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Dean Bailey

rodent killer

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Neil Balme once said that footy is a pretty simple game and while he did not make it as an A-grade coach, I still think he is still right and knows footy pretty well.

It was when he coached. A hell of a lot has changed since then.

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If the MFC Board actually back Bailey then they will do this prior to the start of next year. Doing it at the end of three years is just dysfunctional and plays into the hands of the media. I hope MFC are more professional in their handling of their coaching matters than some clubs recently.

The club can back Bailey and still wait until the end of next year to resign him. The Cats backed Thompson but didn't resign him until his contract expired. Let the media speculate, they will anyway. This club needs to set it's own course. In saying all of this I'd be more than happy if we resigned Bailey at the end of this year, I just don't think we have to.

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I wanted Sheedy - can't understand the club letting him pass - he would have shaped everyone up and got the membership really sky high -

Sheedy's clearly past it. Even if he'd got the job, he would have retired after about 2 years anyway. He's too old. Bailey's the right choice. Just be patient.

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The club can back Bailey and still wait until the end of next year to resign him. The Cats backed Thompson but didn't resign him until his contract expired. Let the media speculate, they will anyway. This club needs to set it's own course. In saying all of this I'd be more than happy if we resigned Bailey at the end of this year, I just don't think it has to.

The difference is that Thompson was a credentialled premiership coach with a team that was top of the ladder. Its easy to sit back at that point. However I think the issue of resigning was a matter of both sides undertaking not just the Cats.

Bailey does not have that luxury or record. With every loss, the media will swarm and the uncertainty within and outside the Club will become a drain and and an unnecessary distraction from a Club trying to move forward after a number of difficult years.

While you are right they dont have to sign him at year end, they would want to be clear on their approach and manage that carefully into 2010. If they are gong to back Bailey then they would be wise to consider his contract if not at the start of next year then early into the year.

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2010 will determine Bailey's future. Right now we don't want to win games, but the blowtorch won't be avoided next year.

He's weeded out the right players and that will continue at year's end. Can he coach ? Who would know ?

But there's one thing I do know. A [censored] coach can win a flag with great players but a great coach won't win a flag with [censored] players.

In reality, Bailey as a coach is less important than the issue of our list development. Bailey won't go under the radar forever, but right now he's not the most pressing concern. And in reality one should take care of the other.

Developing stars presently concerns me more than the current coach.

IMO there's no doubt Bailey is a good player developer, but whether he has the tactics to win games regularly, is something that we'll see over 2010-2011. I don't think we'll be able to judge him too heavily next season either. I'd imagine we'll win between 6 and 9 games (in 2010) and with a young list that'll be a solid start. The following year, you'd want to be winning between 10 and 12 games. If we can do that, then I reckon I'd have confidence in Bailey taking us the long road.

Bailey seems to be in touch with what I'm generally thinking about the team, so I have a lot of trust in his selection and player development. It's sometimes his tactics I question, but like I've said, it's pointless judging him on that at the moment, give nwhere our list is at. 2009 is about improving and developing the list. I think most people at Melbourne understand that we're still going to be lowly positioned on the ladder this year, no matter how many we win. Winning more than 5 or 6 is not realistic with this young list. But next year, I'll be expecting the above.

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The difference is that Thompson was a credentialled premiership coach with a team that was top of the ladder. Its easy to sit back at that point. However I think the issue of resigning was a matter of both sides undertaking not just the Cats.

Bailey does not have that luxury or record. With every loss, the media will swarm and the uncertainty within and outside the Club will become a drain and and an unnecessary distraction from a Club trying to move forward after a number of difficult years.

While you are right they dont have to sign him at year end, they would want to be clear on their approach and manage that carefully into 2010. If they are gong to back Bailey then they would be wise to consider his contract if not at the start of next year then early into the year.

Very level headed and very reasonable post old boy. Thompson wasn't a premiership coach during the negotiation I'm referring to but I think your point has merit. I think the club has thus far managed the media and fans expectations for that matter very well, with most reports and opinions being positive. I'm going to back them to make the right call with Bailey.

