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Bruce is a good player


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Satyricon that is one of the stupidest posts/excuses I have ever read.

You can try and justify his mistakes by using the noise, tiredness and the fact he has worked hard previously, which is fair enough, but if we all use that excuse I am guessing there is never a reason for any mistakes on the football field.

I am not sure, but just remind me of whether or not he is a professional football player who has had over 10 years to perfect his craft.

If I was to continually make mistakes in my workplace, for which I have been at for over 10 years, I am not sure if I would still be employed.

All being said, I still like Bruce in our team, he does offer some versatility and flexibility. However, I do think he will begin to struggle for a place in the team mid to late next season.

I honestly thought my reply was well thought out, yes they are professional athletes, but they are also human beings, would you prefer to watch a game played by robots so no mistakes are made, I am not making excuses, it just annoys me when people can sit behind a keyboard and criticise a player for perceived weaknesses when most probably the majority have never played at AFL level, yes we have all watched it and yes we can all form opinions, but unless you actually have first hand experience at that level, how do you know why a player does certain things right or wrong,.

It is not the posters who can back up their reasoning I have a problem with, it is the poster who will just make a bald statement about a certain players abilities or lack of and when you ask why? the response is either abusive, condescending or they don't bother.

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I have played football in the AMMOs for close to 15 years, and I consistently make mistakes, that is why I am not in the AFL.

If you want to use the excuse that we cant comment cos we did not play in the AFL, well none of us could comment, and I doubt any AFL player or ex player would be on this forum.

I understand you get annoyed with people bagging players and you want to defend them, but people believe what they believe, so there is no real reason to try and change their minds.

All being said, we dont want to watch robots, but we are all wanting a winning team, and when the experienced players continue to make mistakes, that is when most people get annoyed.

I have watched the replay 2 times, and went to the game. At the game I was frustrated with Bruce, but watching the replay he was not that bad. Again though, I think he needs to do more if he is supposed to be one of our top players. Our veteran, so called best players need to be consistently good as the young players will be the one who are inconsistent.

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To Qualify my comments further true I was not just talking about Saturday

He is a Terrible kick, not the worst but those worse are younger with scope to improve (they are adjusting to the tempo of the game).

He is the softest mature age person on the list, dishes off handballs to flat footed team mates usually to avoid being tackled. Rarely puts his head over the footy and rarely applies more than token pressure at stoppages.

Just not the right sort of example you like to be setting the young ones.

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I have played football in the AMMOs for close to 15 years, and I consistently make mistakes, that is why I am not in the AFL.

If you want to use the excuse that we cant comment cos we did not play in the AFL, well none of us could comment, and I doubt any AFL player or ex player would be on this forum.

I understand you get annoyed with people bagging players and you want to defend them, but people believe what they believe, so there is no real reason to try and change their minds.

All being said, we dont want to watch robots, but we are all wanting a winning team, and when the experienced players continue to make mistakes, that is when most people get annoyed.

I have watched the replay 2 times, and went to the game. At the game I was frustrated with Bruce, but watching the replay he was not that bad. Again though, I think he needs to do more if he is supposed to be one of our top players. Our veteran, so called best players need to be consistently good as the young players will be the one who are inconsistent.

It is not all the comments I have problems with, it is "he's a spud", "he's soft", "can't kick" and when you ask why no explanation is forthcoming, I am not trying to change minds with certain posters that is a lost cause and I wouldn't waste my time, what I am looking for is measured arguements and proper discussions.

Bruce has been a gteat servant to the Club over the last ten years, he is consitently been in the top ten in B&F in the last few of them, yes he makes a couple of wrong decisions or mistakes during the game.....but every athlete will with the intense pressure they are under.....I am not defending him I just don't like to see supposed supporters of the Club continually bag a player and not be willing to enter a discussion on why they think that way without resorting to what I said above......this does not necessarily include you

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Apologies if I dont have a memory that can pinpoint the minute of every quarter that he has been soft or made a big mistake. Fact is clearly a lot of people notice. Realistically though, you reading this is about as much a waste of time me writing it, it wont change him, wont help the club, whats the point. He has been a good servant of the club let him ride out his time, when the expectations on his weekly performance becomes lower then our younger guys it will be curtains.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

It is not all the comments I have problems with, it is "he's a spud", "he's soft", "can't kick" and when you ask why no explanation is forthcoming, I am not trying to change minds with certain posters that is a lost cause and I wouldn't waste my time, what I am looking for is measured arguements and proper discussions.

