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Everything posted by buck_nekkid

  1. We should not pay overs. If so, we walk away and draft a gun at #2! We pick up cross and one other with a later pick. We drive development out of the young guns we have and support them with a few older, able types. We swing a few interesting changes like Watts to the midfield. Why pay overs?? It is Adelaide and Essendon that have to 'buy' their way back to the table. If we pay overs we are way too stupid to deserve to be in this competition.
  2. Ling has taken an advisor role at Norf, I understand. Dew locked in at the Swans. We should employ 3 great assistants and have Roos select his man in 18 months.
  3. Just because we are shopping it around doesn't mean we are giving it away. We have a BATNA (best alternative to negotiated agreement) of 2nd pick, who is likely to be a gun. If we trade for less, then we truly are mugs. I agree, this is the first step in a bigger game. Good luck to the team in getting some quality outcomes....
  4. Looks like Colin Sylvia in his new all white Freo strip!
  5. I hear that Mumford is annoyed at the Tippett coin, and will be at the hawks if buddy goes. This covers buddy and later Hale.
  6. Yep, that was a typo. 2014. Preseason in about 10 weeks. We just can't do it like we have done it. The red and blue has to mean more than a paycheque to the players.
  7. We have put a rabble out onto the park this year. The lack of intensity, the lack of team cohesion, the lack of 'culture' have all been identified. Not the least the lack of talent applied in the games. So imagine the start of 2014. First pre-season training session. What would you do? Here's an idea based on group and psychology: I would invite all the people then on the list to assemble, and give them all a Casey scorpions jumper. I would hang 22 Melbourne jumpers on a fence, and make each member of the squad EARN the right to wear the jumper. If you havent earned the jumper, don't expect to get selected for a game. I would then establish a really intense set of criteria that need to be achieved to earn the jumper. Once you get one, you are on 'probation' to keep it. At certain points, those who have earned the jumper oversee the efforts of the others to earn the jumper that theythemselves have earned. Once you earn the jumper, then have bonding sessions only with those that have earned the right. Have competitions then to see who makes it into the leadership group from the Melbourne boys. Have the 'Melbourne boys' decide on the standards and punishments for breaching them, including demotion to the 'Casey Squad'. Just because you are on the list does not mean you have earned the right to wear the jumper. Use cognitive dissonance, group norms, FIRO theory and a few other theories to create a real sense of achievement in wearing the red and blue. Make it mean something. What would you do?
  8. A loss to GWS. One where the team 'brought intensity and effort' but failed to execute, apparently. The year 2013 is one of excuses. No accountability. Blame everyone and everything. If you were given the money these guys are getting and were as bad, you would be terminated. And half the list should be. Anyway - the result on Saturday will be the basis for more 'excuses': For the team to lose the rest, without even a whimper. Its now OK to be the worst team in the comp. For supporters to not go to another game For members to officially decide that enough is enough, and to not renew next year. For sponsors to decide we are not worth the effort For free agents to say 'No thanks' TIme for this rabble to stop making excuses and start being accountable. Time to be honest and communicate clearly. Time to cut out the cancer that seems to sit at the heart of the club, making it such a perennial underachiever. We have very little of the season left. Please don't make excuses. Try something different. For god's sake, show something - that you will fight and are worth fighting for.
  9. Jamar - (lack of) toe. mcKenzie - (needs an) elbow (to the head to improve disposal). I hope Cragie gave the following instructions: "Run, Forrest, run" " from defence, don't kick to the open wing unless there is someone there" 49 m is "inside 50", but the hot spot is 15m out, straight in front. Play like you may not be on the list next year, because..... Love watts in the middle, but would play him on the wing. Fitzy and Howe in forward 50, Dawsey lead-up. Hoping we can stick it to the aints.
  10. No thanks. We don't need someone to run the board because they were once famous. We need quality leaders. When did he lead? He just held Jeffy's bag of cash. We need to get out of the desperate search for a saviour and think about building a quality board that will take us forward, building a culture and making smart, hard decisions.
  11. What an absolute joke. The dogs of war came out and howled for blood. They crowded around, waiting for any morsel. And they were proven to be complete fools. The sports media in this country are appalling. If there is no story, they create it. They build up innuendo and here say to a level of frenzy. That simply make stuff up. Shame, all of you, shame. I'm glad you were left today with egg on your face (or is it Caros nuts on your chin?). Who are you going to turn on next? Hint for next time: you report the stories, you don't make them up, and you are not the story. See you Next Tuesday, all of you.
  12. I will call it based on the press conference -"safe!". MN looked like a bloke who had been given the news that he was staying. He was clear, relaxed, open and informative, unlike earlier press conferences. If what he said about the internal markers is true, then he is probably OK. There is probably going to be changes around him.
