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Trengove to go #1 in draft


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So from comments like that i can assume you have seen both play a fair bit. What seperates Scully from Trengove? except for the hype Trengove seems a better prospect to me.

The 'clearly second to Scully' was poorly phrased. What I meant was that Trengove is clearly better than the third best prospect - and that is simply from what little I have seen, read, and chatted about with a few people who know a lot more than I.

To me, both are as good a prospect as each other, with Scully pushing himself above Trengove with impressive interviews, and his obvious professionalism.

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The only difference is the pressure of being no. 1, right? Other than that, no difference at all. So it just comes down to whether the club feels that Trengove would deal with what could well be much more media and expectation if he goes no. 1 as opposed to no. 2. Not exactly that much of a difference, but they might be considering it.

As opposed to being pick No 2. There will be huge pressure on both to succeeded. Both seem mature kids. I think its splitting hairs at best

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Yeah all the tests are conducted on the 1 day,sat the 10th over a 4 or 5 hour period.As for the comment about the SANFL being a lower standard than the AFL well thats obvious but it is recognised as the 2nd best comp in the country & still miles ahead of the kids under 18 comp

the order of levels of competetion is like this





and yes the sanfl would be harder to play that TAC Cup

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this is out of the hun today word for word.

its pathetic to pass this off as getting inside info !!

posters should quote that it was from paper when posting.!!.crikey.

The Hun also got it wrong regarding draft camp. Said that Trengove did well there and Scully didnt go, however it was Trengove that didnt go due to his Grand Final committments in SA and Scully did go but couldnt do the testing due to his knee injury.

I wanted to correct them and started to make comment but there was nowhere to hit the submit so it couldnt go thru.

Happy either way but I do think Scully deserves it a little more due to two years of consistent performances and having the #1 tag on his back all this year. I wouldnt be disappointed if it went the other way as long as we have them both in red and blue next year.

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The only difference between pick 1 and 2, is that I believe the number one pick gets an automatic payment bonus (about $20,000?) on their first contract.

It's possible that given he needs to relocate interstate, we've decided to pick Trengove at number one, with the bonus payment going towards easing the relocation process (remembering that all first year players are paid the same based on which round they were drafted).

Hmm. Didn't know that there's an automatically higher salary for Pick 1. If so, it would make sense. Then again, if we were that worried about Trengove needing extra money to 'ease' the relocation process, couldn't we just add in a bonus off our own bat? Or is there a set salary that we can't change?

As opposed to being pick No 2. There will be huge pressure on both to succeeded. Both seem mature kids. I think its splitting hairs at best

In the long run, I think number 1 picks get more scrutiny. I mean, on panel shows like OWAAT, they often say 'well, team A has 4 no. 1 draft picks in it, that's why they're so good'.

Overall, the difference probably isn't that much, and the two kids we're going to take both seem competent enough that it won't matter.

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Are we allowed to make a "joint No 1" or "equal first" & say we can't split them and we don't want to? Kind of like a tied Brownlow.

Remember, it's going to be counted down from 10 to 1, after the teams with the top 10 picks have been in a huddle with the AFL and decide who's going where. So when they get down to pick 2, it'll be over to whoever's there from Melbourne, with both the remaining picks, and it will be blatantly obvious to all & sundry which 2 draftees haven't been picked yet.

And at that stage it won't really matter what order we take them in, will it? Won't it be up to the club reps to decide how they want to handle those last 2 picks?

To make them joint No 1 would be a huge vote of confidence in both of them together.

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Are we allowed to make a "joint No 1" or "equal first" & say we can't split them and we don't want to? Kind of like a tied Brownlow.

Remember, it's going to be counted down from 10 to 1, after the teams with the top 10 picks have been in a huddle with the AFL and decide who's going where. So when they get down to pick 2, it'll be over to whoever's there from Melbourne, with both the remaining picks, and it will be blatantly obvious to all & sundry which 2 draftees haven't been picked yet.

And at that stage it won't really matter what order we take them in, will it? Won't it be up to the club reps to decide how they want to handle those last 2 picks?