Bruce has been a gteat servant to the Club over the last ten years, he is consitently been in the top ten in B&F in the last few of them, yes he makes a couple of wrong decisions or mistakes during the game.....but every athlete will with the intense pressure they are under.....I am not defending him I just don't like to see supposed supporters of the Club continually bag a player and not be willing to enter a discussion on why they think that way without resorting to what I said above......this does not necessarily include you

In case you missed it above: "He releases both hands at the same time when dropping the ball onto his boot, giving him no control over the direction and height the ball is kicked. It is a fundamental football practice to guide the footy onto the boot. Bruce takes both hands off and does a swan like manouver before kicking the pill. The result is a kick off the side of the boot or alternatively, a high up an under kick that causes his teamates to become sitting ducks for defenders. Simple as that!!!

Aside from this Cam loves to get rid of the footy to a flat fotted teamate any time any physical pressure is imminent!! Most of the time it is perceived pressure but still he looks to 'pass the buck' on to an unaware teamate! Watch any game and you will find examples of this!!

I don't know what they teach down at Melbourne High, but there was something missed "

He has fundamental flaws in his skills. I explained my version of why he kicks badly. Have a look at some vision of the swan prance kicking style, then get back to me

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Cameron Bruce has never been a champion but since 2000 he has been and still is a good player.

I thought he played a good game but as usual there are demonlanders calling for him to be dropped

and one even stated he cost us three goals.

Am I missing something ? So to answer my own question I watched the game again. I only watched

Bruce and I often rewinded the tape to make sure I did not miss anything. Its amazing how much

you miss watching the first time. You often only remember the bad things. An example is Bate, he

made two bad mistakes ( kick into man on mark and not kicking to Petterd) everyone just remembers that

and not the many good things he did during match.

So this is my view on Bruce's game.

His role was to be a defender and due to the woods rotations he had many different opponents such Thomas,

Anthony, Cloke etc. His direct opponent did not kick a goal, he was never beaten one on one, and the

possessions his opponents had can be counted on one hand. He often blocked for his teammates allowing them to mark.

Leon Davis is difficult to tackle so how many of you remember that great tackle in the last quarter which

earned Bruce a free kick.

So as a defender he earned a big pass.

So I will now move on to his possession game and execution skills as everyone bags.

Tony Shaw bagged Bruce for a turnover that cost a goal in the first quarter, I'm sure a lot of you did to. Bruce marked the ball from full back and McKenzie ran passed for handball. Lets stop here, It is Mckenzie's responsibility to look ahead for clear space before demanding the ball. Bruce was facing the woods goal so its his responsibilty to make sure that no one is catching Mckenzie before he handballs. Bruce marked the ball and gave it to Mckenzie who was clear, Mckenzie ran a few metres but stopped because a woods player appeared behind Bruce, he panicked turned around and handballed to Bruce who had three players around him. He was tackled with a resulting goal. On this occassion Bruce did everything right but Mckenzie made the mistake.

Shaw had another go at Bruce for a handball to Bate. Yes it was low at Bate's knees but he received OK and gave

a good handball of. It was the next passage ( trengove) which made the error yet Bruce cops the blame.

Bruce had 19 possessions and they all and I repeat ALL hit the target. He did drop a chest mark from a kick in but he quickly gave a quick handball to a running defender which commenced another inside 50.

So in summary he beat his opponent all day and had 19 possessions which ALL hit the target.

So all you Bruce bashers out there, get hold of a tape and watch it with pen and paper. On the left had side

write all the good things he did and on the right the bad.

Please do not come back to me and state I remember this or I remember that. If you want an intelligent debate

tell me at what point it happened in the game.

Good on you for doing the stats on this.

My guess its a matter of expectations and selective memories. We expect him to be a good player. His errors though it would seem are often glaring and I have witnessed on many occasions when he has been under no pressure and missed targets or worse goals that he should have got.

Senior players should be judged more harshly but it does seem a lot of Bruce's work goes 'unnoticed'. Altho not by the club that keep voting him high up in the Bluey.