  13. What a crap article. Sorry, Glenn, send a letter to yourself with a picture of a haemorrhoid and consider it a self portrait. We were never found guilty of tanking. We are in dire straits How many other draft picks have not made it at other clubs? It ain't just us. Who cares that 2 other teams were pantsed on the weekend. What does that have to do with anything? What is your real point? You are a flat track bully picking on the weak kid. Try writing something constructive. The AFL have to tolerate us for 4 years or mess up their broadcast rights. A weak Melbourne makes attendances for our host clubs drop too. It is in the AFL's interest to have us viable, if not competitive, ASAP. So, cash + priority picks + any other help to get us out of the toilet. Thanks for nothing Mr Haemorrhoid.
  14. Anyone with some real info? I know we are all suffering at the moment, but It would be great to hear observations from reality occasionally..
  15. I would love to see the whole playing group taking responsibility for their performances. Come out as a group and put it on the line. Tell the world there is no internal BS between coach and players and they WANT the MN way. Come out and say the buck stops now, and for them to hold themselves, and each other accountable. Too much individualism, lack of 'doing it for the team or mates' and no accountability. Set and keep the non-negotiables that they, as a group, BUY INTO. A mixed up team is MEAT. Meat being eaten by hungry predators. That is MFC at the moment. Time to get it sorted
  16. Will MN survive? Don't know, but here are a few ideas to move us forward: 1. Allow our interim CEO to complete his review and institute any recommendations immediately. I suspect the FD will look completely different afterwards 2. Board to communicate more to members. It is bad following the Demons this year, but to do so in silence is not acceptable. Spill at the end of the year. 3. Continue as we are and get a priority pick. We have never tanked, face no sanctions and so a request for a priority pick should be put forward. No extra wins this year will make any difference. Let the kids have time to develop at Casey. 4. Get tough on the players. Set non negotiables in how to play. Do it or play for Casey. Stop treating them like poor babies, and get them being uncompromising. 5. Get outside experts in- support MN, and sports psych for the players. We are the laughing stock of laughing stocks. If we don't get it right we ay be the Darwin Demons in time for the next TV deal...
  17. Looked back can't see the presser. Coud someone pls post a link?
  18. If this was Sydney vs Melb. there would be calls for the coach, and for blood. The Swans have ripped the pies a new one. Making the Pies look like us. Won the contested ball, spread better, foot speed, taking risks. Wow.
  19. So we have a number of players out of contract at the end of the year. Reality check: happens every year, to every club Other clubs are expressing interest in payer X or player Y. Reality Check: of course they are. It is called list management. Player X is delaying contract talks to the end of the season Reality check: of course the,y would. If the manager thinks their value will go UP due to this years performances, why sign now? Why not ' explore the market? Especially when your advisor ( the manager) gets a direct cut of the result. Player Z is disgruntled. Reality check: source? Is this contract negotiation leverage? Player Y has friends at Collingwood. Reality check: half of Collingwood have friends in prison, doesn't mean they have to go there. Player Z is not loyal. Reality Check: only supporters are loyal. Players are paid employees with a limited lifespan, trying to make their career The media report a story of Player Y leaving Reality check: D'Oh- that is what they do- stretch the truth to make a story so you will buy their rag. It isn't fact, it's supposition. So, the deal isn't done until its done. All the speculation for what? Cold showers and reality checks for several here, I think.
  20. I was really frustrated with McKenzie today. He fluffed and fumbled almost everything. If he had clean possession, we had paths out of contests. His fumbles ensured these were missed and it either led to a turnover, or a shut down. Then kicking into the mark! He has to fix this. The keystone cops try hard, but never win. McKenzie is a keystone cop. Nicholson, on the other hand, dis some ok things and is worth another chance. Perhaps it is confidence and self belief.
  21. Freo have few talls, so we can stretch them with Dawes and Gawn forward. Toump will come out with injury. Jordie was the worst butterfingers I've seen in ages. At least 5 times a clean possession and we were away. Fumbles and it went the other way. So OUT Watts in, ?? For jordie. We probably need legs to run Subi. Overall, the effort was there, but we had patches of poor skill particularly in the spread, and hitting targets to advantage. Gotta get better in this to take any points this year
  22. I still go to the footy, but am not taking the kids. If it is no fun for a hard nut supporter like me, I won't subject my kids to it. Losing is not the issue, it is the way they play. When they are competitive, I will take the kids again. Until then, the boys can enjoy their weekends. It is the only way I can think of to ensure they aren't driven away from the club.
  23. As long as it takes. I felt empty yesterday watching that. Supporters around me turning on each other. Numb by the performance. Regardless, I will stick through thick and thin. That is the difference, I suppose, between a barracker and a supporter.
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