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Intra club Saturday 13th


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Some other players of notice.

Jake Spencer - First two goal, (one from free) but his kicking improved, IMO his ruck was good.

Jamar - Some great leaps in the ruck.

Newton. Got alot of the ball. Some good stuff (some not so good)

Bail- got toweled by LJ at one time but was solid for the day.

Healy - some good stuff, got caught once or twice trying to do too much.

Stef martin - Got beat in the ruck most time but was competitive around the ground.

Moloney - boy has he bulked up.

Put Col, Bret and Jones in a row - wow! :blink:

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petterd did some good things but he has a shocking kick

I agree. Thought he might have improved in his 4th preseason. Still can't hit the side of a barn door.

Was excited about the skillful display by Jamie Bennell tbh.. Looks a steal at pick 35..Jordie McKenzie should get a run ahead of Lynden Dunn imo, MacDonald impressed enough in the 1st half to suggest he ought to be a fixture in the back half..Cheney was 'tidy' with his disposal and should probably get the nod as well. Trengove is a walkup start for r1 and will be an absolute 'superstar' of the game..

Peter Siddle was at the ground with a few mates. Should be back in training in about a month...

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Thanks a bunch to those who went and reported. I've really enjoyed reading the accounts.

I don't want to pontificate excessively (for a change) so I'll dot point my thoughts on what's been reported today and recently:

. Trengove has me very excited.

. Scully does too. The comparisons between him and Trengove were always going to occur, and they were never going to be fair - i.e. Scully coming off injury. Sounds like they both showed they deserve their 1 & 2 rankings.

. Give Watts an f'ing break. Who cares if the dick-grabber over in Perth had a good game? Nik Nat's performance does nothing to change any part of Watts' potential or value. The two are totally unrelated, irrespective of draft picks. You may as well state that Ricky Ponting hit a 100 the other day, and therefore Jack Watts needs to lift his game! That's how unrelated I find the Nik Nat v Watts saga. FCS.

. Now that we have some midfield depth (some of it ready to go now, and some of it needing to be introduced to duties now for development), Brad Green, one of the most beautiful kicks for goal the AFL has seen, must be sent forward permanently this year. There should be no panicking by coaching staff and putting him on ball if we're getting done. We have enough experienced heads to balance that situation when (not if) it occurs.

Can not wait for this football season. Am already in trouble with my lady-friend for watching part of the WCE v Essendon game the other night.

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did strauss play??

thanks for the updates guys!

Yeah, but was on and off the ground i think. Fairly inocuous game, gave away a few frees, made some nice passes. Still looks a bit green for mine at senior level..

I think he needs a good, injury free run at VFL level before progressing to seniors..He's such a good kick & decision maker its ridiculous..

Just needs some continuity in getting games together at VFL level for mine before progressing..

The thought of having Strauss and Bennell operating out of defence is an exciting prospect imo...

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Yeah, but was on and off the ground i think. Fairly inocuous game, gave away a few frees, made some nice passes. Still looks a bit green for mine at senior level..

I think he needs a good, injury free run at VFL level before progressing to seniors..He's such a good kick & decision maker its ridiculous..

Just needs some continuity in getting games together at VFL level for mine before progressing..

The thought of having Strauss and Bennell operating out of defence is an exciting prospect imo...

Trengove is going to be the best midfielder for this next decade.

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I thought the skill level today showed real improvement. There were certainly some very easy shots for goal missed, but I think there is a difference between goal kicking and ball movement across the ground. I thought the kicking and handballing to moving targets was encouragingly good - players didn't have to break stride much etc. It resulted in quicker transitions, and we didn't see too much of the slow and cumbersome switches of play which have been a feature of the last couple of years.

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Trengove is going to be the best midfielder for this next decade.

How good was he?? :)

It's hard to say what 'such-and-such' a player will achieve at such an early stage, but even the most novice of football observer's could tell Trengove's the real deal..

Shouldn't discount Scully though. I think Jack's a tad more advanced 'physically' at this stage, which is helping him compete against the senior players.. but..Tom Scully will be just as good as Trengove in due course..

Bloody exciting times ahead!

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Attended the game out at Casey today first time venturing out that way the atmosphere was awesome

saw alot of young families and kids in red and blue makes me hopeful into the future.

From the players I noticed

Gysberts: did alot of nice things seemed to move really well and hit up some nice passes.

Grimes: really was a smooth mover throughout the day. He oozes class hitting up leads he looks set to slip into the

the midfield nicely.

Sylvia: Improved as the game progressed Half way through the third quarter and last he was winning alot of ball.

In the last quarter absolutely smashed Grimes both guys were on the canvass luckily not injured.

Scully: Played well snagged a great goal in the last quarter as a massive tank involved in some nice linkages of play.

Maric: Set shot 30m-35m out directly in front shanks it out on the full. All i can say is good night Irene.