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Bruce often plays similar games to Jack Grimes off a half back flank.

Except when Grimes plays a good one we all hear about how fantastic he is. When he is a bit down we hear nothing.

Bruce is completely the other way.

Through the midfield Bruce really lost his way in many games (maybe around 2007/08), but I think Dean Bailey has found a great spot for him to play out his career. Hopefully he lasts long enough to really get to see some success (maybe finals 2011, or am I dreaming!).

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The reason he cops so much abuse is because he is able to pull off a great piece of individual skill (often in a very tough situation)one minute and then let himself down in another passage of play which is less demanding. Very frustrating because every supporter knows what he is capable of. When he first arrived I thought he was very dangerous up forward and slotted alot more goals than he missed, especially when we needed them. But over the years his goal kicking has become very unpredictable, again kicking the tough ones and missing the easy ones. You would think that this skill would be improved over his career with more practice and experience. Robertson was able to turn himself into a very reliable kick for goal after his first few years where he sprayed them everywhere.

I still think he is a better player than people give him credit for and agree that most of his defensive work goes unrecognised.

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Cameron Bruce has never been a champion but since 2000 he has been and still is a good player.

I thought he played a good game but as usual there are demonlanders calling for him to be dropped

and one even stated he cost us three goals.

Am I missing something ? So to answer my own question I watched the game again. I only watched

Bruce and I often rewinded the tape to make sure I did not miss anything. Its amazing how much

you miss watching the first time. You often only remember the bad things. An example is Bate, he

made two bad mistakes ( kick into man on mark and not kicking to Petterd) everyone just remembers that

and not the many good things he did during match.

So this is my view on Bruce's game.

His role was to be a defender and due to the woods rotations he had many different opponents such Thomas,

Anthony, Cloke etc. His direct opponent did not kick a goal, he was never beaten one on one, and the

possessions his opponents had can be counted on one hand. He often blocked for his teammates allowing them to mark.

Leon Davis is difficult to tackle so how many of you remember that great tackle in the last quarter which

earned Bruce a free kick.

So as a defender he earned a big pass.

So I will now move on to his possession game and execution skills as everyone bags.

Tony Shaw bagged Bruce for a turnover that cost a goal in the first quarter, I'm sure a lot of you did to. Bruce marked the ball from full back and McKenzie ran passed for handball. Lets stop here, It is Mckenzie's responsibility to look ahead for clear space before demanding the ball. Bruce was facing the woods goal so its his responsibilty to make sure that no one is catching Mckenzie before he handballs. Bruce marked the ball and gave it to Mckenzie who was clear, Mckenzie ran a few metres but stopped because a woods player appeared behind Bruce, he panicked turned around and handballed to Bruce who had three players around him. He was tackled with a resulting goal. On this occassion Bruce did everything right but Mckenzie made the mistake.

Shaw had another go at Bruce for a handball to Bate. Yes it was low at Bate's knees but he received OK and gave

a good handball of. It was the next passage ( trengove) which made the error yet Bruce cops the blame.

Bruce had 19 possessions and they all and I repeat ALL hit the target. He did drop a chest mark from a kick in but he quickly gave a quick handball to a running defender which commenced another inside 50.

So in summary he beat his opponent all day and had 19 possessions which ALL hit the target.

So all you Bruce bashers out there, get hold of a tape and watch it with pen and paper. On the left had side

write all the good things he did and on the right the bad.

Please do not come back to me and state I remember this or I remember that. If you want an intelligent debate

tell me at what point it happened in the game.

Fantastic post. 100% agree. His defensive game is very underrated. His kicking is average, not "terrible". However he did have a terrible kicking year a few years ago when he had ankle problems. His handballing can at times be poor... however I don't think you can blame him for the turnover with McKenzie as he had his back turned and was attempting to keep the ball moving quickly after a fantastic kick out from Strauss. Thus I think it was primarily McKenzie's fault, as the caller, as he had a clearer view of the play.

The other handball to Bate was ordinary and slowed us down but it didn't cause the turnover, the next handball from Bate, (and the dropped ball?) did. Bruce is still one of our most consistent performers and will be top 5 in the best and fairest this year if he remains injury free. What more do we expect from a senior player other than consistently high performance? If Bruce is so terrible why does he consistently figure highly in our best and fairest count? Sorry but I think I'll side with those in the inner sanctum, who rate Bruce as one of our best players and leaders and not the Bruce bashers on this site.

