 'big time' games was at least above average.

There are men who are considerably worse, but when people are trying to adjust to the different tone poor commentary gives them an excuse to gripe.

Denise Commetti, come on down ;)

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I'm not sure how the fact that it's a "matter of preference" negates the fact that it's sexist.

I don't like women's tennis because the quality is inferior to men's tennis. Therefore I don't watch it because females are playing. According to the munching mule that's ok, because I'm purely making a decision based on their physical prowess. I'm not sure on your take.

If my subtle discernment in matters of "taste" means that I'm gently disriminating against females in one small walk of life then I'll consider putting my hand up. But first...

One of the definitions given to the word "discrimination" in the Collins English Dictionary is: "the ability to see fine distinctions and differences" - tick. Another variation talks of "unfair treatment of a person, or group based on prejudice". I suppose this gets back to the key word here - "treatment". To think that my decision to mute the replay could be considered unfair "treatment" to a none the wiser subject and be labelled "discriminatory" ? I get it - "virtual treatment". Hmm. Or that such a personal taste regarding female callers could be labelled "sexist" ? Yeah, right.

You're very much part of a politically correct world gone mad even though you feign understanding of such extremities.

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I don't like women's tennis because the quality is inferior to men's tennis. Therefore I don't watch it because females are playing. According to the munching mule that's ok, because I'm purely making a decision based on their physical prowess. I'm not sure on your take.

If my subtle discernment in matters of "taste" means that I'm gently disriminating against females in one small walk of life then I'll consider putting my hand up. But first...

One of the definitions given to the word "discrimination" in the Collins English Dictionary is: "the ability to see fine distinctions and differences" - tick. Another variation talks of "unfair treatment of a person, or group based on prejudice". I suppose this gets back to the key word here - "treatment". To think that my decision to mute the replay could be considered unfair "treatment" to a none the wiser subject and be labelled "discriminatory" ? I get it - "virtual treatment". Hmm. Or that such a personal taste regarding female callers could be labelled "sexist" ? Yeah, right.

You're very much part of a politically correct world gone mad even though you feign understanding of such extremities.

"I don't like female callers"

Mute is one thing, making comments like this in a public forum is another.

The sentence is pretty cut and dry, you don't like something and you discriminate that thing by it's sex. Therefore it is sexist.

It is by definition "sexist", maybe only a little bit sexist but sexist nonetheless.

Part of a PC world gone mad? Hardly. Being overly literal, probably.

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"I don't like female callers"

Mute is one thing, making comments like this in a public forum is another.

The sentence is pretty cut and dry, you don't like something and you discriminate that thing by it's sex. Therefore it is sexist.

It is by definition "sexist", maybe only a little bit sexist but sexist nonetheless.

Being overly literal, probably.

Did you read what I wrote ? One can only be sexist in their treatment of others, ergo my passive tastes, or armchair preferences aren't "sexist".

If I was in charge of network 10 and wouldn't promote a deserving football caller based on their gender alone then that could be argued to be sexist, i.e. my treatment would be having an effect on her career.

You need to be able to understand the distinction. I'm sure that I could come up with plenty of instances where my tastes preferred female involvement as opposed to men. Sexist too ? Give me a break.

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Her inaccuracies drove me and my wife (an ardent North fan) crazy. She always called the play at least one step behind and when she did try to call coming plays she ALWAYS got it wrong. She once called that a player looked up and had no options as the ball was sailing through the air to a wide open player deep within the 50. Other times she took 2-3 attemtps to get the players name right.

I like the idea of having female commentators, but she is not the one to lead the way. Give me an easier to listen to voice and a much, much higher level of accuracy and I am sold. Tiff Cherry, Malthouse or Sam Lane would all be worth a go.

On a side not, you could hear the desk moving whenever Darcy spoke about Jamar. The amount of times he apologised for mentioning how good it was to see Jamar playing so well then go ahead and repeat it again and again was crazy. Impartial or oppisition supporters would have been throwing things at their telly.

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Robert Walls, Andy Maher, Michael Christian etc. are all terrible, terrible commentators - but you don't preface that by saying "Male commentators."

Agree with E25, thread title should be changed.

Underwood is absolutely putrid as a commentator.

Its not the sex of the commentator that counts - but knowledge, vocab, timing and tone.

Underwood probably has the knowledge and the vocab - but her timing is average and her tone lousy

Maher has no knowledge, a poor vocab, lousy timing and an awful nasel tone !!

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I have been trying very hard to like Underwood. I can even come around to her voice, which is still grating but seems to have been toned down, at least in shrillness.

But when every goal on an angle is "slotted through", every goal on the run is "rammed home", every string of possessions without a tackle is a "training drill", every tackled player is "driven into the turf" and every kick over 20 metres "goes long", I think she has a lot of work to do.

She is far from natural, and I have never heard her say anything ironic, humorous, contemplative or insightful. Dennis Commetti she ain't.

Edited by maurie
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