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I don't know, Jim's approach to joining the Board and becoming President was one of careful consideration - I don't believe this decision would have come about overnight, it's something they've been thinking about for a few months. And whoever will replace McNamee will be in the mould that Stynes and others were aiming for when they made their recommendation to the previous Board, which was ignored.

I think the fact that this didn't hit the media until yesterday is actually a good sign - usually we couldn't go five minutes without a leak. There's been a period of maybe 6 weeks where this was on the cards and the public was largely unaware.

From the outside looking in Schwab seems home and hosed. He knows football, he knows the Victorian football landscape, and he knows the Melbourne Footy Club. Paired with the right CFO it might be a good start.

We're always talking on here about getting ruthless, about not accepting medocrity, about not settling for good enough when great is required.

This is what happens, sometimes people get lost along the way, and without knowing whether McNamee was or wasn't good at his job, he obviously didn't meet the standard that the Board wants. They would only have taken this step if they knew there was someone better.

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We're always talking on here about getting ruthless, about not accepting medocrity, about not settling for good enough when great is required.


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Guest fatty
Are the AFL losing patience or are they driving this.

I spend most of my time here talking out of my arse and this post is going to be no exception.

To my mind, Jimmy Stynes is firmly in Demetriou's pocket with a view to steering a better way forward for the MFC. There is absolutely no way Stynes could proceed without the support of the AFL. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing has been engineered by Vlad himself. This aspect worries me the most as I have no faith in the AFL's motives with respect to the future of the MFC.

I feel bad for McNamee. I don't think the episode is finished, but from his statements so far he has handled the days events admirably.

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The fact that there has been no mention of a possible change of CEO in the media until yesterday, that McNamee himself only found out about it through the media, and that Stynes' press conference was announced only after PM's sacking was common knowledge -in short, the whole way this situation has been handled- screams of panic.

How does it follow that because there was no media speculation until the day of the Board meeting in which he was sacked, it was a panic-induced decision?

In fact, while any leak is disappointing, there was only media speculation regarding McNamee on the day the decision was made, rather than while it would have been discussed in-house leading up to his termination.

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I spend most of my time here talking out of my arse and this post is going to be no exception.

To my mind, Jimmy Stynes is firmly in Demetriou's pocket with a view to steering a better way forward for the MFC. There is absolutely no way Stynes could proceed without the support of the AFL. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing has been engineered by Vlad himself. This aspect worries me the most as I have no faith in the AFL's motives with respect to the future of the MFC.

I feel bad for McNamee. I don't think the episode is finished, but from his statements so far he has handled the days events admirably.

in this vein...unless Im wrong Iseem to remember that the AFL wanted to approve whomever PG appointed !! So surely the AFLgave the nod to PM !! No ??

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in this vein...unless Im wrong Iseem to remember that the AFL wanted to approve whomever PG appointed !! So surely the AFLgave the nod to PM !! No ??

It's been reported that the AFL's preferred candidate was Fox.

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It's been reported that the AFL's preferred candidate was Fox.

I believe there is a lot we ( members/supporters) don't fully know, BUT in the 4 months that Paul McNamee had been CEO I haven't heard a word from him !!!!!!.... I hope MFC didn't pay for ANY part of his trip or/and extended trip.

A new president has to be happy with his CEO... obviously Jimmy had issues before McNamee's selection. Glad the decision was made now, gives us a few months to settle things down before season 2009.

I'm behind Jimmy, because I wasn't happy with tennis McNamee in the world of footy either !!!!

THE ONLY WAY FOR MFC IS UPWARDS !!!! Bring on 2009 !!!!

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Why is everyone so sad and devastated about this?

Paul Mac.. i didnt hear a peep out of other than an idea of having a kid day>? wow i could do that!

Paul Gardiner is the reason for all these poor decisions. Only good thing he did was appoint Bailey as the coach in my mind.

Good on stynes to clean up the mess as quickly as possible and to start the search for a qualified person who has been in the industry and understands what it takes to run a football club.

Jimmy you have my backing and i applaud the tough decisions being made now not in 12 months.

Firstly it was a committee that appointed both Bailey and McNamee, it wasn't Paul Gardner. Secondly, people are devastated because it's a reactionary move. Either McNamee was the right man for the job and he should have stayed or he was the wrong man and should never have been appointed in the first place. Thirdly the whole thing was played out in the HUN two days before, which kinda indicates that not only was the story leaked, but it also had the grubby fingers of AFL house all over it. Finally if the rumours are right, then the old boys network will continue to thrive with the appointment of Schwab, this should ensure the 'exclusivity' of the decision makers at the club and complete unanimity of the actual decision making process.