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Cameron Bruce has never been a champion but since 2000 he has been and still is a good player.

I thought he played a good game but as usual there are demonlanders calling for him to be dropped

and one even stated he cost us three goals.

Am I missing something ? So to answer my own question I watched the game again. I only watched

Bruce and I often rewinded the tape to make sure I did not miss anything. Its amazing how much

you miss watching the first time. You often only remember the bad things. An example is Bate, he

made two bad mistakes ( kick into man on mark and not kicking to Petterd) everyone just remembers that

and not the many good things he did during match.

So this is my view on Bruce's game.

His role was to be a defender and due to the woods rotations he had many different opponents such Thomas,

Anthony, Cloke etc. His direct opponent did not kick a goal, he was never beaten one on one, and the

possessions his opponents had can be counted on one hand. He often blocked for his teammates allowing them to mark.

Leon Davis is difficult to tackle so how many of you remember that great tackle in the last quarter which

earned Bruce a free kick.

So as a defender he earned a big pass.

So I will now move on to his possession game and execution skills as everyone bags.

Tony Shaw bagged Bruce for a turnover that cost a goal in the first quarter, I'm sure a lot of you did to. Bruce marked the ball from full back and McKenzie ran passed for handball. Lets stop here, It is Mckenzie's responsibility to look ahead for clear space before demanding the ball. Bruce was facing the woods goal so its his responsibilty to make sure that no one is catching Mckenzie before he handballs. Bruce marked the ball and gave it to Mckenzie who was clear, Mckenzie ran a few metres but stopped because a woods player appeared behind Bruce, he panicked turned around and handballed to Bruce who had three players around him. He was tackled with a resulting goal. On this occassion Bruce did everything right but Mckenzie made the mistake.

Shaw had another go at Bruce for a handball to Bate. Yes it was low at Bate's knees but he received OK and gave

a good handball of. It was the next passage ( trengove) which made the error yet Bruce cops the blame.

Bruce had 19 possessions and they all and I repeat ALL hit the target. He did drop a chest mark from a kick in but he quickly gave a quick handball to a running defender which commenced another inside 50.

So in summary he beat his opponent all day and had 19 possessions which ALL hit the target.

So all you Bruce bashers out there, get hold of a tape and watch it with pen and paper. On the left had side

write all the good things he did and on the right the bad.

Please do not come back to me and state I remember this or I remember that. If you want an intelligent debate

tell me at what point it happened in the game.

Excellent post Miracle- a bit of objective analysis rather than a gut feeling- this is what makes this forum worth reading. I am not sure you are right but you are miles ahead of some of the other posters here.

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Cam has been a versatile player whom has filled many roles at the club. However, he seems to have dropped a yard in pace and confidance. This week he really needs to put in as our youngsters have been carrying him. Lately he has become baggage and needs to redeem himself along with Bate.Both of these players missed a hell of alot of practice before Round 1. But no excuses now.It is now we need them to produce.

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Cameron Bruce has never been a champion but since 2000 he has been and still is a good player.

I thought he played a good game but as usual there are demonlanders calling for him to be dropped

and one even stated he cost us three goals.

Am I missing something ? So to answer my own question I watched the game again. I only watched

Bruce and I often rewinded the tape to make sure I did not miss anything. Its amazing how much

you miss watching the first time. You often only remember the bad things. An example is Bate, he

made two bad mistakes ( kick into man on mark and not kicking to Petterd) everyone just remembers that

and not the many good things he did during match.

So this is my view on Bruce's game.

His role was to be a defender and due to the woods rotations he had many different opponents such Thomas,

Anthony, Cloke etc. His direct opponent did not kick a goal, he was never beaten one on one, and the

possessions his opponents had can be counted on one hand. He often blocked for his teammates allowing them to mark.

Leon Davis is difficult to tackle so how many of you remember that great tackle in the last quarter which

earned Bruce a free kick.

So as a defender he earned a big pass.

So I will now move on to his possession game and execution skills as everyone bags.