Newton: Getting himself into good positions but he's not fast enough, no strong enough not good enough. For Example

he deulled with Frawley in the last quarter about 10 metres in front of the goal square he was able to get Frawley

under the ball but the ball carried them Frawley's turn of speed saw him Blitz Newton on a race back to the ball

ending up in the ball being rushed across the line.

MacDonald: Looks like the recruit of the year did some very impressive things of half back a ready made play maker.

Trengrove: Oozed class some really nice passages of play he was involved in and set up hit targets takes a nice grab.

Miller: Leading up working hard can turn his man he's doing everything he can he just hasn't got any dukes he was being hit lace out and it

was going straight through his hands.

Strauss: Really impressed with his work of half back hit up some targets has progressed really well.

Morton: Needs a hair cut. Hasn't beefed up much worked his way late into the game.

Moloney: Polar opposite of Morton i think he is unable to swing his arms anymore cause there like tree trunks the definite enforcer of the side.

Jones: Spent a fair amount of time up forward played a workman like game never stops trying.

Spencer: Did some really really good things in the ruck

Jurrah: Didn't see him do alot kicked two late goals which helped his side win.

Green: Classy

Rivers: Stepped up played a really great game.

Warnock Very impressive with his play won alot of contests and rebounded the ball really well.

Overall there was improvement out there on the ground. However I found I was still scratching my head when there were turnovers

because they were fundamental errors. Kicking to a contest when weight of numbers is against you. Handballing, breaking the lines, linking up but

giving it off to someone flat footed and getting them polaxed. Basic skill errors were evident and alot of kicked footballs lacked penetration they seemed to float and allow the opposition an opportunity to spoil.

I give the day an 8 out of 10 in terms of patronage seeing the red blue, listening to Jim, Chris and Garry.

I give the footy played a 6.5 out 10.

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Attended the game out at Casey today first time venturing out that way the atmosphere was awesome

saw alot of young families and kids in red and blue makes me hopeful into the future.

From the players I noticed

Gysberts: did alot of nice things seemed to move really well and hit up some nice passes.

Grimes: really was a smooth mover throughout the day. He oozes class hitting up leads he looks set to slip into the

the midfield nicely.

Sylvia: Improved as the game progressed Half way through the third quarter and last he was winning alot of ball.

In the last quarter absolutely smashed Grimes both guys were on the canvass luckily not injured.

Scully: Played well snagged a great goal in the last quarter as a massive tank involved in some nice linkages of play.

Maric: Set shot 30m-35m out directly in front shanks it out on the full. All i can say is good night Irene.

Newton: Getting himself into good positions but he's not fast enough, no strong enough not good enough. For Example

he deulled with Frawley in the last quarter about 10 metres in front of the goal square he was able to get Frawley

under the ball but the ball carried them Frawley's turn of speed saw him Blitz Newton on a race back to the ball

ending up in the ball being rushed across the line.

MacDonald: Looks like the recruit of the year did some very impressive things of half back a ready made play maker.

Trengrove: Oozed class some really nice passages of play he was involved in and set up hit targets takes a nice grab.

Miller: Leading up working hard can turn his man he's doing everything he can he just hasn't got any dukes he was being hit lace out and it

was going straight through his hands.

Strauss: Really impressed with his work of half back hit up some targets has progressed really well.

Morton: Needs a hair cut. Hasn't beefed up much worked his way late into the game.

Moloney: Polar opposite of Morton i think he is unable to swing his arms anymore cause there like tree trunks the definite enforcer of the side.

Jones: Spent a fair amount of time up forward played a workman like game never stops trying.

Spencer: Did some really really good things in the ruck

Jurrah: Didn't see him do alot kicked two late goals which helped his side win.

Green: Classy

Rivers: Stepped up played a really great game.

Warnock Very impressive with his play won alot of contests and rebounded the ball really well.

Overall there was improvement out there on the ground. However I found I was still scratching my head when there were turnovers

because they were fundamental errors. Kicking to a contest when weight of numbers is against you. Handballing, breaking the lines, linking up but

giving it off to someone flat footed and getting them polaxed. Basic skill errors were evident and alot of kicked footballs lacked penetration they seemed to float and allow the opposition an opportunity to spoil.

I give the day an 8 out of 10 in terms of patronage seeing the red blue, listening to Jim, Chris and Garry.

I give the footy played a 6.5 out 10.

Thanks for the report Diablo.

Two things, however, have me questioning the validity of anything you've reported...

1> Jurrah: Didn't see him do alot kicked two late goals which helped his side win. - Hmmm... Kicked four mate! Was the pie queue a bit long?

2> I give the day an 8 out of 10 in terms of patronage seeing the red blue, listening to Jim, Chris and Garry. - 8/10 for patronage. St Kilda had about a third of our numbers and they were playing at Moorabin. We played in Whoop Whoop. I think our numbers were pretty good considering. And as for "I give the footy played a 6.5 out 10.", forgive me if I take that with a grain of salt, considering you missed half of Jurrah's goals and who knows what else.