Maybe the removal of McNamee was the right decision and maybe it wasn't, the way in which it was done and his highly probable replacement is nothing short of complete bollocks.

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...........Maybe the removal of McNamee was the right decision and maybe it wasn't, the way in which it was done and his highly probable replacement is nothing short of complete bollocks.

I agree.

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Firstly it was a committee that appointed both Bailey and McNamee, it wasn't Paul Gardner. Secondly, people are devastated because it's a reactionary move. Either McNamee was the right man for the job and he should have stayed or he was the wrong man and should never have been appointed in the first place. Thirdly the whole thing was played out in the HUN two days before, which kinda indicates that not only was the story leaked, but it also had the grubby fingers of AFL house all over it. Finally if the rumours are right, then the old boys network will continue to thrive with the appointment of Schwab, this should ensure the 'exclusivity' of the decision makers at the club and complete unanimity of the actual decision making process.

Maybe the removal of McNamee was the right decision and maybe it wasn't, the way in which it was done and his highly probable replacement is nothing short of complete bollocks.

Great post Graz. I posted this on another thread which points in the same direction as you are heading.

After hearing both the SEN and 693 interviews the following information came forth:

1. The issue of 'mentoring" McNamee was discussed by the Board up to 5 to 6 weeks ago. If there were concerns at that point then McNamee was a dead man walking from the time Stynes was appointed. Its also interesting that since Stynes appointment, the only Press coverage for MFC has been from Stynes. McNamee has been mysterious quietly. Was this an instruction from the new administration? Who knows?

2. Stynes has publicly endorsed Cameron Schwab as a CEO candidate. There can be no effective or honest executive search for a new CEO until Schwab has declared whether he will pursue the role or not. The Club should move quickly to get this matter solved promptly to prevent endless speculation in the media which will only continue the damage to the Club.

There is no evidence to suggest that Mike Sheahan had not been leaked to at the early stages of the Board's discussion. However, its clear the decision had been made well before the Board meeting to decide McNamee's fate. The fact that the matter was already in the media and that the first McNamee had heard of this matter was through the media is disappointing. Further the more its concerning that MFC could not get a Press Conference together on this until 36 hours after the media was aware suggests this matter could and should have been better managed.

So try as I might, I just cant help thinking that the AFL has their hands all over this matter in a Machievellian way. I would not be surprised if Schwab back flips on his comments about being CEO at another Club. The timing of his resignation from Freo has been interesting.

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I lost all respect for McNamee when he chose to go to England 2 weeks before the membership cutoff date "because he hasn't missed a Wimbledon in over 20 years". Today was the first time that I heard him say anything in the media, can somebody please tell me some good things that he did for the club so maybe my opinion of him will change?

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Is this the last roll of the dice? We have to back Stynes and his decision but one more mistake of such epic proportions and we could be finished. The decision just made is probably for the best but at what cost? How many wallets just closed, how many sponsors just had a second thought, what is the actual cost of sacking Harris, McNamee and a host of other staff. What financial cost? What cost to our already tattered image? What cost to the pysche of the coaches and players? How many more times are we going to have to watch our club do this? I hope whoever comes next is announced soon and I hope the AFL has it's grubby hands away from our club. But they won't, for the moment we're fu--ed and the AFL know's it. I doubt we can sneeze without AFL permission. Unless we raise some serious cash next month I'm not sure where the money's going to come from to keep this club afloat. I think that's why today's announcement, although probably in our best interests in the long term, may have stuffed us in the short term. And that stuffing may mean we don't have a long term to be excited about. The reason our wealthy supporters don't give money is because of the way the club is run. On the surface this is going to look like another disaster at Demon land and another reason to leave the wallet closed. Debt Demolition Month just got a whole lot harder and a whole lot more important. Jimmy needs to talk and talk quick if we're going to get those wallets open again. Holy [censored] folks this is serious. The axe is swinging and the AFL is swinging it.

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So try as I might, I just cant help thinking that the AFL has their hands all over this matter in a Machievellian way. I would not be surprised if Schwab back flips on his comments about being CEO at another Club. The timing of his resignation from Freo has been interesting.

It does rather doesnt it... smell of things AFL !! I think what manyare missing here is that a more than adequate proprietary process was utilsied to select and appoint a professional into a senior position within the club. All above board. The various parties had their opportunities to raise and substantiate their thinkings etc.

In complete contrast to this...all in shady corners and stinking of subtefuge we have the sacking of the same said person by a bopard who have never been put to the test of the constituents.

You have to wonder who would in their right mind put their neck out to be his replacement ??

Weve gone from a club where standards are used to one where its becoming all a "Buddy buddy boys affair" with no accountability.