Tony Shaw bagged Bruce for a turnover that cost a goal in the first quarter, I'm sure a lot of you did to. Bruce marked the ball from full back and McKenzie ran passed for handball. Lets stop here, It is Mckenzie's responsibility to look ahead for clear space before demanding the ball. Bruce was facing the woods goal so its his responsibilty to make sure that no one is catching Mckenzie before he handballs. Bruce marked the ball and gave it to Mckenzie who was clear, Mckenzie ran a few metres but stopped because a woods player appeared behind Bruce, he panicked turned around and handballed to Bruce who had three players around him. He was tackled with a resulting goal. On this occassion Bruce did everything right but Mckenzie made the mistake.

Shaw had another go at Bruce for a handball to Bate. Yes it was low at Bate's knees but he received OK and gave

a good handball of. It was the next passage ( trengove) which made the error yet Bruce cops the blame.

Bruce had 19 possessions and they all and I repeat ALL hit the target. He did drop a chest mark from a kick in but he quickly gave a quick handball to a running defender which commenced another inside 50.

So in summary he beat his opponent all day and had 19 possessions which ALL hit the target.

So all you Bruce bashers out there, get hold of a tape and watch it with pen and paper. On the left had side

write all the good things he did and on the right the bad.

Please do not come back to me and state I remember this or I remember that. If you want an intelligent debate

tell me at what point it happened in the game.

Is that you Cameron?

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To Qualify my comments further true I was not just talking about Saturday

He is a Terrible kick, not the worst but those worse are younger with scope to improve (they are adjusting to the tempo of the game).

He is the softest mature age person on the list, dishes off handballs to flat footed team mates usually to avoid being tackled. Rarely puts his head over the footy and rarely applies more than token pressure at stoppages.

Just not the right sort of example you like to be setting the young ones.

this post just shows why Miracle is right!

Do yourself a `favour and watch last Saturday's game. See what examples of softness you come up with. See how often he kicked poorly.[To save you the time, the answer on both counts is nil}

For anyone to complain about the handpass which Strauss dropped is absurd--any AFL player should have accepted it easily. And to answer an earlier poster, Miracle is dead right about the Bruce/Mc Kenzie stuffup. Bruce was facing back towards the Woods' goals, Mc Kenzie ran past him and can be seen clearly calling for the ball. If Bruce hadn't given it to him he would have been criticised still more.

In fact Grimes, great player that he will be, made a large number of critical errors on Saturday. And man on man Bruce's opponents barely got a kick--in fact whilst Anthony was on him he didn't get a touch

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I can't beleive that Yze Magic hasn't piped up about this one?

I was a great fan of Bruce early. I think he's in his twiglight years. Although that doesn't mean he can't clean up his performances.

Improvement should be a continual focus even if your winding up your career.


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We can all be very good standing by ourselves handballing to a number on a wall, but when the pressure is on.

I think you're creating a strawman - you're misrepresenting the views of others.

The criticism of Bruce isn't that he is not perfect, it's a criticism of his performance relative to the standard set by other players who play AFL football.

Note that this isn't a comparison between a player under pressure in a match situation versus someone at home under no pressure, it's a comparision between a player under pressure in a match situation and the performance of other players under pressure in match situations.

Now practice this every weekend for 10 years!!! You should expect to be pretty good at it by then I would've thought

Zing! :)

If they still have enough time to dispose of it the way they would like to, then yes. But officially, even if you hospital handpass someone, it's still "hitting a target" as long as they take possession, despite the fact that the "target" you hit subsequently got creamed.

First, by 'officially' I assume you mean in terms of the statistics are gathered by Champion Data and the like. Regardless, you're just pointing out that these 'official' statistics need to be interpreted along with other factors to provide any meaningful insight.

Second, my point still stands - even if it's 'officially' an effective pass, handballs that only 'hit the target' in a technical sense of the word are nothing to be boasted about when you're under no pressure.

I've quite liked Bruce as a player over the years, but - like most of our players - he has some reasonably significant faults that some fans seem keen to overlook in their attempts to deny a middle ground view.

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Nearly all of you have missed the point of my original post. Maybe thats my fault for calling it

Bruce is a good player.

My point is that Bruce played a good game. He beat his opponents all day and had possessions which were

not turnovers.

Even though Bruce played a good game he was bagged. A lot of you Bruce Haters cannot acknowledge that he played OK.