To make them joint No 1 would be a huge vote of confidence in both of them together.

Jom Scungove & Tack Trelly would confuse everyone and do what you're asking...

Of course, we'd look like idiots...

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Are we allowed to make a "joint No 1" or "equal first" & say we can't split them and we don't want to? Kind of like a tied Brownlow.

Very [censored] weak joint pick 1's. Make a decision and stick with it.

I don't know where this Trengove is better at handling pressure of 1 comes from. Both look outstanding. Tom 1. Jack 2. Done.

Edited by jacey
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Might be worthwhile taking trengove with pick 1 with him being south australian....

reason being if he did ever decide to go home - being pick 1 adds serious currency!!

I agree it would be great for him to know that the football club thinks that highly of him they give him the number 1 tag and it would prob be harder to leave being number 1 but I wouldn't want to [censored] off Tom Scully either cause he can leave also and I think in the long run hes going to be a better then Jack.

Let them play rock paper scissors..

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Just a thought but how about giving it to the player the MFC thinks is the best??

It's not hard is it??

That is a good point you make Peanuts but us being not privvy to such information means that we have to speculate. I think this forum is designed for specualtion, discussion,debate etc etc. So let me ask you this, who do you think is the best player in the draft? and if you cant (like many others) choose between scully and trengove (assuming you think it is those two) then would it not be a good idea to consider all the possible outcomes when doing so, short and long term?

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Hmm. Didn't know that there's an automatically higher salary for Pick 1. If so, it would make sense. Then again, if we were that worried about Trengove needing extra money to 'ease' the relocation process, couldn't we just add in a bonus off our own bat? Or is there a set salary that we can't change?

Free Kaspersky protection?

Hankook tyre set for the trip from country SA?

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I am more excited about the prospect of Trengove than I am about Scully, so I could see him being picked up with #1. Ecstatic to get both though and the numbers they are chosen with doesn't really matter all that much, just as long as both are wearing red & blue next year, I'll be happy.

This isn't really personally replying to yours, but I think that Scully has drifted behind the shadows a bit after two seasons of sustained excellence....people are getting caught up in the Trengove storm a bit after all the hype, and Scully is now a distant second in that regard after being the standout for so long. I guess people are getting a bit swept away with that and not rating them on performances. (given that Scully hasn't played for a few weeks.)

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in the end ..its all a bit To-may-toe.. Ta-mar-to Poe-tay-toe Pa-tar-ta isnt it !!

How ridiculous in many way that we are afforded the best two in the draft...and we're worrying over perceived bragging rights.

Simple solution...make them joint 1st picks and be done with it :rolleyes: :D

To think this is the worst we have to worry about.. roll on 2010 :)

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To be honest, I was never that taken with Scully. The media has been hyping the kid to the moon for a long time now, but I never saw anything that really stood out. He's still very small and has been playing against kids, I doubt he'll make much of an impact right away and the "two seasons of sustained excellence" thing has probably been marred by being introduced to an aspect of the game called "tagging", something he's gonna have to get used to because it will always be there. I don't doubt he'll be a great player and well worth grabbing with one of our first picks, but Trengove is the ready-made kid with a great build already playing against seniors. Extremely hard at the footy with crisp disposals and proven to be a big-game player who can get it done under pressure. Jack seems to be safer bet out of the 2 and is ready to go at AFL level - as soon as round 1 we'll start seeing what he's about, whereas I think Scully will be nurtured and eased into the AFL much in the vein of what's happening with Watts and Blease.

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He made a pact with himself at 14 that he wouldn't have a drink, because he wanted to get drafted and play footy.

For me, Trengove is clearly second to Scully. Both would be capable of handling the expectations that come with being number 1, but Scully seems to want this life like no kid that has come before him.


You are totally wrong here,Trengove has achieved more at this point in time.He's a senior SANFL footballer with a Grand Final to his name whereas Scully has played under 18's (he didn't impress me in the games i saw live) and a bit of schoolboy footy.