If I were Paul Mac Id be grabbing the money quickly and running as far as I could. Hes done nothing wrong from what I can tell.

Mr Stynes and Co. had better deliver big time otherwise there will be an exodus from this club that will prove fatal.

Why can I hear a snigger from Vladland !!

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So try as I might, I just cant help thinking that the AFL has their hands all over this matter in a Machievellian way. I would not be surprised if Schwab back flips on his comments about being CEO at another Club. The timing of his resignation from Freo has been interesting.

Absolutely. I doubt Jimmy can move on matters MFC without the AFL being there. That my friends is where we are at! Can you feel that gloved hand? Cold isn't it

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We tend to think if we don't hear about what an official does that they must be doing a good job. That's the thinking that has been going on for years at MFC and has seen us land in all this trouble. We get a new president and he does something so the sky is falling. In fact the sky will fall if he does nothing.

I don't know where the $115,000 payout figure has come from but while Spargo is filling in, if this is an honorary role (does anyone know?) then we might save about that amount till the new CEO starts.

Just the time that Mr Stynes can put in (I believe full-time) makes him miles better than a part-time president.

You guys complaining about what has happened - we don't really know if it's god or bad. I think you just don't like to see MFC in the news. And all this stuff about pandering to Demetriou(?) - your just looking for stuff to complain about. Support Mr Stynes. He has enough to do without worrying about our support. You wanted a leader to do the hard decisions didn't you? Bloody hell, give him a break.

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Bailey will be next to go if he doesn't deliver.

Stynesy didn't want Bailey appointed.

Stynesy wanted Chris Connolly.

He also wants Todd Viney and Brett Lovett to return to the club in coaching roles next year.

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Just before Jimmy was officially appointed president, I had a quick chat to him about the hows and whys of him taking the job on. At the time he was pretty strong on getting 'football' people to run the club. I shortsightedly thought he was just referring to the board at the time. Guess there was a bigger picture which is only playing out now. Important times for the club.

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"I don't know where the $115,000 payout figure has come from but while Spargo is filling in, if this is an honorary role (does anyone know?) then we might save about that amount till the new CEO starts."

Fair enough. A statement to that effect would have been gloriously appropriate though, given the circumstances/timing, don't you think? Hindsight I guess. With that, I agree with those praising the move. I don't think PM could have hit the next group of milestones the club was aiming for - never mind those of the AFL.

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Bailey will be next to go if he doesn't deliver.

Stynesy didn't want Bailey appointed.

Stynesy wanted Chris Connolly.

He also wants Todd Viney and Brett Lovett to return to the club in coaching roles next year.

if this is true...and i dont know where u got it from...stynes should be happy because conolly is there and so is bailey. conolly as he said "will never coach melbourne" so forget that happening. and if conolly got coach, there would have been a huge member backlash because the dockers were doing almost as badly as we were..

it would be great to get lovett and viney back to the club but if williams and mahoney are doing good jobs, then they should stay

but past players do have the air about them that gives inspiration and history, more so than randon assistant coaches

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There is no evidence to suggest that Mike Sheahan had not been leaked to at the early stages of the Board's discussion. However, its clear the decision had been made well before the Board meeting to decide McNamee's fate. The fact that the matter was already in the media and that the first McNamee had heard of this matter was through the media is disappointing. Further the more its concerning that MFC could not get a Press Conference together on this until 36 hours after the media was aware suggests this matter could and should have been better managed.

So try as I might, I just cant help thinking that the AFL has their hands all over this matter in a Machievellian way. I would not be surprised if Schwab back flips on his comments about being CEO at another Club. The timing of his resignation from Freo has been interesting.

This may well be the case, and it wouldn't be surprising if the AFL were involved in the leak. At the same time, the story was unconfirmed until 10am this morning, and we held a Press Conference at 4. The decision was only made last night, despite the rumblings of the last 24 hours. I reckon we handled this one pretty well from a media point of view.

I heard a news service just now that mentioned that Schwab had been considered for some sort of role 5-6 weeks ago. Whether or not that was for the CEO role or an advisor to the CEO who knows. Having said that, Stynes did a lot of research about the clubs situation before he took over, plus he heard the initial submissions from prospective CEO candidates, so he'd have more idea than most about what McNamee's plans/ideas were.

I for one am pretty happy that they've made this call quick rather than stuff around trying to make it work.

Get the right people in and get this footy club back on track. The "old boys" network that people are having a bit of a crack at has some pretty handy people in some pretty handy places throughout the business and media worlds. And they are genuine Melbourne people, who have a love of the footy club, they'll bring back those that have dropped off through the best part of 15 years of rubbish.

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