I did not want the thread to debate Bruce generally only his game against woods.

I poster stated he is gutless and and cannot kick at all. Well the coaches have never dropped him and

he is on leadership group for some years. So you think you know more than football dept.

I don't think that poster actually barracks for melb and it bothers me that some of you barrack for the same team as me

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Nearly all of you have missed the point of my original post. Maybe thats my fault for calling it

Bruce is a good player.

My point is that Bruce played a good game. He beat his opponents all day and had possessions which were

not turnovers.

Even though Bruce played a good game he was bagged. A lot of you Bruce Haters cannot acknowledge that he played OK.

I did not want the thread to debate Bruce generally only his game against woods.

I poster stated he is gutless and and cannot kick at all. Well the coaches have never dropped him and

he is on leadership group for some years. So you think you know more than football dept.

I don't think that poster actually barracks for melb and it bothers me that some of you barrack for the same team as me

He's an OK player, thats all he is, & he's on the way down.

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Cameron Bruce has never been a champion but since 2000 he has been and still is a good player.

I thought he played a good game but as usual there are demonlanders calling for him to be dropped

and one even stated he cost us three goals.

Am I missing something ? So to answer my own question I watched the game again. I only watched

Bruce and I often rewinded the tape to make sure I did not miss anything. Its amazing how much

you miss watching the first time. You often only remember the bad things. An example is Bate, he

made two bad mistakes ( kick into man on mark and not kicking to Petterd) everyone just remembers that

and not the many good things he did during match.

So this is my view on Bruce's game.

His role was to be a defender and due to the woods rotations he had many different opponents such Thomas,

Anthony, Cloke etc. His direct opponent did not kick a goal, he was never beaten one on one, and the

possessions his opponents had can be counted on one hand. He often blocked for his teammates allowing them to mark.

Leon Davis is difficult to tackle so how many of you remember that great tackle in the last quarter which

earned Bruce a free kick.

So as a defender he earned a big pass.

So I will now move on to his possession game and execution skills as everyone bags.

Tony Shaw bagged Bruce for a turnover that cost a goal in the first quarter, I'm sure a lot of you did to. Bruce marked the ball from full back and McKenzie ran passed for handball. Lets stop here, It is Mckenzie's responsibility to look ahead for clear space before demanding the ball. Bruce was facing the woods goal so its his responsibilty to make sure that no one is catching Mckenzie before he handballs. Bruce marked the ball and gave it to Mckenzie who was clear, Mckenzie ran a few metres but stopped because a woods player appeared behind Bruce, he panicked turned around and handballed to Bruce who had three players around him. He was tackled with a resulting goal. On this occassion Bruce did everything right but Mckenzie made the mistake.

Shaw had another go at Bruce for a handball to Bate. Yes it was low at Bate's knees but he received OK and gave

a good handball of. It was the next passage ( trengove) which made the error yet Bruce cops the blame.

Bruce had 19 possessions and they all and I repeat ALL hit the target. He did drop a chest mark from a kick in but he quickly gave a quick handball to a running defender which commenced another inside 50.

So in summary he beat his opponent all day and had 19 possessions which ALL hit the target.

So all you Bruce bashers out there, get hold of a tape and watch it with pen and paper. On the left had side

write all the good things he did and on the right the bad.

Please do not come back to me and state I remember this or I remember that. If you want an intelligent debate

tell me at what point it happened in the game.

brilliant brilliant post. 100% correct

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

brilliant brilliant post. 100% correct

Dont start this one again. Bruce shot at goal. woeful. 00.35 left in the game..kick...shanked..misses all targets. Leave it alone. The gold watch is being engraved.

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Dont start this one again. Bruce shot at goal. woeful. 00.35 left in the game..kick...shanked..misses all targets. Leave it alone. The gold watch is being engraved.

When someone can do what he does minus the shanks and indecision/lack of awareness he gets his gold watch. It's business baby! A cold hard relentless business.

You don't want our team to weak, do you (not you balls grinter)? You don't want us to have any passengers do you? I don't. Skill errors loose matches. I'll say it again. Had we needed Bruce to kick that goal, well these halls would be painted with his blood. Don't anyone deny that!