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The two reasons for extending Bailey's contract this year rather than waiting until 2010 are:

1. It is a public show of faith in the coach and the approach to the players/media/supporters... it creates a sense of certainty.

2. This certainty has a flow on effect in match planning... anyone want to argue that 5 wins at the end of the season is better than 4?

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This is not relevant to this thread but I did not want to start a new thread.

I just watched a replay of On the couch from last night. Special guest was michael voss. One of the best interviews I have ever watched, admittedly it would be easier facing questions after a great win and a solid start to a career but vossy is somebody that presents so well. Insiteful, professional protective of player(s) struggling (TJ) etc etc. Everything you could ever ask of a inexperienced coach.

Compair this to the MH interview last year, different circumstances but certainly a good example of what to and not to do. Vossy at this stage is a real long term coach.

Looking forward to DB to get a chance after a few wins to have a similar discussion (next year!).

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We are finally on the right path since the dark days of the 70's - and suddenly we are getting impatient about success ... Give the guy credit for having the guts to follow the right path.

Good post, few words, simple, accurate. Credit to the board also for having the guts to rebuild at a perilous time also. Credit also to Melbourne faithful who have the nous to understand that the footy dept needed to be torn down and rebuilt.

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The two reasons for extending Bailey's contract this year rather than waiting until 2010 are:

1. It is a public show of faith in the coach and the approach to the players/media/supporters... it creates a sense of certainty.

2. This certainty has a flow on effect in match planning... anyone want to argue that 5 wins at the end of the season is better than 4?

We need Bailey coaching for long term aims.

He should be given a one-year extension to the end of 2011 right now. Wins this year are counterproductive - we must win less than 5 games. Bailey needs to coach with that in mind and a decent term is the best way to give him the freedom and incentive.

Bailey needs decent scope after this year to show improvement in the team. Somewhere in the 5-8 wins range in 2010 is likely and that wont provide a basis for a decision on a 2+ year extension at the end of his contract. A 1 year extension then would be an insult and destabilising - it will force him to coach for the short term.

If we extend him now until the end of 2011 then we can look for an upward gradient of performance a wins from 2009 thru 2010 and 2011 and make an informed decision on whether he's the man to lead us to the 2014 flag.

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We need Bailey coaching for long term aims.

He should be given a one-year extension to the end of 2011 right now. Wins this year are counterproductive - we must win less than 5 games. Bailey needs to coach with that in mind and a decent term is the best way to give him the freedom and incentive.

Bailey needs decent scope after this year to show improvement in the team. Somewhere in the 5-8 wins range in 2010 is likely and that wont provide a basis for a decision on a 2+ year extension at the end of his contract. A 1 year extension then would be an insult and destabilising - it will force him to coach for the short term.

If we extend him now until the end of 2011 then we can look for an upward gradient of performance a wins from 2009 thru 2010 and 2011 and make an informed decision on whether he's the man to lead us to the 2014 flag.


1 year extension before the draft.

Show of faith.

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I strongly agree with the comments by grazman, old55, rpfc et al suggesting that, in the near future, Dean Bailey's contract be extended by one year. Dean Bailey is showing commendable courage and convinction in taking the long-term approach of developing and playing youngsters. This is a selfless act that gives Dean nothing but an abyssmal win-loss record. It is also a thankless task in the eyes of supporters wanting immediate results and journalists (such as Mike Sheahan) needing to fill column inches. If Dean Bailey is not given an extension to the end of 2011, more buzzards in the media will start circling. The conjecture will be destabilising. There will be increasing pressure to undertake quick fixes (like recruiting stop-gap players as Ricmond did) and we know where that ends. The Club really must show the same convinction and good faith as Dean Bailey.

I would not support this contract extension if the team's progress was not in a positive direction. But it is! The playing list has been renewed; we have one of the most exciting backlines in the League (it gets plenty of practice!); a culture is developing in the Club (look at the character reformations of Brock McLean & Colin Sylvia, and the team-centred actions expected of Russell Robertson); and the expert measured handling of Watts and other recruits. The obvious gaps in the forward line & mid field will be addressed by player development and this year's draft picks. What more could Dean Bailey have done with the wrecked playing list that he was bequeathed?