Edited in point of poor punctuation.

God Bless.

Edited by Barry Dawson
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Unfortunately, the comments about Maric do not surprise me. That's not to say I'm not disappointed, or that this is the end for him, but that sinking feeling I have with him continues to linger.

However, I'm over the moon with Trengove. Cannot wait for next Sunday (I'm presuming he'll be playing).

Taken with a Pentax K10 with the stock standard lens, the zoom's pretty crappy, saving for a better one.

Wouldn't complain too much Jarka, those photos looked pretty good to me (I'm no expert though). Thanks for those.

Frawly destroyed Newton. I don't know if they were matched up for the whole game but in the last quarter they were and Newton hardly touched the ball.

Ha! Can't say I'm surprised! Loving the good words about Frawley. Key player for us this year, and it's good to hear he showed some pace today.

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1> Jurrah: Didn't see him do alot kicked two late goals which helped his side win. - Hmmm... Kicked four mate! Was the pie queue a bit long?

He didn't do an awful lot. Kicked 4 goals, but they were all front-running type goals. Seriously didn't do that much around the ground mate, bit pedantic tbh..

Edited by Benny & The Jett
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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

He didn't do an awful lot. Kicked 4 goals, but they were all front-running type goals. Seriously didn't do that much around the ground mate, bit pedantic tbh..

A lazy four. I'll take that. Should translate into a good 6 or 7 when the real games begin.

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Bazza Jurrah could of kicked eight in the game today and still not of done a lot.

He got into position kicked four sausage rolls that was it wasn't involved in anything mercurial

didn't set up any fantastic play not much going at all mate so i didn't see much from him.

Second point I seriously doubt there was 2k there but then again i didn't do a head count. There was a lot of kids and families

but there was no membership line out the gate, no news services i could see so It couldn't of rated that highly except to the


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A lazy four. I'll take that. Should translate into a good 6 or 7 when the real games begin.

I'm not saying he had a poor game, just thought the above poster was being pedantic.

The original point that was made was essentially correct. He kicked a couple goals early, then a couple late..but didn't really have a significant impact..boom.

You don't get to play against fringe and VFL listed players when the real stuff starts either..

Edited by Benny & The Jett
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Bazza Jurrah could of kicked eight in the game today and still not of done a lot.

He got into position kicked four sausage rolls that was it wasn't involved in anything mercurial

didn't set up any fantastic play not much going at all mate so i didn't see much from him.

Second point I seriously doubt there was 2k there but then again i didn't do a head count. There was a lot of kids and families

but there was no membership line out the gate, no news services i could see so It couldn't of rated that highly except to the


Fair enough. You were there and I wasn't. I enjoyed the rest of your report.

It's nice though, that we have a bloke who can kick a lazy four without raising a gallop.


Edit: The it's fair enough bit...

Edited by Barry Dawson
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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

I'm not saying he had a poor game, just thought the above poster was being pedantic.

The original point that was made was essentially correct. He kicked a couple goals early, then a couple late..but didn't really have a significant impact..boom.

And I wasn't saying that you were - I wasn't disputing anything. I was just remarking that a no-frills game from him still gets four goals so when he he has a day out it should double. FWIW I don't expect him to dominate games but I think that he could easily kick a 3+ average per game no matter the defender. 66+ goals a year sounds good to me.

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Great reports and photos thanks to all involved who went.

Glad to hear the infusive comments about Trengove, Scully, Jurrah (Bail was on him??? that seems an odd match up), Bennell and Frawley.

I am concerned that Petterd cannot use the ball better this year even though it is early days because he has an uncanny knack of winning it. Frustrating.

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I was at the game today- brillaint display from both sides. Jurrah's performance was simply incredible, Trengove and Scully have definitely proved that they are superstars of the future, also liked the look of Green, Frawley, Spencer, Bail, Grimes and others. First time I've ever been to Casey, and I enjoyed it a lot

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Have to say that one of my most pleasing sights today was Col Garland spending some time on the ground. Played a very limited game (around 1/4 in total) for the White team, with some time spent both down back and up front (across the HF and HB lines) during the 3rd and 4th quarters. Whilst almost unsighted, another good step in his recovery.

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And I wasn't saying that you were - I wasn't disputing anything. I was just remarking that a no-frills game from him still gets four goals so when he he has a day out it should double. FWIW I don't expect him to dominate games but I think that he could easily kick a 3+ average per game no matter the defender. 66+ goals a year sounds good to me.

Rojik it's funny as he just looks to be effortless in playing footy so I he tends to look like a no frills game whilst still looking like he ight do something spectacular at points. He has the x factor but it certainly wasn't needed today but his ability to get space (and I'm talking 10 meters in front of any other player all of his own) close to goal is exceptional.

Maric looks like he works really hard for his kicks and was working his but off today but just couldn't seem to find a huge amount of space, wouldn't write him off yet as he does look a lot fitter. Not sure he has a turn of pace though.

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