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firstly yes im a bruce fan... but im happy to admit hes not in fantastic form but hes been playin alot different role this year! i thought he was really good in the second half yesterday.

was at the game yesterday when some idiot in front of me, a melbourne supporter abused bruce when he had the ball in the middle of the ground he shouted "ull never get the captaincy" he handballed to dunn who kicked to mcdonald who then bombed away inside 50 for the second time in the final qrt only for maric to take an uncontested mark for the second time.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

im not questioning mcdonalds game he was fantastic! but he had somthin like 7 clangers! and all i hear is how bruce butchered the ball all day!

yesterday someone posted how [censored] he is coz he "missed the setshot"

wat did we kick 7 goals 15 or somthin!!!!!

dunn bennell bruce all missed good chances

find somethin else to complain about and enjoy the wins for gods sake!

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    FROZEN by Whispering Jack

    Who would have thought?    Collingwood had a depleted side with several star players out injured, Max Gawn was in stellar form, Christian Petracca at the top of his game and Simon Goodwin was about to pull off a masterstroke in setting Alex Neal-Bullen onto him to do a fantastic job in subduing the Magpies' best player. Goody had his charges primed to respond robustly to the challenge of turning around their disappointing performance against Fremantle in Alice Springs. And if not that, t

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    Melbourne Demons 7

    TURNAROUND by KC from Casey

    The Casey Demons won their first game at home this year in the traditional King’s Birthday Weekend clash with Collingwood VFL on Sunday in a dramatic turnaround on recent form that breathed new life into the beleaguered club’s season. The Demons led from the start to record a 52-point victory. It was their highest score and biggest winning margin by far for the 2024 season. Under cloudy but calm conditions for Casey Fields, the home side, wearing the old Springvale guernsey as a mark of res

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    Casey Articles

    PREGAME: Rd 15 vs North Melbourne

    After two disappointing back to back losses the Demons have the bye in Round 14 and then face perennial cellar dweller North Melbourne at the MCG on Saturday night in Round 15. Who comes in and who goes out?

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    Melbourne Demons 195

    PODCAST: Rd 13 vs Collingwood

    The Demonland Podcast will air LIVE on Tuesday, 11th June @ 8:30pm. Join George, Binman & I as we analyse the Demons loss at the MCG against the Magpies in the Round 13 on Kings Birthday. You questions and comments are a huge part of our podcast so please post anything you want to ask or say below and we'll give you a shout out on the show. If you would like to leave us a voicemail please call 03 9016 3666 and don't worry no body answers so you don't have to talk to a human. L

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    VOTES: Rd 13 vs Collingwood

    Captain Max Gawn has a considerable lead over reigning champion Christian Petracca in the Demonland Player of the Year Award. Steven May, Alex Neal-Bullen & Jack Viney make up the Top 5. Your votes for the loss against the Magpies. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

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    Melbourne Demons 41

    POSTGAME: Rd 13 vs Collingwood

    Once again inaccuracy and inefficiency going inside 50 rears it's ugly head as the Demons suffered their second loss on the trot and their fourth loss in five games as they go down to the Pies by 38 points on Kings Birthday at the MCG.

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    GAMEDAY: Rd 13 vs Collingwood

    It's Game Day and the Demons are once again faced with a classic 8 point game against a traditional rival on King's Birthday at the MCG. A famous victory will see them reclaim a place in the Top 8 whereas a loss will be another blow for their finals credentials.

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    BOILED LOLLIES by The Oracle

    In the space of a month Melbourne has gone from chocolates to boiled lollies in terms of its standing as a candidate for the AFL premiership.  The club faces its moment of truth against a badly bruised up Collingwood at the MCG. A win will give it some respite but even then, it won’t be regarded particularly well being against an opponent carrying the burden of an injured playing list. A loss would be a disaster. The Demons have gone from a six/two win/loss ratio and a strong percentag

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    Match Previews 3

    CLEAN HANDS by KC from Casey

    The Casey Demons headed into town and up Sydney Road to take on the lowly Coburg Lions who have been perennial VFL easy beats and sitting on one win for the season. Last year, Casey beat them in a practice match when resting their AFL listed players. That’s how bad they were. Nobody respected them on Saturday and clearly not the Demons who came to the game with 22 players (ten MFC), but whether they came out to play is another matter because for the most part, their intensity was lacking an

    Demonland |
    Casey Articles
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