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I actually see Bailey as a man of integrity who will stay true to his core values & beliefs in terms of building a contender.

I can't see him being influenced by external expectations -- the day he is, then he has to go.

Having said that, early next season, barring any hiccups between now & then, I'd like to see the club renew his contract as a show of faith and to release the mounting pressure.

Hopefully during the NAB Cup we will win a few games and the club can extend his contract without need for too much justification to the media.

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I actually see Bailey as a man of integrity who will stay true to his core values & beliefs in terms of building a contender.

I can't see him being influenced by external expectations -- the day he is, then he has to go.

Having said that, early next season, barring any hiccups between now & then, I'd like to see the club renew his contract as a show of faith and to release the mounting pressure.

Hopefully during the NAB Cup we will win a few games and the club can extend his contract without need for too much justification to the media.

Norwood has nailed it.

Why wait until next year - commit now so Bailey doesn't need to worry about wins this year on his CV.

Justification in the media - he's doing a great job developing our list and getting games into our future stars - that is all.

You've got to give a little to receive.

I cannot over stress how important all these inter-connected parts are to us having any chance of winning a flag - we need a fully co-ordinated effort.

Think about the end of 2007 when Mark Riley was coach - we got the wrong outcome but it was the only outcome possible because we failed to see the big picture.

I'm hoping Jimmy, Cameron and Chris can see the writing on the wall!

I'l make it quite simple:

"2014 Norm Smith Medallist - number 9 Tom Scully"

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Norwood has nailed it.

Why wait until next year - commit now so Bailey doesn't need to worry about wins this year on his CV.

Justification in the media - he's doing a great job developing our list and getting games into our future stars - that is all.

You've got to give a little to receive.

I cannot over stress how important all these inter-connected parts are to us having any chance of winning a flag - we need a fully co-ordinated effort.

Think about the end of 2007 when Mark Riley was coach - we got the wrong outcome but it was the only outcome possible because we failed to see the big picture.

I'm hoping Jimmy, Cameron and Chris can see the writing on the wall!

I'l make it quite simple:

"2014 Norm Smith Medallist - number 9 Tom Scully"

One point I would like to make to those who don't like the idea of a 1 year extension at the end of this season is that if we were to leave it to later next year we would have to give a longer contract.

You cannot say in August 2010 that Bailey will coach just in 2011 aswell, it will be 2011 and 2012 (possibly 2013).

So I think the prudent thing to do is give him a 2011 assurance this September/October.

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Now that Richmond and North have lost their coaches, Bailey will come under the microscope a lot more. And after tonight's effort on the heels of the Queen's Birthday debacle, there's probably some justice in that.

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Lets face it Bailey didn't inherit a great list in his first season and this season isn't much better. If we are in the same situation this time next year then questions will be asked but he deserves to devlop these players so he deserves to stay even beyond next year. We just need to see how good a coach he is when we actually become really good. It would be good to see some success under him. being Melbouren coach would not be a fun job at the moment.

these issues never arise when we win. Lets just wipe off this year get the top 2 picks and start winning games next year. By the way do you think i will be the only one ringing the club on monday re newing my memebrship? I haven't done it yet cause I haven't had the money but I sign up every year. i doubt they will be busy

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Norwood has nailed it.

Why wait until next year - commit now so Bailey doesn't need to worry about wins this year on his CV.

Justification in the media - he's doing a great job developing our list and getting games into our future stars - that is all.

You've got to give a little to receive.

I cannot over stress how important all these inter-connected parts are to us having any chance of winning a flag - we need a fully co-ordinated effort.

Think about the end of 2007 when Mark Riley was coach - we got the wrong outcome but it was the only outcome possible because we failed to see the big picture.

I'm hoping Jimmy, Cameron and Chris can see the writing on the wall!

I'l make it quite simple:

"2014 Norm Smith Medallist - number 9 Tom Scully"


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