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Cheesy D. Pun

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Everything posted by Cheesy D. Pun

  1. Just watched the goals package - how good was the finishing!
  2. We don't have a habit of dropping blokes after 1 week but I reckon Kent was the one player whose intensity wasn't up with the rest of the team. He has X factor but just needs to get the basics right. I don't think we play TMac forward if we can help it. Good as a change up, but he is too good down back and it really depends on the opposition. Quick ball movement and space in the forward line is key.
  3. I think Hogan is a massive asset but we need to work out how to get everything ticking with him in the side. On the weekend, we played a four man forward line at times. If one of those 4 was Hogan, I think he would have had a field day with that much space. He is a great one on one mark, we need to work out how to isolate him. I don't share the sentiment that we are better without him. If we hunt and tackle like we did on Saturday night and move the ball quickly and with decent efficiency, Hogan will cause massive headaches for any back line.
  4. I don't mind our use of handball and think we are one of the better teams at executing it to get out of tight spaces. Our effort in the first half last week was shocking. Not enough numbers at the ball (which we've been really good at in almost every game) and too many missed tackles. There were other important factors in the weekends game such as our lack of talls positioned down the line which allowed the Hawks to take too many contested marks but I'm happy to put that one down to personnel. Once we get an even effort, we can then start considering whether our handball heavy game works or not.
  5. It seems as though a few here have never had a bad day...ever. Well done - you're amazing!
  6. No change other than Spence. Go Dees!
  7. You don't dominate a high quality opposition around the ball with only a handful of decent players. We didn't kick straight - that's all.
  8. I find it amazing that some can't find 6 good players when, for the most part, we dominated a quality opposition.
  9. Yeah, fair call. I do shake my head at some decisions as compared with others e.g Scott Thompson, but certainly don't believe we are hard done by, generally, at the tribunal.
  10. Our boys got what they deserved. Time to move on.
  11. Oscar looked out of his depth but I don't think they'll drop him. He's a developing player with all of the potential of his brother. The more he plays, the better he'll become. Similar thoughts on the Weid, doesn't look ready but needs game time. I don't know about Melksham going forward. Would bring someone in for him but not sure who.
  12. 13 wins. Not sure where that has us but I'd be happy enough with a three win improvement.
  13. Whole thing around Wattsy seems like bs. Got to be more to it. A misdemeanour rather than training intensity? All too vague for my liking.
  14. I reckon Viney is the type of guy who will flourish with the extra responsibility. Backing him for a massive season.
  15. As McQueen alluded to, it's about decision-making under duress. The theory is if you can lock in good decisions without sleep, you'll make great ones when you're sleeping well.
  16. As Pro Dee said, two different roles, however, I think Oscar's stunning progression last season means you have to keep putting games into him. If he continues that growth, we're going to have two top-line KP backs with one of the best small defenders in Jetta alongside. Exciting times!
  17. It's a funny one. I look at that comment and kind of agree but then if I think about this team playing tomorrow, I would have to take Davey. He changed the way the game was played. There was a 2-3 year period where he would have been close to the most feared played in the comp, putting pressure on team's based solely on the fact that he might be lurking somewhere.
  18. I genuinely think we are capable of playing finals in 2017. I wouldn't call it an expectation because there are too many variables e.g injuries, but given a clean bill of health we should be there.
  19. It's pretty ordinary either way but from a graphic design perspective, the logo positioning is terrible. It reminds me of the NBL jerseys in the 90s - our logo looks like another sponsor rather than something directly related to the club.
  20. This guy has a fair bit of poise and alot of endeavour. Sure, we now have a few guys in his position but we're yet to see whether Hibberd or Melksham will provide anything after a year off and 22 is still young. I'm happy enough with this signing. Bring on 2017!
  21. Decent draw. One Darwin game before bye, no home game at Etihad and a Friday night game. Not bad at all.
  22. We need to perform well but given our age profile, we're also going to need a bit of luck. I just want to see the upward curve continue, whether we make finals or not.
  23. Because there's nothing to shut down unless the media jumps on the bandwagon.
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