You could say that both players COULD be anything in the future but you need to assess each player now and it's a fact that Trengove is in front based on his great performances at senior level as opposed to what Scully has achieved at under 18 level.

The AFL is littered with top 10 "could have beens",but weren't.

We're fortunate we can draft both.

Edited by Jack7
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I look forward to our supporters arguing for the next 10 years who is the better player ;)

Knock yourselves out people.

True. I just can't stop thinking how incredibly hard the decision would be if we only had pick 1 - this entire forum would be divided and it would have dominated discussion for the past 8 weeks and more.

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He made a pact with himself at 14 that he wouldn't have a drink, because he wanted to get drafted and play footy.

For me, Trengove is clearly second to Scully. Both would be capable of handling the expectations that come with being number 1, but Scully seems to want this life like no kid that has come before him.


You are totally wrong here,Trengove has achieved more at this point in time.He's a senior SANFL footballer with a Grand Final to his name whereas Scully has played under 18's (he didn't impress me in the games i saw live) and a bit of schoolboy footy.

You could say that both players COULD be anything in the future but you need to assess each player now and it's a fact that Trengove is in front based on his great performances at senior level as opposed to what Scully has achieved at under 18 level.

The AFL is littered with top 10 "could have beens",but weren't.

We're fortunate we can draft both.

I really wish people would read the entire thread rather than individual posts.

I explained my poor wording in a later post.

Scully and Trengove are the clear standouts - Scully, to me, looks like a kid beyond his years. This isn't about who plays at senior level, this is on their maturity levels.

Both, as I said, are more than capable of handling the No.1 tag, Scully moreso.

This is the most boring topic.

Let's move on.

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the order of levels of competetion is like this





and yes the sanfl would be harder to play that TAC Cup

Youre kidding youirself,ask anyone that knows & they will say that the SANFL is far & away the best comp in the country behind the AFL.Its SANFL,VFL,WAFL.BY the way the whole subjact wasnt brought up by me to bag any player i was reporting the info from the paper & as most thiongs on here its rumours at this stage who will go where.Its not saying a SA lads better than a VIC lad or vice versa as it dosnt matter cos we will get them both it was just another discussion topic

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Try this as an omen.

Both my son and my partner shared the same birthday on the weekend. She's a Sainter (born to it unfortunately, but don't mention the GF) but my son is rabid MFC, and more power to him!

Off for the big celebration on Saturday night. Nice Spanish meal, many vinos and later it came time to order the cabs home.

We'd been talking footy as you do to get the conversation back onto something approaching rationality late in the evening. As there were six of us, we had to order two cabs. No maxis available for at least an hour.

We booked under Scully and Trengove and decided (under the influence of course) that whichever cab arrived first would be the no. 1 pick. I got Trengove.

Scully turned up first and was whisked away. 5 minutes later the taxi for Trengove arrived.

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I'm happy that this year we have the first two selections in a draft where there are, in fact, two absolute stand outs in Scully and Trengove.

Having seen both of them live and on tv including the vision of Trengove in all of his finals, I'm still firmly in the Scully as # 1 camp. JT is none too shabby but Scully's decision-making, agility and super quick reflexes put him in the ultra elite category.

As for the testing, I suppose we'll never know because of Scully's injury. I suspect however, that as good as JT's testing results were (15.1 beep/2.97 for 20m), Scully could do better.

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As for the comment about the SANFL being a lower standard than the AFL well thats obvious but it is recognised as the 2nd best comp in the country & still miles ahead of the kids under 18 comp

I assume you are talking about the TAC cup. Obviously the SANFL is higher standard than this. But I think most recruiters place a high importance on the under 18 championships. Rich played in two senior premierships in the WAFL, but didn’t make the starting line-up of the U18 All Australian team which saw him slip to no. 7.

While Scully and Trengove both had great champs, Scully was eligible for two years and made All Australian both times (albeit on a HF line in year 1). He also dealt with tags this year and, IMO, he will go no.1. The best part is that according to most people Scully and Trengove are clearly the best 2 kids in the draft and we have the first 2 picks.

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